Derek Kent Rose, the forgery sex offender

| June 10, 2012

Mary at POW Network sends us their research on Derek Kent Rose who was arrested in Virginia last week for receiving stolen property and not registering with the sex offender registry. Apparently, he was also caught forging his DD214 a while back and using the Wounded Warrior program telling the tale that he was in a HMMV accident which killed four of his fellow Marines and he caught a TBI while they died in his arms. Here’s the DD214 he began to alter with an X-acto knife;

And how it ended up;

Really? It takes Marines a 4-week course to learn night land navigation? And at least he didn’t go for Force Recon or Scout Snipers and just made himself an MP. That ought to make you MPs feel a little better.

But here are his assignments from his FOIA, so unless he was a traffic control MP in the DFAC chow line, it doesn’t reflect any possibility for his self-awarded Combat Action Ribbon;

So, as with most of these phonies, he’s guilty of other stuff besides forging his records;

POW Network has several examples of the little perv embellishing his record, and wearing uniforms and phony finery that he bought but didn’t earn. you should check it out.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I looked at it. You don’t have a case.

I play a lawyer on TV which as this conversation goes is enough of a legal opinion.


NHSparky: hey, I’ve heard of them – how are they? Thinking of changing to them from mine. I’m not really pleased with what I’ve been getting from mine – Alwais Plukken deKlientz, Esq.


Two soap operas going the same day??

Hand me the popcorn.


You enjoy making an example of people, and honestly you are allowed to, but so am I.


Wonder if she’s made a chart yet.


Come on coward…Your attorney’s name…number? Im anxious to make an example of you.


Now, B, THAT was about the most sensible thing you’ve said since you’ve posted here!


..and then she goes off on the deep end again. Durn.


And what example would that be, “B-Responsible”?

If you contacted Jonn to complain about comments here, that means you initiated contact – not him. And if he rather brusquely told you to get lost/grow up/whatever, that’s not harassment or stalking. And a site owner doing a reverse-DNS lookup to see where traffic to his/her site is coming from isn’t any violation of privacy. And as I recall, entry of an e-mail address at this site is voluntary and is not necessary for one to leave a comment.

Further: unless you have very strong proof that Jonn’s been harassing you, making an accusation of that nature publicly – as you’ve done here – could well be legally actionable. You might want to run that by your lawyer before you proceed further. If he exists anywhere but in your mind, that is.

You’ve been coming her voluntarily, as have “Shocked” and “that guy”. That would seem to rather undercut any case of harassment – since you’re coming here of your own volition and responding in kind, that rather strongly shows you’re voluntarily participating in a discussion. Don’t like what you read here? You can leave at any time.

And good luck proving the actual source of any e-mail you’re getting if you don’t even know what an IP address is or how to read an SMTP header. If you’re actually even getting hateful e-mail as you claim, that is. We only have your word for that.


Well now John, keep it coming… Im waiting for an attorney’s name and number. Im not willing to wait for your fake attorney to contact me. I willing to shut you up with reality.


God Bless America.


What the hell does “I willing to shut you up with reality” mean?

And being willing certainly doesn’t mean that you are able. You know, like I am willing to win a couple of gold medals at the Olympics this summer but it’s not gonna happen ’cause I lack the ability to do so.

Just so you know – coming into someone else’s “house” making demands does not obligate the owner of the “house” to anything. How does that reality work for you?


I’m guessin it won’t compute.


I wonder how long before persona #4 shows up . . . and if that one will claim to be a lawyer?


John….your attorney’s number…name? What are you afraid of? That your actions might come back to haunt you…they will…I promise. Let just go ahead and show your buddies who is right. If your within your legal rights to harass me, stalk me, and now post my name then you have nothing to worry about. You will then be able to show your buddies just what a MAN you are. But if you actually HAVE violated several laws I guess I get to make an example of you. Ironic.


No Hondo, it’ll be even worse. It will claim to be a Lawer, and have horrible spelling, grammar and complete lack of any type of punctuation.


