Perhaps the most lying liar of all time

| February 9, 2021

ninja sends in this press release from the DOJ. There’s an Air Force veteran fella out in Arlington, VA who has run afoul, repeatedly, of the federal government for lying. He lied about his background, the stock of PPE he had, the size of his business, and which branch of the military he served in. Since his name isn’t five letters beginning with B and ending with N, he’s been charged for his many alleged transgressions.

According to court documents, Robert S. Stewart, Jr., 35, was the owner and president of Federal Government Experts (FGE) LLC, an Arlington-based company that purported to provide various services to the U.S. government. In this capacity, Stewart made false statements to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in order to obtain lucrative contracts to provide COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition, Stewart fraudulently obtained loans under the federal Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program, and he also defrauded the VA by falsely claiming to be entitled to veteran’s benefits for serving in the U.S. Marine Corps when, in fact, he never served in the Marines.

As part of his PPE scheme, Stewart falsely stated to procurement officials from FEMA and the VA that he was in possession of large quantities of PPE, including N95 masks. Based on Stewart’s false statements, the VA and FEMA awarded FGE contracts valued at $35,000,000 and $3,510,000, respectively. The VA intended to use the PPE purchased from FGE to protect employees and patients at various Veterans Health Administration facilities, which serve the medical needs of over nine million veterans each year. FGE failed to supply any PPE to the VA and FEMA. The U.S. government suffered no financial loss because the contract called for payment upon delivery and inspection of the goods.

Stewart also applied for various loans on behalf of FGE under the federal Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program. These programs were designed to provide emergency financial assistance to the millions of people suffering the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The loan applications submitted by Stewart falsely overstated the number of FGE employees and the amount of FGE’s payroll, two factors that were important in determining loan eligibility and the proper amount of the loan. In addition, Stewart used some of the loan proceeds for personal expenditures rather than to pay employees or for other appropriate business expenses. The loss to the U.S. government from this fraud is approximately $261,500.

In a separate fraudulent scheme, Stewart, an Air Force veteran, submitted an application for benefits to the VA. The application was fraudulent in that Stewart falsely claimed that he also served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Stewart created fraudulent documents that stated he attained the rank of Corporal in the Marine Corps and was honorably discharged after receiving several awards and commendations, including the Rifle Expert Badge, Pistol Expert Badge, Meritorious Mast, National Defense Service Medal, Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Certificate of Appreciation, and the Kuwaiti Liberation Medal. Stewart, in fact, never served in the Marines. Based on his fraudulent application, he received excess benefits in the amount of $73,722.45.

If he’s currently 35, then he was born in 1985 or 1986. His claims of derring-do in the Southwest Asia area during the first Gulf War would put him as a child solder of about six. The SWASM was last awarded November 30, 1995, so when he was about 10. Even the claims people at the VA should be able to deduce that this genius wasn’t a corporal of Marines before he hit puberty.

The release notes that he’s plead guilty and is awaiting sentencing.

Stewart pleaded guilty to making false statements, wire fraud, and theft of government funds and is scheduled to be sentenced on June 16, 2021. He faces a maximum penalty of 35 years in prison. Actual sentences for federal crimes are typically less than the maximum penalties. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after taking into account the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Additional reading; Task & Purpose, Washington Post

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Big Pentagon, COVID-19, Crime, ninja, Stupid Criminals

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On the plus side, didn’t someone mention here that there is no ‘goo time’ or early release from a Federal conviction? If true, better he do the full 20 of 20 than 5 out of 35 at a state level.


Good time… we really need an ‘edit’ function!


Oh, hopefully he’s gonna do some “goo time”. No edit function needed. Turn a typo into gold!!
😀 😀 😀


I’m thinking his introduction to Bubba, Thor, and Tiny Jr. is gonna be a Goo time.


Yeah, Bubba, Thor and Tiny Jr are going to “make it rain” goo.

Skivvy Stacker

No, that’s okay; “Goo time” works for me.
Most inmates talk that way. “I be out in two ‘cuz a goo time”.

