Social Media Sites Remove Coronavirus Press Conference Video that Trump Shared

| July 28, 2020

The media and the left continues to distort reality. (r/The_Donald)

Breitbart conducted a live stream. During the live stream, doctors talked about hydroxychloroquine and other measures used to treat the coronavirus. This video went viral and viewership skyrocketed. Unfortunately, the mainstream media considered their information as “false”. President Trump was among those that shared this video. The video and related post were deleted for “violating policy”.

From Breitbart:

Breitbart News recently reported that the Masters of the Universe quickly censored a live stream published by Breitbart News of a press conference held in Washington D.C. by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots. Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) was featured at the event and doctors at the event shared their views on the coronavirus pandemic and the medical community’s treatment of the virus.

Footage of the livestream on Periscope, Twitter’s livestreaming platform, had generated 1 million views before being removed by the site. Footage on Facebook had accumulated over 17 million views within 8 hours and had 185,000 concurrent viewers at the time it was streamed. On YouTube, a clip from the event received 80,000 views before being removed by the platform for “violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”

Shortly after removing the footage of the livestream, Twitter limited the Breitbart News official account, which means the account cannot be used to send tweets. A Twitter spokesperson told Breitbart News: “Tweets with the video are in violation of our COVID-19 misinformation policy.

Here’s a nice idea… Let us decide that video’s merit, let us weigh it against what the media says, then let us determine for ourselves what reality is.

Additionally, President Trump signed an executive order that would result in the lowering of prescription drug prices. Big Pharma is running deceptive ads claiming that this action would drive up prescription drug prices.

Breitbart has the article here.

Category: COVID-19, Politics, Society

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The lengths the media and tech companies will go just because Orange Man Bad is astonishing.

Don’t listen to doctors that have a different opinion or treatment plan. You have to listen to OUR doctors.


Be afraid of COVID-19, vote for Joe 2020! Orange Man bad! (That’s how they want you to feel for Nov 3rd.)


You’re proving that the solution to countering false or misleading speech isn’t censorship but more free speech and better ideas.

Censorship is bad, mmmkay?


You think someone saying demons caused Covid19 is a nut? That’s a Democrat talking point—The demon’s name is T-R-U-M-P.


It’s not Fascism when Democrats do it! Obey, peon!


“…let us determine for ourselves what reality is.”

No, no, no, no! Nix nein, hells to the nah! You will only read what you tell you to read! You will only think how we tell you to think! You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. Conform or die…your choice!

A compatriot is my pharmacist. He owns and operates his own shop. He sells me a 90 day supply of my meds for all 4 of them, less than what the insurance co-pay at Big Pharm Store was for a 30 day supply for just one of them. And he still makes a fair profit. Go figure.


Now the c*cksuckers, after they blocked/removed all videos to see (and make up one’s mind) for one’s self, have put out their own dissent-bashing spin:

“How Quack Doctors and Powerful GOP Operatives Spread Misinformation to Millions,” by Nick Robins-Early, Hayley Miller, Jesselyn Cook, Huffpo, 29 Jul 2020


Hey, Bill Gates is pro-Fascist! He just said the video’s problem is that it got out and social media failed to remove it today. (No sh*t. He honestly said that.)

“Bill Gates: Spread of ‘Outrageous’ Coronavirus Video Shows Flaw in Social Media Platforms,” by Max Zahn with Andy Serwer, Yahoo! Finance, 29 Jul 2020


Love to hear LC’s take on this…


For starters, a private company can pretty much do what they want, no? And there’s precedent for taking down videos that are dangerous to the public – they did this with the ‘Tide Pod Challenge’ videos, and likely others. In a country of 330M people, you’re surely going to find a few doctors believing something based on anecdotal evidence (their own patients) vs more statistically sound analysis. The WHO and FDA both have said HCQ doesn’t help. So has the WH task force, including both Fauci and Birx. Do you really think there’s a grand conspiracy where most other countries, plus most doctors here, plus the hand-selected experts on the task force are all out to get Trump, and he and the few likeminded folk -yes, even some small subset of doctors- are the only real truth-tellers? I recall a few months ago 11B-Mailclerk was posting about another doctor who pointed out that the virus had a known trajectory, since it was clearing up after .. I can’t recall .. 6-12 weeks or something. Lots of countries had that sort of trajectory. But as is clear today, that was plainly wrong. Wearing a lab coat doesn’t make you infallible. Case in point, my favorite doctor from that video is Dr. Stella Immanuelle. She claims HCQ has cured her patients, with no uptick in mortality. Of course, she also claims that things like impotence, cysts and infertility are because people are having sex with witches and demons in the dreamworld. You know, totally scientific. Also, DNA from space aliens is being used in medicine, and the Illuminati are working with a witch to destroy the world through, in part, children’s toys. So yeah, I don’t have a big problem with a private company censoring nutjobs from reaching a wider audience where their actions influence the safety of sane folk. I’d want the same if it were a Democrat suggesting fake cures, too. In an ideal world, we’d get all those asshole faith-healers who’ll cure you of whatever for just a sizable donation too. But I know that’s a pipe dream for… Read more »


The WHO also said COVID isn’t transmitted person to person.

