Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender

| June 10, 2012

Mary at POW Network sends us their research on Derek Kent Rose who was arrested in Virginia last week for receiving stolen property and not registering with the sex offender registry. Apparently, he was also caught forging his DD214 a while back and using the Wounded Warrior program telling the tale that he was in a HMMV accident which killed four of his fellow Marines and he caught a TBI while they died in his arms. Here’s the DD214 he began to alter with an X-acto knife;

And how it ended up;

Really? It takes Marines a 4-week course to learn night land navigation? And at least he didn’t go for Force Recon or Scout Snipers and just made himself an MP. That ought to make you MPs feel a little better.

But here are his assignments from his FOIA, so unless he was a traffic control MP in the DFAC chow line, it doesn’t reflect any possibility for his self-awarded Combat Action Ribbon;

So, as with most of these phonies, he’s guilty of other stuff besides forging his records;

POW Network has several examples of the little perv embellishing his record, and wearing uniforms and phony finery that he bought but didn’t earn. you should check it out.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I’ve not served; thank those posting above.


B, it’s an open blog, and you’re free to post like we do. And I’m not sure who you think is posting here, but there are both active and retired military members, as well as civilians, both men and women. We’re blunt to the point of being harsh. It’s not meant to be personal. We deal in truth, some of it very unpleasant. It’s a good site to learn about military things if you’re interested, and you will definitely get a perspective you won’t find in the mainstream media.


WTF….wait a minute I get in here late…read all 154 post..even spew drink when I see the taunting puppet..get to 153…start to lick my chops…then comes post 154 and she signs off!!

Oh hell no!!!!!!


B-Responsible, my suggestion is to just go away and STOP posting. If you do this, then this thread will eventually go away to the bottom of the pile and people will post on other subjects.

This is good entertainment though. 😀

<— Just a fat guy laying on his couch with a laptop.


What a disgraceful way to behave. The woman said she’s sorry, took ownership and she is met with more taunting and vile comments. This is honor? This is valor? Regardless of who started it, each of you has the power to be the man, accept the apology and move on in a dignified manner. Perhaps what’s most disturbing to me is that some of you appear to believe that people killing themselves is the answer to a problem or that death is an answer to someone who bothers you. If you don’t like them, they should just die. What a horrible thing to say to anyone. Frankly, I expect better behavior from grown men. The “she started” argument doesn’t fly with me. You can CHOOSE to be the bigger person and not perpetuate this disgraceful and disgusting pissing contest. Consider this. Is this the example you want others to see you by? This discussion started as a result of “stolen valor”. Is this the conversation you want Americans to read and be proud to call you Geri’s and veterans? From where I sit, this is such a poor example of our patriots in battle. I would hate to be serving and read this. And to Jonn, as Administrator, you have and have had the power to end this dispicable discussion a long time ago. That you let continue for days speaks volumes to me. Before you want to reply, I WILL do none of you has seemed to be able to. I will simply ignore you. Whatever insult you want to hurl, hurl away. I won’t take offense, because clearly its the only way you people know how to communicate.


“The Three Faces of Eve” has nothing on TAH for multiple personalities, let me tell you what…


Jonn! What’s the IP say on this one? Same, or different?


By chance does Gabby have the same IP as B?



If you hadn’t figured out yet this site is a MILBLOG…meaning military. Run by a retired soldier. Most of us were or are soldiers, sailors, airmen, or Marines. Or even the spouses of such.

This means….it’s going to be a little rough and tumble because…well..that’s how we roll Those that can sack up and stand it…live on to tell tales of daring do. Besides…you came here to our house. We didn’t go to yours.

If you can’t hack it….the door is to your right. Don’t knock over the chips as you pass by and make sure you have a designated driver if you partook too much.

Thanks for stopping by.


I’m going to put a dollar on “same”, PN.

Man, I’ve heard of bi-polar disorder, but tri-polar??? Wow.


Well, it certainly looks like someone doesn’t understand the concept of hyperbole for dramatic effect . . . .


