Veterans/Troops become a political force
We are living in historic times. We finally have a Democrat president and a Democrat Congress that supports veterans and that, at least in some small way, support our troops while they’re engaged with a foreign enemy. Returning troops are getting the medical attention they deserve in the president’s new budget. Of course, the vacuous, specious argument I read at some so-called “nonpartisan” veteran organizations is that Democrats care more about the troops than Republicans. While that may be true at the moment, it’s only become true in the last few months.
This morning, the Stars and Stripes trumpets the DoD’s $500 billion budget;
The proposal – part of President Barack Obama’s $3.4 trillion budget for fiscal 2010 – includes cuts to major weapons systems detailed last month and was billed as a “reform budget” by defense officials.
But it also has new increases in troops Basic Allowance for Housing (6 percent) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (5 percent) to go along with a 2.9 percent pay raise for all military personnel. House and Senate leaders have already promised to bump that to 3.4 percent.
The plan also promises more money for wounded warrior support and no cuts in military health care services.
“This is a long-term commitment by the department to take care of our people,” said Vice Admiral P. Stephen Stanley, director of force structure for the Joint Staff. “Those people who have gone forward and been affected, been injured, we’re going to take care of them. We’re going to take care of our families.
That’s good news – pay raises, housing allowance increases, living facility improvements. That’s quite a difference from when my son was born in a forty-year-old wooden World War II hospital that had been intended to be temporary when it was built. That hospital was so bad that it made an appearance on “60 Minutes” the following year.
So what has changed that Democrats have finally started paying attention to the needs of the troops suddenly? Because veterans have become a political force. While many veterans of WWII and Koreas sat out the Vietnam War on the sidelines for whatever reason, the Vietnam War veterans have refused to sit by while this wars’ troops get the same treatment.
Instead of watching what the news organizations feed them on TV and standing by while old hippies and new anarchists spit on the troops, call them babykillers and allowing twisted, untrue stories to circulate about our troops’ behavior in combat, organizations like Patriot Guard Riders, Gathering of Eagles, Band of Mothers and Eagles Up use the same tactics of the Left to squelch behavior that had been tolerated in the ’60s.
When Code Pink decided to protest outside of Walter Reed when wounded troops arrived there, it took only a few days for Free Republic to assembled a larger number of supporters to drown out the hippies. When ANSWER marched on the Pentagon, within a few weeks, thousands of veterans descended on Washington to steal ANSWER’s stage and demonstrate to those serving overseas that they weren’t alone.
We now have websites like Blackfive, The Long War Journal and Michael Yon who have put people on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan who brought us the stories to our living rooms that the media with it’s Democrat-leaning agenda refused to tell America. That was especially important in the last two years when the media went dark on the success of the ‘Surge”.
Also, in the 60s, some of the more traditional Veterans Service Organizations like the VFW had denied membership to returning Vietnam veterans. During this war, the VSOs have taken the lead in the proper treatment of returning veterans. The American Legion, especially, has led the VSOs in turning back legislation from this administration that would harm returning troops and is actively lobbying for better treatment. The VSOs have become more than a cheap place to drink PBR and swap war stories.
In short, veterans have come into their own as a political force to be reckoned with – we always knew it was possible with the millions of living military veterans and the millions more who lay at rest as a testament to our dedication to this country.
However, we know how the party which currently controls the purse strings would rather treat veterans and how they’d rather take our earned benefits to pay off welfare queens and drug addicts for their votes instead, so even though we have arrived, it will take continued vigilance so that we don’t lose the voice we’ve built over the last decade.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Politics
Thanks Jonn.
Democrats honor Vets by throwing money at them. Republicans honor Vets by respecting them.
I’m all in favor of troops and veterans getting paid for their sacrifices, but if the Dems want to honor vets they would start by booting Rep Murtha out of Congress.
Hear Hear, Dave.
Great point.
You seem like a very fair minded person and very caring. This is why I am compelled to address something that you are misinformed about. Up until 2007 when the Democrats took control of congress, the didn’t have the chance to do anything but fight Republicans. Senator Jim Webb had been trying to get the GI Bill passed but had no chance to do it until they held the majority. All the accomplishments they have been able to do since 2007 were things they were trying to do before but had no power to do any of it. All you had to do was watch CSPAN and hear the speeches on the floor of congress to know who was fighting for veterans and who was saying “there isn’t enough money in the budget to do this” because it was coming from the GOP elected.
I’ve been helping veterans with PTSD since 1982 and take all of this very seriously. As a matter of fact, as if my life depended on it because my husband is a Vietnam veteran. There isn’t much I miss going on when it comes to veterans or the troops. While I tend to slam Republican elected more, I have no problem patting them on the back when they get it right and lately the fair minded ones have been able to have their voices heard as well as the Democrats. I also take aim at Democrats when they don’t get it right. We all need to understand the veterans served one nation and they are Republicans and Democrats and Independents just as the troops serve one nation. The only thing we should focus on is if this nation is taking care of them or not as one nation and on this, at least this, we should all come together for their sake.
Jonn wrote: Thank you for mistaking me for a fair minded and caring person.
I made it up until you credited Jim Webb with trying to pass a bill before he’d even been elected before realizing the rest was talking points. Webb took office in Jan 07, and was one of the reasons the Dems took over.
