Shirtless poser seeks undeserved praise (Kyle Barwan).

| August 25, 2010

I wanted to post this phony before I closed out because of what he lied and how he did it stand out from your normal faker. Meet Kyle Barwan, (listed at the bottom of the page. )

He is claiming that he was a ” Ranger, MP, 1st Cavalry, a sniper, a First Lieutenant, and claimed to have served a tour in Iraq.

Also claimed that he earned a Silver Star by pulling eight guys to safety after a IED blast.

Also he tries to act like he has been there done that on FaceBook.

The only real problem is that he he has only been in the National Guard and was kicked out for impersonating a Officer in 2007. Oh and he is claiming that he part of ROTC and recenty went to Camp Atterberry

Considering he did such a bang up job pretending to be Army Lieutenant do we really want him to be in charge of real troops?

Added: Also Amy found a MySpace page that has the same info as our friend here.


I found what was posted his Myspace account for the entry Army Sniper. Also he has another one that refers to being in Iraq.

UPDATE November 24 2010:
Police in Knox County are holding Kyle Barwan of Crestwood, Illinois on charges of possession of cocaine and impersonating a public servant, and even more charges may be coming.

Yep still at it.

Update: goes under the following names/usernames.

Kyle Reacher, Kyle Felucifer, Klutch, Klutch_Reborn.

Category: Phony soldiers

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An old friend

i dont even think kyle would right this much


Oh man, I fell for your game again you “mother fucker” NHS.

You sucked me in and I fell for it. Dammit. I now believe everything this Grammaratarian has to say.

An old friend

look i dont have anymore time to fuck with you kyle but i will continue later

Virtual Insanity

So. This is what it looks like when a mind has diarrhea through a keyboard.

Kyle, take a knee and drink water. You’re obviously dehydrated.


Holy shit… (pardon my profanity)
Why for the love of God did I decide to read this particular post?

Streetsweeper said: “I may not have a fancy, dancy college degree in forensics or psychology but I do have a *bullshit meter* that works quite well.” Same goes for me.

In my uneducated eye, looking at the use of words by both “Kyle” and “AnOldFriend”, grammar and spelling, or lack thereof, frequency of posts, the hedging, lying, irrational thoughts and behaviour…and everything else.. my uneducated guess would be, schizophrenic or multiple personality. Anyone else care to weigh in? Yes, this boy needs to be dealt with and he needs “serious” help. This is the sad, bastardized version of “above and beyond”.

Oh… and he’s in Canada? Isn’t that special.

Southern Class

Do not fear Spockgirl, the part of Canada that we suspect he, or at least his blackberry, is in is very far from your area.
Kyle has had about 14 minutes and 58 seconds of his 15 minutes of fame. Comment #153 is the last of that sort that I will listen to. I communicate with an Indonesian who has never been to an english speaking country who has a better command of the language; spelling, puncuation, capitalization, etc. Men,s room graffiti is better written than anything this dope writes. He may well not be Barwan, but he is of as low intelligence as him. Perhaps that little brother that came on here threatening him???

Southern Class

At: Comment #153 is the last of that sort that I will listen to., I should have said “read”, rather than “listen to”.
I’m out….

An old friend

wow you people think i am stuped that makes me lauf lets see how stuped i can be pple r fuking stuped and have no life if all you can do is try 2 figure out who i am maybe i am kyle thats it i am kyle and you all get no apologies you can all go fuck your selves running make sure you shuve that 18 in dick up your ass whyle your at it remember i am fuking stuped i hve no cle what i am talking about i just told you your all gay cause when you have no lady to sleep with at war you can get fucked by terresst remember i am stupid and since i am kyle i wont apologize for any of this

An old friend

i wish i was kyle wait i am kyle i wonder what i am thinking write now

An old friend

no one wants to write back cause your all bitches and you all know this aint kyle cause he doesnt have the balls to say any of this to any of you man i thought this was gonna be fun messing with all of you people but i guess i was wrong man i am gonna have to find another site to mess with


Sorry, TSO–just gotta put you highly educated soon-to-be members of the bar in your place once in a great while by “tricking” you. Oh, I’m such a mother fucker. I dun goofed, and consequences will never be the same, because ya’ll backtraced me, and have called the state police, and the Internet police.