The problem with HQC is it’s being presented as if it’s some dangerous, experimental drug. It’s not. If people feel better taking it, then what’s the harm. The only people that need to avoid it are those with heart conditions. For everyone else it’s well understood that the drug has minimal risks. It’s cheap, it’s plentiful, and it’s safe.

It’ll take years to do proper double blind studies on the effectiveness of HCQ. Anyone speaking out against the “consensus” is, just like those speaking against the “consensus” on climate change, ostracized and villainized.


Yes, early on, people get things wrong – either via political pressure, or the lack of facts. But we’ve got a number of studies about HCQ by now, and while it’s not absolutely certain that it doesn’t help, it’s definitely looking that way. And then there’s the question of whether it hurts. That’s harder to study, since nobody wants to give a double-blind study with something that might cause harm, but there do seem to be some indications that’s the case.

Why? I mean, yes, HCQ has been shown to be pretty safe in other scenarios, so maybe it’s the dosing levels required, maybe it’s a contraindication from some of the bizarre ways COVID messes with the body. Reports from Spain are now saying it has widespread neurological effects, basically ignoring the blood/brain barrier in most cases. And there’s some thinking it’s spread via respiratory functions, but hits the body more like a cardiovascular attack. There’s lots we still don’t know – but there’s some things we do. One seems to be that HCQ is definitely not a miracle drug here – the positive effect, if one exists, is in the noise.

Bear in mind that things like grapefruit juice are totally fine to drink… unless you’re on certain medicines. Things that can be normal in one case can be deadly in others.

And I wish this wasn’t the case – I wish HCQ showed a ton of progress. God knows we need it right now, with numbers rising everywhere. But just because Mad Jack Churchill carried a broadsword in WW2 doesn’t mean we should start equipping our soldiers with them. Its effectiveness is not as good as other tools for the job, despite his success. Anecdotes aren’t data, and wishing doesn’t make it any different.


Still drinking the proggy Koolaide, despite all the evidence that HCQ can effectively treat the Kung Flu. You progs would rather die than be proven wrong. Your TDS knows no bounds.


I’m quite happy to learn I’m wrong about things. But the growing evidence doesn’t support that. And it has nothing to do with Trump.

Must be fun believing the entire world is so keen to stick it to Trump that they’ll thumb their nose at an ‘obvious cure’ as their people die. I have no idea how you rationalize that’s what’s happening.


You are simply wrong about it, LC. But then, CNN keeps telling you this story, so I don’t expect you to see it.

Also, no, private companies can not “pretty much do what they want” in the USA. We regulate the hell out of even the smallest mom and pop outfits in every way from who they can hire to how they can enforce breaks and how big the latrine must be.

So no, private companies violating your 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment rights is unacceptable in a free republic.

But there is the rub. You don’t like living in a free republic. You seem to fear freedom for others because as a sophisticated regurgitater of “correct” talking points you are socially and morally superior to those working class deplorables who like their god and guns.

Amirite or what?

Now, to be fair, this doctor does have some strange “spirit sex” beliefs about medical treatments for gynecology…and that must temper our analysis of her statements.

But, if she has successfully treated 300+ COVID patients we must hear her out and silencing her voice of experience is not just a violation of her right to speak, but of our right to listen.

But, violating civil rights is what the DNC and religious left demand now, isn’t it? I’m not surprised because I was never fooled by the Democrat’s constant yammering about rights. I always understood that slavery and Marx go together like cold and ice.


I can only assume you’re about to give the admins here a hard time for editing a post to remove some information, no? Or sometimes banning Lars? After all, people should be free to post PII and inflammatory stuff, no? No infringement on the 1st!

Now, I’m not a lawyer, but my understanding is that the government is not allowed to restrict your 1st amendment rights, with very few exceptions. But a company like Facebook, or Twitter, or TAH may. Because they’re not the government.

Somehow that opinion has morphed for you to me hating living in a free republic, which I must admit is a dizzying leap of logic, but guess what, I support your right to say it! A fun little paradox for you to dwell on, maybe.


Many things that are legally permissible are still unacceptable. Lying to the public and being hypocritical come to mind as examples.

A social media platform like Twitter claiming to provide a vehicle for everyone to “have their say” and/or freely interact with others as a “common carrier” that then censors non-defamatory opinions on the basis of political POV – which is exactly what Twitter is doing here – is at best both mendacious and hypocritical.


