Angelo Otchy, another phony hero

| August 4, 2010

Zedechek sent us an article last night about military barfly Angelo Otchy, the New Jerseyian who managed to get booted from nearly every branch of military service, and then engineered his own award of his community’s Distinguished Service Medal with his fantasies;

The 35-year-old Army veteran told a reporter that day about his three tours of duty in Iraq. Voice dropping to a near-hush, he spoke, too, about the buried bomb that ripped through his Humvee, injuring him and claiming the lives of three friends, one of them a soldier from Paterson.

“I’m haunted by that day every day of my life,” Otchy told The Star-Ledger.

But Otchy wasn’t in that Humvee. He was at home in New Jersey when the soldiers died. And he didn’t serve three tours of duty in Iraq. He served half of one tour before he was sent back to the States for extended rest and relaxation.

Sweet Marie. And who busted him? It was his own uncle, a colonel. The Star Ledger says he had an extensive military career;

Records show he joined the Army in December 1993, only to be discharged four months later. In May 1996, he enlisted in the Marine Corps but washed out of basic training. Otchy said he failed to qualify in weapons proficiency.

Just three months later, he joined the Navy. Again it didn’t stick. Otchy lasted less than a year before he was discharged.

“I didn’t want to do it anymore,” he said.

Now someone compare that quote with this statement from Otchy;

“I was feeling down and out, and I guess I wanted someone to appreciate what I did for this country, because I sure as hell don’t feel appreciated,” Otchy said. “I’ve been home two years, and maybe two people said ‘Thank you for your service.’?”

Poor guy, he didn’t do anything and feels unappreciated.

Category: Phony soldiers

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please stop harassing me ,god will it ever stop…someone told me today your all jumping on this issue again..god almight ,I said I was sorry

Green Thumb

The truck was red.

You backed into a pole and then lied.

Don’t remember?

I bet you remember SGM J.




hey green thumb ..I never did that so go to hell you fuckin pussy…be a big guy and tell me who you are


yeah I remember jones..he was kool as shit and nothing happened,so whatever you little bitch…be a man and tell me who you are if your so tough




let me pull up a chair and some popcorn. I bet angelo and fuckers have the same IP. Green Thumb, please, splash some more gas on the fire.


thanks sir im done with these aholes


fuck you andy …you probably never served a day in your life tough guy


lol, angelo, I did two tours Iraq with 3/7 Inf and 2/2 Inf. thankfully I don’t have to talk to myself on a small blog.


Andy: that guess would be correct, amigo.

Green Thumb


Do you remember how you claimed the PTSD?

Green Thumb

What was that guys name over at IG?

The dude you had on speed dial?

Live it up, Italian Stallion.

Remember how you used to tell all those stories? And had family in “high places?”

Otchy, you are worse than a has been, you were a never was.

Remember all of that CQ?


@117 CQ? really did they have him doing day on day off? or day on 2-3 off? loved it when some shitbag got dumped behind the CQ desk.

Green Thumb


Roger that. 24 on, 24 off.

This turd set the fucking record. (not that speed dialing IG helped)

He did teach me something though.

Question: Do you know why BDUs and ACUs have pockets?

Answer: To keep your profile.

This dude was fast on the draw. Quicker than any professional gunfighter.

“Yo, Otchy”

BAM. Profile in your face!

Frankly Opinionated

To the dickwad commenting as FUCKERS: You wrote:
“former co of 2nd battalion company 25th infantry”,
I am calling you out on that one. From several different directions, I see that as a damned lie.
First= No officer that I know would use the profanity in a public forum that you are using.
Second=No officer that I know would be that illiterate in his punctuation and sentence structure.
Third= No officer that I know would not know the structure of the infantry unit.
You are as full of BULLSHIT as a barnyard.
And, as for you, Angelo Otchy, (Goooooooooogle hit, making your name known worldwide as a phony, a liar, and a sockpuppet runner), if you hadn’t come here a year and a half after the thread was laid to rest, and resurrected it; there would be no comments today.
Are all you phonies totally ate up with the dumbass? You are as batshit crazy as Paul K. Wickre, (Goooooooogle him to see how infamous he made himself here at this great blog.),and as useless as “Ronald Mailahn” another phony like you. Go back to your hole, dope.


They can’t stand to be ignored, can they? Just more of the weird, and so predictable.

Green Thumb


I just saw this.

This is fucking classic!!

Man, I love this site!


Holy batshit crazy on a square wheeled unicycle. This guy makes Wickre look lucid.


I wonder if he “feels appreciated” now.


I’m betting that he had a REALLY bad week and kicking a puppy just wasn’t going to cut it. Wonder what the stressor was that set him off? this guy is the poster child for every branch needing some sort of psych screening just to get in the door.

Green Thumb

I think at one time the only thing he could do was wear a helmet and possibly mop.

No shit.


one of those “no breathing” profiles huh?

Frankly Opinionated

His facebook page is claiming former Marine. Isn’t he claiming Army infantry here, ala “former co of 2nd battalion company 25th infantry”?


“Angelo Otchy is one of the four veterans receiving the Verona Distinguished Service Medal on Memorial Day.”

The Verona Distinguished Service Wickre doesn’t have one of those…maybe Monkress does


O-4E, is that for both of their houses, or just one? Does it come with a pox, too?

Frankly Opinionated

Green Thumb:
Did I miss anything up in my comment #120?


