Obama blows off Medal of Honor recipients [Jonn]

| January 21, 2009

According to TSO who was at the “Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball”, this newly sworn-in President for the first time in 56 years blew off the ball (that’s 14 Inaugurations).

Some background on the ball;

The American Legion sponsors the ball, which recognizes recipients of Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military award. It started in 1953 for President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first inauguration.

Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

So where was our new President instead of honoring Medal of Honor recipients who by some miracle are still alive? According to Huffington Post, this was his schedule for Inaugural celebrations;

Later that day, the Presidential Inaugural Committee will host 10 official inaugural balls:

_ Neighborhood Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Obama Home States (Illinois and Hawaii) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Biden Home States (Pennsylvania and Delaware) Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Midwest Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Mid-Atlantic Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Western Inaugural Ball at the Washington Convention Center.

_ Commander in Chief’s Ball at the National Building Museum.

_ Southern Inaugural Ball at the National Guard Armory.

_ Eastern Inaugural Ball at Union Station.

_ Youth Inaugural Ball at the Washington Hilton.

Unofficial balls include:

_ Congressional Black Caucus Inaugural Ball at the Capitol Hilton.

_ Creative Coalition Inaugural Ball at the Harman Center for the Arts.

_ Recording Industry Association of America’s ball for Feeding America.

_ BET’s Inaugural Ball at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

_ Africa on the Potomac inaugural celebration at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va.

_ American Music Inaugural Ball at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel.

_ Inaugural Purple Ball at the Fairmont Hotel.

_ Human Rights Campaign’s Equality Ball at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

_ Inaugural Peace Ball at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum.

_ Impact Film Fund ball.

Mr. Wolf from Blackfive sends along this link to which Inaugural Balls Obama actually attended last night.

Category: Politics

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Well, Curious, you just answered a question for me – You are a liberal idiot, but I repeat myself.


Dear Curious,

Do you not find it curious that every President for the last 56 years managed to make time for this ball, yet this one, the one who will make the waters recede can not find the time to stop by. He did manage to make the time to hang out with liberal celebrities and violent rappers and thugs. Yep, he certainly understands who this country owes its very freedoms too. Military members know BULLSHIT when they hear it. They have not and will not be fooled by this BUFFOON!!!!!!!


You know, I don’t know much about these balls but it strikes me as odd that PRESIDENT OBAMA should give a sh*t about anything the American Legion sponsors, considering the kind of politicians they support.

Start treating liberal Democrats with the same respect that they do military-industrial complex-loving Republicans/Blue Dog Democrats, and maybe they’ll get a little more respect in turn.


[…] 21, 2009 Another milestone, and another first for Obama! He is the first president in 56 years to snub the American Legion’s “Salute the Heroes” Inaugural ball. Perhaps his ego couldn’t handle being surrounded by actual heroes? The American Legion […]

Mr Wolf

I doubt this will help Cu (I’m not finishing that word in a ‘family’ blog) but-

There are 104 living recipients of the MoH.
48 were there last night.
Out of the 104, those 48 are basically 100% of those healthy enough to make the trip to ANY event- youngest living is 58, the oldest is over 100. Within BHO’s time of administration, we will lose 40% of these heroes living today.

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of the MoH society, of which they have gone to GREAT lengths to bring awareness of the lives of these great men. This event was one of the signature events of the year, as it is every 4 years.

Chew on that one awhile..

Mr Wolf


bethn135 just so me one legitimate link that shows that past 4 presidents attending that ball for starters.


Again Curious,

I do not recall any liberal saying we should unite behind George Bush. In fact, I remember the exact opposite happening. Guess what you bunch of LIBTARDS. You shall reap what you have sown. I have no repect for this Pres. I will not honor him, I will not support him, and I will point out EVERY thing he does wrong, be it large or small. I hope he fails miserably at every thing he tries. SUCK IT you IDIOT


Did anyone besides me read this today?

“For those playing at home, I will have a subsequent post about how Obama failed to show for the Ball, the first President since Eisenhower to not come to the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball.”