I’ve got zero problems with people recognizing it’s a complex issue and having nuanced views – I’ll readily admit that mine are probably colored less by the law, which I have no direct experience in, and more by my concerns about public health. But you see this as a political thing, I see this as a public health thing.

Were Twitter and Facebook in their right to censor videos about the ‘Tide Pod challenge’? It was a public health thing because people are stupid, so they removed videos. I don’t recall a similar outcry about censorship over that. As for defamatory statements, if these doctors are saying other doctors are liars, is that defamatory? Seems like it would be to me, though again, I don’t know the law on this topic.


Which is really the best thing about the USA. If people feel Facebook is run by an unethical and biased group orchestrating prejudicial leanings… then people are free to switch to another site which better suits their needs (e.g. MeWe or Ello). You are not forced to use a government-mandated site such as some other countries do [cough, cough *China*].

Secondly, should an organization grow too powerful, to the point they can silence or push all competitors to the side; well, then we have the marvelous thing called Antitrust Laws which gives our citizen-appointed representatives the ability to stop such predatorial behavior.

In practice, this should give the citizens of this country the option of viewing what news and information they want, when they want; regardless of whether one group or another shouts conspiracy. Of course this does put the onus on us, the citizens, to actually make reasonable determinations as to the veracity of the information we consume. I believe this has something to do with the basic fact that the greater the Freedom (capital ‘F’ there) the greater the personal responsibility of the freed.

We have the option, and hopefully the intelligence, as citizens to identify when an organization is making claims of rain while their trousers are down around their ankles.


Depends on your definition of “public accomodation”.

“A public accommodation is a place that offers goods and services to the general public such as a restaurant that is open to the public. Federal and state laws protect designated groups from discrimination in places of public accommodations, based on the premise that everyone is entitled to enjoy the goods and services of the public accommodation on an equal basis. ”

The Dead Man

It is absolutely a dosing thing with that particular drug. Anyone that’s done cursory research o it can see that. Also last report I saw was that it reduced the symptoms which lead to this current strain of SARS developing into pneumonia. Where was this outcry when ME-SARS was a concern (PS: That one had a higher lethality).

Where was this concern when Ebola Zaire was potentially being spread by that moron in Chicago breaking quarantine? That one should have scared the everliving hell out of you. Zaire, the least lethal strain of Ebola settles in at A .5 kill rate as opposed to our current Election Flu’s .02 per the CDC’s own numbers that they dumped on a Friday afternoon hoping no one saw they’d once again screwed Fido. Oh and that Ebola Zaire also has both a 2 week asymptomatic carrier period and survives on surfaces such as railings and benches for up to 2 weeks, with similar transmission vectors. Just imagine, .5 lethality and hot, traveling through Chicago’s subway system and then spreading from O’hare. Where was the panic of this scale then? What was it? “Settle down, it won’t get out.” We’re damn lucky it didn’t.

The more I watch this unfold, the more I become convinced that basic epidemiology needs to become a mandatory class.



Still sticking your head in the sand and thinking the media isn’t censoring not just free speech, but actually true and important information.

Just spend two seconds researching how hydroxychloroquine has been used in France and Dr. Didier Raoult has used it.

Quit being a f’ing sheep.


I like you, MCPO, so let’s have a real discussion here – I’ve spent more than two seconds researching HCQ, and Raoult’s flawed study, and the results on the whole aren’t encouraging. But let’s start with a simple question – why, of all the many, many studies, most showing the opposite effect, do you believe that one? And have you seen the many write-ups showing the flawed methodology and questionable analysis in that paper? If not, I’ll leave a link below with a few critiques.

Look, medicine is hard – you don’t get clarity with a single study. You might not even get it from ten. Right now, there are still studies coming out showing a benefit to HCQ… and still studies coming out showing it doesn’t help. But more of the latter. This stuff is regrettably imprecise because you simply can’t account for all the variation in peoples’ viral load, personal health, and just plain old luck.

And once again, I’d love to have HCQ work – fucking love it! It’d save lives! But despite Raoult’s work, France has backtracked on HCQ nationwide. Most countries have. If you think the whole world is somehow suppressing a cure in order to ‘stick it’ to Trump supporters, I’m not sure what to say – people are dying, and we’d all love a cure. If this works, I think there’d be more data supporting that than opposing it. Right now, that’s not the case.

I have no ideological opposition to HCQ; if the data showing a positive effect was greater than data showing no effect, I’d change my tune. Given the opposite is true, why do you hold on to your beliefs against more evidence showing the contrary?

