Reparation Bill Passes California Assembly
The California assembly passed a bill, 56-5, taking the first step towards reparations. A committee would be set up to determine who would be illegible to receive these reparations. The people that would be selected to lead this committee would have to have backgrounds in racial justice reform. However, it has to pass the Senate and be signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom.
From CBS Sacramento:
Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, a Democrat from San Diego who wrote the bill, said the study would reiterate California’s history of abetting slavery, even as it joined the union as a “free state” in 1850.
“The discriminatory practices of the past echo into the everyday lives of today’s Californians,” said Weber, who leads the Legislative Black Caucus.
The panel would start meeting no later than June 2021
Congress last June held the first hearing on reparations in over a decade about a bill to study providing compensation to atone for the country’s history of slavery. But the legislation did not make it to a vote.
The federal government has given reparations before. After 120,000 Japanese Americans were held at internment camps during World War II, the U.S. government apologized and in 1988 paid $20,000 to each surviving victim.
“We seem to recognize that justice requires that those who have been treated unjustly need the means to make themselves whole again,” Weber said.
Additionally, their Black Caucus hopes to get the affirmative-action ban repealed. CBS Sacramento has the story here.
Category: Politics
Great-a state that already has trouble meeting its pension obligations has decided to give away gobs of money, what could go wrong?
They’re already driving people and businesses out… all that will be left is the poor, illegal aliens, the elite that get all sorts of tax breaks and the Free Shit Army
As that includes my own pension, I’m rather concerned.
I wonder how much money was spent over the years on all the propaganda telling us how “bombproof” CALPERS supposedly was…
Rubber check book syndrome.
So how will they calculate this? Take the number of slaves freed at the end of The Civil War, set a fixed amount of money, then divide by African Americans currently in America? What about biracial people? Would they only receive a portion? What about Barrack Obama? His mother was white, his father came from Kenya, spread his seed among the college scene, then pulled a disappearing act? Should Barrack get any cash? And will those funds be seized to pay back taxes and child support? And since this grant of money will solve all of the problems in the African American community, will they no longer need government assistance? Inquiring minds want to know.
What about Kamala Harris, who loves claiming to “carry the pain” and all that crap….except that her ancestors owned hundreds of slaves in 19th-Century Jamaica and resisted the abolition of slavery.
What about the many black people whose families arrived in America post-1865?
What about those whose ancestors were enslaved by Arab moslems?
How about the white people who helped to abolish slavery? How about the Union soldiers?
I have a uncle, 3 or 4 generations back, who was wounded in 1864, which hastened his death several years later.
If you have an ancestor who served with The Union in The Civil War, do you get a prorated White Privilege penalty? Hack’s Grandfather got kicked out of Ireland about 110 years ago, and the closest he came to owning slaves was making his sons work in the family business during The Depression.
My Great Grandfather, George Lynn, served as the 9 year old Drummer Boy for “H” Company,123rd Regiment of the Indiana Volunteers.
Seems, I’m screwed. I mean, he was from “INDIANa”…
FFS, this crap again…still! You politicians running out of ideas on how to buy votes? Your bowing down to a very small % of the 13% of the population that can claim to be descended from a former slave is going to go nowhere. Don’t you think that the blood of 600K + Americans and 150 + years of Government giveaways, everything from the Freedmen’s Bureau to decades of welfare, EEOC, SSI, DEFACs, Aid to Dependant Children, jobs programs, giveaways of all sorts, Obama phones, food stamps, public housing, free health care…ect…ect…ad nauseum has been enough?
I want reparations for the 50 years of property taxes I paid that supported a failed public school system. I want reparations for the 10 acres of dirt farm that GGrand Pappy lost during reconstruction times when the carpetbaggers and scalawags raised the taxes 300%. And for the 100 years of sharecropping that followed, just so they could eat. And gimme back some of my gas tax money that has been squandered by DOT and not gone toward fixing the roads and bridges.
I repeat, the politicians and the news media caused the FIRST War Between the States and they are bound and damned determined to stir up a true Civil War. Let’s go ahead and make some omelets out of useful idiots. No American alive today owned a slave. No American alive today was a slave. And just for the record; there is no documented case of a single slave brought to this country on a ship that was flying a Confederate Flag. These people had at least 2 chances for a free trip back to Africa, with a promise of free land and money to get re-settled. Very damn few took the offer because it meant they would actually have to work for a living. The world forgets that the Americans saved them from Nazis, Socialists, Fascists, Communists, and despots…several times. And, while we’re at it, many of those Service Members were SOUTHERN Americans. Give me an effing break!
