Meet Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn, the youngest Marine SGM

| May 19, 2013

Bumped back up to the top because Mailahn wants us to take it down. He threatened us with a law suit until I sent him our attorney’s email address and now he just wants me to be cool (You used to be cool). Just some background; he’s ALLEGEDLY behind on child support, he ALLEGEDLY stole $12k from his daughter’s Little League Association. He ALLEGEDLY got fired for making $800 worth of phone calls from the fire station where he worked for phone sex – but I’m the reason he can’t find a job.

Lately, every time I try to be a nice guy, I get it stuck right in my ass, so those days have passed and Mailman is a fixture here. I think he started in again because the Stolen Valor Tournament is gearing up this week and he’s shooting for another one seed. But he even failed at winning the tourney last year.

Yeah, that’s Sgt. Major Ronald Mailahn who claims to be the youngest sergeant major in the Marine Corps. He’d have to be with only nine years in the Corps, according to his hash marks on the sleeve. The good folks at POW Network decided that he needed broader exposure so they sent him to us.

They tell us he’s a 43-year-old car salesman who lives in his mother’s basement. He was a fireman until he ran up the firehouse phonebill with more than $800 in telephone calls to phone sex numbers and they fired his horny ass. According to his own profiles, he graduated from high school when he was 20 years old – a real over-achiever.

Did I mention that he was arrested for embezzling over $12,000 from the Barrington New Jersey girls little league association? Well, he did – that over-achiever thing working for him again. his defense in that case? He’s a Marine and he’d never violate his code of ethics and do something like that.

Well except that the NPRC has no record of him ever serving. Ever.

He has a philosophy that the more websites that he posts this information, the more credibility he has. So here’s his information posted on yet another website. let’s see how that philosophy works for him.

Oh, by the way, he just sent the good folks at POW Network an email threatening to…guess what…sue if they don’t remove the information from their website that he himself posted on the internet;

U have my info on your site I want it removed asap I gave no permission to have any of my info pix or anything on your site I would also like to have the name of whoever put my name on there I have the collingswood police dept looking into to who put it up there but I want it removed forthwith

I’m sure that “forthwith” had Chuck and Mary shaking in their shoes. I know it gave me a feeling.

I will keep sending u my request till u do oh and I contacted my lawer if its not down with in 2s hrs I will sue u

If I ever start typing like a twelve-year-old girl, I’d hope that one of you fine people would put me out of my misery.

So, now his “info pix” are posted on yet another website…I wonder what his “lawer” will advise. I’d better call my “lawer” and tell him that there will be one more in the “I’m here to sue TAH” line at the Mineral County Courthouse next Tuesday.

Category: Phony soldiers

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ex wifes friend

@406 OH my gosh that is so true I never put the two names together Forrest Gump and Jennayy…..LOL
I wonder if this Jenny is aware that she was just handed a box full of shit filled chocolates. Ya know cause that is what momma always said…. LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES…. well Jenny you were just handed a box full of chocolates filled full of shit and lies … hope you enjoy


Any further word on Gunny Driveway? I am sure the wedding planning is going to require at least 2 COAs:
1. Free
2. Jail

So many other things to consider too:
-What spelling of his name on the invites, (which one has fewer warrants?
– Are ball gags and suspension rigs acceptable wedding favors?
– Will the zipper mask interfere with the exchange of vows?
– Will the leather codpiece clash with the bridesmaid’s dresses?
– How much more is a couples membership to the Black Rose society?
– Will people buy gifts on the registry at Jack and Jill?

ex wife's friend

OMG, he changed his name on Facebook, it is now Ron Mailan,who is he hiding from now?


Probably someone with better spelling and grammar. Personally, having seen his writing style, I’d expect him to misspell his own name anyway.

ex wife's friend

well he keeps trying to change it to Mailan,but it went back to the real name,lol,see he must have googled the name mailan and nothing came up so thats what he is doing,guess he is going to tell big foot that this must be someone else cause thats not my name,once an idiot always an idiot

Brandon B

I’m betting he’s trying to figure out how to hide his FB profile from public view but it too stupid to figure out how.


