Vouchers in DC
You’ve probably heard that one of the first things Democrats did to the District of Columbia was end vouchers for students to escape the corruption-, crime-, and drug-ridden inner city schools and actually get a shot at a decent education. Two months ago, the Washington Times wrote about the decision;
Democrats such as Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, as well as teachers’ unions, voiced concern that the vouchers take federal funds from the public schools.
Mr. Durbin said in response to Mr. Ensign on Tuesday that the General Accountability Office looked at the voucher schools and found some “world class” schools as well as some below average schools, explaining his reasoning for examining the program further before reauthorization.
But this last week, President Obama gave an option to inner city parents complete with government funding (again the Washington Times);
President Obama called for overturning a decade-old ban on publicly funded abortions in the District as part of his budget proposal Thursday, but did not overturn the national ban on federal funding, thus angering advocacy groups on both sides of the volatile issue.
Under his proposal, the District for the first time in more than a decade would be allowed to pay for abortions with the money it raises from its own taxpayers.
So, if DC’s prospective parents are worried about the education their unborn children will get in the District, they can always end their unborn children’s lives with tax payer funds. It all kind of evens out doesn’t it?
Funny how there’s always money for the irresponsible to continue making bad choices, but there’s never money for those who want better choices.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Society
Funny how we spend all this money “fer the childrens!”, but it never seems to get to them. And isn’t it ironic that teachers have an near omnipotent union to represent them, but the kids who need the protection more have jack squat?
And, as usual, the Lame Stream Media is AWOL on reporting this. Must be because they’ve examined the issue carefully, and decided that this isn’t news? Nah, didn’t think so. Again, the dems and their president get a pass.
That’s so true. I had a girlfriend while stationed in Phoenix many years ago who received section 8 and food stamps for her kids. I talked her into going to college to better herself and get out of poverty. The very next time she went for recertification, the government lowered her rent assistance considerably because she had taken a student loan and they considered that income. Needless to say, she never took out another student loan. I wish people would see that the government is not there to help us, it’s there to keep people down and voting democrat so you don’t have to actually earn a paycheck.