I have a Suggestion for Mr. Zimerman

| April 27, 2009

Here is part of an LA Times article that confirms that this Polish piano prodigy is a complete douche.

Poland’s Krystian Zimerman, widely regarded as one of the finest pianists in the world, created a furor Sunday night in his debut at Walt Disney Concert Hall when he announced this would be his last performance in America because of the nation’s military policies overseas.

Before playing the final work on his recital, Karol Szymanowski’s “Variations on a Polish Folk Theme,” Zimerman sat silently at the piano for a moment, almost began to play, but then turned to the audience. In a quiet but angry voice that did not project well, he indicated that he could no longer play in a country whose military wants to control the whole world.

“Get your hands off of my country,” he said. He also made reference to the U.S. military detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

About 30 or 40 people in the audience walked out, some shouting obscenities. “Yes,” he answered, “some people when they hear the word military start marching.”

But I promised a suggestion didn’t I?

Thank you for your opinion Krystian, now please get the fuck out of my country.

Oh yeah, when Putin and the boys decide to re-annex Poland, I wonder who Krystian will be begging for help?

Category: Politics

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The word for this puke is “dupa”.


he is the reason why we have polish jokes. Plus, he obviously was much better off under the Yaruzelski regime when he would please the powers to be and did not have to worry about touring to make money.
The comments to the article made me see red, though…


Comments like these are the reason people around the world hate us. Military intervention in Poland would be inadvisable for us anyway, and he has a right to his opinion like many of the reationaries who post here.


HM2 said:”Comments like these are the reason people around the world hate us”. They hate us? Why, because we aren’t French enough? They probably envy us a bunch, and who cares if they do hate us? You’re a moron, an anti-American dip shit and I’d suggest that you move in with Krystian, or better yet, find a Jihadi and move in with it.


Raoul – the English word for that is often abbreviated, “Effin POS”.

Only the kind of spoiled libtards who have never had to fight for anything, never had to sacrifice, but have had everything handed to them on a plate ( including their freedom ) are such filth and human trash as to take money from a country then pitch a ‘little toddler pissing his panties’ hissy fit and stamp little patent leather Maryjanes at the country hosting them.

Rather like being invited to someone’s home for a very fine dinner and showing one’s appreciation by molesting the host’s daughter, stealing the silverware and shitting on the carpet. Class always shows, as does the utter lack of it. What a whiney-ass little bastard.Wonder if his mother ever knew his father?
I agree – tell Mister Putin that whatever he desires of the backward little nation there, we certainly won’t intervene.


Up North:

Again, blah blah blah. I disagree with you so therefore I must be an American Hater, pro-islamist, Commie or insert your choice insult here. The deal is, this kid doesn’t like us. Who cares? He has a right to boycott our great nation and we have a right not to care.

We care that they hate us because it is a threat to national security, to our way of life and to our constitution, all of which most of us here took an oath to defend (or were you abscent that day?). Dissent is nt a weakness its a strength. We hold great power, great promise and great responsibility. We need to yeild it with great care.

I have a different (or indifferent) opinion than you do. The constitution says I can have that opinion and lend voice to it. If you don’t like that perhaps it is you who should move to a totalitarian regime where your narrow world view would be expected and accepted until the opressed masses took over.


HM2- What military intervention in Poland are you refering to? And as far as people hating us, they always have and they always will. Now, to more serious business. Who know some good Polish jokes?


just because this potz thinks that having a US-manned early warning system is an ‘occupation’ of Poland does NOT mean that this is an occupation.
The rest of your comment just confirmed that you are a potz, too.


Wonder how many US dollars Mister Polska Kielbasa had shoved in his pockets when he left our disgusting country. Yeah, everyone hates us but they NEVER turn their backs on our money do they? Ass!


