You knew somehow the flu epidemic is our fault

| April 28, 2009

See how easy it is to blame America for everything;

I think you’re going to see over the next four years, we’re going to be blamed for a lot of things that happen in the world when the world gets a whiff of the possibility of some of our taxpayer dollars. Those Democrats love to throw our money at stuff that’s not our fault to assuage their own guilt.

I guess it’s too much to blame the people in Mexico who caught the flu from the pigs in the first damn place.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Media, United Nations

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I wonder if Obama purchased tickets to Mexico City to apologize yet.


Little unknown piece of trivia; 99% of the assault weapons being illicitly traded in Mexico are coated in flu virus…the other 1% are coated in Pace picante sauce, which is totally NOT made in New York City.

B Woodman

Purchase tickets??!! WTF!! He’ll just fly AF1. At mega $$$$ tax-payers expense.


I saw the headline this morning and was “WTF?!”


We have one last shot at getting Chiroux’s benefits blocked. Write a letter to;
MG Sean Byrne
200 Stovall St.
Alexandria, VA 20310-0300


They closed a school in Dallas, that one was probably my fault!


I’m glad to see “OPERATION SMALLPOX BLANKET”, Darth Cheny’s plan to infect the millions of assault weapons being illegally smuggled by the NSA across the border, is finally bearing fruit.

Don’t you remember being briefed in the “We hate brown people” block of intsruction in basic training?

Dave Thul

Doesn’t any one see the hand of Dick Cheney in this whole thing?
Cheney used the WMD we didn’t find in Iraq to release swine flu in Mexico City just before the Obama state visit. He even choose ‘swine’ flu because of course Obama is a closet Muslim and even if he didn’t kill him, no self respecting Muslim king could allow Obama to bow and scrape to him after recovering ‘swine’ flu, he would be unclean!

It’s a win-win for Cheney anyway you look at it.