The rest of your slams are ridiculous as well, since the “too much money” argument came largely from Blue Dogs who were concerned about PAYGO, and McCain’s bill would have been more expensive, his only hang up was transferability which is what we got.
So, more homework please.
And, I have a hard time taking someone serious when are part of the “Out of Iraq Caucus.” You are the precise reason I won’t go see someone, because the last thing I need one of you people saying is that I was in another country fighting for a worthless cause which you don’t support. And I just know the A-stan is the next to make that list.
Um, “chaplain Kathie”, would the ones who care for the vets and the troops be the same ones who CONSISTENTLY attempt and actually do, throw out the ballots of troops serving overseas? Those same democrats that you extoll as being the only ones on the side of the troops and vets? On their side, as long as they don’t try to vote, right?
I guess you are just one of the Obama choir, and not really on the side of the troops?
I concur with TSO
The DNC is using veterans and vet issues just like they use every other special interest group. To gain votes, and then toss them under the bus when politically appropriate.
I served under Reagan, B#1, the total 8 years of Bill, GWB, and now Obama. Regardless of who was in power ‘We’ did our job.
However, calling Bill’s administration or so far Barack’s, support for vets, is comical at best, stupidity at worst.
@Chaplain Kathie – I was not actually aware of that.
Nevertheless, I just hope that the budget for our troops will be really used for them. And we have to watchful on it.
Nothing new about the Dems doing that is there?
I’m not going to turn down pay increases or new/improved benefits, but Democrat support for veterans is predicated on the veterans admitting that we’re victims who need hand outs. It’s not support, it’s an effort to turn a reliably conservative/GOP oriented constituency into another voting block.
Maybe that’s an excessively partisan view, but “ensuring troop welfare” takes a backseat to “mission accomplishment” for a reason.
Amen pmm. We’re veterans, not victims.
Thanks, TSO, for trying to set Chaplain Kathie, but considering her rhetoric, don’t be surprised if it goes in one ear and out the other. Luckily most vets are smarter than that.
Sorry, but I’m not buying it. Obama has already shown us the greater disdain he has for the troops long before he ever got into office, and an extra 1/2 of 1 percent payraise isn’t going to change that.
Although I’m not a vet but my father was (served Army for 35 years until his death by cancer). I truly hope the veterans/troops would be a powerful political force for this country, to the point of holding the White House administration, the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress accountable for all things that matter to the veterans and disabled veterans: they deserve better services and cares from our country and we owe that to them for their contributions and sacrifices to the nation while in the armed services. They deserve nothing less. Period.
The American vets needed to tell US Congress and the President this: Don’t throw us money to make us go away, nor don’t going around honoring us with fake statements. Show us like you sincerely mean it and deliver them on good faith.
I also hope this veterans as a political force would be keen to expose fake veterans organizations such as Iraqi Veterans Against War or “veterans” who never actually serve the country, went AWOL, became conscientious objectors or treasonous veterans who turned against our country.
The Democraps care for veterans only when they can persuade us to accpet emasculation and become suppicants, standing in line on their welfare plantation and engaging in collectivist parades.
I stand proudly, even arrogantly alongside Dave. I don’t want their steenking money, I demand respect.For myself and for all my brothers and sisters. (VVAW/VFP & IVAW excluded)
In addition to my original oath, In March 2007 I swore a second oath:
“Never again will one generation of American warriors turn its back and betray another”.
Still keeping both my oaths.
What many of you may not know is what some of the DOD budget goes for:
Brest Cancer research, and other basic health research that should be under HHS.
As usual, the devil is in the details. So don’t celebrate too soon.
A friend told me about this. I am here. I took an oath once thirty five years ago. In my mind I just took another one. I will never turn my back on a fellow soldier, so help me God!
Jonn, this is just not right.
Democrats are not “suddenly taking care of troops” because of groups like GoE and Eagles Up-groups that have pretty reliably stood only for the troops that they agree with. I still vividly remember being told to go desert, being told to go get blown up by an IED, etc by the GoE “troop supporters”.
If (and only if) the Dems are more strongly for troop benefits than previously (which I don’t believe, I think they’re just getting better at which ones), it is due to groups like IAVA, VoteVets, and yes, much as you hate them, the sane folks in IVAW.
These “pro-troops” groups kept their mouth shut under Bush while we were getting benefits and post improvements cut to pay for big weapons systems. While Republicans felt it was cool to cut troop pay raises, health care treatment, and BAH improvements, GoE and Eagles Up kept their mouths shut. I don’t know about what the Legion did during it so I won’t talk about them, but seriously. WTF.
I for one am happy to see the big and expensive weapons programs (you know, those ones we usually referred to as ‘pieces of expensive junk’ and bemoaned the fact that they were getting paid millions over budget to fail at what they were supposed to be doing) going down the tube and soldiers actually getting increases in the things they need, like BAH and BAS so they can be in decent housing and afford to eat like reasonable human beings instead of being on food stamps.
Rurik, it is not emasculation to accept veterans benefits, and it is that very attitude that makes too many veterans unwilling to accept the help that some of them actually need.
Republicans only respect the troops when we stage photo ops for them.