PS – anyone who thinks that ‘dissent is a strength’ has been reading the dhimmi handbook a bit overmuch. That is like the socialist propaganda that we all heard ‘our diversity is our strength’. Diversity – and dissent – are the opposites of unity and strength. And about the Polish bastard, no one dragged him here with a hood over his head – he came for the money and the adoration, so he should, as we say, STFU, pick up his check and GTF out of here. Along with any of his fellow ‘dissenting’ strongmen.

Richard Romano

We care that they hate us because it is a threat to national security, to our way of life and to our constitution

The US does not exist to be loved, but to do what is moral and right. Liberating 50 million people from monsters is moral and just; Zimmerman has never lifted a finger to help the oppressed, only spouted rhetoric from the safety of a platform.


I think the quoted author’s spell checker must have substituted the word “pianist”… that’s close, but a little off. The reason this turd wears a necktie is to hide the scar from the circumcision. Had I been in the hall when he made his great pronouncmentI would have just stood up and started singing “Happy Trails” as I walked out and demanded my money back.

And HM2,
I was in the Navy when the world loved us… Iran loved us so much they kept quite a few of our countrymen as guests for 444 days. Bending over all the time is not the answer unless you like being someone’s bitch. I know of no passage in the Constitution that requires you “take it like a man”.

If this nimrod is complaining about the missle defense system someone should tell him it is not an OFFENSIVE weapon used for empire building. It is effective for small, intensly insane countries that only have one or two missles, or for an accidental launch it’s not up to stopping a massive strike. It is no real threat to the Sovi… er Russians… but Putin needs a distraction and something for his people to fear and it’s handy (sadly he found out that Hitler already did the “Jew” thing).



I have met many people from Poland and their opinions of the US are vastly different from this pussy. They actually love freedom and are quite appreciative of the US and love coming here to visit. Maybe he should stick to playing the skin flute.


Who cares what these idiots think about America. Its some crazy Harry Belafonte type. Just wonder if the pole did DAY-O on the piano before he left.

Poland is a friend of the US. They support the GWOT, in more ways then will ever be in the media….


I took a look at the wiki entry for Mr. Zimerman. It seems that he`s 52 years old and is pretty much a musical prodigy spending a large amout of time out of his country since the age of 20. I suspect that while in Poland and as a member of the privileged class (prior to the fall) the full effects of communism didn`t really effect him. As a result he probably didn`t see the fall of the regime with the same degree of enthusiasm as the rest of his country men. I do believe that this man`s opinion really doesn`t represent the true feelings of the majority of the polish people however, his opinion gets a lot more press. I only hope that the majority of the audience stopped by the ticket office to demand their money back.


HM2, I thought that “dissent” was so not in vogue now? If it’s in, can we dissent about what the Urkelprompter is doing, or doesn’t “dissent” go that far?
As to the oath, I spent my time defending the constitution, so no, I wasn’t absent that day, but thanks for your concern. And I was just expressing my opinion, you know, just like you. As to my “narrow world view”, if not caring what some Piano prodigy thinks about us, or whether anyone else out there likes us gives me a “narrow world view”, so be it. I don’t think so, I prefer to think that I have an American point of view, not a “citizen of the world” point of view.

SSG David Medzyk

He’s 52? I’ll bet his grandparents would have smacked his head……but they were killed by a murderous invading Army before he was born.

Adirondack Patriot

Still waiting for the response from HS2: What military occupation of Poland? Poland is a member of NATO, which joined voluntarily. The U.S. is providing early defense systems as part of the NATO commitment and with Poland’s consent.

Oh, and this Polish pianist is just an Ivan-Come-Lately to the “Hate America Show.” Obama just finished his European Tour. Maybe there’s a placed for you in the show.


“this would be his last performance in America”
I never heard of this guy before and with any luck, I’ll never hear of him again. Don’t let the door hit your fanny on the way out, KZ!



I see: so the pianist can make inflammatory comments about the USA and, if anyone retorts in kind, they’re not only in the wrong–little more than a bunch of ugly Americans–it also gives the world a free pass to hate the USA? Have I about decoded your fucked up ‘logic’?