He does have to run in 4 years. It looks the non-official balls he attened will likely all be contributors to his re-election bid. Who else will have any money by that time to support him besides those in the entertainment industry.


Why don’t you fellers try posting over at Balloon Juice – http://www.balloon-juice.com . John Cole and his merry band of liberal bloggers will be a nice challenge for you conservatives.


You are a Moron. There are links to the 2000 and 2004 balls in the comments sections as I am sure you have seen. Get off this site. You know he was an ASS for not going and you pretending that you can not find anything about this ball just makes you look even dumber than you already do. STOP EMBARRASSING yourself and get back on your knees and suck OBAMAS c*CK some more. If you can remove Chris Matthews lips from around it first.


you would have to get out of the way first buddy


[…] seems all surprised at this, but I can’t imagine why. He’s a liberal Democrat; he doesn’t give two shits, or […]

Askew Attitude

Curious, I would first like to apologize for those who shout names, and muck-rake. It’s childish. Secondly, I typed in “inaugural ball salute to heroes” and found Defense Department press links showing Big G Bush, Clinton, and Lil Bush at the ball. No, I did not include the link, but they are there.

“Rational” as you choose to call yourself, it’s an evil concentric circle. The Deomcrats have a habit of denying veterans, and current service members with the care, funding, and equipment they need. When I say, “need”, I mean NEED. And, without the “military-industrial complex-loving Republicans” who would you have to blame for your failures in life?


The President Obama should have come to honor the 48 MOH recipients and Purple Heart recipients, not the American Legion per se. Plus, there are many other Veterans’ organizations that sponsor this event.
But this rationale seems to be beyond your Rational’ comprehension.


Askew I did look at that much earlier but I could only find things from 2005. So maybe I am overlooking. At any rate…this was great entertainment for the day. Signing off with a BIG FIST BUMP


Curious: Typical lefty trained via public education. To wit, no initiative just waiting to be spoon-fed the information. Easier to cry about sand in his slit than get off his butt and do something.

Toni W.

This is no surprise. He has made it painfully clear he does not support the troops or give a crap about our brave fighting men and women, both past and present. Or about this country and the safety of it’s citizens He has disrespected america and it’s citizens, this is just another very pbulic, very big slight from an immature pretender. His ignorance and megalomaniac is very dangerous for us all. God help us



Here is the “A Salute to Heroes” link with Picture. Yes it exists.



nosy: exciting attention as strange, novel, or unexpected; odd.

synonyms: inquisitive, prying, meaning interested in what is not one’s personal or proper concern.
prying implies busy meddling and officiousness.


1st “NoBama” has to have respect for someone or something or their Idea or Ideals before he will acknowledge their accomplishments. As the folks at the “AL” were in the military he will dismiss them every chance he gets.
Prime Examples… How many times did Bush visit WRAMC??? At least once if not 2ce a month… and never took …or did not mandate photo ops with the Wounded Worriers … “Nobama” will not go unless the Cameras are there and rolling before he gets there….
Who did bush address many times a month Vets…
“Nobama” has avoided them except for photo ops…
“Enough Said.!”
We are in for a long cold ”8” years…

2nd “Curious” is just a standard “Nobama” supporting Troll … and has been schooled in socialism to the point he/she/it, Has no idea of the results of reality of Socialism and Communism means or represents, And has no Idea what the “Democratic National Socialist Party” will do to the country and just how much it will cost and who will be paying the bills…

Hank in Alabama

I suspect the MOH recipients who were there did not get their feelings hurt too bad. It was Obama’s loss not to meet and greet these men and their families.

Sgt. Viper

Just goes to show you all. With the Election of a Socialist comes change. Here are some of the Changes!

The United States of America will be “changed” to –
The United Socialist States of Amerika.

The Office of President will be “changed” to –
The Office of Premier.

The Secretary of State will be “changed” to –
The office of Prime Minister.

Many of you young American’s wanted change… That is what you will have left in your pockets after you have paid your taxes to the New Premier and his re-distribution of the Wealth program for Amerika.

