Steve “Snake Eyes” Jordan, MSgt Soup Sandwich’s retarded cousin

| September 8, 2011

This post is now a nightmare with things in the wrong place, but wanted to update with this from POW Net…

UPDATE: Oh Steve, you’ve been a bad little monkey over there on N STILES ST (Or did you move to N WOOD AVE?) in LINDEN NJ…Mom and Dad (Eleanor and William) know about your SF days? You come off probation yet for your charge of UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF IMITATION FIREARM? Phone # still 908-943-7908, or did you get a new one? And by the way, Happy Birthday a little early (13th of this month)! And changing your DOB and SSN by 1 digit doesn’t really do much, the computers cross index by residence and a host of other factors, so that trick of changing your SSN from 152-84-xxxx to 132-84-xxxx didn’t do any good.

Don’t make me angry Steve, you wouldn’t like me when I am angry. Dude, I will go all Bruce Banner on your GI Joe ass. So, write a nice little apology, you can post it in the comments, or send it to I’ve got more fun here, should I share it Steve?

EDIT x2: And what in the holy name of Spongebob’s necrofiliac Aunt is this huge ball of wombat sperm?

EDIT: Is this shittard wearing a turtleneck?

Earlier, back in Gotham….

This morning, in the dawn air, I saw it, the douchebag bat signal.  I swooped in and found this asshat.


I maybe outmand but never out numbered, Country boy whose hunting skills were honed on his grandparent’s farm.He live for the hunt

Bragging rights

I love to kill terrorists when they try stupid shit


U.S. Army Spec Ops. (APO Wolfpack)


  • U.S. Army
    First Sergeant, 1988 – present

Um yeah, ok. When not killing terrorists who do stupid shit, he’s also a ninja.

Dude can sneak in through your window and knock up your chihuahua without even making a sound.

Does have a sweet beard though.

Heroes like this need all the publicity they can get, so, please go forth and find all you can on Steve “Dusty/Snake Eyes” Jordan. He may be from Linden NJ.

Places to start your search:
Google profile.
Flicker page.

More mental illness after the jump.

Extra points to the first person that finds pictures of him in a hot tub with a weatherman and a dead guy with a dog collar on.

This dude is hella fun….here he is before his mission to take out Cobra HQ:

Snake Eyes, you ever shot a machine gun on peyote? Fuggin badass man.

Here he is doing his best Cross-Dresser Barbie imitation:

This may or may not be his current look:


Here is his Myspace.

Here is his Model Profile.

His name is Steve A. Jordan, and he is from Linden.  We’ll get his DD214, if someone could look up on AKO.  Also, I know a PI in New Jersey, so I will do a background check.

Baghdad = Mom’s House. Tell me this isn’t the same house.

Category: Phony soldiers, Politics, Shitbags

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Yeah…a troll that shops muzzle flashes on his Airsoft shit while pretending his mother’s trailer is Baghdad.

So, nI…may I call you shitbag? What recruiting station you heading for? There are some folks at the battalion who’d LOVE to give you a warm personal welcome.

Seriously. Give it up. Nobody is buying your shit, you sawed off little fuckstick.


I wonder what will happen when the real po-po shows up at his mom’s house to arrest him for impersonating a LEO? One thing is for sure, those particular dudes don’t carry shitty little airsoft rifles and the muzzle flash isn’t shopped.

not Important

you will all see how funny this is when the cops come nocking at all your doors for spreading stuff on the internet about a master sargent in the army. that is a serious offense and none of you have honor i served and this is what i get for defending this country i dont care if i lose my job actually because i have an meeting wtih the sherrifs dept and they are going to hire me because of my militart training and then who wins then huh you guys just pretty much helped me get another job and plus i always get calls from obamas team askin me to come aboard to protect the pres because of how good of a shooter i am i got hawkeye in training and i bet none of you guys did thats why i trained in special forces and learned everything about my rifiles and pistols this isnt halo its real life and its what i do you are all disrespectful to my uniform you dont knwo what i have seen in my life in the sandbox its hot over there and you see crazy things. but none of you would no about anything of that


not Important


not Important

that rainbow PICTURE is not ME!!!!!!! this is nOT!!!!!!!!!! a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As my command sargent allways says: heads will roll. !!!