One rebuttal of Raoult paper:



Just a couple things I see, one as pointed out by another poster is that most, if not all studies being put out are only on HCQ, not the three drug cocktail including it. Now, the question is why are no studies being put out when this seems to be the treatment,at least anecdotally, that is having the best success, which leads to my second point, one of the loudest calls from the left related to obamacare was railing against “Big Pharma”, and how they put profit above all, but now with covid, the same people yelling the loudest are now falling all over themselves to believe everything big pharma is putting out. Instead of saying the whole world is suppressing a cure in order to “stick it to” Trump and his supporters, is it not much more plausible to believe (especially given previous doubts about about them) that those same pharmaceutical companies would have an interest (and they are global) in suppressing a readily available, and very inexpensive cure (since patents have long since run out) in favor of a new, patented, and MUCH more expensive one? If those companies are truly as evil as they’ve been made out to be by the left, would such a move really be out of the question.


For your first point, there are in fact studies going on right now with that combination [1, for one example], but it takes a while to get the results – they’re aiming for late September, I believe. I think there have been some already, too, but I don’t have them at my fingertips. And I get incredibly annoyed at the certainty displayed by the left that they won’t work just as much as the certainty displayed by the right that they do work – right now, that certainty isn’t warranted in either direction, though the lack of a clear signal of improvement with just HCQ (in fact, more data indicating the opposite) makes me lean against the effectiveness. Why is this? Because unlike binary explosives, most drug compounds have some measurable effect -a signal in the noise- even if their typical use is in tandem with other drugs. Eg, ABVD, the gold standard for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, is four different drugs – all are needed to recover, but any one by itself shows an effect, just not a cure. Is this possible with HCQ+Zinc+Zpak? Sure, and as I said before, I’d be absolutely thrilled to see that – there’s some evidence that HCQ does suppress the cytokine ‘storm’ that triggers the dangerous inflammation doctors are seeing. So maybe between that, and the zinc and the Z-pak, we cover a lot of things. And since Z-pak will typically be effective against pneumonia, which is a comorbidity with COVID, it can certainly help. But we don’t have good evidence of that. The old Raoult study is very flawed, but there was a newer one from France that seemed better, and came to that conclusion. Fingers crossed, right? But at the end of the day, being for HCQ+Zpak+Zinc because POTUS tweeted about it, or being against it for the same reason is utterly, dangerously stupid. You need to look at where the data is, and right now it’s not there. I can give you my word that if more studies come out and show that as a viable treatment, I’ll be fucking ecstatic –… Read more »


Oops, the clinical trial link:

Also, here’s a preprint from an NYU study that shows some benefit from the combo, which looks promising and may indeed indicate an effect, but pay careful attention to the caveat in there about after they excluded non-critically ill patients admitted from the ICU, zinc sulfate was no longer associated with decreased mortality (or recovery time). So maybe it’s good, as more people were discharged home earlier, but it’s a relatively small, though seemingly statistical effect. All in all, a mixed result. I’ve got no problem with doctors pursuing this, but I also want research teams to keep trying to identify better drugs to fight this. And, more to the point, additional studies -like the one up top- are needed, since this was still small.

In the meantime, let’s continue examine things that are showing maybe a better signal/noise ratio, like dexamethasone, tocilizumab, and other common drugs. I’ve seen more than one person suggest treatment is likely to be biphasic – as in, early/mild cases get treated with X, and late/severe cases get treated with Y. That’s not something that’s been much explored yet, and is also needed.


I keep forgetting links – the NYU preprint:


“But at the end of the day, being for HCQ+Zpak+Zinc because POTUS tweeted about it, or being against it for the same reason is utterly, dangerously stupid.”
I agree 100% with that statement, an thanks for the links, I haven’t checked recently, so I didn’t realize they had any studies with all three. I also agree with how flawed that Raolt study was, and that it shouldn’t be used as a basis for anything. As for my comments about the left and pharma, those were general comments, not directed at your statements.


I for one agree with Mad Jack that “Any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed.”


LC, you didn’t disappoint…



Yes, the WHO said China was honest too.


Also on the topic of fake cures, can we start with the useless masks?


You… don’t think masks work? I’m truly stunned. That’s one of those things for which there’s tons of evidence.

Now, if you mean the useless masks, like the ones made out of beads or knit with lots of spaces, then I agree.

The Dead Man

Masks don’t work because no one knows how to wear the damn things. Every person I’ve seen wears it below their nose. Touches it constantly after handling other things and so on.

Proper protocol of washing your hands, coughing into your elbow and not touching your face would have similar levels of results. If you’re symptomatic or think you’ve been exposed, the mask is an extra layer assuming you are wearing the damn thing properly.

If you’d like, I can actually break down the various transmission vectors for you and how that mask is both making you more susceptible to it without the proper use AND how it helps create new vectors.

Green Thumb

I wear them.

The Dead Man

Wearing one and wearing one properly are two entirely different things. The same rules of “Wash your hands, don’t touch your face” are amplified when you’re wearing a mask since you’re concentrating your infection vector right in front of your mouth and nose.