Anything new from the world of Gunny Driveway? Any action from the PO or the local LEOs?

ex wife's friend

when i learn anything i will be sure to post it,i want everyone to celebrate with me,

Colleen Harding

He is sending me messages on facebook about my posts here. He called “stark and stark” and I will be hearing from them!! LMFAO @ you you ugly fuck. Here’s how this comical exchange went… 14 hours agoRon Mailahn I read your post on that site that was posted about me and next time u have something to say about me say it to my face Colleen. And u have room to talk your marrage is not the best. And don’t feel sorry for Marie for having me as a dad ask her I’m a great dad and yes I’m behind in my support and will get it caught up. I don’t know what I ever did to u when I was with Kelly to make u attack me like u did but it was not right I always was nice to u. I’m not gonna go to the level u went to I won’t say anything bad about u cause I’m not that kind of person. In fact I will leave u with this have a nice day 12 hours agoColleen Harding Ill leave u with this. Go fuck your self you nasty ugly camel loving scum bag. you did something to marie, and kelly… Who I love like family. You are a miserable disgusting miserable theif and you will never amount to anything more. And you don’t know anything about me or my wonderful marriage, you stupid asshole. Lawer up fucker. Don’t contact me again or I will see to it that you’re in jail. Fuck you. 12 hours agoRon Mailahn Ok lush 12 hours agoColleen Harding Dork. I was the only one with the balls to post my name you poser. You are nothing but a low life loser living with your mommy because your too stupid and too lazy to work. Suck on the tit asshole. And best believe rich will be hearing about this you fucking ugly idiot Do not message me again or I’m pressing harassment charges on you 3 hours agoRon Mailahn Harassment charges? If anyone can it will be me. And what… Read more »


Wow, that’s an incredible story.

Slap fight on PPV, anyone?

Colleen Harding

He wants his lawyer to go after everything I own because he WILL NEVER HAVE what I do.

Let me know when you have a 4 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms Ron, or when you have a brand new vehicle, or even purchased a vehicle that was more than EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS with CASH. Let me know when you have made the Collegiate Honor Society of Phi Theta Kappa, Ron. Let me know when you have YOUR OWN BED to sleep in, or even a BEDROOM of your own for that matter. Let me know when you’ve got your own keys to your own house, or your own food that you bought yourself, Ron. Let me know when you’ve accomplished HALFFFFFFFFFFFFF of what I have in my thirty three years of life. Let me know when YOU would be eligible to become a FOSTER parent, oh wait, that will NEVER happen because you are a CRIMINAL.

Gas up you ugly fuck.

Nicole Renee

Get it mom! If you Pose to be a Marine, that’s low. Don’t take credit for nothing that you have done. It is a ranking and in order to be a Sergeant you must MAKE your way up threw all the levels, and that takes years of re-rolling. I support my mother! Go Colleen.

Nicole Renee

He has oblivious spelling errors, maybe a girl in 12th Grade English help him. How old is this guy? Threatening my mother WHO is younger then this old man? I’m pretty sure they can get him for a lot of things out6 of this. Oh well Criminals will ALWAYS be criminals.

Colleen Harding



Sorry, Colleen, but it looks like the local authorities and his PO aren’t gonna do shit. Sad, but that’s the way it is. Sorry you have to put up with him, but maybe this will teach him a bit of responsibility. I doubt it, but maybe.

Nicole Renee

I love you too, you don’t need to put up with an old man who has nothing going for him at all. He just has nothing to do on the internet and want to attack you! Saying he’ll get you for everything you own, is bull.

Brandon B

Since the local PD and PO don’t seem to be doing anything, does anyone know if info has been sent to the local news affiliates?

Colleen Harding

hmmm… that’s a great idea brandon. I’ll send an email now!!