Uh oh, y’all ‘scuse me, I think I hear the black choppers overhead.
From the “hero” of the Great Society, LBJ:
These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don’t move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there’ll be no way of stopping them, we’ll lose the filibuster and there’ll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.
Shit, my ancestors were Irish-immigrant coal miners. I demand reparations from the Carnegies!
I’m as bog-Irish as you can get. What these woke clowns call “white privilege”, my family calls “working hard so your next generation won’t have to work as hard”.
Funny thing, in 5 generations, it’s worked. Every. Single. Time.
The world owes you only what you earn.
Shaun King is counting them DaLLA BILLz.
You’re using his “white” name… his real name is “Talcum X”
I thought it was Martin Luther Cream?
“The Democrats are playing you for a chump and if you vote for them, not only are you a chump, you are a traitor to your race.”
~ Malcolm X (1925-1965)
Can’t wait for Commiefornia to finally go bankrupt from giving away everyone else’s money and drag everyone else down, or will they also be too big to fail?
They will only increase their demands that someone else pay for their stupid, whatever they actually call the demand.
Keep throwing money away that you barely have, California. Crash ‘n burn. Show us what inept leadership can do to a state that long ago passed its prime.
What a fucking shithole. Seriously, why do people even consider living there?
Any conversation that starts with a claim that the democrat party is the same party it was 150 years ago is a bullshit conversation.
Not worth my time.
And yet, here you are.
Doesn’t take the little fluttering moth (Larsidoptera Phulaschytea) long to show up when the porch light goes on, does it?
That is some impressive Latin, Poe!!!!
And yet the Republican Party somehow is that 150 year old Democrat party because reasons. Here in NC our first Republican Governor, William Woods Holden, sent the militia out to fight the Klan in 1870 after they killed a black constable and a state senator. For his efforts he was impeached when the Democrats took control of the state legislature later that year (the first Governor in U.S. history to be impeached and removed). His name was eventually cleared after Republicans retook control of the legislature in 2010. Now, in fairness, the motion to acquit him passed the state senate unanimously, but I am left to wonder why the oh so racially conscious Democrats didn’t move to do so earlier, what with them controlling the legislature for 140 years and all.
Any conversation you start is most often bullshit.
Then they should quit acting like the party they were 150 years ago.
I mean, you can’t get any more racist than your presidential candidate saying, “If you have a problem figuring out if you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Why Kummissar…you mad bro?
Why are white commies so fragile about their racist and sexist policy concepts?
OH…that’s right….they’re not just hypocrites, but assholios.
Asshole lives matter…amirite?
There is enough wrong with them now to merit disdain.
How about 15 years ago? An honest to God KKK member in their party. Care to comment?
Actually, this is a fair comment. Neither party is the same as it was 150 years ago. To deny that is to say that the country is the same as it was 150 years ago. We can argue all day long about the ultra right and the ultra left. To use their beliefs today as what the rank and file Republican or Democrat believes makes no sense and doesn’t do anything. So let’s look at recent history. In 1957 Republican Dwight Eisenhower proposed the 1957 Civil Rights Bill. The bill was expansive in making sure all people were treated equally. The bill was severely weakened by Democrats, including so called “civil rights champions” the Kennedys. The plan was to have the bill passed under the Kennedy administration thus making it appear that the Democrats cared about Civil Rights. This meant that civil rights are not important to Democrats, but the political perception was. Johnson signed bill after Kennedy’s death, which must have given great comfort to the blacks in the White House which Johnson referred to as “his furniture.” (To say nothing of Johnson’s use of the n-word, but that is a story for another day.) Fast forward to the total dismissal of Democrats for the words and actions of Martin Luther King, Jr. King advocated peaceful, non-violent protests and supported anyone who walked beside him regardless of race. The foundation of King’s beliefs were not only his experiences, but his strong religious background in which he was taught and believed “there is no Greek or Roman,” and that all people were equal. Today, we continually see Democrats being against that religious teaching. We see the Democrats wanting to look at a person’s color instead of their qualifications and character. While it is fair to say that there are Republicans who have what can be described as racist beliefs, racism in the Republican party is decried as being wrong in thought and deeds. In the Democrat Party, it is embraced. The Democrats have fostered failing schools in cities through their policies, thus keeping more people on the plantation. The Democrats… Read more »
You just refuted yourself.
How so.