Nothing wrong with wearing them and if you’re sick, I actually think it’s polite to do so. Doesn’t change that the average person is a walking petri dish that I’d have banned out of my clean room back when I worked for Fresenius, nevermind for day to day habits.

Green Thumb

I will stick with what I have going on.


If slapping a piece of fabric your wife got at the by the yard store and sewed some loops on will help slow the spread, congrats to you.


“You… don’t think masks work? I’m truly stunned.”

Dr. Fauci quite obviously doesn’t despite his public pronouncements…



Dr. Fauci? Is that the guy who wears a mask only when he thinks the camera is on him, then lowers it or takes it off when he thinks the camera is gone? That Dr. Fauci?


Masks not designed to stop sub-micron particles do not stop viral shedding.

Any with holes, valves, or gaps do not stop.

Any worn correctly but too long stop working, due to “push through”.

I used to work in Class 10 cleanrooms. Don’t try to tell me the current ” masks” I see do anything except force rebreathing of crud and provide endless face-touching vectors.

Worn properly, they help, a little, for folks who have defective immune systems. For most folks, who do it all wrong, they are an anti-placebo making things -worse- through belief.


If you get creative and draw on them with a magic marker you are
inhaling God knows what kind of chemicals.


sorry, false. The CORRECT masks work.

But masks protect the WEARER, not others around them.

This is why mandating masks does nothing important.

Also, if masks are so important to preventing cases, why are cases continuing to rise after 3 months of stay at home and masks?

I’ll answer that for you since you are clueless about what is really going on.

Tests. That’s the answer. Cases are not rising, they are simply being revealed. At this point, everyone is exposed.

Masks were important 5 months ago, but at this point they will not prevent exposure. That ship has sailed and cannot return to port.

I know, it doesn’t support the narrative to think about exposure rates, time frames for exposure, and LD 50 factors. But there it is.

AW1 Rod

“Tests. That’s the answer. Cases are not rising, they are simply being revealed.”

Spot on.


It seems that, despite the summer break kids on the beach, and a bump up in exposure, the infection rate is dropping – however slowly – and the mortality rate likewise (unless you’re dumb enough to live in NY state). This is what is reported in the daily stats in the AM news, using JHU statistics reportage.


The curve has been ticking along. Lethality is dropping fast as we account for more and more minor cases.

Note: we never flooded the hospitals, and actually shut down a big fraction of capacity. That is the really big indication that the hype was bullshit.

So yup, like every other outbreak, it followed the standard curve for such.

And as predicted, -way- less lethal.

Most of the “new” cases are folks with antibodies, not infections. Median age of mortality is around 78, which is .. About average lifespan.

Look at Nadler today shreik about wearing masks, while not masked.

Grossly exaggerated, to try to do what the Russia hoax didn’t.

Dem-panic not pan-demic.


Two giant f-ing hospital ships went totally unused in two coastal hotspots.

We flattened the curve by shutting the country down for two months. Now let’s get back to normal.

I can’t wait for November 4th so this can be put behind us.


Lethality is dropping fast as we account for more and more minor cases. – Same thing happened with the Spanish (avian H1N1) flu after WWI. The first go-round killed off a lot of people coming back from Europe at the end of the war in 1918, mostly because they got the flu and then developed pneumonia in addition to the flu.
The second go-round the following flu season did not have the same impact, made people sick – YES – but did not have the same mortality rate as the first sweep.

Whether or not anyone who gets this bug develops immunity to it by surviving it has not been discussed as yet, but I view it the same as I view the Spanish flu (which also originated in China and was brought to Europe by Chinese workers before WWI started up). Also, the mortality rate for this bug doesn’t come close to the Spanish flu mortality rate. More and more people are surviving it and recovering. It seems to be weaker than was anticipated.


“Look at Nadler today shreik about wearing masks, while not masked.”

Nadler doesn’t need to wear a mask because nobody is willing to get within 6 ft. of him.


“. Do you really think there’s a grand conspiracy where most other countries, plus most doctors here, plus the hand-selected experts on the task force are all out to get Trump, and he and the few likeminded folk -yes, even some small subset of doctors- are the only real truth-tellers?”

Forgot that Russia-Trump conspiracy and the impeachment already? How convenient.

“Case in point, my favorite doctor from that video is Dr. Stella Immanuelle.”

I’ll bet she also thinks aliens will tip over Guam. She is obviously qualified to be a member of Congress.


“For starters, a private company can pretty much do what they want, no?”

No. (At least you got one word right). Not for over a century. And the regulations continue to breed.