I suppose saying “up the road, not across the street” would be completely lost on them.


Holy crap this is hilarious.

Yat Yas 1833

@ 160 PintoNag!!! Do you know how much beer stings coming out yer nose?!? Holy Frickin’ Bat Copters, that stings!!! That’s funny, I don’t care who you are!:)


Sorry for the loss of the brew, Yat Yas! Should we ever be in the same neighborhood, I’ll provide a replacement! 😉

Yat Yas 1833


Please allow me to make an observation. Admittedly I’ve had the privilege of being a member here for a very short time (6 months?) but I don’t recall ever seeing your ‘tag’. Maybe it’s just me.

That being said, Steadfast&Loyal hit the head right on the nail. We are veterans, active duty and spouses who tend to play a little rough. “We” have at each other all the time, mostly in jest but, honestly, sometimes not. We call each other names and put down each other’s branches because we’ve earned the right to. We’ve “been there, done that”.

If you have read other threads here, you have seen that many of us are working on or have graduate
degrees. There are a few post graduate degrees and even a JD! Again, if you have read other threads here, you have seen that there have been some very intelligent debates. Regarding this thread, after B-Responsible’s original post, the answers she got were honest and courteous. Because she didn’t like them she started with the sarcasm and insults finally deteriorating to empty threats. Only after she realized her threats were useless did she apologize.

If you want to come here and debate a topic in a respectful, civilized manner you are more than welcome. If you want to come here and get “down and dirty”, get ready for pure hell because we know ways of getting “down and dirty” in ways most people can’t fathom.

Your opinion of my valor, patriotism, honor, etc., means absolutely nothing to me. I am speaking strictly for myself, but until you’re one of “US” you don’t know what you’re talking about.


No, GABBY is not me., nor anyone in my home. Jonn can tell you that but won’t. “Up the road, not across the street”…Another suggestion to kill myself? Really?!? It is mind boggling how you all treat people. I am a mother whom happened to google this idiots name to make sure he wasn’t anywhere near us, and I come across this. Im not military, Im not a soldier trained to have a heart of stone. Im a Girl Scout Troop Leader. Im a mother whom has spent her life dedicated to my children. Am I soft, absolutely, I cry when kids cry because it breaks my heart. I have raised my children to be kind, respectful, honest, and a friend to all. Is that your cup of tea, probably not…but I don’t deserve to be insulted and told to kill themselves repeatedly because you disagree with me, my choices, or how I have or will handle something. I can have shit spewed at me with no regard to the human that is behind the title B-Responsible. I have taken responsibility and explained my position the best I can and it gets twisted every time. Because its fun to you. I don’t get pleasure from another pain. But then again, I also didn’t take into consideration at all the type of people whom are on here. I have had a few kind words, but mostly just people chiming in to insult someone they don’t know, because its fun. And yes, I do know a little about IP addresses….One of the administrators sits in a little office right next to DeVry University in Minneapolis MN and the other in Scotsdale AZ…but Im rather new at this, being Im just a stay at home mom, focused on raising good productive members of society. At least I try to. I figure our future depends on having some kind people in this world. Come on.


PN, you owe me a cup of coffee, too. I go power wash one deck and miss out on all the fun.
ROS, I think we’re at tri-polar and waiting.


I have never blogged before nor did I take the time to check out the site before responding..Thats my fault. I was raised in the military but was never privy to the bantering back and forth between the military personnel. So I guess Im just not used to the bluntness. PTO meeting, and troop meetings is what I am accustomed to. I guess I have learned my lesson.


Folks: hope Jonn doesn’t consider this speaking “out of turn”.

One of the bennies of being allowed to post articles here at TAH is the ability to see the comments and associated info. No, “Gabby” is not a sock puppet for B-Responsible, and he/she doesn’t appear to have been here before. He/she is just an (IMO) misguided tourist.

For what it’s worth: I personally think B-Responsible is back on the right track now. Yes, there will be a few more comments by latecomers to the thread. But I think maybe it’s time for the rest of us to back off.