Well, whatcha know – a spoiled brat kid trying to impress by throwing their daddy’s name around to get their way. Figures.


B, look carefully. No address of yours is anywhere on this entire blog.

Jonn is not going to pay his lawyer to begin an action against himself on your behalf. That is YOUR attorney’s job. YOUR attorney can find Jonn easily if he needs to.

And you want to stop having contact with us? There’s a thing called an “Off” switch on your computer. Try it! It works like a charm.


Gotta ask. Is she seeing her own name and addie because it’s there on her computer? And she thinks that means the rest of us can see it, too??

We already know she’s delusional and all, but she also thinks we are all there in the room looking over her shoulder???


Your cute ; ) . He took his website down probably 7 months ago. All he cared about was making a difference in this ugly world of ours, so please don’t attack him. He has honorably served 30 plus years, and if you do your homework, he has given so much not just to our country but to other countries as well. Leave my Dad out of this. Providing an email to include my name and private information sent to the administrator of a website has no business being posted just because you want to be an asshole John. My father has changed the life you had in the military for the better, and had been honorable in everything he has done. You are going way too far posting all of this information about me and my family so you can continue to bully a woman. I am nicely asking for you to remove my name and the email and my fathers name and handle this the right way. You have absolutely no right to post this private information about me or my family. Information you receive through a request as the administrator of this site does not negate my right to privacy. I didn’t personally email you, I emailed a request to an “official” operator of the blog.


There is so much deflecting going on in this thread!


What do you guys want? I simply wanted you guys to be mindful of the children, and I got attacked personally. I have not personally attacked anyones character on here and you continue to insult and violate my right to privacy. I am a mother whom cares about the experience these children have had and will have. How does that make me a horrible person? after asked relentlessly for you guys to just be nice, Im hit with a barrage of insults toward myself and my family. WHAT DO YOU WANT?


B, listen very carefully.

Only your first name has appeared in a post. Your contact name and address is not on here.

YOU brought your father into this and frankly, is not part of this discussion at all.

YOU ARE THE ONE CONTINUING THIS DISCUSSION. Jonn told you before; it was dead before you showed up here.


I am not Derek. I can’t stand that man…I agree that he should be exposed for the disgusting POS he is, I simply asked for you to remember there are innocent children involved who will read this. John…do you want a public apology…IM SORRY, for whatever you feel I have done to deserve the way I have been treated. All of you…Just remove the shit talking and keep up what is pertinent, which is what Derek has done. This isn’t a pissing match of wills here. Not one person on here would appreciate this, looking at this from my shoes. Go back and read the first to posts of mine. Im simply asking for everyone to be mindful of the kids in this. A moment of humility, Please just delete all of this and call it good. You all have had your fun. Now lets grow up, myself included.


Again, WTF does your daddy have to do with any of this, woman? Are you seriously mental or did you just forget to take the plunger out of the shitter this morning?

To quote the mighty and brave Sergeant Hulka, “Lighten up, Francis.” Jonn owns the website, domain, what have you. Nobody published your e-mail, shared it, used it, and frankly, I’d be surprised if more than 50 percent of the e-mail addys here are real. And if you’re using your full real name in an e-mail account, well, there’s one reason why identity theft is so friggin easy.

FWIW, e-mail address requirements to post on a website was a result of COPPA and other federal laws. No board admin can remove that requirement, even if they wanted to.

And Jonn–Steve Forbes? Oh, we’re fucked now.


Please just delete all of this and call it good.

Uh, yeah, no. This shit’s pure comedy gold, lady.



1. Your e-mail address has not been posted anywhere publicly. Period.

2. Jonn as site owner/administrator can see it. And if you contacted him via e-mail, well, you sent it to him as well.

3. You came on here reasonable if misguided. Folks here disagreed with you. You then misinterpreted a simple point (Jonn owns the site, so he sees EVERYTHING here) when Jonn called you on using multiple personae. You then went off the rails.