“Today, we continually see Democrats being against that religious teaching. We see the Democrats wanting to look at a person’s color instead of their qualifications and character.”
IMHO that’s one of the methods the left uses to drive wedges between segments of the population, it’s what’s used to keep people divided and conquered!
Now you’ve done it. Lars is going to break Al Gore’s internet trying to find some cut and paste to reply to your most excellent post!
Not worth my time: TRANSLATION
Lars couldn’t find something to copy / paste.
The proposal is racist, and thus f##ktardary.
“Do it because skin color!” is racist. Doesn’t matter which way the dumb-ass is pointing.
Want to end racism? Stop spewing racist stuff. Not hard at all.
If I was Hispanic and lived in California, I would be pissed.
Comparing slave reparations to Japanese internment reparations is dishonest, to say the least.
There is not a single person alive today that owned slaves in the US or was a slave in the US. At best, there are some very old people whose grandparents or great-grandparents were slaves or slave owners. As Hack pointed out, the blood lines haven’t been maintained. They start looking into this and they very well might be giving all of us some money because my great-great-great-granddaddy got a little jungle fever.
And considering only those actually interred got any money, and not a huge amount at that….
I’m assuming you meant to say “interned.”
I don’t think the ones who were “interred” got anything but their families might have. 😉
However, the good they did was interred with them. (smile)
This is just appeasement at its liberal best and overall worst. It’s “hey if you please stop burning and looting, then here, we’ll give you a shitload more money than we already do…okay…please?”
Fuck them. Reparations for what? For people who they never knew, cannot tell you the history of if they had the books in front of them, are many generations removed from and who few still have a direct lineage to.
If Komifornia thinks this will solve their problem, they are far, far more deluded than I possibly imagined. If they go through with this, using other people’s money, of course, there will be no end to it. From the start of the cluster fuck known as the Great Society, it has proven one thing. If you give someone something they did not earn and do not deserve, with no expectations from them, then like the bum on the street, they will be there the next day shaking their tin cup.
There used to be jokes in the South about sawing off Florida and towing it up to Jersey. Now the same can be thought of for California. Saw it off and tow it south to the Baja Peninsula.
Without humor or rhetoric though, there are many people I know in California who are good, hard-working folks. They are Republicans and Democrats who work hard, pay their taxes, want a good life for their families, and a safe place to live. None of these I have talked to just recently agree with this decision or the unhampered way in which the few have taken over their cities.
All said and done, if they do this, it will not end well or achieve what they believe it will.
Sparks..your final sentence says it all. None of us personally owned any slaves, PERIOD! If they think someone owes them something, send the demand for payment to those who owned slaves back in the day. Reparations have been going on for years already. Welfare, $ for having more and more babies, free rent, “crazy” checks for their poor damaged chillens, food stamps for generations, promotions for not being qualified but of a certain skin color, plenty of food bank supplies given and expected FREE, free money for starting businesses designed to fail, FAR too many promotions to leadership positions based NOT on qualifications, and so on. BTW, why payments to mothers with children, without first trying to determine who the father is and making him pay for his own children?
Sparks, your last sentence will come back to haunt those who cave just to get along. I don’t give a damn, give ’em millions of dollars each and they will still be broke in no time and demanding more. In fact, IMHO reparations could very well be the gasoline and match for another
in-country civil war.
And don’t forget the priorities given for college admission as well as employment. The list goes on and on.
You forgot to add being given all the acting jobs in television commercials…
” Saw it off and tow it south to the Baja Peninsula.”
Except that it’s so fucked up these days that Mexico would consider that an act of War!
“Those who do not think that employment is systemic slavery are either blind or employed.”
~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Love me some Taleb, posted a link to his essay “The intellectual yet idiot” the other day (not that I was thinking of anyone in particular who posts here or anything).
Big fan here too. I have Taleb’s Incerto collection. Looking forward to reading Skin In The Game next.
Taleb’s IYI is a spot-on description of our resident seagull…
All this, because someone noticed a likely shift of about 10% out of 90% of one ethnicity over to Trump.
The Donks are -that- scared that some folks with a built in sunscreen might not stay on their assigned plantation, and might start thinking.
Thinking disobedience.
Watch. Next they will start terrorizing folks of high melanin who won’t vote leftoid/proggy/commie, folks whose lives matter, but only to the extent they further and serve.
Examples will be made. Just as Donks did before.
They’re already doing well to terrorize folks not voting and thinking how they expect.
That includes black, hispanic, and asian peoples that have a different perspective.
