Can’t Imagine Why.

| August 4, 2010

It seems that the reporter that leaked private conversations is wondering why his request to be embedded with Military in Afghanistan was rejected according to Army Times.

The author of the Rolling Stone article that ended the military career of Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the former top commander in Afghanistan, has been denied permission to join U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan, the Pentagon said Tuesday.

Defense Department spokesman Col. David Lapan told reporters that freelance writer Michael Hastings was rebuffed when he asked to accompany, or “embed,” with American forces next month.

I mean this is a total shock right, I mean posting angry comments about why support has taken over a year to get to Afghanistan and expects to be accepted there again?

The inspector general is considering whether officers were insubordinate and how far up the chain of command responsibility for decisions involving the Hastings interviews extended, officials said. Defense officials outlined the investigation on condition of anonymity because it is ongoing and has reached no conclusions.

On a side note we need to make a drinking game that sates that if anyone says “Not authorized to speak to the Press.” or something we drink. Because I see this happen way too much in our and Foreign news.

Oh the same reporter has a book deal that he s going to talk about him leaking these conversations, I mean why in the world would you not want him back.

Oh on the subject of Generals and Politics here is one for a good laugh.

General Pace – you have the power to fulfill your responsibility to protect the troops under your command. Indeed you have an obligation to do so.

You can relieve the President of his command.

Not of his Presidency. But of his military role as Commander-In-Chief.

You simply invoke the Uniform Code Of Military Justice.

There is only one possible response for something like this.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Liberals suck, Media, Terror War

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Good graphic, finally Star Trek: The Wimpy Generation grows some balls.


Who in the blue hell is this idiot and where did he go to college? CinC CENTCOM and Commander CENTCOM? WTF over. Is this really how CENTCOM works or is this guy the idiot I think he is? No wait do NOT reply to that last. It is posted on Arriana’s lovely and informative website that is enough for me.


P/S Love the Picard pic. That got a good chuckle out of me. 🙂

Future Marine

That same official is under fire for denying Julian Assange a security clearence and Mel Gibsons request to run a battered womens shelter. I still don’t know why he’d do that.

Also, nice picard pic.


Oh, I dunno–asking to be embedded after he gets a four-star general relieved? Either he’s incredibly stupid, incredibly naive, or REALLY incredibly ballsy.

Old Tanker

Sparky, he probably can’t fathom why the military doesn’t want him around either…


Bwahaaaa!! Then, I guess it would suck to be him?

Mike Kryschtal

In reference to ‘on the subject of Generals and Politics’ Until I went to the link I was under the impression that it was a quote from General Pace. Of course it was not, however the headline of Generals and Politics does a disservice to a great Marine.


Hastings is angling to try to be the next Assange. He wants the notariety.


I’d like to know what “ground rules” Hastings violated. He was allowed access to McCrystal and his staff, they knew he was there and they chose to air dirty laundry. Hastings did his job, wrote his story and now is being punished for it. In my opinion, it only confirms what most of us suspected all along: embeds are only free to report pro-government propaganda or lose access. I’m pretty sure we don’t have a 1st amendment right to free speech and free press only when the government agrees.


The same rule applies for a journalist as for a rattlesnake:

“It ain’t hard to get hold of one; the trick is turnin’ it loose.”

Future Marine

HM2, the conversation was off the record, in a bar in iceland. Not to mention, put yourself in their situation-Do you really wanna let him *Back*?


Any good brief on working with the media would tell you that no converstation with a journalist is ever off the record. Once they knew who he was they needed to be careful about what was said. I would say that he did them a favor by not disclosing their names and ranks. A lot of publications do not allow that.

In their situation, yes I want him *back.* Not allowing hime *back* only lends creedance to the argument that the government controls the story and that any info we get from the front lines is sanitized propaganda. Unless he compromises operational security, let him in. You don’t have to like it, but denying access helps no one.


#13 HM2:
“Sanatized propaganda”? You’re kidding, right? I saw a news report on our soldiers in Afghanistan just a couple of days ago. Let’s see…PTSD, drug abuse, domestic violence, murder, suicide. Not one word about anything our troops do correctly, or an operation that went as planned…nothing. The last time I saw sanatized government propaganda, it was on the History channel showing cinema reel footage from the Korean War!
Please, if you have seen ANYTHING on our troops you thought was sanatized by the government, please get me a link. I WANT TO SEE IT!!


Forgot the spell check! Sorry, folks!


I believe denying reporters like him access helps everyone. Are you trying to make the case that ‘sanatized’ reporting some how hurts the war effort? Please be saying that, that would be the easiest pitch in the world to knock straight out of the park….

Future Marine

HM2-He didn’t disclose any names or ranks? I bet General McChrystal would disagree there.
Also, wouldn’t getting half of the unit he embeds with “McChrystaled” compromise operational security?


I guess it’s too bad HM2, that you aren’t over there to vote “aye” on Hastings being allowed to embed. Oh, wait, there are no votes, it’s the military, not a democracy. Too bad, so sad, sucks to be him.
And, just exactly who is “most of us”? Would that be IVAW, VoteVets, Kos?