4. Since then, you’ve been acting like a spoiled child. Even allowing that “that guy” may be your son (which I frankly doubt), you’ve appear to have created at least one other persona here to bolster your argument. You then started being nasty and making wild, unsupported accusations and trying to use family for influence (“do you know who my father is?”). NOT mature behavior.

What do we want? We want for you to act like an adult vice a spoiled child. Specifically, you need to realize people here (a) disagree with you, (b) are entitled to disagree with you (c) are not harassing you, (d) your immature actions are provoking others to respond harshly to you, and (e) are attracting even more attention to this article – which isn’t going away.

Start acting like and adult, and you’ll be treated as one.


One more time – It’s “JONN”, you retarded fucking cunt!

Christ, can you PLEASE just apply a 230 gr injection cranially and make the world a better place????

And if you TRULY cared one whit about your child or his siblings, you’d look into getting an education and bettering yourself. Now, step away from the effing crackpipe and keyboard for chrissakes.


My Dad was brought into this when I sent a private email to the administrator to remove my posts. I did so because I recognized that in arguing on this thread I am subjecting these children to what I was asking you guys to be mindful of. I was 100% in the wrong even posting anything to begin with. I have victimized these children in this thread more so then you guys by even bringing up the children. Then felt this stupid desire to defend myself. And yet like an idiot, continued to argue. Im not proud of this in any way. In an attempt to then reverse my impulsive actions First nicely asked for it to be removed, then when I found out John was the administrator I got angry and felt to protect myself threatening him with a civil suit would appeal to him. It backfired. Now my whole family is drug into this. I except responsibility…PUBLICLY. John, Im sorry I threatened a suit, I didn’t know how else to appeal to you to remove the posts. This has gotten way out of hand, and Im asking, with humility and regret, please remove all of this.


I’m fairly certain, Sparky, that it isn’t Forbes, but Colbert who’s her daddy.


I did so because I recognized that in arguing on this thread I am subjecting these children to what I was asking you guys to be mindful of.

So basically you’re now just as guilty of the thing of which you accuse us. Bravo, hon.

And for the record, the, “Do you know who my daddy is?” card has NEVER worked. It’s only slightly less popular and successful than the, “Do you know who I am?” card, which only paints the user as a pompous douchebag.

I was 100% in the wrong even posting anything to begin with.

And yet here you are, still posting, still doing damage, still acting like an ass. Threatening to sue someone is silly, immature, and usually wrong. Should you have just walked away instead of pretending to be a bunch of different people, well….

But no, the damage here has been done, and the responsibility lies completely with you. Own it.


I have. 🙁


I agree


AHAHHAHAHAHAHA. This post has made my laugh-out-loud day, between Jonn’s sock puppet and “Dewey Cheatem and Howe”.
There are timeswhen I wish I were a shrink (non-science fuzzy subject that it is), so I could psycho-analyze this/these libturds/libtards/trolls.
It/they exhibit all the standard behavior of typical progressive liberal trolls.
They want YOU to stop talking & telling the truth — because it’s “for the childreeeeennnnnnnn”. Misdirection/Going off subject. Ad hominum, personal and straw man attacks. Threats of lawsuits. (Now if she’d threatened a CIVIL suite, she/they still have a leg to stand on, but it would be more believeable.)
B-R et al. . Shut up, cut your losses, and quit digging a deeper hole. You’re hoplessly out gunnedxandxout manned.


Damn, ROS – remind me not to piss you off. (smile)

Old Tanker

Dayum, see what happens when I’m gone a week? I miss all the good stuff….


I take full responsibility. :'(


And I add, anyone with more then three—no, make that two brain cells to rub together would beable to run rings around all’yo u’all. As I would say about about you, “isn’t that special” and”bless her heart”. Neither of which is meant as a compliment.


I believe you can agree with me, Hondo, that stupidity should be painful. 🙂

B Woodman

#139 & #143 are mine. Stupid non-bluetooth Kindle android tablet. Hate touch keypads.


