Is Cowardice it’s own punishment?
A man who would screw over his troops is not a man. He’s a blue falcon, the lowest form of creature imagineable. And no matter how you couch a deserter in terms of doing what he thought was right and all that horseshit, nothing obviates the need to care for your troops. Which is why this story has me really pissed today.
The Department of Justice has dropped its case against 1st Lt. Ehren Watada, a war resister who refused Iraq deployment in June 2006 and denounced President George W. Bush’s decision to invade as illegal and immoral.
I’m not even going to go into the rest of the article, but a man who deserted his troops, and left them to enter combat without them is no man. And I refuse to believe he is. And make no mistake in thinking this shitdick acted out of some sense of nobility, he didn’t. His Dad was a fruitloop, and the son is a fruit-loop.
But, I can find some solace in the fact that 2 soldiers I have known, and 1 I wish I had known have birthdays today, and none of them ever left their men behind. So, happy birthday to Southern Democrat* (we need a new name bud) and 1SG B who visit here, and when you get a chance this evening, give a toast to a true warrior who gave his life for all of us and thus won’t be celebrating his birthday today: Michael Patrick Murphy, Navy Seal, and MOH Recipient.
*technically, SD did leave me behind when I had dyssentary, but that was because I befouled all his clothes and he was mad at me.
Category: Politics
God bless that SEAL! And TSO, not all persons born in Hawaii are bad ppl! Just a scant few….
I for one, will be toasting LT Murphy (he’s from Dad’s hometown) and will be wishing Fair winds and Following seas to him and his teammates on eternal patrol!
God bless Mike Murphy!
Happy B-day to SD and 1SgB!
thanks for the mention, Long Island will never forget their HEROES!! RIP Murph…
I am surprised why they just did not send him to Afghanistan instead to see if he was really mean what he said about Afghanistan being the “just” war of the two.
Didn’t I read about some soldier saying they refuse to follow Obama because he hasn’t produced a birth certificate and therefore can’t be the CinC or some goofy thing??
I wonder if the JD will let him off the hook…….
Old Tanker…
That is correct. You did see that some officers are standing down. They are suing.
RIP Murphy…I hope you are keeping the “others” in line.:)
Two people; one hero, one oath breaker.
Fun fact: Watada was my company FSO. When we were at NTC and I was on a bitch detail (being an E3) and him running the detail, he asked me what I thought about the war and if I thought it was just. A couple of months later he was on the news.
The last time I saw him was at the range after he was shuffled off to brigade.
That’s him sitting all by his bad self.
Is HTML enabled for comments? I tried to post a picture.
To expand on my terse statement above, I believe JRR Tolkien decribed the proper punishment for oath breakers. Their cursed souls should wander the earth for eternity or until they fulfill their oath. Only then may their spirits rest with honor.
The DoJ has no business going after this guy, it is out of their jurisdiction.
However, the DoD has plenty of business in it as what he has done violates at least 6 separate articles of the UCMJ, including: Failure to follow a direct order, Missing movement, AWOL/Desertion, Dereliction of Duty, Conduct unbecoming (officers only) and Displaying Public contempt towards an elected official (officers only). As for his comment about the invasion being illegal and immoral, that call is above his pay-grade.