PII deleted. ~ Admin


Well while trump and his FCC were talking shit about how they were going to crack down on these social media platforms (3 years ago) I wonder if he has any regrets for sitting on his ass and not taking charge on this issue now ??? We have two doctors here in our area who have and are currently treating people with Wuhan virus and both have had there FB accounts suspended
Because they are talking about one med that works I guess FB says it’s misinformation
I wish the DOJ would get off there ass and do something but I’m not surprised
Hell they can’t even hold people accountable for 2016 with a mountain of evidence
Talk about incompetence


Sadly, MOST of what Trump promised has never come to frution. Some were stymied by the Dems, some by ‘deep statists’… whatever the cause, he did not keep his promise. Republicans haven’t helped ether… they keep talking about replacing Obamacare yet in allthe years since then, have noyt proposed ONE plan. Fuck ’em all.

Green Thumb



Show me a president you think could have accomplished more considering the constant attack Trump has been under since before he took office, not just from the Dems but from the bureaucracy he leads and 90% of the world’s media.

Know who gets fucked the worst by a “Fuck ’em all attitude?”

ALL do…and that ALL is us…


Practically everything Trump has attempted but has not accomplished has been blocked by crooked lawers and 0bama appointed federal judges. In addition, the RINO’s in Congress refused to pass his legislation, even when they controlled both houses. So your criticism is unwarranted.


Both of you need to reread, what I said is that many of his promises have not been kept for the same reasons you cite. Bottom line, most of his signature promises are unfulfilled.


Placing a great many federal judges, with effort to place folks who follow the constitution.

Rollback of numerous surplus and counterproductive regulations.

Massive reduction in burdensome and counterproductive taxes.

Those three alone, in one term, make him top tier.

Exposing the press, and others, as the lying sniveling treacherous destroyers they are – wait. Side effect. Still, very helpful.


Speaking of commercials my favorites lately are the BLM ones. Every fourth one is BLM propaganda.


Companies running the ads got the message– praise the Leftists, comrade!

Green Thumb


A lot of Black folks in commercials these days.

Not being racial at all. But I have never seen so many Black people on TV buying cars, eating fast food hamburgers, taking Lunesta, buying groceries, getting home loans, and having beers at the local restaurant.

Media is cashing in.

I wonder if they ever asked the Black community what they thought. Or the Native American community, Asian community, Hispanic community, etc…..


Fuck the media and their bullshit.
I don’t watch it and if it does come on through the local provider or whatever or on the intrawebs, I mute it or ignore it.
I can’t control everything that makes it to my eyes or ears but I do have an A1 type issued brain and I use it (most of the time, these days) and yell “BULLSHIT” at a lot of stuff. OK, Maybe I don’t scream it out loud in front of the kids but I do point it out.


As long as they keep my heart medicine (Revatio) inexpensive I’m happy.
Very happy..

A Proud Infidel®™

Not too much of a surprise to me, it’s obvious that the social media sites are as DNC propaganda apparati just like the mainstream liberal media!


A repost that talks about why this was taken down. Friends, we all woke up to a new video from “America’s Frontline Doctors.” It makes two significant claims: Masks are unecessary and a combination of drugs including hydroxychloroquine and Zinc have a 100% success rate. Both of these claims go against the wide and peer-reviewed opinions of medical and scientific communities around the world. A few important things to consider: 1. As a group, “America’s frontline doctors” does not include an Epidemiologist, Immunologist, or Infectious Disease expert in their leadership (their website, which was created days ago has since been taken down). 2. This video went viral after being shared by Breitbart (and subsequently retweeted by the Trump). Breitbart is a “news” organization which is extremely unreliable at best and outright dangerous propaganda at worst (see the media bias chart in the sources below). They cause tangible harm to public discourse and our ability to recognize and discern truth. 3. The most popular doctor in this video, Dr. Stella Immanuel (pictured below) has made wildly irresponsible claims in the past. From her own ministry videos she has written, “that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives”—a phenomenon Immanuel describes essentially as witches and demons having sex with people in a dreamworld…They are responsible for serious gynecological problems, we call them all kinds of names—endometriosis, we call them molar pregnancies, we call them fibroids, we call them cysts, but most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband…They are responsible for miscarriages, impotence—men that can’t get it up.” In these claims, she is guilty of both scientific and theological malpractice. We would be wise to be VERY suspicious of anything she says. There are many, many apolitical scientific and medical organizations who are responsible for decades of medical care and who are on the frontline of the fight against covid-19. We have trusted them to keep us safe until now, we would be wise to listen to them regarding our current situation. Finally, friends, in this digital age it… Read more »


Spork, I’m not saying there’s not a problem with the press conference but if you’re going to put the boot to them you might not want to lead off with a sandal. Your first link is to Ad Fontes which is supposedly an unbiased rating source for the media, “supposedly” being the operative term.

From the Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart:

Rated Neutral or Balanced: ABC, CNN News, BBC, Bloomberg, USA Today, Associated Press, with AP rated “Most Reliable” for unbiased news.

Yeah, right…

After seeing that, I ignored your other links which might even be legit, but sorry, that’s the way the world works–lead with a liar and all the rest is discredited.

