Those are rules for you, peasant, not me
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited a San Francisco hair salon for some work. Normally this is not a news story. However Pelosi did this on Monday August 31. In San Francisco. There local regulations have had salons closed due to COVID. Restrictions have just now been ever so slightly relaxed. Starting September 1st, they could open for outdoor services.
The salon owner released surveillance video of Nancy’s illegal hair work (where she’s also not wearing a mask like she lectures us and the president on wearing) after someone who rents a chair from him did the work on the House Speaker in violation of local COVID restrictions.
Pelosi’s not the first Democrat to violate their own rules for a haircut. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) also got a haircut during COVID, violating her own lockdown.
Source; Fox News
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", COVID-19, Politics, YGBSM!!
What’s left to say. . . ?
2banana’s Law:
Conservatives are more than happy to live under the same laws and taxes they want for everyone else.
Liberals/progressives expect to be exempted from the same laws and taxes they want for everyone else.
See also the Philly mayor inside a restaurant even though all are closed in his city.
“The salon owner released surveillance video of Nancy’s illegal hair work”, uh oh, someones going to have the local inspectors crawling up their ass for the next few years.
Or ANTIFA fire brigade.
Most likely outcome.
Dude’s probably so far in the red that an angry mob torching it is probably cheaper.
I have no doubt about that, Malig-Nancy’s father was a politician that one had to “know’ in order to go anywhere he lorded over and she learned from him!
Her daddy was the gangster mayor of Baltimore for many years. D-rat, of course.
Too bad the hairdresser did not give her a Nair shampoo.
Should’ve dyed it orange and gave her a perm….since she’s a clown.
She’s a clown that pelousy clown, she’s gonna get caught just you wait and see, whys everybody always picking on me.
Now I’ll have that tune stuck in my head all day.
Thanks….ass (lol)
This was done by piglosi and the hairdresser contractor without the knowledge or consent of the actual beauty salon owner. If an average Jane had done this and was found out, she would be in jail right now facing not only pandemic violations but also Breaking and Entering. But piglosi is SPECIAL so she’ll get away with it. Hey Lars, this is the Double Standard I was previously talking about…
Lars sees nothing wrong here.
Major Moonbat sees no wrongdoing because it was one of his party elite.
I hate the DNC almost as much as the Republican Party. And the DNC establishment can’t go to hell soon enough as far as I am concerned,
Yes, we already know which political parties/movements have your true allegiance.
“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.” –Orwell
From what 850 AM (amplitude modulation) Florida radio mentioned this morning, the salon owner was renting a chair to a hair dresser who did pelousy’s hair. Hair salons are open for me but not for thee. same old same old double standard as the demoRAT merry go round goes around and around. I think that it was also mentioned that the lame stream media said that the video was illegal since queen pelousy didn’t know she was on candid camera.
“pelousy didn’t know she was on candid camera”
Dare not look at her:
Every perp, suspect, lawbreaker, witness, etc. caught on surveillance camera should now sue every media outlet for releasing surveillance video footage without their express consent. This is alinsky rule number 4: “make the enemy live up to its own book of rules”…
I think we should give her a pass being that close to the ugly tree.
That some embalming work, she almost looks alive.
Dat’s a good one.
Don’t hate her because she is hideous; Hate her for being hypocritical.
“Do as I say do citizen, NOT as I do!” Skrunt!
The pure evil of this bitch should be obvious to anyone, just by looking at her. Too bad she didn’t get a haircut using one of those French designed clippers from the 1700s. You know, the one that trims from the neck up?
Saw this linky last night, commenting wasn’t allowed yet. Just a minute or so ago, the count was well over 40K, and yeah right at the FIRST (ht 2 CW), “Trump don’t wear a mask!”
I was raised to not hate anyone or anything, but I swear on my Mama’s Memory, I purely despise that Bitch.
French designed clippers. So the King says to Marie: Looks like it’s going to be a double header today. Better off going to Sweeney Todd’s barber shop and they could make meat pot pies from the body parts.
The message from the (D) elite:
Reminds me of the big fight at the end of Blazing Saddles,
“Piss on you! I’m working for Mel Brooks!”
“Rules are for thee not me, Peasant!” – Malig-Nancy Pelosi
“Let the eat cake!”
Just a wild guess. In the district she lives, the entire Homeowner’s Association prevents any person with more than a GED education from living anywhere in the district. Community meetings with her in attendance likely take place at either a liquor store or pool room. Security guards at the entrance question those wanting to enter. Entrance DENIED to those who can spell dawg or howse correctly. Wonder how many mail-in ballots from mental institutions regularly help her re-election?
Pelosi’s district is now entirely within the city of San Francisco and includes virtually the entire city. Need any more in the way of explanation for why she keeps getting reelected?
So then am I to assume she might be a dude after all? Could Frisco have its own Ladyboy population?
Don’t think so – she has multiple kids. But she’s a dyed-in-the-wool libidiot with name recognition who champions liberal causes and publicly proclaims that “Orange Man Bad”. That’s enough to ensure her re-election in SF.
Man to have a San Fran inmate toss her straight under the bus tells me just how pissed they’re getting too.
Yet more proof that she and her fellow professional politicians are lying to us about the transmissibility and lethality of the Chinese Bat Flu.
I’m surprised Lars isn’t here rushing to the defense of his ‘Sea Momma’.
