Good Riddance
Specter to go to the Dems, and I couldn’t be happier since that piece of crap has been screwing America for years. Despite being a lawyer, he knows as much about law as I do Cricket.
I hope Toomey beats him into the ground.
Jonn added: I think I can safely say that is the official position of This Ain’t Hell on Arlen Spector.
Shock value? It’s like Tom Cruise telling us he’s gay.
Category: Politics
This just in…water is wet, Pepsi tastes like shit and Elvis is still not feeling well…back to you, Kent.
Go to the Dems? It’ll be a very, very short trip for Snarlin’ Arlen. How will we be able to tell the difference?
Specter has been a RINO for years. Good Riddance!
Okay, so you guys gave us Specter, can we interst you in a Liar-man er…I mean Senator Lieberman?
I love Joe. Don’t always agree with him, but find him to be a man of principle. Same with Brian Baird in Washington, who despite being one of the most liberal members of Congress is my second favorite Congressman.
Okay. I have to say that surprises me. Why the honor?
On Baird or Lieberman?
Both for essentially the same reason, although Baird is more obvious. (and my favorite Congressman, Jim Marshall D of GA same)
Baird is a liberal. He was a move-on darling. He hated the war in Iraq, voted against it every time. As the surge begain, he took a CODEL over there. He came back, and his sacrilidge wasto say that he saw that it was working, the surge that is. Still thought the invasion was BS, but he was looking just at the present, and felt it was looking good. For that, he was targetted by all his friends in the anti-war movement. He didn’t win a single convert, and lost friends, but he stuck to his guns. That’s easy to admire, even if you don’t agree with the position.
Anyway, Lieberman became a independant, but didn’t sell out to the GOP to get a committee chair, he remained caucused with the Dems. Because he is a Dem. I don’t know what in the hell Specter is, but I doubt he does from day to day.
If Lieberman changed sides,Does this make him a conservative now?
Okay, I see what you are saying about looking only at the present. So how do you explain the issue that there is no end game to the Petraeus doctrine? We pay the bad guys not to kill us. Where do we go from there?
I hope Arlen Specter loses in a primary to a real Democrat. THAT would be justice…..
And then Toomey would beat HIM to a pulp in the election.
THAT would be outstanding!