Joe Biden with his take-

“Change you can believe in” =
“Change will you be Forced to Accept”

“Yes we can” = “Yes You Will”

If you dissent or protest you will be taken away and locked up. The 1st amendment will be suspended; the 2nd amendment will be wiped from the Constitution.

The Constitution will be re-written in the ways of Sharia Law according to the Qur’an (pronounced Koran). Obama’s words not mine…

48 Countries are Muslim Countries. Since when did the US have 59 States?
Barrack Hussein Obama is the Change you voted for – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjS7JuOcm6g

“When the winds of change blow, I will stand with my Muslim brothers”
– Barrack Obama – “Dreams of my Father”

“White mans greed, runs a world in need”
– Barrack Obama “The Audacity of Hope”

Welcome to the New World Order –

So voted on, So Elected by 59 million Liberals that wanted a hand out.

Did I mention Obama is going to pay my Mortgage, my gas

Oh wait, the Real Working Americans are going to pay and pay dearly for all of this.

He is only a man, not the Messiah, Not a Rock star, not a Hollywood actor.

WTF kind of drugs are Liberals taking today.

If this is what you wanted “Change” I’ll be happy to bring it and your families to the internment camps.


Sgt. Viper

Anonymous 1.21.08

Obama thinks because there will be no payback from this sort of snub. He lets a racist old man insult all white Americans in a prayer and smiles. He thinks having power means being able to wield it. But our nation functions because the citizens agree to follow the lead of the elected. Insult enough people, Obama, and you’ll find yourself unable to operate effectively.


Very hard to respect a man who does not respect the men and women fighting for the country he is to run. Forget hope for improvement, we need to pray he does not destroy this country!



They apparently thought he was attending on the 15th…


That wasn’t a very good fist bump, it was as lame as all the shit you’ve been stepping in. People like you just plain suck and never learn anything. You already think you know it all. (Not.)


I am not surprised by this article. It astounds me that he would blow off this function, but doesn’t surprise me. I think Pres. Obama’s position on the military is fairly clear.He’s got no respect for it. That being said, what does astound me is that the poster named Curious asked some questions simplywanting to verify the information and was very polite in his questioning, yet he gets ripped a new one. Why can’t people just answer him politely without the name calling? That does nothing to show conservatives in mature light. Conversely, the poster Rational was totally rude and insulting ..well what’s the point in addressing him? The immaturity and childishness of his initial post and insults regarding the military speak for themselves. Bottom line is that I was hoping we as Conservatives could show ourselves to be the mature group, yet sadly, based on some of the responses to a legitimate and politely asked question, I can’t help but be disappointed.


[…] Comment! Snubs the Medal of Honor ball […]


[…] In a tradition Obama started in Landstuhl last July, Obama blew it off. […]


[…] Obama became the first in 14 inaugurals to skip the Heroes Inaugural Ball. The American Legion hosts the ball, which recognizes Medal of Honor […]


I saw a picture of Obama reflecting solemnly for a picture at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before the Inauguration. Maybe if he had a more savvy photographer he would have reminded Obama to gently stroke his yellow band with “what’s his name” inscribed on it. What an ass.


You people are so childish and wrathful, I’m going to enjoy the next 8 years of your wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Curious said in one of his posts that “I am not taking away from any veterens .”

In my experience, any time someone says that they are not meaning to take away from something, they always are.


I sincerely hope he had a good reason. I understand that if that made the list something else likely would not have. It does seem like quite a bit to get through in one day. If only he had chosen something else to drop from the list.

To be perfectly frank, he should have skipped the fanfare all together. He could have put his nose to the grindstone on day one instead. That would have broken tradition in a much more respectful way.

Toothless Dawg

By golly, its been less than 24 hours since the magical kenyan was inaugurated and I’m fed up already (actually, I was fed up a long time before). I think I’ll have some ‘IMPEACH OBAMA’ bumper stickers printed up.

Mac Dad

It’s just the beginning of the in your face immature politic’
of those who really do not like anyone except themselves and their ilk. To be bitter and hateful in nature, and miserable. Well… misery likes company, let’s hope they get plenty of what they dish out and mabe grow out of it someday.