Shit, if I had a dollar for every time some shitbag claimed he was calling the cops, FBI, etc., on me, or claimed they had a lawyer…

You’re a special kind of ri-tard, aintcha? Do us all a favor and go play in traffic.


nI; the fact is, none of those pictures are YOU, because in every one of them, you portray yourself as something you are not. You are posing; that’s why you’re called a “poser.” Get it?


Welp, it appears as if “Steve Jordan” is not his real name. He used that as an alias. Steve Jordan is listed as one of his favorite athletes. He was also known as Michael Knight at one point as well.

Here is his new facebook:

After the exposure of this character was underway, he changed everything on his profile. He took down pictures, and removed information from his profile. He also changed his name to Ronald Dimico, which is also probably a fake name.

Have fun, gentlemen.


Oh and…….!/SnakeEyes2



Yet more…..

Well i’ve been getting into doing pictures of me from doing bondage and fetish places and my own fetish nights from when i had a night club i was working at.Now i’m trying modeling and see what doors can open for me. I do my own make up and clothing in the pictures you see here in my profile photo section, I would like to get into working with others on photo shoots.When upon joining my yahoo’s group please have a full yahoo profile including picture. Thanx


Pretty sure this is the house in question in most of his pictures:,%20NJ:7220172931

?? S Stiles St.
Linden, NJ 07036


Here is an older myspace where he talks about being a representative for some lucrative firm.

And here:

It states right under his name that he is “POSING AS A VETERAN SOLDIER”

This is starting to get very, very weird.

Oh, and that guy is most likely a troll. The real “Steve” seems like he would be way too much of a little pussy to come and face you gentlemen.


You all must see this.

If you look at certain parts of his profile, it states that he is posing as a veteran soldier. My theory is that a mod of this site was filled in on the situation and edited his profile to display this info about him.


I think post #103 is the longest, most boring gibberish of a sentence I’ve ever read, and I’ve read the RPM addendums for an A4W reactor plant. You’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning to be more of a bore than Navsea 08.

Bravo, sir.


‘not Important’ is an obvious troll impostor. Even in today’s military of relaxed standards, you’d have to be able to spell and form sentences better than that to get through ANCOC, much less write an NCOER.

Old Trooper

Lol @ 103/104!!!!


Yeah, right, cheesedick. You don’t salute an enlisted person, no matter if it’s the SMA, or a private, with one exception that you probably don’t know about.

You have no idea how many times some lame-ass has come on here and threatened us with lawsuits, arrests, etc. Bring it you little turd. Now I’m tired of your gibberish so unless you can come up with something fresh in regards to a reply, I’m not going to reply anymore.

Jonn Lilyea

For the record, “Not Important” and “Anonymous” are using the same IP address which originates in Corpus Cristi, TX, which apparently is a Sockpuppet City. As far as siccing a “lawer” and a “command sergeant” on us goes, there’s a long line at the Mineral County courthouse everyday of “lawers” who want to shut this website down. Expect a long wait. Please stay in the line, though, your lawsuit is very important to us.


teddy996–amen, except in my case substitute D1G-2 and S5W for A4W. Toss in the EDOM while you’re at it.

William Faulkner reads this guys posts and thinks, “That is one long-winded motherfucker right there.”


TSO–IP addresses not matching up?

The Jester


“[Y]our lawsuit is very important to us.” Lost coffee on that.


Congratulations Jonn Lilyea. You exposed me. I am a common internet troll who moves from forum to forum trying to get a rise out of good folks like yourself. I was just trying to have fun, and that I did. I am in no way in support of this scumbag, I just wanted to see if anyone would call me out, and one of you did. For that, I am grateful, for I can move on to another forum to successfully troll yet another group of unsuspecting people. Hey, at least I made up for it by investigating this guy and posting my findings.

Good day to you all, and thank you for your service. *Not trolling here*




Wow, so we add another name to the list of fuctards who need to be beaten like a hippy. I am a vet AND a costumer and this guy doesn’t qualify for either. Hell, he was kicked out of two of the costuming groups I am part of for lack of attention to detail. I think some of the dogs that the MPs use got a higher ASVAB score than this poser.

Also, who is the hell can’t even spell Sergeant right? Really Anon? My nephew can spell it right and he’s only five!

tavern knight

Burn the wannabes down and throw in “Anonymous” & “not Important” too.