(Google “Jessi Slaughter” if you don’t understand that diatribe, ladies and gents. Trust me, she could in fact be Kyle’s long-lost sister. They probably share the same brain cell.)

And yes, Kyle–I’m making fun of you.

So, in closing, I’d like to sing a little song that my nephew was introduced to at an early age, and it goes:

“This is the thread that never ends,
Yes, it goes on and on, my friends.
Some people started posting in it, not knowing what it was,
and they’ll continue posting in it forever just because…”

I’d apologize to Shari Lewis for ripping off her shit, but she’s dead, and I don’t think she really cares. Kinda like we don’t care what you think, Kyle. Yeah, I’m a motherfucker. And an asshole, and a whole lot worse. Meh.


All I can say is wow,

If half the effort used on the contributions to this thread were instead focused on removing the FB page and writing an apology, this issue would be over.

an old friend

hey what ever you all say you know i really havent hung out with kyle in a while but like that but since your all being so fucking judgemental when i find him maybe i will hang out with him and maybe i will help him change again maybe i was doing it the wrong way the first time. oh and btw before you people call anyone ignorent look in the fucking mirror now since that is done when i find kyle i am going to ask him if he wants me to get rid of this site talk about braking laws watch what happens when i find him and i will find him i will see what he wants you fuckers need to start passing judgment on yourself kyle if your read this and i know you probably will you know my phone number and if you want help call me and let me no and dont give a fuck what these people say i can take care of all of this just like i took care of everything else and if you dont know who this is then your a dumb ass and you need to call your mom and ask who it is but i am pretty sure you know who i am by the way i am typing so if you want help i will give it to you but it is gonna be different

Sporkmaster: So your going to report us to the Cyber Police. The information about him has been collected has been public information. Also note that I have twice blocked out personal phone numbers for Kyle and his former friend because it was personal identification information. But here is a secret that once you post something online it saves a copy that you can look up later. That is how I was able to see the “poems” that Kyle wrote on his Myspace page even though he has it as friends only. Also his FaceBook is open and even has the original comments that got him reported to POW network.

an old friend

oh ya nhs i could be alot worse then you you have no clue and i dont care if you were in the army or any other service that just means i paid your salary thats all it means to me so if you think you can bully me or talk shit to me be my guest have fun

an old friend

well im goin to bed you all go on and let ur boaring lives revolve around kyle cause u all have no other hobbies good luck to wat ever ur tryin to accmp….


Kyle, one must have a JOB to pay taxes. From the comments others here who have in fact known you, it seems that all you’ve done in your life is rip people off or scam them. Tell me, did you file a W-4 for that “job”?

And bully? Wow. Considering I’ve treated you with kid gloves thus far, I’d say you’ve got a pretty thin skin, m’boy.


This might be a bit off-topic (okay, I guess we can’t get much worse than our old friend), but as the father of an impressionable almost 12 year old, those Jessi Slaughter videos were both humorous and slightly scary. I’ll have to be sure to show them to my daughter the next time I see her post something about “haters” on Facebook. My video response in defense of her will put Jessi’s dad to shame. I’m thinking cutoff BDU Daisy Dukes, an Interceptor worn open to display the chest (and spray painted pink), a Drill Sergeant hat, and perhaps a PBR in one hand and a blood-covered gerbil in the other.

an old friend

your right kyle has never held down a job but i have and not its not the stupid army or any other service i dont have the patients to take orders from a bunch of followers



He’s back. Too bad I have to go. I look forward to seeing the comments continue creeping towards 200.


So really, Kyle–if you were in fact NOT Kyle, why this obsessive need to 1–defend him, 2–get in the last word?

Enquiring minds want to know!


Nor have you ever had the “patients” to suffer through 3rd grade grammar, apparently.


If Kyle and his little friend would just go and apologize, it may be the first POWnet apology to not contain a single punctuation mark.


