The crazy comes full circle

| May 19, 2009

Someone sent me a link that warned me Mom’s basement-dwellers across the country received their marching orders this weekend from their central command center in the basement of Ron Paul;

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, a Texas Republican and a former presidential candidate, sent an e-mail to his supporters today urging them to help Adam Kokesh, who has formed an exploratory committee as he considers running against Luján.

“Adam Kokesh has been a tremendous supporter — of both me AND you! As a leader of Iraqi Veterans Against the War, Adam has spent years traveling the country to spread our message of peace, a strong national defense and limited government,” Paul wrote in the e-mail. “Adam has tremendous credibility because of his service in the United States Marine Corps and I have deep respect for his commitment to principle.”

Paul wrote that sending Kokesh to Congress “would be a tremendous victory for the Freedom Movement, and if we come together and stand behind him, he has a real chance to win.”

So the crazy comes full circle. Two inflated egos come together to shake the nickels and dimes out of the pockets of people who think they’re serious. The presidential candidate without a foreign policy meets the IVAW candidate who runs for public office just because he can’t find a job.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Ron Paul

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“Stupid is as stupid does”


Oh dear God; can’t we get away from these nutbars? I”m just glad that I don’t live in either one’s district. My congressman is a retired Marine Colonel and just all around fine man.


“As a leader of Iraqi Veterans Against the War, Adam has spent years traveling the country to spread our message of peace, a strong national defense and limited government”

Crazy Uncle Ron needs to crush some more tin foil on his antenna because he is picking some heavy feedback.

Old Tanker

You just can’t make this stuff up………

Anony Mouse

Any word on whether he celebrated it the way he celebrates everything, by throwing a huge Coke party?


Trooper, I assume you live in John Kline’s district in Minn?


I cannot tell you how funny I find the fact that this post got the advertising of ‘meet military singles today’.

509th Bob


Oh, NO! NOT Ron Paul! He’s the “only man who can save America!”

/sarc off



I cannot tell you how ‘coincidental’ it is that Ron Paul would be attracted to the IVAW.


TSO: Yes, yes I do.


509th Bob, LMAO. That was my first thought when I saw the post. Only RON PAUL can save America, now with Kokesh’s help, of course.


Got a call this evening from a Ron Paul representative seekin g donations. Did he ever get an ear full. His supporters turned out heavily for Moveon antiwar rallies. At one rally where I was countering them a female RP supporter jammed her baby carriage into my ankles several time with her baby in it. At first I couldn’t believe it, but with a little afterthought I knew what I had always suspected. 95% of them are just plain nuts.


So what do you get when you cross a Paultard with a f#%ktard?

I don’t want to know either.


[…] The crazy comes full circle […]