“For the People Act of 2019” is actually for the Democrats

| March 10, 2021

The Prophet Jeremiah walked around with a yoke around his neck to warn his audience that they will continue to be under Babylon’s yoke.

Take what was observed, regarding the election theft that occurred in November 2020. Then, look at the text of “For the People Act of 2019”. If you’re looking at it with the view of engaging in hyper ballot box stuffing to get the candidate of your choice to win, you would hit jackpot.

From The Heritage Foundation:

Seize the authority of states to regulate voter registration and the voting process by forcing states to implement early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting.

Make it easier to commit fraud and promotes chaos at the polls through same-day registration, as election officials have no time to verify the accuracy of voter registration information and cannot anticipate the number of voters, ballots, and precinct workers that will be needed.

Hurt voter turnout through early voting by diffusing the intensity of get-out-the-vote efforts; it raises the cost of campaigns. Voters who vote early don’t have the same information as those who vote on Election Day, missing late-breaking developments that could affect their choices.

Degrade the accuracy of registration lists by automatically registering individuals from state databases, such as DMV and welfare offices, by registering large numbers of ineligible voters, including aliens as well as multiple or duplicate registrations of the same individuals.

Constitute a recipe for massive voter registration fraud by hackers and cyber criminals through online voter registration not tied to an existing state record, such as a driver’s license.

Require states to count ballots cast by voters outside of their assigned precinct, overriding the precinct system used by almost all states that allows election officials to monitor votes, staff polling places, provide enough ballots, and prevent election fraud. Mandates no-fault absentee ballots, which are the tool of choice for vote thieves.

Prevent election officials from checking the eligibility and qualifications of voters and remove ineligible voters. This includes restrictions on using the U.S. Postal Service’s national change-of-address system to verify the address of registered voters; participating in state programs that compare voter registration lists to detect individuals registered in multiple states; or ever removing registrants due to a failure to vote no matter how much time has gone by.

Cripple the effectiveness of state voter ID laws by allowing individuals to vote without an ID and merely signing a statement in which they claim they are who they say they are.

Violate the First Amendment and could cover a vast range of legal activity. Voter intimidation or coercion that prevents someone from registering or voting is already a federal crime under the Voting Rights Act and the National Voter Registration Act. But H.R. 1 adds an additional provision to prevent interference with registering or voting that is so vague that it could easily interfere with free speech and other lawful activity.

Expand regulation and government censorship of campaigns and political activity and speech, including online and policy-related speech. H.R. 1 imposes onerous legal and administrative compliance burdens and costs on candidates, citizens, civic groups, unions, corporations, and nonprofit organizations. Many of these provisions violate the First Amendment, protect incumbents, and reduce the accountability of politicians to the public.

They can’t convince us to accept socialism, so they have to find “creative” solutions to impose it on us. With this voting system in place, they could put enough people in power at both state and federal levels to make changes to the Constitution. Changes that they want.

The Heritage Foundation has the article here. You could also look at the text of the bill.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Politics, Society

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You forgot ballot harvesting. The bill mandates the legality of nationwide ballot harvesting, so that the D-rats can vote and harvest the mail-in ballots of every nursing home and nut house in the nation.


Maybe it is PAST time to raise the Red Flag of No Quarter. The Tree of Liberty is thirsty.

Their 100 years of planning for this day has come upon us. Karl Marx smiles.


Raise two flags:

“There comes a time in every man’s life when he’s consumed by the desire to spit on his palms, hoist the black flag and start cutting throats.”
— H. L. Mencken


“Pinochet did nothing wrong!”


The Senate filibuster is gonna get nuked. Don’t think Manchin, and Sinema can stand up to the pressure from Crying Chuck. After that, it will be DC & PR Statehood , and court packing.

MI Ranger

Puerto Rico does not want to be a State, they have said it repeatedly when they vote on it. I can count at least three times in the last twenty years that it was put to a ballot and each time it was overwhelmingly put down.
I am not a person who lives there or is a citizen, so I don’t know all the reasons but I think it has to do with the fact that they are citizens of the U.S., get tax money to pay for things and are able to seek federal aid and relief funds…but while all Puerto Rico residents pay federal taxes, only some residents are required to pay federal income taxes. (They are already members of the Free $h!t Army) D.C. is a completely different story.


The 2020 Referendum was 52.5% for, 47.5% against, with 54% of the population.