Brandon B

Based on some previous posts, I keep waiting for someone from “Stark & Stark” to post something 😉 I’m sure it will be followed up by a post from “Jenny” as well.


This douche nozzle does realize that it’s Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst. Meaning I see Marines everyday now when I drive on base, all I have to do is give them a picture of this guy and just let the dogs out of the cage.


Jenny won’t be able to post–I’m sure she’s tied up doing other stuff.


here’s a link where you can report him. It takes you to a reality show, but the report tab is where criminal charges can happen.

ALL OF YOU report this. Lets get this dirtbag put where he belongs.

Knows the truth

Way to go Colleen. He spends a lot of time calling his “lawer” hmmm and who pays for that? Can’t pay child support but you can pay for a “lawer”? Oh and how childish is he, telling his daughter that people are calling him names? I hope to God he is not doing that to her. Just when I didn’t think he could become more of a loser dad, Ronnie raises the bar yet again. Hey Ronie instead of spending your time attacking people who have the balls to call you out for what you really are, why don’t you try getting a job and pay up that child support you owe. LOSER!!!!


429– i wish there was a like button on here.

Frank Ferris

Stark and Stark? You fucking idiot they are personal injury lawyers…….oh wait lawers. Here I am under my own name you know where I live. Haven’t seen you at Clancys lately. Unlike you I have gotten legal advice and I would highly advise you do the same. I believe you may qualify for legal aid since you are a broke dick scumbag mooch off the system motherfucker. Pay for you child instead of rope for your sick hobby. Go ahead I dare you to get your lawer. I will buy and sell you like a 2 dollar crack ho. Asshole!

ex wifes friend

well I was just going to sit back and enjoy watching this idiot self destruct but he pushed the wrong buttons today for me. First things first you said that it is my fault that you are not able to pay child support. Because as I said in a previous post I called Macy’s and told them about your record. Well I did that to save your ex wife and daughter the shame of having to deal with you stealing once again from an employer. You see Ron I could see it all happening again just like what you did at JCPenny and to the Kids Softball team. But I had nothing to do with you loosing the 3 jobs you had after that at the car dealerships. No Ron that was all on you!!!!! I love that little girl of yours and will do everything in my power to protect her from future embarrassment from her SPERM DONOR. (and yes that is all that you are even though you think that you are a great father) Let me ask you a question Ron because I know that you are reading this!!!! how many times have you helped your daughter learn something new like baking? cooking? her homework? how many times have you taken her to the park???? or sat on a swing set while she was swinging or hell for that matter even decided to swing with her or go down the slide ? how many times have you done just any thing with her just because you wanted to spend time with her?? When was the last time you gave up having or doing something you wanted so that you could do for your daughter??? I believe right now you are using your daughter because you want to look good for your new woman!!! Well Ron as they say when PIGS FLY I will leave you alone and when KARMA BITES I hope I am there to see it . Oh ya and one more thing I figured since you are so smart with being as you say… Read more »

the ex mother in law

Well i am sick of being quiet,the pos sent me 2 emails also,i figured i would let him dig his own grave, he is real good about pissing people off,you know you can stick your nose up and act like you are better then me,but i know different,i am going to copy and paste the letter i put in Colleen FB, and the 2 e,ails that you sent me, but first,i want to remind you that i have a beautiful home up here in upstate Pa,with a little more than 5 acres,where my granddaughter loves coming here, and we can live the good life,cause we put in ours years of working and was able to retire, now for the good stuff, i put this on col’s FB page,, to the pos,sgy halfass

and while we are on the soapbox,, you POS, i have really had it with posting about me and the “little man”, i want to first say my husband worked the same job for 36 years and retired from there,also, you want to make people think how much better you are then me,well let me tell you something,me and that “little man paid for a beautiful wedding, furniture, almost stocked your whole apartment with everything you needed, mage sure your little girl had plenty of clothes, i ever hear or see you pos face,i am telling you the hell off, my little man made sure you guys were not homeless, because you did not want to work,you wanted to be a fireman and make 900-phone calls to sex lines,you telling people that we are homeless, we were NEVER without a home,you forgot we had another home up here,your mother would not put out a dime for the wedding,she said all the things she would do,and did nothing,even your car while you were paying on it,and the little man helped get you a car, and the lemon law paid you, your mother took your car, and the money and gave it to her drunken B?F, i got good stories,
34 minutes ago · Like