Hack Stone

No, we don’t need any edit button. If there was an edit button, someone, say a founding member of The Lucky Sperm Club could come back later and delete all of the racist, misogynist and anti-veteran remarks that he posted in a futile attempt to defend the “honor” of Phil Monkress, the esteemed leader of All Points Logistics. If you post a comment with a misspelled word or autocorrect replaced what you typed, just acknowledge it a follow up comment and blame it on the phone provided to you by the Vice President of the proud but humble woman owned business that sells software to the federal government provided to you.


Hey, goo time works just fine for me.


That would require that we all have to register and log in, similar to what VBulletin boards require.


Federal prisoners have to serve 75% of their sentence before they are eligible for parole. So, if the judge were to sentence him to 20 years confinement, he would have to serve at least 15 years.


85%, not 75%.

There is no such thing as Federal Parole.

For most prisoners it will be about 87% because the Federal Government has dyscalculia.

Old Crow

In the Federal system there is no PAROLE, but there is “good time.” That is, no early release based on rehabilitation and the consideration and approval of a parole board.

The only early out is to collect “good time”. Good time is defined as “…credit earned for “good behavior” described in law as “exemplary compliance with institutional disciplinary regulations.” Good time credit reduces a prisoner’s actual time in Bureau of Prisons (BOP) custody. The law governing good time can be found at 18 U.S.C. § 3624(b)

The MAX good time that can be earned is 54 days per year of custody. BUUUTTTT this being the Federal Government the calculation used limits this to 47 days a year. (I know, makes my head hurt too.)

So, in a 10 year stretch a the BEST a convict can hope for is 470 days of good time. That equals about 15 months. A little rough math gives us a BEST CASE scenario of out in 8 years 9 months for a 10 year sentence.

Buckeye Jim

This guy is a total POS of course, but the lack of fact checking by the VA and other agencies is even more troubling to me. There seems to be no accountability for these bureaucrats. Even a cursory review of this guy’s applications would have uncovered the fraud.
This is a systemic problem (pardon the cliche) of bureaucracies. People get more funding, promotions, etc. because they provide more “services” to more people not for competency. Of course no one ever gets fired either. I see it only getting worse.


Well, *SOMEONE* was doing some good to start cleaning house in some of these infested bureaucracies, BUT, NOOOOOOOOO, we (as a nation) had to let that shit that we call an election come to it’s current conclusion so, there ya go….jebus…I fucking WEEP for this nation, HOWEVER, I still hold hope that good will eventually triumph…we may have to take a beating before that though…
I can’t imagine the experiment the forces that came together to build this nation 245 years ago, will die without a fight, if it dies at all. I believe a Phoenix is appropriate.
If Trump can be legitimately elected and the people now expressly *see* the shit covered machine that is the government, then, I think we’re close to the edge of *That’s fucking it, We’ve had ENOUGH*, like too many stern parents out there, back in the good old days…


Gotta agree fellas, why dahell there is just a cursory glance at these people and their claims are taken at face value. Sadly the inherwebz are full of these kinda fraud stories. See them everyday while culling for FGS and dumb crook news. Sent one the other day that was only a paltry $13 million in theft and the defense was…wait for…”they are picking on/prosecuting because it is a minority owned business.” Saddest part of that story was the grubermint official when talking about the PPP Fraud said, “…it’s not too bad, we’ve only uncovered about $7 BILLION in fraudulent payments.”

‘Bout too late to take back our Country at the Ballot Box Chippy, we don’t have control of the Dominion Machines. Or the massive amounts of money required. We have seen our last true election in this country back in 2016. I am concerned that we will need the Cartridge Box. Just in Georgia over $500 millions of outside money was spent on a runoff election that the outcome was predetermined.

I hope this mofo enjoys his new diet of man meat sammiches…and goo pudding.

Green Thumb

Yet another graduate of the All-Points Logistics School of Executive Management.

Taught by none other than The False Commander “Phony” Phillip D. Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics).

Skivvy Stacker

That was lesson number one in Supply School at Camp Lejeune.
“Tie up everything in paperwork and red tape so you don’t get caught.”

