Palmer Psul Wickre and his blood oath (presumably against grammar)
TSO’s Notes for those just now tuning in.
Phil was a phony SEAL who owned a big business. TAH exposed Phil as lying crap weasel. Phil asked his employee Palmer Psul Wickre to go after TAH. Psul went completely off the rails and threatened to kill us. Phil fires Psul. Psul continues being insane. Phil goes dark. After Psul is arrested for threats, he files suit against Phil, claiming he was working deep undercover for Phil for 3 months to take out TAH, and is owed $64,000. Phil wins lawsuit. TAH unilaterally declares ceasefire, because Psul is clearly insane. Psul decides to continue assault, then hires a phony chief petty officer as his lawyer, and joins forces with a phony green beret and a phony pilot to declare a fatwa on TAH. TAH responds with direct quotes, Psul responds with increasingly odd emails.
You wont publish it , it is too truthful about your mob. But I wanted you to get it to know that your tricks and bad words are deflected and useless.
I still intend to keep my blood oaths to you oafs. Nice ring there
Here is the truth about your miscreant, mob and essence. Read it and weep or dont. I still plan to pursue diminshiment of what you hold dear, using your own thoughts and words.
Good Luck, dying wart, and you too, mutton chop, in your shack.
Um. What?
I thought all the posts from my friends on your site hit the mark and you are a laughingstock.
Off mission, abandoned Phil, lost your stolen valor credentials. What warms the cockels of my heart is the image of Seavey sitting up night after night pouring through old tax and court records from 7 to 17 years ago, analyzing, sweating, typing, in that little upstairs bedroom on the right.
Dude, I hate to let you know, but I go to bed around 9:30 every night. I sure as well don’t sit up at night pouring over old documents. I get them sent to me, usually pre-cut to put into a post. Pretty creepy you are checking out my house’s floorplan, but just an FYI, that room to the right is the bathroom. I shower in there. You trying to watch me in the shower Psul?
“Off mission” cracked up Jonn and I though. We were so off mission we posted like 10 Stolen Valor guys last week.
Giving up ALL his time, to parse some old Court record about a civil case or a an old Class B misdemeanor from 2001, and trying to embarrass me. Hey Appalachian, half breeds, blue collars, Hayseeds and Hillbillies. I am absorbing ALL of your free time, at night way from your families or some gainful pursuit, while you fire “dud’ shells to some mark only you can understand.
Um. What?
20 adults, spending 2-4 hours a night on the Internet, reading, typing, researching some old Court records, probing some long forgotten case from the 1961 where my parents were Appellants (they won) and then publiscizing my well known case against Omni, where we were the Plaintiffs, suing for recovery which we got.
I’m flattered you think I spend 2-4 hours a night probing your activities. I think you have it confused with Big Bang Theory which I spend 2-4 hours a night watching. Kaley Cuoco’s far more interesting than your manboobs.
Anyway, thanks for all the attention to detail, it makes me out to be the devil incarnate, while you waste your time, about 30-40 hours a week!
Yeah, no.
Like Charlie VC, I am diverting all your volunteer resource into some long past, that no one reads or cares about.
Rather than chase the new fake Colonel, you are mulling over and writing each other in a circle jerk about declarations of a $5 tie.
It was a $1 tie, $5 suit. That’s some old money erudite behavior right there. So different than us blue collar losers. None of us wear $5 suits.
You will never know the truth about the 2008 bank default strategy, that we piled in on.
On that you are right. I wouldn’t default on $50k to family members.
Your little Tabloid has made us the posterboys, me, my buddies, etc, for the low brow, “wasteland on the Internet”
Keep plowing your research into me, a civilian contractor, while it destroys your credibility chasing rogue vets.
Did not you learn Vietnam? Your being dissipated into hamlets, trails and villages, while you lose focus.
We lost in Vietnam because of tax records? (please, dude, your, you’re, yore, all different.)
What is really funny, is there are now about 20-30 hard core ex-vets that type away, read old documents and proclaim some “news item”.
It goes without saying, that rather than have a life or spend family time, you are up on your Dell, probing over some scrip or scrap from all the way back to 150 years ago as to some “info as to my predecessors.”
I don’t own a Dell bro.
Do you really think that ANYONE cares or makes a passing moment on some old story on dead people in my blood line in South Dakota? You are making me famous and Jared, too. We are parlaying your threads in the the foolishness of your entire organization.
Yeah, Jared loves the attention. You know who didn’t like it? Fox News, I emailed them last week about their expert. I also have appeared on that channel, so I sent his actual record to some of the producers.