I figure it’s entirely up to them, but should note that the Republican 2012 & 2016 platforms explicitly favored making PR a state:

2016 platform, page 30:

AW1 Rod

If ten Republican Senators are stupid enough to let this garbage reach the desk of the Senile Socialist Sundowner, then they’d better start wearing body armor to work!


60 vote threshold might not matter. Crying Chuck is gonna make the most of his ‘majority’ & try to ram H.R.1 through on party line vote of 50 votes plus Camel Toe’s tie breaker – nuke the filibuster. It will be tough, as Manchin & Sinema will be reluctant. How long can they hold out against Schumer, and the rest of the Democrat machine? Not feeling optimistic.


Upon what do you (and others) base this drumbeat of Manchin & Sinema being being reluctant to vote with Schumer? Do they really have a voting record which suggests anything close to that? Looks like they are pretty consistent supporters of whatever “the boss” wants. Sure, they talk a good game, but do they actually vote with the conservatives? Or do they simply vote with them occasionally, but never when it matters?


There’s two answers to this – first, for voting, you can see the 2020 GovTrack report cards here:


As you can see, Manchin, Jones and Sinema are all considered fairly ‘right’ Democrats. This is an imperfect test, and I’m sure there are other sites which track actual votes, but it’s a start.

Second, and maybe more importantly, they don’t need to vote with the conservatives, they can simply abstain, and if Republicans are united, the Democrats lose on a vote.

Democrats know this, so Manchin and Sinema wield a fair bit of power because they can get changes into bills to make them more palatable, allowing them to vote with Dems, but on changed legislation that is less left-leaning. Of course, Democratic leadership knows this, too, so it’s a careful balance between carrot-and-stick for each side (of the Democrats) to get their shit done.

If the Dems push Manchin too hard, he could simply switch parties, and there goes the majority. I don’t see anything wrong with making it easier to vote, so long as we ensure security remains, and I can’t see why Manchin or Sinema would oppose that either (except for polling), so I’m not inclined to think it’ll come to that, but we’ll see.


Look at how many RINO quislings are going along with various stupid things.


PA Republican Senator Pat Toomey is getting censured,
county by county in PA,
for his vote in the Fake Impeachment Trial #2.
Including Lehigh County, his home county.


Damn, you guys aren’t even subtle with the threats anymore. I hope Biden takes every one of your guns away.


Threats are not tolerated here, RPGMarine. AW1 Rod made an observation and expressed an opinion. Just as you have.


They’re not Democrats anymore at this point. At least, not the Democrats of 30 years ago.

I don’t even think they’re Socialists at this point.

They’re something of a mix of big corporate Oligarchy and straight Communists. And this is the final push to ensure that elections are absolutely meaningless from here on out.

The Dead Man

We’ve taken to joking about Cyberpunk being the ‘correct’ sci-fi genre for predicting the future. Good money on the lot of them being on big tech’s payroll.


Perhaps this is the dems way to justify packing SCOTUS? Pass HR 1, claim that it’s all for “the good of the country and those under-represented people of color”. A Republican AG(s) take this to court and get to SCOTUS and win, the law allowing the feds to take over local and state voting is found to violate the 10th Amendment. So it’s struck down.
In a state high anxiety, Chuck U Schumer and Nazi Pelousy implore The President, Kamaltoe Blowjob, to pack the court and she adds 4 more justices to the court. Super qualified, you know, like Boo-rock Obama, Mooch Obama, Merrick (I don’t know what a crime is) Garland and Hillary.


“In a state of high anxiety”. Fat fingered that sentence.

Commissar Pooper's Narcissism

I am making a good salary from home $1380-$2680/week , which is amazing, under a year earlier I was jobless in a horrible economy. I offer thanks toward God each day I was blessed with these instructions and now it’s my duty to pay it forward and share it with Everyone, Here is website where i started this

Link deleted by automatic moderator.


Corrupt elections and single-party rule like in Mexico, awright!!

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The attacks on the first amendment have been subtle in previous administrations but were there nonetheless.

Obama had journalists arrested, he blamed the attack in Libya on a schmuck who had little to do with it, all to avoid calling that attack what it was. He sacked generals who said unflattering things in public…

It didn’t start with Obama, but he was good at it.

The notion that we have people arrested for Facebook posts in the United States should be a clear signal that the first amendment is under even more threat these days.

As Dave Chappelle has noted, “The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the First one doesn’t work out.”


My fave Chappelle performance is the one he did about Juicy Smollyay, as he called him, “some French actor.”