An unsolicited opinion, so give it whatever value you like.


Hondo, for what its worth I appreciate you. Thank you.


Here’s a clue – you are not blogging now, B. You are posting comments on someone else’s blog.

Again, don’t try walking into someone else’s house dictating to them how to behave in their home. If you have any manners at all, you would not do that face to face – why would you expect different results in cyberspace?

No, Hondo, no passes coming from here. It doesn’t matter to me who someone is or what they claim to be. When you act like a jerk, you will be called a jerk in this company.

Now, if this little sideshow has finally ended perhaps we can get back to the topic inside of all this drama?


Frankly, I was not directing that comment toward you, rather speaking generally, if you care to take a look at its context. Again, see Hondo’s prior reference to hyperbole. Its nuance seems to be lost on the majority of this topic’s new posters.

Have you never been told to get squared away before a boot is shoved so far up your ass you’re spitting toenails for a week? It’s much like that and translates to “No, I do not actually expect you to kill yourself, but you do sound like a jackwagon and need to step outside the box and get unfucked.” I thank you for doing that already.


UpNorth, anytime you’re in the neighborhood, coffee’s on! 😉

B- Here’s your first lesson. You’ve just been subjected to what we call “the dogpile.” As in, when dogs fight, they end up in a pile. We don’t hold grudges, and like I said earlier, if you want to post here, go for it. Be straight with us, and we’ll be straight with you. Mess around, and you WILL end up at the bottom of a snarling, snapping, slobbering pile of folks who will tell you where you stepped off the trail. Believe it.


I wasn’t suggesting a pass, OWB. More like a cease-fire.

Suit yourselves, ladies. But I really never saw the point in continuing to beat on someone who (1) has already surrendered, (2) has admitted they were wrong, and (3) is trying to get up so they can walk away and “fly right”.

It’s kinda hard to “go forth and sin no more” when those beating you won’t stop beating long enough to let you get up off the ground to “go forth”.


Based on the subsequent discussion, I think I have a clear understanding of what goes on here. I’m sorry but being military isn’t an acceptable excuse for poor behavior. I know many military folks who would find the sort of “dogpile” you describe just as distasteful as I did. This may be a military blog but it is open to the public. When you call yourself veterans, your behavior reflects on other veterans. As a member of the public the impression I just got of veterans is pretty poor.

I’m all for respectful discourse. Its an American privilege I engage in regularly. But this was not civil discourse. One could argue it wasn’t discourse at all. I can speak and argue intelligently. I’m glad that there a few who saw that the discussion had degraded to a low point.

But perhaps the best solution is to close the group so people don’t just wander in, kick of their shoes and make themselves at home in “your house”. If this were a blog run by professionals they would never had allowed things to go that far. I know that some of you think this sort of behavior is ok because it’s all in jest. But then we go back to this being open to the public. So when you leave the front door open, don’t expect to keep the neighborhood rif raff from coming in and drinking your beer and having their way with your daughter. If people who can’t “sak up” arent’t welcome, then close the door. But don’t hide behind being in the military as defense for this sort of behavior. I would like to believe military servicemen and women understand that there are different rules of decorum when in an open public forum. If it isn’t supposed to public then your administrators should close it to members only.


Sweet blessed virgin…………..


She’s all yours, Hondo. Before I say something that WILL degrade this discussion to a low point.

Yat Yas 1833

Hondo, you’re right. It’s time to let it pass. For my part, I’m 10-24.

B-Responsible, your post @ 171 seems to make your apologies “crocodile tears”.

In the first line you say, “Jonn can tell you that but won’t.” Is it just ‘possible’ that Jonn might be previously engaged?

A couple of sentences later you say, “I’m not a soldier trained to have a heart of stone.” We’re not
either, we’re trained to control our emotions.

A bit later you say, “I have raised my children to be kind, respectful, honest, and a friend to all.” yet your son “that guy” called me a liar and was most disrespectful to men he’ll never be equal to.

Your very next sentence says, “Is that your cup of tea, probably not…”. You admit this is your first time in our home but you get to make remarks like this and it’s OK?

