AP perpetuates lies about Walter Reed

| May 1, 2009

Yeah, this is getting very tiring. TSO called me this morning to tell me that Associated Press is still clinging to the lie that Walter Reed Army Medical Center was at the center of controversy over the way they treated soldiers. I wrote about it back in July and nothing has changed. They have an article in the Washington Times this morning about Walter Reed celebration it’s 100th year (which I also wrote about back in March).

Kamala Lane writes;

But many of these new features were made after published reports revealed in 2007 that Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans at the site were receiving substandard treatment.

Kamala, it was NEVER about treatment – if you did even rudimentary research, you’d know the only real complaint was about TWO ROOMS in the OUTPATIENT TRANSIENT BARRACKS. There have never been complaints about the medical treatment that soldiers received at Walter Reed.

Of course, this is just more Bush-bashing, the AP’s favorite sport – especially now that the Bush Administration is gone.

Lane makes it sound like somehow the media is responsible for the outstanding care that the troops get at Walter Reed – nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the journalists who write about Walter Reed have never set foot on the campus, they’ve never talked to soldiers who won’t complain to them and they don’t want to hear success stories.

One mother of a wounded soldier told the Washington Post that no one at the hospital could help her find her way around the city or tell her the condition of her son because she didn’t speak English. She claims she had to use a taxi driver as a translator.

First of all, there are no Spanish-speaking taxi drivers in DC. Pakistani? Somali? Sure – but no Spanish. Secondly, her son was in my wife’s ward – my Panamanian wife who helped the woman even when my wife was off duty. But did the Washington Post check her story? Nope.

Now the Associated Press uses the Walter Reed fantasy as a foregone conclusion. That’s what passes for journalism these days – legends and faerie tales.

Category: Media, Support the troops, Walter Reed

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About90% of the time that I mention to people that I’m going to WRAMC, have been to WRAMC recently or have “my” Soldiers at WRAMC I get the BS about how awful it is that WRAMC doesn’t take care of the Soldiers. Pisses me off to no end! Of course that just opens the door for me to rant and rage about the truth. Let me just share a few of the complaints (these are true) from Soldiers that I can remember over the past few months: 1) They’re making me go to the White House and I have to get my ACUs pressed 2) The internet in my room hasn’t worked for weeks and no one can explain why 3) I have to go to the Centennial Ball and have to get my ACUs pressed. Wish I had a date to take 4) I had a real macho scar before my last surgery. Now my scar looks gay 5) My Squad Leader is here TDY, is National Guard, has never deployed and doesn’t “get it”. 6) My wheelchair got “lost” while I was in my my recent surgery. Pain in the ass to find it. OK, so I’ve spent at least 10 minutes just trying to come up with these. Now….let’s share some of the other “issues” my Soldiers have shared: 1) My physical therapist ROCKS! I wasn’t supposed to be up and walking like this for months! 2) My Squad Leader is AWESOME! 3) Recovery time from my last surgery was estimated at several months but I’ve already been released from the surgeon. He did a great job 4) I was told I’d probably never run again. But with the great surgeon I had and the therapists I’ve been working with I’m already jogging again. 5) The food in the chow hall has definitely improved 6) Yeah, I know, I almost died several times but have now been cleared to return to duty. So I re-enlisted in order to be able to return to my old unit. 7) I got fitted for my hearing aid. WOW! Sure makes… Read more »


Great comment Tankerbabe! LMAO “I had a real macho scar before my last surgery. Now my scar looks gay”


I saw this 100 year celebration coverage on the news over the weekend. I think you’ll notice the piece highlights the excellent care patients receive at Walter Reed.


I was at WRAMC for about 8 months undergoing treatment after being a casualty before they closed for the BRAC and moved to bethesda, and it was probably the best 8 months i’ve spent in the army besides being half blind lol.