Diversity, equity, and inclusion planning incorporation for the Navy

| May 19, 2021

A strategic planning team will create a plan to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the policies, programs, and operations within the Department of the Navy. Their plan is to remove barriers to diversity and equity. The Department of the Navy’s Chief Diversity Officer will lead this team.

From Navy.mil:

Lead a strategic planning team, comprised of officer, enlisted and civilian representatives from the Navy, Marine Corps and Secretariat, to establish a framework to provide direction in developing a strategic plan, identifying actionable measures that integrate ongoing DEI efforts, and recommending new initiatives.

Oversee and direct:

  • A 60-day review of contracting to identify improvements needed to promote supplier diversity and ensure proper implementation of equal opportunity and diversity policies in contracts
  • A 60-day review of policies and conventions of naming Navy and Marine Corps assets to identify measures to improve diverse representation
  • A 90-day review of precepts for selection and assignment boards to remove potential barriers to diversity
  • A 90-day review of diversity within the Senior Executive Service to improve the pace of diversity and the strength of the applicant pool, while remaining cognizant of the merit system principles
  • A 90-day review of Navy and Marine Corps grooming policies to inform potential changes to policy
  • A 90-day review to examine an appropriate authoritative data environment for DEI

The Navy’s website has more at this link.

Category: Navy

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All Points Logistics got this covered?

Green Thumb

If only they over look the lies.


“A 60-day review of policies and conventions of naming Navy and Marine Corps assets to identify measures to improve diverse representation”

TRANSLATION: The USS Harvey Milk will soon be getting a sister ship.




Good thing I wasn’t drinking milk when I read this. . .

Well played.


It’s on the spectrum…


You’re about 40 years too late.
(Let’s just get this out of the way, now, shall we?!?!)


Terms like “inflatable bitch” will be replaced with “pneumatic companion.”



So, this new regime will also likely outlaw the Marine term “rubber lady” cuz its sexist/misogynist. I like “pneumatic companion.” Back when I slept on mine in a hole in the ground in the Viet of the Nam, we just called them an “air mattress.” But we weren’t as witty as them Girenes.


SO, this raises (not begs) the question…
“What had a bigger impact on Navy recruiting back in the early to mid 1980s…(79-86)…??
The Village People or Top Gun…?


Same difference. Top Gun was more gay than the Village People.



5JC, ….. and then,
Kelly McGillis dragged her special kind of drama
(not that there’s anything wrong with that)
to my hometown area of Pennsylvania, a horse and buggy ride distance from where Witness was filmed.

After the locals (and police)
had enough of her (domestic incident) crap,
she vanished, moved to North Carolina.

Left out of the Top Gun sequel, and it’s no secret why.


Definitely should have been in the sequel for realism. She could have been Maverick’s -ex gone switch hitter now a civilian in charge of diversity programs for the Top Gun School. She could have given hours of classes on inclusiveness and acceptance of Marxism as the light and the truth and the way as well as toxic masculinity.

Somewhere near the end of the movie they would wake up from the class and get in their planes and go fight against the Iranian Navy and then all get shot down, taken prisoner and have to apologize on their knees to the Iranians and thank them for their wonderful treatment.

John Kerry would be the hero, yet again, awarded another Bronze star after giving the Iranians billions of dollars in cash and sweet talking his friend the ambassador. He would then throw the medal at Thomas Harker and denounce all the war crimes committed by Maverick and his crew.

Who I am kidding? This thing writes itself. Someone from Disney needs to contact me for TOP Gun III


Say bye bye to Camp Lejeune. His people were some of them damned insurrectionist Johnny Rebs you know? You can next expect to see some more BRAC talks soon. Can’t have any military bases in Red States.


Rum, the lash and sodomy……


So…. the knuckle-draggin’ cults are turning into just ‘drag cults’.

Daisy Cutter

There will be no more depictions of busty and scantily clad women painted on the side of aircraft.


Except for those piloted by butch lezzies…



and then there was that day they let Sapper call cadence… one time.


Yawn…this crap has been going on since I joined in 1986. You would think theycwould have gotten it right by now…


Diversity and inclusion are wonderful things. Equity is a lie, you get what you earn. None of it will ever replace competence and job skills.


Being responsible on for courting favor and cashing a paycheck… it does a North Korea good!