the ex mother in law

now for the 2 emails that he sent me, i would not answer,but am sick of this evil little man, and his stories,better get them “lawers” after me now,,,,,,,and another thing,,, you DID NOT divorce my daughter,,, she divorced you,now read what you sent me you pos Yesterday Ron Mailahn Barb I know I divorced your daughter. And I read what u put in that blog it was uncalled for our of all the ferris I had respect for u HAD. the ex mother in law Says: February 11th, 2012 at 1:45 am #269, the address you have is wrong,Please do not look for him on page ave, my daughter got rid of that POS over a year ago, kelly is the ex wife, not his mother,,, he lives with his mother in Collins wood NJ on Taylor ave,And i want to thank all the real hero’s,for keeping us safe, God Bless America, 273that one prick Says: you call me a pos (piece of shit) I have now for u now barb. And I know it was your husband and his son who tried to ruin my name well I hope you are all happy btw ui can have marie fri night as this is my weekend I will take her sat and sunday this week I was letting u guys have her to be nice well I’m not nice to people that attack me and give out info where I live I hope u all enjoy this I lost my best friend cause of this shit and as far as a no good father no I try to be the best yes I’m behind on my support but it will be taken care of. I’m a damn good dad that’s all I have to say to some on like u and your hubby and son ( and the money I took was only 9ooo 7 to turn our elct which was also kellys idea but u won’t belive it. I found the women I truely love and make fun of her weight or what ever she has a heart… Read more »

the ex mother in law

and the next email,you wrote me
, you never did a thing for us, you forget all the thousands of dollars,it was because we love our daughter and granddaughter,so pos keep making up your stories, the only thing you know how to do, is be a liar,you lie about everything,you pos

I said the something. To kelly as I’m saying to stay out of my life I never attacked your family and I’m a great dad to your grandchild so u calling me a piece of shit was uncalled for and the next time u got something to say u or fran sr say it to my face I can see if I did something to you people but I did nothing next time u wanna say something about me look in the mirror and think about the mistakes u made who was there when u lost your house when I was and so was my best friend john .


Ron Fucking Mailman

ya know Mailman, I really dont appreciate the way you’re speaking to Colleen or anyone on here for that matter, but most of all, I dont like you at all. I know who you are, I know what youre all about, I know where you live, I know where you sleep. Keep your shit up scumbag, youre going to look pretty funny suckin my fuckin cock with no teeth, and the police wont help you when I split your skull open, not only do they not like you, but society doesnt either. Do yourself and the world the biggest favor ever, kill yourself, afraid of the pain? drink anti freeze, take alot of prescription diabetic medicine, take a syringe and shoot an air bubble into your neck, .357 to the head, (in your mouth pointing towards the top of your head, but about 2 inches behind your fucked up face) these methods are guaranteed to work with no suffering or pain, trust me 🙂

Frank Ferris

See Ron you fucking piece of garbage have a pair of balls and come talk in my face. You’re a real bad ass on the computer to my mother. A real Marine would be in my driveway right now but we all know you are nothing but a pussy ass thief. You want to steal come take $9000 out of my pocket instead of victimizing children. I told u before about dragging my name into this Internet world of yours and you’re so fucking dumb you can’t follow that simple request . So Ron or Sgt Major Bullshit or whatever title you gave yourself this week. Either stop dragging my name into your little internet games or have a pair of balls Sgt Major Bullshit and stop by my house you fucking pussy!

the ex mother in law

and i just want to say one last thing, no one ruined your life,you need to be held responsible for what happenes in your life,you were the one who thought you were the marine,and the one who broke the law, start accepting resonsibility for your own mistakes and blaming others for what you do, step up and be a man for once in your life, stop trying to change your name and hiding behind another

Brandon B

Anyone know if this is his fiance? It’s the profile that’s shown on the POWNetwork page.