Virtual Insanity

I swear to God, it’s like watching a kid get ready to pet the snarling dog. You try to get there to stop them, telling them all the way……

But, hey, this thread’s gonna go over 200 now.

Virtual Insanity

Not you, Yat….


Gabby, what kind of commune do you live in, where it’s perfectly OK to “walk in, kick off their shoes and make themselves at home in “your” house”? That sounds like the kind of behavior that would tend to get you a black eye, or a fat lip, at best. At least in respectable neighborhoods.

Oh, and as a veteran, the impression I get of the public, daily, is piss poor.


@180- Being a civilian isn’t an acceptable excuse for poor behavior, either. B came in here, offered her opinion, and people disagreed with her. Then she made sock puppets aimed at supporting her opinion while attempting to shame us for having a different opinion than hers. When that little ruse fell through, she threatened lawsuits, her family members called us “fags” and attempted to shame us into silence by bringing her father into the thread on a “don’t you know who I am?” gambit. THAT is what prompted some of the more colorful remarks. A threat, and bigoted language from the oh-so-respectful B camp.

B has since gotten over her initial emotional response to a simple disagreement and her subsequent behavior, and apologized. That was fine, and should have ended the thread.

You, however, wish to sustain this ridiculous discussion while employing a condescending, chastizing tone. Most of the more regular posters, myself included, have treated both you and B with kid gloves. But my patience is wearing awfully thin. Keep on wagging your finger and clucking your tongue at us. See how that elevates your precious discourse level.


Nobody likes a condescending busybody, Gabby. That’s exactly what you are doing here.

Your opinion is noted – and it will be ignored. TAH is not a child’s tea party or a church social. It’s a somewhat “rough and tumble” blog run by a military veteran, about military and veteran’s issues, and has a largely military and/or veteran readership. Discussions here get “colorful” and contentious at times.

Not your cup of tea? Fine. But don’t come here and castigate those who choose to participate. You’re not going to change TAH. Just leave.

Because if you continue to act like a condescending ass and a busybody, you’ll definitely get treated like one. And getting told to STFU will likely be one of the milder things you’ll be told.


GDIAF being somewhere around a 4 on the “holy shit did they just say that to me” scale. STFU is about a 2 1/2. Gabby–behavior, whether you approve or not, is not up to you to moderate or judge, particularly here. Yes, most of us are vets here. Some are knuckle-dragging grunts like Jonn, etc., some of us are more “refined” (ha!) “nook-ye-lar” trained folks like myself and teddy (among others.) But one thread remains constant among us all who come here regularly–we are professionals as members of the military, and remain so as members of our respective civilian communities and in our careers. For all the touchy-feely shit that comes out of the five-sided funny farm, at the end of the day, being professionals, we recognize the fact that the mission comes first. As such, when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, we have no time or tolerance for petty bullshit. Ruck up, get the fucking job done, quitcher bitchin, and move on. This has translated into “real” life. I look at civilians who are more concerned with how people “feel” than actually accomplishing something. This is actually counterproductive, in that while you’re lying on the couch lamenting why the color yellow makes you sad, your ass is being handed to you (figuratively and literally) by people tougher, stronger, and more willing to make the sacrifices needed to succeed. Yes, it’s important to be emotionally stable. But getting in touch with yourself or sheltering one’s feelings at the cost of all else only makes you a jackwagon. This is what we (or at least I) saw in B–instead of facing reality and coming to grips with the fact that her baby daddy is a worthless POS that her kid (and all his other kids) are going to have to find out about someday, she’d rather shelter his feelings, which judging by his comments, he’s more than capable of expressing himself, although not very well or intelligently. Dogpile or not, you have to put on your big girl panties when you wander in here, just like you have to have… Read more »


