Dahr Jamail knows as much about the military as I do Alpaca farming

| June 2, 2009

This should come as no surprise, but Dahr Jamail has no fuggin idea what he is talking about. In a story about Victor Agosto, who Jonn has covered previously, Dahr asserts this:

On that day, Agosto was ordered to get his medical records in preparation to deploy to Afghanistan. He refused to do so. The Army threatened to take punitive measures, but Agosto wrote on the Counseling Statement, “I am not going to Afghanistan. I will not take part in SRP [Sealift Readiness Programme].”

Dahr, you are possibly the worst reporter of all time. Seriously, you can’t even get rudimentary facts right. I mean, we always knew you were dishonest, but now you’ve entered the ranks of truly incompetant. Ergo, I am here to endeavor to help you, since as another TAH Target Alum noted, we may call you all names, but we still demand you contact us first, before you engage in yet another charlie foxtrot.

So, the “Sealift Readiness Programme” [sic] is

A standby contractual agreement between Military Sealift Command and US ship operators for voluntary provision of private ships for defense use. Call-up of ships may be authorized by joint approval of the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Transportation.

Are you saying that Viktor has boats and the military needs them desperately? Perhaps he has a large innertube on which one might affix a slingshot, and then drag his ass behind Task Force 151 to take out pirates? Or perhaps he has made a raft, a la Huck Fin, upon which we will stage our ready reaction forces off the coast of Okinawa? Or perhaps you merely relish the thought of Viktor as semen a seaman?

Memo to dipshit: SRP is Soldier Readiness Processing, run at Ft. Hood out of building 42000. I mean, not that you would ever just rehash something told you without verifying, but there are no fewer than 8 phone numbers you could have called on the Ft Hood SRP Center to verify the info that Viktor was giving you. I love the fact that IVAW also threw up your article, and the screw up of SRP isn’t caught by anyone.

Why anyone besides Michael Moore would buy into your lazy ass reporting is completely beyond me.

Category: Politics

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Also if you noticed on his counseling statement that he has check “agree with the above”. So if the above statment is that you will deploy and you check agree, what does that mean?


Speaking of Michael Moore, I made the mistake of actually reading his bullshit blog yesterday about the “death” of GM. To say that it was fully detached from reality is like saying the Hindenberg was probably a pretty fun ride up until that whole flaming bag of shit at the end.


SRP is nothing. You get your records updated, Innoculations, ID Cards if needed, etc. If this Puñeta boy Agosto refused to take part, it would be too bad if his pay got re routed because he wasnt available to double check it.

I’ve seen Soldiers get taken off deployment rosters at SRP for various reasons- Medical, PTSD, Security Clearence issues, etc.

at most Puñeta boy would have his records up to date.

509th Bob

/s I suppose it *could* be dangerous sailing in and out of those Afghan ports. This sounds like a job for Claymore!


Do Afghan chicks water ski? Hey…it’s a legitimate question…


Claymore Says:
June 2nd, 2009 at 12:19 pm

Do Afghan chicks water ski? Hey…it’s a legitimate question…

Haji don’t surf 🙂


First off, this is in no way intended to disrespect these two individuals. This isn’t an attack on their character (because I don’t personally know them), it’s more of a personal comment. I recently heard about this issue going public when a friend mentioned it to me while we were volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. I didn’t intend to comment on this issue at first, that is until I read what they have said. Allow me introduce myself a little, so you know where I am coming from and won’t think I’m someone talking about something I don’t know nothing about. I have serve under the same unit banner, and was also part of the last deployment with these two soldiers. I have been in COB Speicher, COB Sykes, COB Stryker, Camp Washington, COB Victory, BIAP, and etc. During my deployment, I have worked in 8 hour shifts to 12 hour shifts (majority of them 12 on – 12 off). I’ve had schedules where I would work 6 days a week to not having a day off for a month or two. I’ve done missions and duties ranging from guarding/escorting Third World Nations to E.C.P., Up Armoring Vehicles (form 1st CAV units to Special Forces units) to working in a COMMTEAM, providing communications to a whole Contingency Operating Base (COB). Though I am also “Stop-Loss” I am currently under going a Medical Evaluation Board due to injuries I have sustained during my deployment and services in the Army. Now that I have established my credentials allow me to comment. “It’s a matter of what I’m willing to live with.” “I’m not willing to participate in this occupation, knowing it is completely wrong.” “What I did there, I know I contributed to death and human suffering. It’s hard to quantify how much I caused, but I know I contributed to it.” These are the words of Spc Victor Agosto. So what you’re telling us is that you are willing to not help out a country that is being terrorized daily, you’re not willing to help contribute in an effort to stop… Read more »