(If this keeps going, Jonn, you may have to start charging admission!)


Or making people click the damn links.

Knows the truth

His fiancé is on a web site called FetLife She goes by sweetjennifernj. Her hobbies include “daddy daughter role-play”. Boy I’m sure her parents are so proud. wait till they get to know their future son in law. Lol.

ex wifes friend

@439 Brandon B no that is not his fiance her name is Jennifer Campbell and she is on his facebook page, I sent her this site be seems as if she does not want to join us here. this is the link to her facebook page Brandon B


daddy daughter role-play

What has been read, cannot be unread. I think I’m gonna hurl.


Brandon B – not sure where that Facebook “link” about Jenny is from but it is NOT from our site posting which is

Brandon B

@445 It was in the screenshot from his Facebook profile on your site.


This is like a bad episode of a soap opera. Maybe we should name it something like “As the Fat Broad Rolls Over” or something like that. Holy hell, this has gotten to be my morning dose of comedy relief while trying to ingest caffeine.


Wow, All kinds of interesting stuff going on in my part of the world so, I turn to the internet to escape and see how life is back in the real world. After reading the above I find my original amusement turning into contempt. Gunny Driveway, (and I am very proud of having given you that name.) I am also a resident of NJ albeit currently deployed. I have given 19 years of my life so far in service to my nation. I never attained the rank of Sergeant Major; before I pinned on a bar, I was only a lowly SFC 😉 I earned every stripe, every medal, every commendation, and every opportunity I have had. Let me tell you what my service has cost me and my family: – I have been gone for all but 9 weeks of my son’s life because of my current deployment. – Due to this deployment alone, I have missed a year of my daughters lives this is not counting previous time away from home. -I have missed countless birthdays and anniversaries. -My absence has added stress to my marriage and required my wife to give and do more than should ever be asked of anyone. (I am lucky to have her,and to have the opportunity to try to be worthy of her.) -I have suffered my fair share of bumps, bruises, breaks, and contusions. In return for what I have given, I ask nothing of my nation in return other than respect. Respect for what I and hundreds of thousands of others like me have given. I give the same respect in return even to those who disagree with what I do. Then I come across someone like you. You clearly have made some major mistakes in your life and have shown no remorse. You have taken advantage of others and use every opportunity to blame others for your failings. You resort to name calling and empty threats. You continue to attempt to live your lies. You use your daughter in an attempt to gain sympathy. You take advantage of your… Read more »


Brandon – have added a note that “Jenny” on the jpg is a coincidence and not the fiancee.

Frank Ferris

Nichevo thank you for your service and God Bless. I can’t even refer to him as a pussy anymore because at least pussy serves a purpose. He claimed that he was going to kick my ass and I have been patiently waiting.


Well put Nichevo. You have my respect, what you said is extremely similiar to my 23 plus years of service WRT the experience that our families have had to endure. Again well said and very true. This hammer head is problay fondling himself with all the attention he is recieving but soon enough he will hopefully get more than what he is bargaining for. That saying of becarefull what you wish for.


Whoops extra L in careful. Darn typo.


452 (453 now) posts on this oxygen thief? Seriously?

ex mother in law

I also want to say Thank You to Nichevo [448] and God Bless to you and your family,and Thanks to all our Great men and women in the military who serves and protects us, @448,i absolutely loved your post, you are a true hero


Thank you for your kind words, they are appreciated. If you would keep my team and our families in your prayers I would be grateful. As for being a hero, I can’t claim that title. I am a soldier, a very good one, and that’s enough. I have the privilege of knowing some heroes and being able to call them friends.

Knows the truth

Nichevo you and your family as well as your team and their families are in our prayers. May God keep you safe and bring you home soon.

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