A Message From the Northern Borderlands….

| September 9, 2020

We think we’re facing doom and gloom down here?

Quick Dick McDick up in Canada farmland has something to say, too.

This gentleman is from up across our northernmost boundaries. From the landscape he farms, I’m guessing Alberta or thereabouts. His accent may be a little tricky, but he’s making some very good points about the Trudeau government and how it is failing to meet the needs of the people of Canada.  Therefore, I’m posting it as a warning that this can happen  here, too.  He’s also very funny.





Category: Reality Check

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Trudeau just took your guns away by executive order.

And got reelected.

5th/77th FA

There, but for the Grace of God AND a fair election, go us.

Heads would ‘splode on hearing the supposed profanity in that, you know, words like Return on Investment, Profit, Capital!


Frontier gibberish?


“Posting it as a warning that this can happen here, too”….Politicians are Politicians no matter what country they live in. All delusional FOS self-absorbed ego maniacs who are always practicing delusional drivel. Think about it, what kind of person would want to be a member of Congress or the Senate…..to be known as a corrupt-minded person to begin with? All the while fooling themselves first, thinking the public is nothing but dumba&#@s
that will believe ANYTHING? It is and always has been, “This is for ME, and this is for Thee”. On most any level of politics, for decades it has been “Vote For The Lessor of Two Evils”. Nothing will ever change until one day when we decide to replace EVERY politician at every level in every state. Years ago, supposedly, some citizens went to D. C. to serve as their public duty. Today, that trip begins with bribes from PAC’s and the resulting obligation to return the favor. IMHO we are quickly reaching the point of no return, having allowed many decades of the CORRUPT slowly sucking the blood from the citizens. The real threat is that people eventually begin to believe something they hear over and over, allowing groups like ANTIFA and others to continue to grow, while their true goal is to destroy the entire country. Damned fools don’t realize it COULD get worse if we decided to join in on their reindeer games. I don’t have an answer, but I do know what the problem is to begin with.


PREACH!!!!! TESTIFY!!!!! AMEN & AMEN!!!! The Choir is listening Brother Jarhead, if we can’t get an AMEN, I’ll buy us some Amens.

I have preached the same sermon for DECADES, literally. Remember well a seminar that was held when I was taking night classes at the local jr college way back yonder. The panel was the Junior US Senator from GA Sam Nunn (who I voted for each time he ran because he came to my aid while in service) the local State Senator and the local State Representative, both long time career politicos whose names I don’t remember now. Anyhow, the government class I was taking at that time was required to be there and were allowed to ask questions of them before the presentations started. My question was; ” Is this a seminar on how the Government is SUPPOSED to work or how it ACTUALLY does work?” Senator Nunn got a pained expression on his face and squirmed in his seat a bit. The 2 career (both dems) shot a look at the government class professor who then said, “Next Question!” I was told after the program when we got back to the classroom that I had a bad attitude and was given a 0 grade for the class. That was my FIRST exposure to the indoctrination that college professors were doing. He was there for decades longer before retiring recently. Sadly, it has only gotten worse.


Hey dudes, Just a note,
You may have seen my other post…

Just posting this to be up on the board for a bit since I’m up late closing out work spreadsheets.

I’ll be out of pocket for a few days till Tuesday because I’m visiting the scene of my crime from last year, Rehoboth Beach for 5 days with the kiddos.

Stay safe and keep your powder dry.
Almost 1 year sober and I can’t believe it.
I am going to be visiting the same spot (I believe) that I was arrested last year if the kids can help me find it. It was like a block away from the same hotel we’re staying at again, just around the corner….same everything but a different person all together.
I am pretty certain I’m going to cry, but I hope it brings me some sense of closure.
I guess we’ll see.

OK Fuckers, I’m Audi 5000 for a few days.
All’s good with me and the family and the ex-wife’s (my part time new child) Doggo I get to have a couple of time a week and at least a few times a month.

Cheers (figuratively no, LOL)

Be well and talk to you Tuesday.


Friend of Bill? One day at a time. Don’t feed the Monster. Whatever works.

Be wary of retracing old steps. Don’t make a habit of it. You already know where those steps lead.


Friend of Bill also. 36 years. If a stupid fucker like I can do it, so can you. Congrats on the first year. I can barely remember mine cause for the first two years I was batshit crazy. That is until I started working the steps.

Good sobriety to you, brother.


Ah, Oh I get it. I’ve just started meeting in November and through Covid online. Yes, friend of Bill, mostly still friend of Rehab, LOL. 11B-Mailclerk I totally get it. I can’t avoid going to the beach but I can avoid the old behaviors. at my age, luckily, I’ve seemed to have gotten it out of my system as it were and so I have that benefit as well as the many years of military experience so, for the time being, until I can get deeper in the programs and such, no means no. MustangCryppie Yeah, I’ve been dong meetings but don’t have a sponsor yet and haven’t really started the step work but the folks in my transition group and my myriad of counselors in the rehab group are all gently giving me shit to get one so I’ll be working on that in the next few months before I graduate and start that work as well. Surprisingly, I’ve been a model student and the staff has dubbed me a lifer there as I’m going to be sober support and alumni because I live about a mile or 2 from their residence and halfway house in town so I may be there for young and new folks in the future. I also have had a bit of a hole in my life since I retired in 2007 from my military career as it were as I am not as physically close to all my military crew, so, interestingly enough, I embraced and bonded with the rehab experience much as I had my military career, although in a *very* compacted timeline, but the parallels are quite recognizable, life and death etc and shared misery. You can get it. I know that, as they say, the disease is always “out in the parking lot doing push ups” while you go on with life. I had a funny way of putting it yesterday with my individual counselor, which she said she is stealing, it’s like the the little snot guy in the Mucinex commercial, he’ always lurking and you have to keep… Read more »


Ohh I forgot this..


Keep coming back. It’s worth it.


It works if you work it. Keep coming back!


Screw Queen Justine Castro-Turdeau!


I tell you what there eh?