Hey Jonn:

I thought you tossed this goofy moron “off the island”?


Got to tell you, Green Thumb. What I know now and were I to be a young MP again assigned to your unit, I’d of taken great pleasure being on this ass clown’s case 24/7. hehehe…

Green Thumb

@ 131.

Spot on.

OIF '06-'07-'08

WTF is up with all these phony retards coming back to revive their own dead threads that just adds to their idiocy, like come on, I have never heard of or knew anything about this Angelo Otchy until he came here tonight out of the blue and resurrects this thread that has been dead for over 2 years. Really smart Angelo, is it because just like Ron Mailhan, every time you try to find gainful employment, your prospective employer’s Google your names and guess what the search results reveal about all of you sorry ass loser’s. Well Angelo Otchy(GOOGLE HIT), Ron Mailhan(GOOGLE HIT), and the soon to be unemployed and bankrupted Paul K. Wickre(GOOGLE HIT), and Phillip Dale Monkress(GOOGLE HIT), these GOOGLE hits are all on me.

Just An Old Dog

‘former co of 2nd battalion company 25th infantry”
What the hell is that? were you the CO of 2nd Bn 25th Infantry or an (Unnamed) company in the 2 of the 25?
Big difference in being a Bn Commander (Lt Col) and a Company Commander (Capt).
Was it HQ, Alpha, Bravo or Charlie Company. You think you would remember what infantry company you commanded, since its usually a once in a career billet.
Good job digging up 3 year old bones Angelo Otchy (google hit). Bet your kids will be really proud to stumble across this tomorrow (Father’s Day)

OIF '06-'07-'08

Opp’s, just updated myself with Paul K. Wickre(GOOGLE HIT!!!), and he has been unemployed since June 8, 2013. Oh well.

Green Thumb

If there was such a thing as a CQ badge, this fudgecake would have had it.

Taking that medal, Otchy, was fucking low.

We all knew you never would amount to shit; looks live we were proven right.

If you ever see your uncle again, tell him that I will but him a beer.



Otchy sounds like some sort of itchy inflammation you would get in your nether in

“Man…this anal otchy is driving me crazy…itches like hell”


LOL angelo has snapped after a year and half. His employer must have brought this blog up when he got fired. And his wife left him after she couldnt take all his lies.

Green Thumb


I needed a laugh.


Joe Williams

First Angie Baby,you are not a Marine. Not gradulating Boot Camp means you are not a Marine! I am a old Corps now(65 to 72)since when are boots kicked out for unqual at the rifle range? I have than double time in Nam than you have in all three service attempts. Joe

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Hey Angie-BOY, what a laughable attempt at sockpuppetry!! What’s next?


What do we have, another dumb ass poser and sockpuppet account coming back to raise a dead post…. then trying to blast everyone else like it is our fault he is a pussy ass poser who got busted.
Fuck you Angie. Better men and woman than you are buried every month, and you have the audacity to bitch about being called out for pretending to be like those heros???

Just An Old Dog

The SV Tourney needs to start branching out,,, for real. One of the new awards needs to be the Douchebag Zombie award. presented to posers or sock puppets that go on long dead threads and revive them.

Green Thumb


This guy was like a gnat. Just buzzing around and annoying.

The only job I could forsee him getting would be in a change-operated toll booth.

Fucking clown.

Green Thumb

Actually I can only imagine he is washing dishes, somewhere.

And talking to them about his claims of valor.

This turd give credence to the type of paradigm where you spend 95% of your time dealing with 5% of the rank and file.

This clown was it.


Man I have a wicked case of anal otchys today…they’re all inflamed and itchy

Green Thumb


Use bleach and steel wool.

Green Thumb

Man: “Oh Shit, I think I have an Otchy!!!”

Man’s Lover: “I think you better hurry up and get to the doctor!!!”


Hey doc, ever seen anything like this before?

Oh shit, man, you got Otchyitis. That shit’s worse than the gonk, Black syphillis, crabs, and AIDS all rolled into one.

Donny Everson

lmao Dug his own grave. I never even heard about this until brought to light today. Hell this thread is better then any book or movie i ever saw. Get a kick out of the anonymous posts. Like everybody so stupid to figure out who it actually is. Well, then again they could be posting anonymously if they are on a secret mission or men in black……….hmmmmmm


Hmmm..interesting posts by both angelo and FUCKERS. Well here I am calling you out. So which unit are you talking about? According to Otchy’s FB page he is stating Schofield Barracks 2004-2008. Well there is NO 2nd battalion 25th Infantry. Are you saying 2nd Battlion 27th Infantry Regiment 25th ID or 2nd Battalion 35th Infantry Regiment (both on Schofield)? Or even 2nd Battalion 25th Aviation Regiment over on Wheeler?

FYI, FUCKERS if you are so sure tell me your real name. I WAS THERE and dealt with all the commanders of ALL units on a weekly basis working up as Division G-4 Armament, so dealt with all the Commanders through their Arms Rooms. Put up or shut up time.

SSG (R) Richard Thayer

Lol, I like how all the posts came within minutes of each other, from “different people.” I had never heard of this asshat until today, but I am sure glad he brought himself to the front of the line so we could all get a good laugh on this throat punch Thursday. As far as the Co of 2nd Bn company 25th or whatever, lol really, who thinks an Officer talks like that? What Officer wouldn’t at least use a simple thing like…. Spell check. Good laugh’s today Angelo Otchy (google hit).