Wouldn’t want a war fighting organization to focus on fighting actual wars.

This silliness is going to result in buckets of blood when we get into our next scrap.

AW1 Rod


How is ANY of this feel-good, woketard, SJW bullshit supposed to improve readiness and warfighting capability?

But, I answer my own question.


So close to retirement


It’s quite nice. Hang in there. . .




Jeff LPH 3, 63-66 A Gang Snipe

GI beans, GI gravy, GI wished I joined the Navy, Hippo Hoppo ring out the moppo, your left your left your left right left sound off 1234, 1 2 34.


What next? Segregated units?

MLK weeps…


I prefer to think he’s seriously pissed off that his work is being squandered by professional victims and race hustlers.

Hack Stone

Military service in The Family Stone dates back to WWI, when Hack Stone Grandfather took a trip back to Europe to fight the Huns. Poppa Stone was in the Pacific in WWII, and two uncles who fought in Korea. That legacy ends now. No way in hell would Hack encourage any eligible American youth to join this clusterfuck. No time to train to survive and win in combat, you need to get your uniform to march in the Gay Pride Parade. We had a good run while it lasted.


Military service in my family pre-dates the Revolution.. but as Hack says above, it ends here… Very sad.


Your family tradition can continue when your family participates in the destruction of the Communist Party of America, preserving the constitutional republic as it as originally established.


“WAS originally established.”


Concur. Last in my family, too. Had a nephew who thought he might want to, but he’s got eyes and reads.

Green Thumb

I guess the biggest question is : what if they come up with nothing?


There is a bright side to this cluster-fucking of our military:

When the balloon goes up between patriots in flyover country and the liberal loons in coastal utopia, our thoroughly diversified, sexually confused, feel-good-about-themselves military certainly won’t pose much of a threat to our side.

The conundrum is whether or not we will get to stomp their silly asses before we are needed to fend off foreign powers taking advantage of liberal American madness.

The key to salvation of our nation is to NEVER, EVER let them take our guns.


“Navy, Marine Corps, and Secretariat” – why include a dead Triple Crown-winning racehorse?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m so fucking old that I remember when a “strategic planning team” was only used to develop concepts for minimizing US casualties while dealing the maximum amount of damage to our enemies. Their mission involved understanding the threats to our nation as a component of the common defense clause in our Constitution. There might be countless other teams for tactical purposes, for personnel purposes but our strategic concerns were national and international level in nature…not whether or not we have enough queers represented across the service. (For those offended by the word “queer” I suggest you look up the definition of LGBTQ just so we are all on the same page.) Also I’m still unclear on what in the actual fuck “equity” means for service members? Equity is always going to be a problematic term because it assumes under the right circumstances and with a different allocation of resources everyone can achieve an equal outcome. That’s a lie and an impossible goal. Regardless of who likes it or not equality of opportunity will never equal equality of outcome for a variety of reasons but largely due to some very simple human differences. Some people are so risk adverse they will never start a business, or never push themselves beyond certain personal limits which is why we don’t have an entire Army of Rangers or Specops troops and a Navy full of SEALS…some people are driven to risk more to get what they want….that’s the truth of it. Making sure you have some arbitrary percentage of a certain skin color, sexual preference, etc..does nothing of value to any organization. All you can do is create a situation with as few or ideally no barriers to entry as possible based on those things and get out of the way. Some gay guy or gal wants to be a pilot who gives a shit who they like to fuck? Remove the barriers and see what happens…because most likely you’ll find that the arbitrary and inflated numbers of these people clamoring to serve are just that, arbitrary and inflated and as lacking in value… Read more »


Shinseki gave everyone in the Army a super spiffy black beret so they’d all be elite, or as Syndrome said:

CPO Sharkey

Has anyone here had feedback from any active duty squids about all this new SJW crap? Is it really as bad as the articles I read?
Quite frankly it disgusts me to see this happening after I served 24 years.

It was bad enough when I was in (77-2001), we had the Human Relations Council monthly meetings which basically turned in to a bitch fest on how the coffee mess sucked and nothing to do remotely about “relations”.

Sounds like a witch hunt and purge. Just curious.


It sucks. PC agenda trying to be rammed downed throats. You’re a racist if you disagree.