The Warrior Legacy Foundation

| May 18, 2009

How many times have you guys and gals read from all three of us here that aside from a very few VSOs, no one is really looking out for veterans and our troops in the field beyond their short-term political goals? We’ve all railed and commiserated about the so-called non-partisan veteran groups which have clearly chosen their political party.

Now it seems that none other than Blackfive Himself, Matt Burden, has taken up the challenge to fill that gap with his latest creation; The Warrior Legacy Foundation.

I won’t slobber all over Blackfive trying to sell this to you (Lord knows, I slobber all over him enough when he’s buying the beer), Matt explains better what is behind his vision of the Foundation than I ever could. And, oh, by the way, The Warrior Legacy Foundation is under the direction of a homeboy of mine you might have heard of before; David Bellavia.

You’ve all asked me from time-to-time what we can do about the piss-poor treatment veterans get from all politicians, and I’ve never been able to give any of you a satisfying answer – until now. If anyone can pull this off, it’s the folks at the Blackfive Empire – and you know I don’t ask you to do anything until I’ve done it myself.

So go over, sign up and flip a saw buck or two or three in the jar and let’s get this show on the road.

Category: Bloggers, Support the troops

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I’m in – for the LONG haul.

Dave Thul

I had heard rumors of this and so I checked it out today to see what it was about. After reading Bellavia’s statement of the goals and mission, I was in as well.

Interesting note-on filling out my personal info, contact info and brief military history, I had to wait for approval from WLF before being accepted. An actual person reviewed my application and then authorized me to join. Are you listening IVAW?


I joined also….Was there some falling out at VFF? Or is it because VFF is too partisan?


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Just A Grunt

I am awaiting the approval back, but I did sign up and I hope with Matt and David backing this effort it will get some legs, stay non partisan, which means probably pissing me off from time to time cause I may not see eye to eye on all the issues, but at least we can park the partisanship at the door and actually look out for the end user, the veteran and the service member.


I’m not sure they’ll let the likes of me in, but I tried!




[…] h/t: jonn @ TAH […]


i joined! and tossed them a saw buck or two (i think). 🙂


Done did it, boss. Heh, heh, heh, had to give a little hat tip to an old buddy that used to say that to our PS.


Caroline: Why do you say that? Why wouldn’t they let you in?


I think she was saying that because she dates me OldTrooper, and she made a joke about it on her application.

I’m pretty sure that Mr Wolf will let her in!


Ah, I see. So, you’ve out kicked your coverage, huh? heh, heh, heh.


I outkicked the damn stadium.


Ha!!! Admitting it is the first step to recovery. Caroline and the crew over there are good people and they do a great job.

So, you had better get back to studying up on all those silly little things like case law and such. btw How’s the studying going?


TSO’s right, on my application I said I was joining because TSO is a sexy sexy man…and have yet to hear if I got in!


I’m sure you’re going to get in with no problem. TSO, on the other hand…………..

Make sure you keep that boy on track with his studies, but let him out for Memorial day.

Dave Thul

VFF kinda lost steam after the election. We’re not going away, but we got organized for a political purpose.
WLF is going to be more focused on the Vet themselves, rather than the wars they fight.

Debbie Clark

Does the Warrior Legacy Foundation allow veterans to join who disagree with the war?

Jonn wrote: This is a veterans’ organization – it’s not about the poltics of the war. All veterans are welcome.

Debbie Clark

Okay, I registered. I like what the organization stands for.


Joined. And I checked, and yes the tip jar is working. Go thou, and do likewise.

Debbie Clark

Okay, just did that, too.


Signed up.


oh i tipped too, i’m just not sure what ‘a saw buck’ means!


I signed up too. Waiting approval, sounds like a good thing. Gotta wait till next “P” day to unass any “G” backs. Good luck and God speed to the WLF. Armor Up!


Thank you Dave Thul….