Or are we always supposed to be he ‘bigger man’ and shrug it off time and time and time and time again until, of course, one of these assholes needs us somewhere down the road, then, hey, God Bless America and all that shit, let bygones be bygones, just please come and bail us out of another self-made mess that we can’t handle on our own?


Why is okay with left-minded people to let others dis our Country with some idiotic bullshit about misslie defense?

You know damn good and well that anyone who is or was a former ally to the US would come screaming back to us in a heartbeat for help. If our policies suck so bad, then WTF?

That little puke can talk all the horse shit he wants, bottom line is that nobody fucks with the US and he’ll come running back if need be.

Like I always say, if this is the worst place on earth, I’ll BUY the plane ticket AND I’ll kick your ass all the way to the airport if it will happen faster.


Ditto defend. Anyone notice a common thread with the alleged HM2? Whenever he’s called on something, he moves on to another thread? Typical behavior for the genus trollus americanus. Or the basement-dwelling troll, in English.
“Bending over all the time is not the answer unless you like being someone’s bitch”. Well said, Ray. But be careful, HM is a student of “international affairs and foreign policy”.


Good Morning All:

I would have been here sooner, but I had a presentation for a client this morning. I didn’t realize I was so popular.

Pdizzle: I was referring to Cob6’s last line in the original post about a hypothetical russian invasion. Nothing more.

UpNorth: Dissent all you wqant. But I notice that your common theme is to attack the service, character or intelligence of anyone who disagrees with you. I love this country it is my home. I’ve been to 11 foreign countries courtesy of the U.S. Navy and can think of no where else I want to live, work and raise my family. I assume the same of you and anyone else who comments here.

More genrally: I disagree with this Polish guy’s tactic of coming here to take money from us and then telling us how bad we are and that he won’t be back. I don’t really care about him, never heard of him before and think y’all’ve given him more than his 15 minutes.

But can no one see how the missile dfense system could be seen by those who live there as making Poland a target rather than “providing an early warning?” Its the same thing as openly saying that we opend Iraq as the central front in the war on terror so that we didn’t have blood and destruction in our communities. If the role was reversed and we were invaded we would be resisting like hell. Its predictable.


HM, glad to hear you love this country, however, trying to make us “kinder and gentler” doesn’t always make us safer. Just look at Bill Clinton, he was more “liked” than either GHW Bush and Reagan. Look how well that worked out for the US. I got to visit 5 or 6 foreign countries as a result of my service, and most of the people I met really liked the US. If we are the world’s bogeyman, why do so many still want to come here.
Glad to hear you find the “Polish guy’s” tactic offensive, I too find it offensive, but on an international scale, I find the concept that other Countries take our money and do the same thing, equally offensive. And some call that “diplomacy”.
As to Poland, hasn’t joining NATO made them a target as well? So, why not excoriate all of the NATO countries. Or go after the country’s leadership? Or is it just more USA bashing? I don’t ever recall hearing of this douche saying anything about the Russian occupation, and that is what that was, a real occupation.


HM.You are popular, your initial comment brought strong emotions.Of course the asshole pianist has the right to say want he wants.It doen not make him less of a prick,he was invited to play here, and accepted,so,come,play and do not offend the host. It is called decency,quality most leftists lack,as it is not discussed in the Marxist Manifesto or mein kampf (yes,Hitles was a socialist!!!).I wonder if Mr. Zimmerman would have the same outburst before an audience composed of SS or KGB.For you he is a hero,just like the idiotic journalist who threw shoes at Bush is for the leftists and jihadists,I assumed he did not throw any at Saddam (would be “walking” on his knees, if that lucky).


I forget, how many countries did we take after WWI? WWII? We still own Panama, right? What about Tripoli? Clearly we invaded Canada because why would be go around the world at great cost when our northern neighbors are sitting pretty on oil and diamonds. Any day now?