Frankly Opinionated

Great comment. Too bad we can’t make the pussies and pussettes at IVAW and CODE STINK read your well written comment. Years ago, I used to joke to the family that my 16 year old daughter was all interested in track until she found out she would be expected to run, and sweat, ( Oh the horror of a 16 year old sweating). WTF do people expect to do in the military? Bake cakes? We/they are soldiers, and expected to soldier.
And, my design in the sidebar is spot on, inspired by a great conservative. All the “Peace Activists” on the planet haven’t produced one moment of peace. The worlds peace is provided by soldiers, by and large, soldiers of the US Military. (Soldiers being all branches of our fighting forces.) Any one of these flakes who claim to not want to fight is nothing less than a closet hippie.
keep it up CLAMOR!
nuf sed

Debbie Clark

I agree that was an excellent post by Clamor. I found it moving and I do appreciate the point he is making. I have seen that sentiment expressed more than once – also by Masterspork, a soldier currently stationed in Iraq who has posted extensive comments to my personal blog in response to a post I wrote about this subject. While I personally have opposed this war since before it started, I am also very sympathetic to those who are serving there or heading there, whether for the first time or the fourth.. I know that nothing is ever truly as simple as it might seem sitting behind a keyboard, and, actually, that goes for soldiers on both sides of the issue. While I never served in Iraq, or in any war, I still have enough military background to be able to understand that taking care of each other is what it’s going to come down to once you’re there, even while (personally speaking) respecting those who have felt called to take a moral or legal stance on the matter contrary to that taken by the military

Actually, what led me to post right now is to post a link to a new article by Dahr Jamal which sppears to be a further expansion upon the article featured in this post. His latest, entitled, “A Secret History of Dissent in the All Volunteer Force” can be found at: http://original.antiwar.com/engelhardt/2009/06/30/a-secret-history-of-dissent/

I thought ya’ll might have fun seeing who can find the most errors…


I have said all I need to say about Agosto and the others. Clamor said what I have been saying (only he said it better, whereas I usually put in a few more colorful metaphors, because I get seriously pissed when I see those that are about to deploy suddenly lose their honor and balls).

Debbie: we may not agree on a lot, but I do respect you and your stance. I, too wasn’t a fan of going into Iraq, when the idea was first broached, even though Saddam and his spawn were some of the most vile creatures on earth. However, the case was made, in my mind, over time and I eventually came on board the idea. I’m a civillian, I get to make the choice on where I want to go, or which military action I can get behind. Military folk don’t have that choice, you should understand that as well as I do, once they voluntarily raise their right hand.

I’m trying to figure out when the the “right” was found involving military personnel being able to decide when and where they will serve. I know when I took the oath, and read through the UCMJ, there wasn’t anything in there that said that I could decide if I wanted to participate in military operations based on my vast experience in international law (whatever that means) or what I thought was, or wasn’t, legal based on any laws. There is a big difference between lawful and un-lawful orders and whether a war is legal, or not. I still haven’t found anyone that can point to any statute that says that the war in Iraq is illegal, or the ongoing operations in Afghanistan.

Ok, I’m off my soapbox, now. Please feel free to talk amongst yourselves. Go ahead; mingle.