First off, I would like to say that all this lady was asking for was to shelter her kids. Yeah it may not be the best decision in the world but nobody is perfect. I am Derek’s first son. I never had that much interest in him to begin with and I knew he was an idiot and he did wrong to many people. In my opinion he is a disgrace to the uniform that is our military and the United States Marine Corps in of itself. She was just trying to protect myself and his other kids and there is nothing wrong with that. It’s maternal instinct. There is absolutely no reason to bash her because you dont disagree. And being of a military background, which I understand most of you are, you should have approached this with more professionalism rather than attacking someone who is trying to protect the ones she loves. It is the same job you all do except you do it with bullet proof armor and an M16 in a different country. That said I praise your sacrifice and I will most likely be joining the Marines within the next couple of years. But she was simply trying to protect us and last time I checked that isnt wrong. Maybe she didnt need to lie. Nonetheless, it is not your place to give advice or criticism because we are not your kids. I am successful so far in my life and I owe a lot of that to this woman. It doesnt make her a bad mom, an idiot, or someone who would be doing the world a favor by killing herself. She loves her kids as do all of you on here who have kids themselves. When it comes down to her parenting, pick a different battle to fight because it makes you look like a know-it-all douche bag and it doesnt accomplish anything. I understand this forum is to inform and converse about the military and problems within the military from it as a whole to certain individuals. If someone asks you to… Read more »


@180 & 191: As a father and grandfather I can understand wanting to “protect the chillrin”. The other part of that is in order to protect them from what they may see on the internet is to do the job of a parent and monitor what the kiddies are looking at on the internet. My own children, when they went on the internet, were monitored by me. They knew that if they wanted to be on the internet, they had to do it in front of me. What they looked at when they were with friends or somewhere else outside my purview was out of my control and I had to rely on the lessons and advice they were given by me, their parent. The illogic of asking others to censor themselves in order to protect the kids isn’t what this country is about. We are not here to censor ourselves and we get a little uppity when someone thinks they have some moral authority to either scold us, or tell us we can’t have a discussion because someone, somewhere has the possibility of going through the motions of finding out something. Then, for that person to lecture us and make a weak attempt to shame us as being unprofessional, etc., because of what we say here to someone that thinks they have a say in what we talk about is rather arrogant and condescending. Also, what we fought for was our right to say whatever we want, just as we fought for you to have that right. Whether we agree with you, or not, we fought for your right to say it. That’s liberty. What you are proposing through veiled references to what you think rises to your standard of professionalism is actually censorship, as in, I don’t like what you said, so you aren’t professional and you need to stop saying it. Sorry, but that ain’t how it works. How it works is if you don’t like what is said, then don’t come here. It’s really that simple and that, too, is liberty.

Old Trooper

Sorry, 192 is me.


Im not asking for censorship and to a large degree I agree with you. I never said you and others on here didnt have a right to say what you want to say or have an argument. I honestly believe that these rights you fight for are what sets America apart from many other nations. All I was asking was that instead of having an argument with my mother just go about your business. I was simply asking that there be no more argument, not that people censor the words that come out of their mouth. At that point the right to free speech becomes clouded. I have no problem with what people say in relation to the article and about other issues but attacking my mother was unnecessary. And maybe that is just me and I have no problem if you disagree. And as far as professionalsim is concerned, I wasnt saying they arent professional because they had an argument.But the few who decided to use choice words and make certain accusations and advice as how my mother should kill herself need to be more professional because new people to this site dont know the military families and personnel from the random commentators like myself. The internet today is so accessible that it is difficult to monitor kids and what they see and have access to. Im not saying it cant be done but its certainly significantly more available than it used to be. Eventually I may have found out but to me it doesnt matter because I dont care about him or his actions because I want nothing to do with him. Like I said earlier I just want to reiterate that I was not asking for censorship but that the people on this website are bigger than the argument if you will and choose not to get into it. It was a pointless argument that provided nothing for the article that this specific blog is about. All I was asking was that people choose their battles. I dont think anyone has the right to come in here… Read more »


As pointless as I think this will be: chargerpride, this will likely be difficult for you to hear. But, bluntly, your mother drew the ire of folks here by acting like a bit of a fool. Her first few posts here were reasonable. When she did not get the response she expected, she became belligerent, threatening, and started behaving like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum.

