Tanker Tuesday

| February 9, 2021

That’s a female American alligator snapper crossing the road, right in front of my car.  Built like a heavy duty armored vehicle, she is, too.

And since it’s Tuesday, that means make the tanker crews happy again, so here’s your offering for Tanker Tuesday: the ten biggest tanks in the world, a video of the Top Ten biggest tanks now.



Category: Army

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Tanks? Claustrophobia in a box. My hat’s off to you, but no thanks.


^word^ Us Gun Bunnies feel the same. Arty and A-10 call them targets.

They are kool as all hell for short range shoot and scoot, tracked Artillery Platforms. Hoping the Indian Army has a bunch of them on Communist China’s southern border. We may need the help.

Tanks Mi’Lady. Gets us all primed for Field Artillery Friday.

Prior Service

Tanks are pretty roomy as long as you don’t mind sharing your elbow room with the recoiling breech block. Gotta put those guards up inside the turret before you fire or it can take out your left elbow. I did get a glancing blow when I was brand new but I learned quickly.


They all look alike and have pretty much the same main gun. The video neglected to mention total weight. From videos and papers, a shoot-out would be a tossup, absent top kills by artillery and air guided munitions.

Old tanker

There is no mystery why most of the tanks share so many features, they are still the “cutting edge” of the tech available. One of the features not mentioned in the M1 was the ability for a Company Cdr to allocate his resources, plot fires and route to contact to his Plt Ldrs and lower through the electronics in his own tank. The tanks all have the means to talk together almost like a wifi setup complete with maps and GPS.