Or maybe it was; “until you get caught up.”
Hell, that was 40 years ago. I can’t remember yesterday.


I learned the same things in the hallowed halls of MCCSSS Camp Johnson in 1998. Nothing has changed. If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.


Lars wants to know if the fraudster wore his mask while committing fraud!!!?!

Mask are important to him. To save your life. Unless you are a boomer. Then he wants you to die.


Lar’s masters have likely packed him off to a re-education camp, deciding that his too-frequent exposure to all the revisionist comments here at TAH was dimming his revolutionary fire.

As I recall, in some of his last comments, he was beginning to be more agreeable with some of our counter-revolutionary common sense, a serious crime in the world of the true believers.

Perhaps someday Lars will write of his re-education tribulations in a tome entitled, “Gulag Californio”.


It will definitely be a cautionary tale for dedicated Progs across the land.


He probably slipped in San Francisco Shit and hit his head.

A Proud Infidel®™

I figured that Major Moonbat was off sucking every cock he could to get hired to run a “Reeducation Camp”!


He’ll say he’s Cornholio and needs T.P. for his bunghole…


The federal guvmint is so easy to rip off I’m surprised
it doesn’t happen more often….oh wait….nevermind.

Mustang Major

I bet the government contracting officers were under so much pressure, anyone claiming they had PPE for sale could get a contract.


All I can say is turd !!!!!


I don’t know. Who would claim a Meritorious Mast who doesn’t have one. I’m thinking about giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one.


At least the VA and FEMA contracts were contingent upon delivery and inspection.


Man, I’m in the wrong business.
That being said, I’ve been to jail and prison once, only for a night and even then, I cherish my freedoms WAY much more than stupid old dirty money. In addition, my dumb assed conscience and soul get in the way. Dickheads. Oh well, maybe it’s for the best. Obviously.


Consider my curiosity piqued!


FuzeVT Well, I may or may not have told this in it’s entirety but I’m not ashamed to tell it again, because I need to keep it fresh, lest I let it fade and fuck up and pick up again. Long story short (kinda, here we go…HOLD ON LOL! ), I drank since I was a teen. I was pretty good at it and as they said in rehab, “We all have a story about “I had it, until I didn’t have it.”” I went through a pretty shitty divorce for the last 6 years or so. My ex took my kids a few times with no notice and filed protective orders (which were thrown out because they had really no basis) and eventually we went to court twice and I got custody. Even though things went my way, I had trauma (PTSD, sorry to use that because it’s not combat related, but it is what I was diagnosed with) from multiple thing in my life including that, (& USAF B-1 Crash in 1987) and I was out of control self medicating, drinking way too much and I knew it but couldn’t help it. I went to the beach in Delaware with the kids like I did all the time, and commenced to get nice and buzzed. Well actually, stumbling drunk. I was walking back to the hotel and fell on the boardwalk, skinning my knee. I thought I was doing ok, but I was trashed and someone called the police. They came, brought an ambulance and I waived that off, but they told me after talking to me for a bit, that in Delaware, being a single parent, under the influence, anywhere (hotel/bar/home), at any level (0.01+), without another responsible adult/family member for the kids, it’s an immediate arrestable offense. (Who KNEW!??) At least I had my head about me enough to be cooperative. They took the kids, (their grandfather came from MD to get them and take them home to Mom) took me (in the following order) to the Rehoboth Beach jail, then a few hours later, to… Read more »



Can someone PLEASE close the after the word ” FuzeVT ”
I mean, every. damn. time. it. happens. I swear I typed it and checked it but here you go. (PLEASE excuse the WALL OF BOLD!!!)
*rolls fucking eyes*