Waiting for his marching orders from the DNC
Why would I?
I’m not the one in a cult.
Yes you are. It’s just that Nancy isn’t far enough left for you to have a leadership position within your cult.
Dude, not far enough let? she is not left at all.
By all objective measure of a political spectrum she is center right.
You guys are just so far off the deep end in right wing extremism that you think Biden is a leftist.
Biden is a 1990s Republican.
There is a damn reason every sing Republican that spoke at the DNC convention a few weeks ago were also speakers at the 1996 Republican convention.
Pelosi is center right?
Get your prescription checked, dipshit.
It put the lotion on the skin.
Now she’s pulling the Marion Barry defense,
“It was a setup….and they owe me an apology.”
Wonders never cease.
Bitch set me up!
Seems I’ve heard that before.
Rumor has it that Keith Richards was also there giving her a blood transfusion….
Nancy Pelosi in a beauty salon just seems to be a tremendous waste of effort. Much like polishing a turd. At least a turd was once something of use.
Surprised she did not have the stylissy just come over to her house.
What an idiot.
She wouldn’t have made it past Pelosi’s wall.
FUNNY how the PRoCA is now allowing Salons to be opening…
Isn’t it
She didn’t wear her mask.
She is a terrible person. But her neglecting to wear her mask is not why.
Her not wearing her mask is inconsiderate and arguably hypocritical.
The real issue was her “special treatment” in getting an indoor hair salon appointment.
That was hypocrisy and elitism.
However, I find it a bit ridiculous you all are so obediently echoing the talking point of the day on Pelosi hypocrisy….but NEVER call out hypocrisy when a Republican does it. And Trump gets a pass on everything he does not matter how outrageous.
So spare me the performative outrage.
I hate Pelosi. She is a conniving, manipulative, hypocritical, self serving, corrupt politician.
But until you start calling out some of the absolute scumbags, and your tangerine god king, even for things you called out Obama relentlessly for doing, I really don’t think any of you have grounds to call anyone a hypocrite without sounding like you are just being obedient an improving outrage on demand.
Damned age is catching up with me these days, Lars. Last night I had a NIGHTMARE which I’m happy to share.
In the nightmare I was homeless, living on the street, and desperately in need of cash. So I walked into this sperm bank; low and behold saw your picture on the wall, much like those announcing “Wanted” hanging on Post Office walls. The one pic of you had big letters at the top (now mind you this is a sperm bank) which read “NOT wanted”. Can you possibly explain this to me? From Yer Favrite…Mr. Have To Look Up To See the Bottom of Pond Scum. Please don’t blame it on the Orange Man.
Do you get your hair styled there?
Pubes only.
I did not think he had them.
He didn’t. “Hair Club for Men”—it’s not just for foreheads anymore.
“However, I find it a bit ridiculous you all are so obediently echoing the talking point of the day”
Dude, you lack some serious self awareness. You do nothing but echo the current left wing talking points no matter how asinine and ridiculous they are. This blog is also full of posts where the writers and commenters call out right wing shitbaggery, but you already know that.
“However, I find it a bit ridiculous you all are so obediently echoing the talking point of the day on Pelosi hypocrisy….”
N Major Moonbat, we’ve also gone off on RINOs like Jeff [the] Flake pf Arizona as well as others.
Hear the salon owner’s comments.
All pigs are equal…
But some pigs are more equal than others…
That is the never-spoken motto of the Democrat party.
The original crafted by George Orwell is: “All animals are equal, but pigs are more equal.” –Animal Farm But I agree that your version is more apt when talking about D-rat politicians.
Yep, I know–I flavored it with some ol’ Poe seasoning…
Minor correction, rgr769. I believe Orwell’s original was
That was the revised single commandment that replaced the original 7 commandments of Animal Farm (Chapter X).
Thanks for the correction. I think I lost my paperback copy back in the early 60’s. As I recall, it turned out the pigs ended up being the animals that were “more equal.” Seems they considered themselves smarter and entitled to rule all the other animals, who were too dumb to know what was good for them. That idea seems applicable to a certain major political party and its entrenched bureaucrats.
You are correct. At the end of Orwell’s Animal Farm, other than a few old timers (including some of the pigs), none of the animals could remember the original revolution. The pigs then began governing animal farm as the ruling nomenklatura.
Any parallels between Orwell’s Animal Farm and a certain former Socialist Republic born – and later ruled – in a similar manner by those who promised their followers that they had “nothing to lose but their chains” was not a coincidence.
Well, idiot is both racially and gender neutral. So she is an idiot. The latest I heard her side claim is she was set up.
Who made her or her staff call for an appointment?
How did anyone set her up to do that?
She’s guilty…
She’s guilty of trusting… (she says)
She’s guilty of trusting someone to be discrete and not dime her out for being hypocritical.
I bet she does everything within her power to drive that salon out of business, but I think they were going under anyway.
I must admit that I was a bit surprised that someone in SF thinks apart from the majority. I thought if anyone did, they kept it to themselves. The salon owner was brave to come forward. She received a lot of death threats and bad reviews on Yelp because of this.
Malig-Nancy Pelosi spends hours in a Salon and still looks like a Nick Nolte DUI mugshot!
Hey Infedel! You take that back! Nick doesn’t look half as scary or drunk as Nancy does.