Just sayin’…


Oopsie. You were not supposed to notice that.

George V

What I’ve noticed about the HCQ controversy is that all the doctors who say it works are prescribing HCQ + Zinc + antibiotic (like Azithromycin).

All of the studies quoted that say it doesn’t help or is marginally helpful only mention HCQ, not it’s use in conjunction with the other two.

So, a question: If the health care industry can test HCQ by itself, why can’t they test it with zinc and an antibiotic? What or who is stopping them?


Trump Derangement and Left-wing politics…


“What or who is stopping them?”

The answer lies within the question Grasshopper….


Because it was bullshit misinformation. Lies by a bunch of far right crackpots.

One of the “doctors” also has a history of insisting that people not have sex with demons,

With so many medical schools churning out so many for profit degrees you are bound to get a few absolutely fucking delusion morons.

A dark money political group paid them to stand on the steps and put out lies and propaganda and these grifter shitbags, and nutcase fuckwits complied.

The Dead Man

Mhmm. What’s your take on the CDC’s numbers indicating .03 lethality on positive/tested cases they dropped on a late Friday evening hoping people missed it? I won’t even hold your feet to the fire on where most of the cases are. Why was your reaction to the risk of an idiot spreading Ebola Zaire a few years back “You’re all overreacting?” Since that one has a pretty 2 week asymptomatic transmission period, a surface life nearing 2 weeks and an idiot breaking a quarantine in the Chicago subways? You could at least be consistent.

You’re a Dunning Kruger case of the highest order you knob.


On target Dead Man! And if you exclude all the nursing home deaths wehre the democrat governors mandated they take covid positive patients, that number drops nearly in half again.

Green Thumb

I have sex with a crazy ass demon.

Been marries to her for many years.

Bizarre stuff.

You should give it a shot.

Probably a bunch out your way….


I’m thinking they are the unwashed, skanky assed hippy type with two teeth and no morals.

Green Thumb

Beggars can’t be choosers…


Sayeth the screeching left wing moonbat, with the vast credibility deficit.


One of the “doctors” also has a history of insisting that people not have sex with demons,

4 out 5 doctors suggest not having sex with demons.


How many people need to die or be hospitalized for you to shut the fuck up with your propaganda, thebigsig?

I neglected to even check to see who posted this and already knew it was you .
You either have zero integrity or you are absolutely brainwashed beyond hope or help since you relentlessly post whatever the Trump talking point of the day or Trump apologist narrative of the day is,


Oops…. someone struck a nerve, again.




The guy with zero integrity and brainwashed beyond belief accuses someone else of having zero integrity and being brainwashed? Too funny.
Shouldn’t you be back in the commune, absorbing the AntiFa/BLM talking point for tomorrow?

PS. Lars, why don’t you start up your own site, then you can tell the 4 people that might show up there to “shut the fuck up”. Otherwise, your histrionics create mirth, but not much else.


Exactly what belief do I hold that makes me brainwashed?

I am not the one relentlessly trying to find some excuse framework to pretend what Trump says is True.

You are willing to deny science, deny evidence, deny experts, deny any source other than the White House to cling to a bullshit narrative.

For no reason other than you want to find some reason to hold on the the belief that Trump is infallible.

It is pathetic.

The guy is transparently full of shit most of the time and a moron all of the time.

Yet you want so much to believe in him that you cling to anything to justify your faith.

Cult like behavior.


Start your own site, genius. The only one around this site that is transparently full of shit is you. Now, be a good little proggie and go FOAD.


Replace every instance where you say “Trump” with Obama, and your assessment becomes spot on there Commissar


“Ooh, infotainment!” –Homer Simpson


“Exactly what belief do I hold that makes me brainwashed?”

That Communist China is not true Communism for one.
You can put jimmies on vanilla ice cream but it is still vanilla ice cream.


Or as one instructor I had once said: “A sugar-coated turd is still just turd coated with sugar.”


That’s because we are all demons and we cause all the trouble in the world. Just ask Dr. Immanuel.


This ^ coming from the person that stated that he wished Boomers would get it and die…


That is not what I said and the fact that you keep repeating it despite the fact that you know it is not what i said pretty much sums up your bad faith motives.


ORANGE MAN BAD!!! jus’ 4 you spapos seagull…enjoy!


You said it. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. You can’t deny it. You reveled in it.


Lars, being the professional bigot, can’t face the fact that he was caught and called out for it.


Bull shit… and you know it.


-this- is why you have zero credibility.

You are reminded of making an asshole post. You doubletriplequadruple down with denial. Then someone digs up the post, quotes you, and links it. You then skulk away.

When the next person brings it up, you start the Outrage Engine again and deny it.

Credibility = zero


Oh snap! That reality-check happend fast.


Actually, Commissar (AKA Koalemos AKA Poodle AKA Seagull AKA Cthulhu), it’s pretty damn close.