Let me state this clearly: your mom actually threatened the owner of this site when he would not remove this discussion from his site. The proof is above. You can read it yourself if you like.

To her credit, your mom eventually realized she was the one out of line, and quit acting like a spoiled child. She owned up to her errors, and has since been silent. That all occurred 20+ hours ago. And with the exception of a few comments, no one has castigated her since. She’s been generally left alone.

Your comments here are understandable, and are in one respect commendable – hell, every son wants to stick up for their mom. But they’re misguided. And they’re also keeping what was a dead discussion open and active where more will see it. In short, you’re being counterproductive. You might be best advised to simply let this one go.

Hack Stone

Does anyone else find it amusing that on his sex offender register page, there is an advertisement for “Want a Girlfriend?”


Hack Stone: yep. Sometimes real life scripts something that you’d never buy coming out of Hollywood. (smile)


Seriously, the pussification of this world is going to give me a coronary.

Are you really so stupid that you seriously think my prior comments were a request for your mother to kill herself?? As the spawn of a Ranger and drill instructor, I highly suggest you grow a set, let them drop, and maybe invest in a few more layers of skin (and grey matter) before you enlist.

Jesus. Now type “” into your address bar and do a search for ‘hyperbole’. Yay!!!

And yes, your suggestion for those posting here to just not respond is suggesting those people censor themselves.


ROS, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I never asked he people on this blog to censor themselves. Im sorry but I tried to see things from your point of view but I just cant get my head that far up my ass. I said everyone has a right to say what they want…THEN I simply stated that arguing against my mother was POINTLESS and that you didnt have to listen to what she asked, which was to censor yourself, or ignore it. That is not asking for censorship. That is saying pick your battles. Its called getting your fat ass off the pedistole you’ve put yourself on. I never asked anyone to censor themselves but simply to not make an argument out of something so pointless. And ROS, I never said YOU were the one threatening my mother. So dont start jumping to conclusions. And I assure my balls have dropped and Ive stepped up to every challenge in my life and over come challenges. Thats why im going to join the Marines. And when I am done with boot camp I am going to become a Navy Seal. How about, you go about doing your job and Ill go about doing mine cuz im not worth your time and you’re not worth mine. Hondo: I see your argument. And maybe I am being counterproductive. That was never my intention. I just wanted to point out that the argument in the first place was pointless and unnecessary. I realize I may be stirring up a bees nest again but why does it matter? Im not going to argue with fools who think they’re above the rest because they are a drill seargeant or served in the military. Ive stated before that I have nothing but the utmost respect for those that serve in our military and I strive to be in the military one day. But I see your point about being counter productive and I apologize. I also see how my mother brought it upon herself and I never said what she did was… Read more »


Takes after his mama in the verbose catagory. Good thing he’s not paying by the word, or he’d have to take out a second mortgage by now.

Hey, and we’re at 220 posts! Woohoo!


“Thats why im going to join the Marines. And when I am done with boot camp I am going to become a Navy Seal”. So, you joining the Corps or the Navy???
I just knew this would make it past 200 posts.


that’s “200 posts.” sorry.


Rather a difficult career path to follow. Even folks from the Air Force can see that!

(Pssst. Wanna bet he will blame the recruiter?)


Perhaps content mastery is not your strong suit, chargerpride. As it was I who suggested facetiously that a 239gr injection would solve our little problem here, it is I toward whom your statement was directed. I applaud you your devotion to your mother and unwillingness to see her at odds with big meanies, but perhaps she would be better served if you were to concentrate on your studies and allow her to fight her own battles. I would quote you verbatim on your suggestions regarding how others should act and censor themselves, put those comments in bullets and address each one using words containing 5 letters or less, but I’m fairly certain you STILL wouldn’t be able to follow the yellow-brick logic. And now would be a perfect time for you to stand down and allow the adults to converse amongst themselves, boy.

That said, thank you for your willingness to serve your country, and I hope you’ve the testicular fortitude to see those aspirations reach fruition.