Thanks Mason,
I was on a “bag and tag” team (MOrtuary Affairs) augmentee in 1987 when I was like 23 and a SrA. B1-B had a bird strike and augured into the dessert in Southern Colorado.
I picked up meat and stuff like personal effects from the crash site.
I didn’t talk about it not because it was problematic, but because it just didn’t come up in 30 years.
I didn’t think I had PTSD until my therapist explained what trauma was. I had survivors guilt from being the Mobility and Deployment NCOIC and then sending my guys and gals over to the theater, Iraq, Afghanistan, Uzbeckistan etc. It wassn’t until recently in the last 10 years or so. I had issues with it because I saw they had “real” PTSD and substance abuse or mental health issues because of their legit deployments that I never went on, because I had to stay at home base because it was my job to send others. I also promoted myself out of usefulness, making E-7 and then E-8 and spent my last 5 years in, at Andrews.
My therapise and I spent like 4, 5 maybe 6 months unpealing it and me learning about how all that affected me. Oh and my little allergic reaction to alcohol and breaking out in handcuffs, yeah, I didn’t give that the credence as a serious traumatic event, even though that was *obvious*. I just minimized everything and drank to numb it all.
I was really good at it as my therapist said.
Anyway, thanks for the props Mason (YAY I DID IT!!)
It is much appreciated and yes, as I repeat often, if one person hears my story (or in this case reads it), and it does something positive, well there I go…
Cheers! (LOL YEAH I said that. HA!)

Green Thumb


Thanks for sharing.

Keep it up.


Thanks GT (See fuckers, I can AHYCHHE TEEEE EMMMM ELLL properly!!!)
That means a lot.


“stumbling drunk. I was walking back to the hotel and fell on the boardwalk, skinning my knee”

That is known as “knee walking” where I come from.

The Stranger

I did a job in a prison that was under construction with no prisoners yet. The buildings and cells were complete so the foreman I was walking with asked if I wanted to check out a cell. I stepped into a cell and he activated the cell door controls, leaving me in the cell. After a couple of minutes, I told him that was enough for me. Not a good feeling and I can’t imagine being locked up like that for hours at a time for years.

Green Thumb

Did you see anyone you knew?


No, Psul wasn’t there and I can’t remember anyone else here that was sent away I’d have remembered and Jizz BiteMe is in the White House not the Big House, unfortunately, so far.


According to the company’s Twitter site (Federal Government Experts (FGE) LLC, they are still hiring. Inquire at @LlcFederal. They claim to be a Service Disabled Veteran owned company.

Green Thumb

Its probably a subsidiary of All-Points Logistics.

Hack Stone

Is Elaine Ricci on their Board Of Directors?

Green Thumb

The reason I am starting to think that we cannot find Elaine, is that she went back to her male name – Ethan.

While I find it hard to believe, I think The False Commander “Phony” Phillip D. Monkress (CEO of All-Points Logistics) might have tossed his buddies up there in Bethesda a last minute – (try to get out of jail free for ripping Paul-mer (of the Ballsack) off) lifeline.

Point being, Phildo brought her / him back into the fold at All-Points Logistics HQ in Merritt Island, Florida.

Hack Stone

And for those who missed Hack’s comment a few months back, All Points Logistics is an authorized software vendor to the federal government. Hack’s side gig while he is waiting for that paycheck from Psaul of The Ballsack to clear is working for a federal agency doing software license renewals. Quite surprising to see a bid submitted by All Points Logistics. And no, they did not get the contract.

Hack Stone

Here is some interesting correspondence. Matter we can expect them to make inquiries to proud but humble woman owned businesses that sell software to the federal government in the near future.

Hack Stone

Any openings for Director Of Media Relations? Hack Stone’s current gig seems to be at standstill. Things haven’t been the same since Elaine Ricci went on extended medical leave to be treated for her placebo addiction.


Just for you Hack Stone! I think you made mention that quarters work in your Company Issued Cell Phone! *snicker*

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.

Hack Stone had to take his lovely bride Rosetta Stone to a medical appointment this morning at Walter Reed (Bethesda). Got off the inner loop to get on Rockville Pike, and traffic was at a crawl. Seems to get onto the hospital grounds, they only had two gates open, and 100% vehicle and pedestrian inspections. Not only that, but WTOP was reporting that there was a vehicle fire on Wilson Lane. No report on whether it was a 1989’s vintage Jaguar.


Hack, by any chance do you and Rosetta have a son named Roland? 😜

Hack Stone

That would be Hack’s brother, Rollin Stone.