You stated outright that you were thankful that the Wuhan Coronavirus would target people older than your generation (Gen X) because they were more likely to oppose one of your favorite political goals: single-payer, government-managed healthcare. (Quote follows; I’ve added emphasis.)

I am thankful it will impact the generation most to blame politically for not letting our country prepare of it.

Lest you forget: the “it” in the quote above refers to the Wuhan coronavirus.

Here’s the proof that the above quote is accurate:

Elsewhere in comments, you obliquely identified those of the “baby boom” and earlier generations as those most likely to oppose nationalized healthcare. The context of the discussion also highlighted the fact that the Wuhan coronavirus is disproportionately deadly to those over 65.

Given these latter points, to anyone who has a reasonable command of standard English the first portion of that sentence clearly says that its author is thankful that the Wuhan coronavirus is disproportionately lethal to those from earlier generations than the author. Further, the italicized portion clearly identifies your motivation for that ghoulish thanks.

Those are your words. They’re not negated by the semi-obligatory “I don’t want them to die” boilerplate you included at the beginning of the original comment. Including that merely makes you look disingenuous or a fool – because it means you’re either being insincere or contradicting yourself. You’re effectively saying, “I don’t want them to die, but since they opposed me politically I’m glad they will.”

Your words. Own them, or disavow them. But don’t waste our time claiming you never said them, or that they mean something besides what they clearly say to anyone who can read and comprehend standard English.


Thank you, Hondo…


There was a Greek god of stupidity. Righteous burn, Hondo.


It’s the lefty driven shutdown destroying lives and killing people.

But that is all the left has. Misery and failure theater.

And of course, hate and rage.


You were the one running your mouth about herd immunity a while back. That’s what’s happening right now. Most of the people that have the virus, are asymptomatic. You should pick whichever liberal narrative from the liberal media did you want to follow and stick to it. Heard immunity, is what we see happening right now, but the news media feels it’s their duty to drive the direction of the upcoming election.All of your BS, does not change the fact that some people can see. You just go ahead and follow them, and see where they take you.

charles w

I took HCQ for 6 months during a deployment to a malaria hot spot. One guy still got malaria. The Doc said it was a mutated strain. Nothing is 100%. If there is a vaccine whats to say the covid won’t mutate and render it moot? My guess is if Trump loses it will mysteriously go away.


Democrats will have us cower in place, too afraid for our lives to vote for Trump, until Nov 4th.


Folks will low-crawl through fire ants to vote against the current leftist lunacy.

Thus the panic moves of the Left.


“low-crawl through fire ants”

across mine laden, broken glass covered ground
during an artillery barrage while surrounded by
flesh eating winged Honey Badgers with AR’s.


Yours seems preferable to the fire ants.


Would seem easier to use a mail-in ballot. (Ducks)


Aw, where’s the adventure in that?


I know I’m voting, come Hell, high water or rampaging leftists.

charles w

Also, this virus is smart. It stays away from the protests, but it seems to infect churches and other places normal people go.


Don’t forget that it’s also racist… (unless those people are rioters, then as pointed out above, they’re safe


Yes, gotta shutdown the bars because there’s an uptick in cases among the 18-25 age range. Has nothing to do with the violent insurrectionist riots.


Or the local party where the police have to try to disperse 700 party goers.
There was video on our local NBC affiliate showing a Father’s Day gathering of 50 or 60 folks, all not masking or practicing social distancing, but practicing point and shoot with stolen guns, and various forms of assault, battery, felonious assault and various other crimes. Strange, that video has disappeared from their archives. The reporter claims that it never existed, now.
And, nope none of those Black Lives Mattered.


So they deleted the vid because it might hurt Trump, right? Ya know, his tweet might make him look bad. Or something.


Let’s see..

One of the doctors thinks that medicine is being made using DNA from aliens, and that vaccines are being developed to make people no longer believe in God. She also claims there is a cure for a Covid 19 being hidden by the deep state. She also believes gynecological diseases are caused by having sex with demons.

The reason the video was taken down is because the doctors were paid to make it entirely for political reasons and they are professionally incompetent


If that black, female physician, educated in Africa were a lefty and opposed to hydroxychloroquine, you’d be defending her and attacking anyone here who pointed out what you just did, calling us racists, misogynists and white Christian supremacists.

And you KNOW you would you sorry-ass hypocrite…


The reason the video was taken down is because the doctors were paid to make it entirely for political reasons and they are professionally incompetent

I would love to see proof of both of those claims (e.g., “paid to make the video” and “professional incompetence”), Commissar.

Well, Commissar? Got proof of those claims? Or is this another example of you obtaining your info via rectus extractus?


I am not worried. The experts told us that the onset of warm weather would end the epidemic, as Covid cannot tolerate warm, humid environments. We should be getting some of that warm weather any day now.