Boomer’s Sunday

| September 6, 2020

It’s time once again, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, for Boomer’s Sunday, where I cull through his weekly offering of ‘toons, and pick the best. Honorable Mention goes to my pals Gerhart, Woke Infidel, AW1 Scott, AW1 Rod, and our own Cameron, Skippy, HMCS(FMF) ret, Poetrooper, Mason, Jeff LPH 3 63-66, thebesig, Keepin’ It Real, and Ex, who also have provided some entertainment. These are mostly from the right, with humor scattered around. I am more than willing to post up differing points of view if they don’t annoy me. Now what could be fairer than that? So here we are, with the ‘toons that may amuse, make you think, or just piss you off.

Category: Guest Post, Humor, Satire

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A Proud Infidel®™

A great collection once again!


More humor:


Oh yes they did!


That is utterly FANTASTIC!!!

Should become official. At least it should be made the most viral thing to come our way since, oh, maybe some China virus bug.

5th/77th FA

To paraphrase that Greatest TV Detective…”Go Ahead, you have made my day!”

I would hate to have to pick the best of the lot on these Sunday Funnies, but when it comes to saying who is/was the smokingly hottest, most erotic looking FIRST Lady, it would have to be Melania Trump…Bitch Please!!!! Bwahahahahahaha “The Divine Miss M (?)…yeah right. Thought you were supposed to move 4 years ago?

Ex Coelis

‘Aroma- therapy’?! Classic!! Love it…


In this year of ammo-shortage and fake af pestilence, may the bloodthirsty Warrior God issue blessings upon His righteous Sons and Daughters, especially the Saints of Kyle and General Flynn.
We, the lifter of plate carrier and AR, wilt do thy bidding, Oh Lord of Battle! May Your IR Laser of Truth guide us thru the foe, to the Final Objective.


It’s Sunday !!!!!!
The meme with the 17 year old kid
Got me banned from Facebook
The Kenosha hat trick is a trigger for Violence
Against peaceful BLM and Antifa protesters

Bubblehead Ray
The Other Whitey

If that coyote-related announcement is real, then that PIO is my new hero!


A Webley as a cure for ChoMos….. I love it!

James M


[Edited out the PII. Welcome, James. -Mason]


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