“your right kyle has never held down a job but i have and not its not the stupid army or any other service i dont have the patients to take orders from a bunch of followers”

Now you’re bashing our service? Dirty pool sir. No one here ever kicked in the stall door at the airport restroom and slapped the dick out of your mouth when you were at work.

Speaking of which, it’s after dark, so your shift is probably starting soon; better get down there.

an old friend

fact i am not kyle but like i said think what you want i dont gotta prove anything and the reason i am defending him is cause i think you people did enough. i have known kyle for about 7 years. i know why he acts the way he does instead of making fun of him why dont you ask him why he does what he does and then if he does not know then you start going deeper to find out why he does what he does i already know what is wrong i cant fix him cause i dont have time for that and i dont care for the army cause all you are is a bunch of puppets have no clue wtf your fighting for so you people are half the reason the united states is in debt cause you wanna go fight a pointless battle what are you fighting for really is it freedom cause i am pretty sure we already have that so really what is it tell you what give me one good reason why anyone is over there or is proud to go over there and murder people so give me a reason a good one and i will right the best fucking apology letter on here and i will even go down the street to the armed service recruiting station and i will shake the hand take a photo and apologize to them for what i said but make sure you have documentation on all of this bullshit you send me dont copy paste and photo shop it i want some fucking proof prove me wrong. cause i dont have strings attached to tell me what the fuck to do good luck on your search dont question your self to much

an old friend

oh and make sure it is worth loosing everything your life your family friends make sure you tell me that it is worth it cause if it is for some stupid shit like a fucking sand bag i am not apologizing for shit so make sure its a real good reason


You just validated every man and woman in uniform with your incoherent, ungrateful ramblings, you miserable little ass puppet.

Think about that for a good, long while before you respond from the safety of your abode.

an old friend

for one trailor trash redneck i dont live in an adobe it called a house i know you cant afford one cause the army pays you in tin cans so you build trailors with them and i am an ass puppet no sir i think not your the once who have that dont ask dont tell policy so who is the real ass puppet has your leader or what ever the hell you call them ever tell you to bend over so he can give it to you army style or do you take it in the ass by some arabs so they dont murder your pussy ass.. oh i will do any thing just dont kill me i give good bjs and my ass is tighter then a jar of unopened lube so who is the bitch the funny thing is you all have no clue who i am just that i am making fun of your in the closet redneck ass


Ya dun got me good. I bow to your superior intellect.


OMG–it really IS Jessi Slaughter’s retarded brother. Only not as cute.


Did he really just say “adobe”?

I’m thinking maybe it isn’t nice for us to pick on the retarded kid. He apparently is intellectually stunted, for real.


This is so sad, I’m crying for education in America right now. Everyone please stop, it’s like pulling the wings off a fly.

an old friend

ha ha you guys are fucking funny really you are, hay were do you guys drink at maybe i can go there and throw a little sand in your faces so you can have a flash back about being in the war kyle told me that you were all in the service so why hasnt anyone told me what the fuck your defending cause i am not included in your murderous bull shit. and no on really cares for grammer i am not lookin for a job or to impress you faggots i am here for one reason i would like it if you guys said some real mean shit to me like real fucking mean go on ahead men in arms i really want you all to say the meanest shit you could say to a person and make sure it is directed towards me cause i need something to masterbate to… its a real turn on to see all you guys argue with my gay ass hahaha so is it true what they say about you army men do you really have dicks the size of dimes or is that just a myth idk

an old friend

so how many of you give and recieve i can go both ways but who knows what you army guys do that dont ask dont tell i gotta wife and kids bullshit


You go both ways, Kyle? So basically, your double your chances of rejection? Or, as they say, two times zero is still zero. We can only hope that you create no progeny, the world is already stupid enough without you and your kin dragging the average IQ down still further.