The Obamas made ten inaugural balls except the one honoring Medal of Honor recipients…

“Just words. Just speeches.”…


[…] Event co-sponsors include 13 other veterans service organizations, among them the Military Order of the Purple Heart and the Paralyzed Veterans of America. (H/T – This Ain’t Hell) […]

Magic Dog

It’s fun to see the far right wing so mad. All this, and he’s only been in office for one day. It’s gonna be a long eight years, chumps!

Jonn wrote: It’ll be a long eight years if you’re going to post the same comment every day;


I already have an Impeach Obama bumper sticker – made it myself and taped it to the car. Great fun to have the Lib’s flip me off, call me names, etc. Some much for tolerance.

Magic Dog

Let’s see, the third one, the “Commander in Chief Ball,” is described as being “attended by many veterans and members of the military.” Obama’s wife gave a dance to a USMC staff sergeant, and Obama gave a dance to a female army sergeant, who was “overcome by emotion and cried in the president’s arms.”

Boy oh boy, wingnut freaks, the Obamas must really, really hate the military. Ha ha ha! Nutcases!

Concerned One

Why is anyone surprised that he did not attend? He couldn’t find time to visit the wounded troops in Germany during his campaign tour. I think it is too much to hope for that someone from the mainstream media wiould ask him why he didn’t attend. Perhaps they feel there are more important questions to ask, like where did Michelle get her gowns and who were the designers. I am sure we would all be interested in that.


That’s Mr. Chump to you, Magic Dog.

By the way, if you have any class at all (doubtful) you might consider the fact that your childish retort implies a complete disrespect for the same Medal of Honor recipients and other veterans that Obama snubbed. The reason we are taking this issue seriously is because Obama’s absence implies a lack of respect for some of the bravest and most honorable of Americans. Your immature ridiculing of our concern betrays your own apparent vacuousness (look it up).


Curious: There is no more a defense for your questions than there is a defense for his snubbing the greatest heroes of our Nation or breaking of a 5 decade old tradition.

Defense for him not attending: He was in the hospital or had not survived his first 12 hours of presidency.

As we all know, he has neither excuse. He was partying all day long. I join other Veterans in apall that he chose to avoid mixing it up with men that outshine him: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2009/01/sins-of-pride-envy.html#more

And in a twist, I also call for the Politics of Hate to end in the very next post: http://waronterrornews.typepad.com/home/2009/01/an-urgent-response-a-call-for-mutiny.html


[…] what “Change” means Filed under: Posts — buttle @ 16:45 It means blowing off the Medal of Honor recipients for the first time since […]


It is also interesting to note that those that choose monikers such as “Curious” and “Rational” (and in a different forum) “Moderation” are anything but what their moniker proclaims.

Jonn wrote: It’s like calling one of those 450 lb. guys “Tiny”.


[…] milestone, and another first for Obama! He is the first president in 56 years to snub the American Legion’s “Salute the Heroes” Inaugural ball. Perhaps his ego couldn’t handle being surrounded by actual […]


[…] Obama chose to skip the Salute to Heroes Ball.  You know, the one with the guys who won the Medal of Honor and survived all that badassery to come home despite being unbelievably brave in battle.  Yeah, those guys, he skipped that ball so he could cozy up to the pampered weenies at the Record Industry ball. […]

Mark in Spokane

I really find it reprehensible that he did not attend as well. But, I guess if you look at Bush visting the injured veterans without an entourage on purpose, and Obama not attending anything to do with the military on purpose, the obvious is clear. Those who fought for our country will be forgotten, and those who bought the presidency will be rewarded. It is clear that his actions during the campaign said as much. I am not a veteran, so I have no axe to grind, just stating the obvious, to me at least. Absolutely disusting.

We are in for some interesting times, indeed. BTW, based upon the comments by Curious, he reads like an apologist shill for Obama and no veteran. But, I am sure Obama would be above all that. Yeah, right.

Ball or no ball, it appears that Obama doesnt have any. No surprise here.