Well if anyone wishes to send a lawyer after me he’d better be a good one and well worth the money spent on him. He’d also better be able to read the sign that says “TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT….SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN.” rofl


Look at the last photo (bottom right) on — is that a Borat costume? “I come to this country with clothings, American monies, and jar of gypsy tears to protect me from the AIDS. GREAT SUCCESS!”


So here’s an interesting question for you all this morning. Clearly while this guy and soup sandwich may have 6 beers, they don’t have the plastic thing holding them together.

Question is, which one of them is worse?


PRC–I’ll go with Soup Sandwich, only because he walked onto Fort Benning and thought he would be able to get away with that shit.


NHSparky – that does seem to tip things in his favor


I am an American Soldier-that alone should give each and every one of us in uniform you beat the snot out of you, Not Important. You claim to be in the Army, and if you really are a Soldier, and an E-8, how many damn boards have you sat on? With that being the case you should at least know how to cite the Soldier’s Creed…thats the one thing we live by on a day to day basis you can t even summon the cajones to admit you aren t legit.

Oh and by the way, jack ass, many SF/SEALs (if you were really trying to act like the SEAL on MOH, you fucked up big dude, how the hell can you be a SEAL AND in the Army at the same time?!) have full sleeves, not just one or two little OOOOO LOOK AT ME IM A HOMO tattoos. Get some legit ones too…
As many people have said on here, go play in traffic.

Cav Medic 1/82d Cavalry

Myself and a friend found this p.o.s. on Facebook and have been following every link we can on this and have even called the New Jersy National Guard and asked about htis individual and they know nothing about him except for rumors of a poser. Also if anyone on here would like to follow up on him here is the phone number to call the former 117th Cavalry they have gone back to the 102d Cavalry due to realignement and needs for thr Guard. 1-732-499-5662 Happy poser hunting.

Scouts out


Anyone got an real address for that Corpus IP address? I dont live too far from there and a few of my fellow retired Army veterans and I would love to pay this guy a visit and ..umm…perform some wall to wall counseling (FM 22-102 comes to mind). Road trips anyone?? He stepped on my last nerve with that Recruiter and Master Sergeant bit (been there done that) as well as the deployment bit…sand pit?? wtf?

not Important: Spell check is your friend, Moron. Oh, and its Command Sergeant Major not command sargent, Numbnuts.


Sweet! He’s a GI Joe AND a character from that video game “Medal of Honor”! Bet his cell phone plays that Linkin Park song too.


Ordsoldier – hey asshole, I admitted that I am a troll, I am not this fuckwad of a poser in question. Go ahead, trace my ip, I invite you to. Soldier or not, I will shoot you dead. Go ahead and call my bluff, you will be shot in your head if you show up on my doorstep.

Learn to read a little better before you make threats, faggot.


Here Ordsoldier – I will do the work for you.

Here is my IP –
Put it into this site:

If you can find me from there, go right ahead. I am inviting you to, tough guy. Bring your dried up retired army buds too. I got something for all of you.


Anonymous, you are a serious douche.


O rly? I am a douche for responding to some keyboard warrior’s threats? I put in plain text that I was a troll. I am just saying, if he shows up on my property, he will be dead within minutes. I have 5 point camera surveillance system along with two very protective German Shepherds that would love to be acquainted with the bottom side of some retards ass meat. I wont even mention the hardware that I have stashed in almost every room of my house.


Haha you don’t take me seriously? If you are feeling like such a trooper TSO, why dont you take the liberty of finding out where I live? I bet your opinion would change when we met face to face you fucking waste of life.


Haha my job is on the internet. I make 70k a year working as a network administrator for a major department store brand. You run a blog. Hahah how is that going for ya, chief?


I am done here, I have other shit to do. I was just checking up on the status of our boy Steve when I saw that fuckwads comment.

Have a good life, I know I will.

The Old One

Some tell the boys at “Ranger Up” about this child? They might be a little bored tonight.

Old Trooper

re #148: Thanks for that, Matt, nothing like getting seriously pissed off this late in the game. I thought I was gonna keep an even keel about this asshole, but that picture just sent me right over the limit. I was actually starting to think he just liked to play dress up, seeing his GI Joe snake eyes shit and all, but this is just fucking wrong on a lot of levels. He needs his ass kicked with extreme prejudice.


Matt, did you do that? +1