an old friend

well ya as long as there are dumb ass people like you making sites like this then iq will never be higher then a jellyfish brain, and thats not saying much since they dont have a fucking brain but go on with the bull shit keep it comming then we will see what happens see the thing is i am not kyle when i wont something done it is done i dont have a back round and you dumb asses still cant figure out who this is no wonder why the world trade center went down we have dumb ass like you looking for someone you think it is when it is really someone else if this is how the services do there job then it looks like were wasting tax money on a bunch of dumb ass redneck hicks that just want to shoot off there gun cause there fucking nuts i hope you dont reproduce either faggot. you still havnt answered any of my questions is it because it is all true your all a bunch of horny faggots who can only get laid by your commanding officer drop your draws and give me 20 bitch i guess they tell you all to bend over and take it like a man i mean soldier

an old friend

thats write i said it your all a waste its your fucking fault the world is like this if you were to do your job right the first time we would not have any fucking war and we wouldnt owe so much fucking money to japan pretty soon america is gonna be owned by japan if they ever decide to call in there debt cause why cause they got a bunch of dumb asses in the service kyle is one of those dumb asses he knows it i know it and when ever kyle gets on maybe you can find out were he really is and let me know cause my ass aint moving from this ip address.

an old friend

then i can find him and talk to him about removing this site


Kyle, dude. Please take this as friendly advice which is honestly given with your best intentions at heart.

Go fucking die in a fire already.


An old friend is definitely Kyle Barwan. I copied/ pasted his facebook page and compared it to An Old Friends post. Guess what? Not only do both individuals post without punctuation, Kyle and An Old Friend both miss spell the same words exactly the same way. Kyle/AOF, you are a sorry excuse for a human being. You so FAIL at life!!!!


Kyle, do the world (and all that know you personally) a huge favor… Find yourself a freeway… Select the biggest truck on traveling on the freeway… And step in front of it… That way you can go out like so many bugs (because basically, you contribute nothing to the world and you personally,are of less value to the world than any single insect)… You can go out just lie you live… With your head crammed fully up your ass!!!!


Sorry, last post should have read: “You can go out just like you live… With your head crammed fully up your ass!!!”


Kyle, you are a friggin douche bag!!!!


I cant even get a job cause of this site im depressed and losing everything you cant believe what everyone says suicide has been on my mind for this shit I cant take it any more so for everyone of you I hope my death rests on your mind FUCK YOU ALL


Make sure your mommy posts the obituary clipping. No, douchenozzle, the reason you can’t 1–get a job, 2–KEEP a job, is because you are in fact a douchenozzle, not because someone outed you as a phony and a fuckstick who would be better off being beaten daily with a sock full of quarters. Trust me, people don’t need to read this blog to know what kind of a person you are. A five-minute conversation would be more than they need to know you are in fact a walking waste of sperm and eggs.

Please beat your head against a brick wall until WE get tired of the squishy sounds, m’kay?


You are crying out for attention in a plethora of ways, from your posing to your lying to people to get what you want to your threatening suicide to your name-calling ramblings, etc………………..

You need psychological help, dude. Badly.

And then you need an ass-kicking so bad you have to do the 3-legged hop to the hospital for an emergency rectumectomy.

Old Tanker

You can’t even get a job because of this site? Oh fer fuck sake, ya, all employers come here to vet potential new hires….stop with the pity party ‘cuz no one’s gonna show up. Even God doesn’t forgive without you owning up to your mistakes and asking for absolution.


There are some psychologically abusive comments on this post. I’m not sure if I have any advice for Kyle and how to get out of this mess that he made for himself, but I would like him to at least know that there are others who think that the psychological abuse of him here amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. No matter what anyone did that is wrong, human beings, by virtue of being such, should still be treated with some modicum of respect.

Come clean, Kyle, and don’t let this BS get to you. Your life is valuable. If you are seriously thinking about suicide, please find a stable and caring person to talk to, whether it is a counselor, a minister, a friend; someone. Even a dog might help (man’s best friend).

I have twice known of people on the internet who later blew their heads off. One of them, who I never met or communicated with, I later attended his memorial service after having ignored an email forwarded to me from him. I hope to never have to see that type of thing again. Everyone should breathe a little and let up. Find something else to do, and Kyle, find somebody to talk to who is not going to be abusive toward you.