Behind IVAW’s Winter Soldier II

| January 19, 2008

The Iraq Veterans Against the War are planning a Winter Soldier II event in March. Their stated reasoning;

Once again, American troops are sinking into an increasingly bloody occupation. Once again, war crimes in places like Haditha, Fallujah, and Abu Ghraib have turned the public against the war. Once again, politicians and generals are blaming “a few bad apples” instead of examining the military policies that have destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan.

So, you see, they’re going into this with an agenda. All soldiers are guilty of something – it’s not their fault, though. They’re being used by some nebulous commanders. Several Winter Soldiers I participants confessed to horrendous war crimes using this same defense “I didn’t know any better – they made me”.
The first Winter Soldier, back in 1971 was led by John Kerry and ended up including many non-Vietnam veterans testifying to events that never happened. It gave rise to many of the “walking wounded” depictions of veterans in Hollywood productions and sob stories from nearly every hobo I’ve met.

Since the New York Times is already preping the target for Winter Soldier II (links to Bob Owens at Confederate Yankee and Pajamas Media), I started doing some digging into the organization a few months ago (with help from my buddy, Robin, at Chickenhawk Express).

Initial digging turned up a link to Hillary Clinton supporter Warren Buffett (CBS link), the second richest man in America;

Photo from Fox News Channel

If you scroll down to the bottom of the IVAW page, you’ll notice where it says “Website funded by Inavale Foundation”. According to Inavale’s 2005 IRS filing (.pdf), their primary officers are William Buffett and Susan Kennedy (about whom I can find nothing on the internet). Inavale’s primary holdings are in Berkshire Hathaway stock (about $15 million worth) – Berkshire Hathaway is Warren Buffett’s holding company. In 2005, over $300,000 was donated to Inavale in B-H stock. In my mind, this links Buffett to IVAW. Inavale also contributes to several liberal causes, such as the ACLU, Human Rights Watch and Jimmy Carter’s Habitat for Humanity. I’ll post more on this as it turns up.

According to the Veterans For Peace website, IVAW has asked that all other anti-war groups suspend activities during the Winter Soldier II hearings so IVAW doesn’t have to shout over the din to get attention;

Because Winter Soldier will provide a unique venue for those who experienced war on the ground to expose the truth and consequences of the “War on Terror” to the nation and the world, we are requesting that, from March 13-16, the larger anti-war movement call no national mobilizations and that there be no local protests or civil disobedience actions in Washington, DC.

Some leaders of the movement have expressed a desire to have a mass assembly to mark the fifth anniversary. Some have expressed support for a concert/rally. IVAW would support any events that do not interfere with the Winter Soldier hearings, our strategy, or goals.

At the weblog entitled Active Duty Patriot, the author Army Sergeant has put out a call to bloggers from both sides to attend their event. As you can see in the comments section, this blogger has pressed for full disclosure from the “witnesses” – which is only fair since we bloggers are being required to disclose our personal histories in order to attend. So far, Army Sergeant has been somewhat cooperative and seems to sympathize with my concerns. My main concern is that they weed out the Jesse MacBeths and that fables like those of Scott Thomas Beauchamp’s don’t become part and parcel of the proceedings. I’m sure tame, lame and unsubstantiated complaints like this one will be staples;

I joined the Wisconsin Army National Guard in 1999. At the time there was no impending fear of war and I thought joining the military was my only chance to afford college. I was deployed to Iraq in 2003. I objected to the war before deploying but felt the need to fulfill the obligations I had made. Once there, I saw first hand how the powers of our country are not considering the welfare of the Iraqi people or the good of the United States.

After being pulled out of school for two years, I returned to Wisconsin to get my Bachelors of Fine Art at University Wisconsin-Madison. When I was deployed, I had to quit school three quarters through a semester only to retake the same classes upon my return. Meanwhile everyone that I started the program with had graduated.

Blogger Denis Kohane at Obiter Dictum has more background on the first Winter Soldier and continues to hold IVAW’s feet to the metaphorical fire. And Zero Ponsdorf at Another Voice intends to attend as well – unless IVAW decides to control access to witnesses. I’m sure that there will more be in the interim.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics

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that UWisc guy lodges the lamest complaints I’ve ever heard:

1. I joined the military, yet it’s unfair to have required me to fight.
2. Because of WAR, I was forced to graduate after my originally planned date.

I have no response which can do justice to the frivolity of those complaints.

Army Sergeant

Trust me, I have a vested interest in keeping the Jesse MacBeths out myself. Just because two people are on opposing sides of one issue doesn’t mean they have to disagree with everything!

Also, I have to confess to deep curiousity on how your blogging will go when all testimony is legit!

I’m not sure what you mean by ‘control access to witnesses’, though. Some control is always going to be happening at any event where media are present-we’re not going to just pick up the witnesses bodily and hand them into a shark tank full of bloggers. But the bloggers will be present and able to report just the same as the other media.


What a bunch of candy asses. I have zero tolerance for chickenshits who only join for the “college money” then bitch because SURPRISE!, they have to do what they were trained for. They didn’t get the memo that the country is at war, did they? “My recruiter didn’t tell me…” Kudos the the milbloggers who will be on hand and won’t let them get away with their shit.

This kills me:

“I objected to the war before deploying but felt the need to fulfill the obligations I had made. Once there, I saw first hand how the powers of our country are not considering the welfare of the Iraqi people or the good of the United States.”

So what does E-5 shit-for-brains think would be good for Iraq, Afghanistan, or for that matter, the welfare of the free world in defending itself against Islamofascism? Yeah, let’s turn them back over to the al Qaeda and Taliban, and while we’re at it, we’ll install another WMD wielding, terrorist supporting megalomaniac back in Baghdad. And just for shits and giggles, we’ll give the next group of Islamic “jihadists” a whole fleet of airplanes to use for the next attack. All that education, and he still doesn’t know that we have a major stake in Iraq, and at it was not only necessary, but inevitable that we put Hussein out of commission along with the Taliban slugs in Kabul.
Woolson is a clueless fuckstick with no redeeming qualities.

What pisses me off the most about these “veterans against the war” (read: just about any war since Vietnam), is the fact that they ignore the reality of modern day Ottomans. That we were attacked by radical Islamic pigs who want everyone to bow to Mecca, and will use widespread terrorism to do it, is inconsequential to these “veterans”. “Veterans for peace”, my ass. Who’s “peace” and at what price?
Well, my beloved Army can’t reform everybody.


Now More Than Ever ~…

*UPDATE:  I was just over at Eagles Up! and there is a post up there that is a must read:
Why We Will March in March! Be sure to read Colonel Riley’s response to Dissenting Patriot.
~ And now click and read this ~

~ we must ke…

Dinky Dau

Those who testify at Winter Soldier had better have their DD-214s at the ready (real ones), as well as being able to document what the say.. They will not be allowed to do to Iraq and Afghanistan Soldiers what John Kerry did to Vietnam Soldiers.