Southern Democrat auditions

| May 19, 2009

Most of you probably don’t know that I’m holding auditions for more co-bloggers at This Ain’t Hell. Somehow Southern Democrat heard about it and apparently misunderstood what we do here. He sent me this picture to impress me with his physical prowess;

I think that’s him on the bottom.

At this point, I’m speechless. Maybe you folks have some helpful comments for Southern Democrat.

Thanks to The Sniper for helping SD with his wardrobe.

Category: Politics

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That looks suspiciously like Jimbo!



I figured SD was a little light in his loafers…but had no idea it was this bad!


Um, lose the tutu, get the…girl?
Dan, how could you insult UJ like that? A man in tights is better than a man in a tutu!!


That actualy is SD, just not the tutu.


FYI, let’s get one thing straight…being from Maryland might “technically” make you Southern, however from my personal experience, the practical application of Southerness in the region is limited to areas that can’t be accessed using any vehicle that requires $200 for an oil change unless it has 16-forward gears and runs on diesel.


You guys and your photo shop “wars”. Bad, bad, bad. But the legs DO look a lot like his now that I look more closely at the pic. Then again, I was in a scotch induced coma so who knows?


Well, in defense of SD, he does have the legs for that outfit.


ROFLMAO!!! Gawd, Jonn. That’s hi-larious! At least he shaved his legs.

The Sniper

Too bad Tankerbabe thinks these photoshop wars are so purile.