Open Blog Weekend

| May 1, 2009

Remember last weekend that I opened up blogging here for three of our good friends here at This Ain’t Hell? It worked so well that I’m thinking about making it a weekly thing. I actually got an opportunity to do something besides stare at my screen.

Claymore has already written two blog entries that he plans on posting, so I was wondering if anyone else wants to become an honorary TAH co-blogger for the weekend? Yes, Army Sergeant, everyone is eligible – even you.

All you have to do is register (at the bottom of the sidebar) and then email me that you want to blog and I’ll fix it so you can post. Skye and Marooned in Marin are still able to post if they want as well.

I can’t get TSO to even look at the blog on weekends (he doesn’t answer his phone either – playing WoW in his basement) and COB6 has gone to the Kentucky Derby, jet-set hipster that he is. So step up and be a TAH blogger.

Category: Administrative

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I’m trying to pace myself. I have an insightful look at left wing bias against Lincoln Logs and that Legos are actually a ploy by socialist Northern European nations to reassert Norse culture throughout the world. More toy themed blog entries might also include:

1. Atari – Was Battle Command really a military industrial complex brainwashing tool to indoctrinate kids into the Army?
2. The Joe Has No Junk – did Hasbro work in collusion with the feminist movement to emasculate every boy’s favorite action figure?
3. What ever happened to System 7? – This was the coolest rifle looking war toy a kid in the 70’s could own…it had a special ring that acted like a key to unlock all seven of it’s special abilities, from sniper rifle that fired darts to a secret code delivery thingy complete with parachute. Some say lackluster sales and the oil crisis killed it…I investigate Jimmy Carter’s DIRECT involvement in destroying this toy to force little boys into playing with Colorforms and Chia pets.

I know you’re all excited about this…but I have to be careful or Homeland Security might take notice of these blistering expose…stay tuned kids.


Okay, I’ll bite…I am sure I can come up with something. And I promise not to swear unless it is absolutely necessary. ‘kay? Any particular subject you would loike expounded on?

Jonn wrote: Anything you want to write about. But you have to register first.