I’m surprised YouTube hasn’t removed this video since it talks smack about BLM and a billion dollars going to white democrats:
Hey Lars, chew on this one:
“One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”
I know.
And I’m not telling !!!!
An editorial in Christianity Today calls for Churches to pay for reparations… Because “repentance is not enough”:
Does that mean I should send a reparations demand letter to Queen Elizabeth for her distant relative executing my distant ancestor by fire? That’s a long way into the past, but still….
So, will the folks who sort-of resemble the “Buffalo Soldiers” make reparations to the folks who sort-of resemble the prior occupants of the US Southwest whom they helped wipe out?
Are the current Donks, political descendants of those who gave us the KKK, going to make reparations to descendants of lynched Abolitionists and Republicans?
Folks might not want to open that “reparations” corruption-of-the-blood can of worms.
Maybe it’s a way of brainwashing people of a certain ethnicity to become even more dependent on Government like what was done to Native Americans?
I will gladly pony up funds for reparations when the ass clowns are able to produce documentation that my ancestors owned slaves. Since none arrived before the unpleasantness of the 1860’s with the exception of the ones who were Abenaki the morons pushing this can go fornicate themselves and the horses they rode in on.
How are they going to weed out the blacks that owned slaves for reparations?
“The first slave owner in the American colonies was Anthony Johnson. In 1654 it was time to
release John Casor, a black indentured servant. Instead, Johnson told Casor he was extending his time. Casor left and became employed by the free white man Robert Parker.
Anthony Johnson sued Robert Parker in the Northampton Court in 1654. In 1655 the court ruled that Anthony Johnson could hold John Casor indefinitely. The court gave judicial sanction for blacks to own a slave of their own race. Thus Casor became the first permanent slave and Johnson the first slave owner.”
Slavery ended over 152 years ago. Tracking lineage will be difficult for eligibility or do they just “make it rain”?
Years ago, Winfrey co-hosted a local show in Baltimore with Richard Scheer called “People Are Talking.”
One of the guests was Frank Perdue, he of chicken fame from Maryland’s Eastern shore. Perdue was just starting to dominate the chicken market and was ruthless in business dealings. In my dealings with him, I thought he was fair others not so much. In business, he was the exact opposite of his “aw shucks” persona he portrayed for ads.
Perdue came on the show and it was a big “get” for WJZ because Perdue rarely did interviews. While Scheer and Perdue were talking, Winfrey was giggling. Finally Perdue looked at her as if to say “what’s so funny?”
Winfrey said “has anyone told you you look like a chicken.”
Perdue was having none of it and responded with “has anyone told you you look like a monkey?”
Winfrey stormed off the set. She claimed that she was insulted. People for the most part took Perdue’s side saying “don’t start what you can’t finish.”
Winfrey was “suspended with pay” and the incident blew over. In her biography, she never mentioned the incident. (She may have later in other printings.)
A year later Winfrey was gone and she said it was because of more opportunities elsewhere. In fact, WJZ was cutting her responsibilities because of her treatment of co-workers and staff.
Maybe she learned something from the incident, but every time she pulls out the “we need to treat people better,” I always think “like you treated Frank Perdue?”
Now that’s what I call a brutal comeback. And by the way, I’m taking Frank Perdue’s side as well, besides, I never had a very high opinion of Oprah anyway (And this confirms why, she thinks her 💩 doesn’t stink, no different than Jennifer Lopez who’s infamous for being insufferable to work with.). Yep, don’t start what you can’t finish, indeed.
Oprah believes herself to be the savior of the downtrodden and oppressed. Oprah gives not one thin dime to anything unless it has her name on it in ten foot tall letters. Oprah’s only cause is Oprah.
Amen, SFC D. Pretty much sums up my view of her.
When Winfrey opened her special restaurant, I laughed my ass off. Its special, chef-prepared menu item was in essence just a loaded baked potato. There was a hype video ad for the place with Winfrey sitting in front of what looked like a 4 pound baked potato, all happy as a pig in shit. I was rolling on the floor laughing to tears. Thinking, “now you fat fucking bitch, half your shows are about some screwy new diet to lop off a 100 pounds and here you are polishing off some ribs and a baked potato the size of my foot with trimming about 6 inches high. You want to lose weight, pushing back from that table and closing your fucking lips for 6 months would be a good start”.
Then the show with her dragging a wagon full of beet fat or suet to show what she had lost and that lasted all of 6 fucking months before she was back to a size 68XXXXXX.