After that, who am I to disagree? (smile)


I dont deserve to be told that I should kill myself, and that I would do the world a favor by doing so. To be called a retarded fucking cunt…I have taken full responsibility. I have humbled myself and apologized. I never realized people could be so mean. I have never hurt anyone, and my intentions were genuine. you guys have a way of breaking a girl down into absolute tears. Im sorry.


So all that crap that “she” was spewing to start with was a lie?

Meanwhile, the added conversation has pretty much guaranteed that this will forever be the first place a search will direct people. From now on. Yeah, forever more.

Happy with the outcome? Or are you only masquerading as someone/several someones other than Derek?

Crazy, man.


I just had to come and read this…. this is easily the oldest article still getting active posts. Wow, this is entertaining!!! We have someone who supposedly has only one child whio has said child refer to her other kids… a “double major” college student who evidently can’t spell, punctuate, or complete a sentence without profanity, and more wierd curveballs thrown than a Major League baseball game. It’s a pleasure to see the lunatic fringe and the walking wounded in the War on Drugs have become (sorta) computer-literate. Hell, I’m gonna bookmark this to see what kind of inanity comes next! (My money is on a terse “F*** you from her – just to stave off commenting on that one, please rewatch Dennis Hopper early in “Speed”)


Dave, I have a couple of children, and only 1 is Dereks. My son that posted last night is NOT Dereks child. Derek himself has 5, that I know of, children with just as many mothers. My child being his first. He has two daughters that has at separate times attempted to hurt themselves. I can’t stand Derek and I have not had contact with him in nearly 5 years,(he contacted me) and haven’t seen him since before my child was born. His parental rights were severed when my child was born. Once I figured out what he was about I ran….later to find out I was pregnant. I was a child myself. He has never been a part of my childs life, and my child with Derek is a double major in a University. He has not read this, but Im sure inevitably will, and I AM NOT proud of my impulsive actions. My husband responded this morning as “Shocked” in an effort to defend his wife.


gawd. I go get my sister from work and its STILL GOING ON!!


I am telling ya. Only the very best.


Ma’am, if I could make a (hopefully) helpful suggestion – by this point you would probably accomplish more by ceasing to comment. Derek has chosen to lead the life he has, and you have obviously decided to exclude him from yours and your son’s. You have no way to control what other people think, and cannot be responsible for whatever interpretation his other children may have of his behavior. Verbally attacking Jonn for having made public note of Derek’s transgressions is like getting angry when a light exposes cockroaches – the issue is not who is holding the light, it’s the cockroaches.


Seriously, B? Grow a set. I’m a chick and would never be reduced to tears by someone (online, no less) telling me I’m acting like a flaming imbecile and using rhetoric. Perhaps the problem isn’t that your child has a larcenic pedophiliac as a sperm donor, rather that you’ve a thin skin and absolutely no sense whatsoever if your behavior is any indication.

That said, if your child is as adjusted as you’ve indicated and you’ve so much contact with the mothers of those girls, perhaps you should suggest that they convey to those young adults and adolescents (12 and 14 are NOT children) that which you’ve done raising your own son, as well as a strong emphasis on the fact that they are NOT representative of their father and are not doomed to turn out as he has. Seriously, you cannot shield teens from reality and not expect them to be more harmed by finding out truths from sources other than those in whom they’ve placed their trust.

And if you have to be told repeatedly how to spell a 4-letter name that’s plastered all over the page, being referred to as retarded is relatively mild.


Your right. I will take your advise. I respect that everyone has an opinion and are free to voice it. I need to add, I don’t disagree with posting what Derek has done. He is disgrace to his country. He needs to be exposed. He honestly should never be allowed out of jail, and I said as much in a letter to the courts years back. I was wrong in believing I could protect all of his children by appealing to all to be only caused a tsunami. And for that I truly am sorry and regret ever posting. I guess its something I can’t take back. Ive spent the afternoon crying and that can’t be good for me or my children.

God Bless, and THANK YOU for your service!