What comes through loud and clear are two points:
1) Your readership is DEEPLY insecure about their social position and standing. They talk about the paint job on their car, or their meager land, or boat or gun or other property, as if to elevate themselves out of the limited choices they made as the lower tier of society, betting on the military as a career.
Out of uniform, broke, big Harley payments, your readership goes on and on about , ” no I am really a winner”.
Every one knows in my circle that we cant really sue you because as my lawyer says, “20 years as a SFC, leaves you without a pot to piss in.”
We cant get monetary recovery because you are all broke.
Well, not all of us can afford $5 suits.
2) The other major point that comes through is the posters and posers write about their life experiences, the only ruler they have. Over and over, ” I was an lineman, I built construction, I farm, I repair cars, I put up those antenna towers, I go to the shooting range, I talk about females as to slang in genitals, I drive a truck.”
It is all their.
They’re, there, their. All homonyms, but you should learn which is used where.
You as a group are a blue collar group, that sells your labor as working with your hands. The bottom 5th of society, existing on the Government dole, trying to find relevance on the clothes you wore, and the social signals of a tin, cotton 1″ color died scrap of memory.
Nothing has changed– 150 years ago in the Civil War, the rich got out of the draft by paying your types to risk life and limb $200 to avoid the lottery. You idiots, went off to Chambersburg, Little Rouddtop, Gettysburg, Vicksburg and lost life and limb in a futile war that wasted the country, came to no good end, and 500,000 casulaties under the meat saw of battlefield doctors, sawing off your leg as to a musket ball.
You have not changed. False zeal on the battlefield led to death and dismemberment. You lost life and limb under the bravado of 50,000 men dying in a day.
I think this section here is my favorite. Honor and glory mean nothing to you, and mean everything to us.
Nice life, Caryy on that fine tradition, by wasting your free time, away from any good social pursuit, following I, the master, studying my tax records.
What imbeciles
Mark thanks for all the documentary evidence. Maybe Mason will sell the rights to the Discovery Channel as to 40 louts stayng up at night scrutinizing my traffic stops in 1997!
Thanks so much, we have figured out how to make hay off your wasted time, broken lives and sheer envy.
Keep it up.
Ah yes, well, the envy keeps me warm when I can’t pay my heating bill from spending all my hard-earned cash on $4 suits.
Category: Politics
This is Paul Kevin Wickre, he’s the black night:
Paul Kevin Wickre: You wont publish it , it is too truthful about your mob.
If he didn’t publish your rantings, it was to spare you from yourself. Truthful? Nope, it’s hilarious though. We love how you self-destruct with your own rantings.
Paul Kevin Wickre: But I wanted you to get it to know that your tricks and bad words are deflected and useless.
They’re so “deflected” and “useless” that you have to keep coming back to show us how thin skinned and butthurt you are.
Paul Kevin Wickre: I still intend to keep my blood oaths to you oafs. Nice ring there
Your oath to continue to be a glutton for punishment? You’re doing a good job with that oath.
Paul Kevin Wickre: Here is the truth about your miscreant, mob and essence. Read it and weep or dont.
I’ve yet to read any truth coming from the asshole cleaner that you call “your mouth.” We’re going to “read it” alright, to get a good day’s laugh. If there’s any “weeping,” it’s “weeping from laughter” at your destroying yourself with your own words.
Paul Kevin Wickre: I still plan to pursue diminshiment of what you hold dear, using your own thoughts and words.
The only “diminishing” going on is with you, you’re destroying yourself with your own actions and words. We don’t have to do anything but to laugh at your attempts, then to do things we know will result in you going into “control freak mode.” When that happens, you destroy yourself even more.
Paul Kevin Wickre: Good Luck, dying wart, and you too, mutton chop, in your shack.
You sound like the guy that threatens someone with a lawsuit, then prison time, just to be the guy that gets led away in handcuffs… no… wait… you DID get led away in handcuffs after you tried to sue This Aint Hell.
Paul Kevin Wickre: “Excellent! That’s what your wife says to the guy that she brings in as she cockholds you? Got it. Paul Kevin Wickre: I thought all the posts from my friends on your site hit the mark and you are a laughingstock. I’m sorry Psul, but the voices in your head, and your sock puppets, don’t count as other valid people and posters. No, they didn’t hit the mark, contrary to what your confused mind would think. You missed the mark so bad that if your attempts were anything like your marksman abilities, I’d hate to be the guy standing behind you as you try to shoot the target in front of you. The only person hitting the mark with you is the guy that your wife is doing to cockhold you. You certainly aren’t hitting the mark with her. Paul Kevin Wickre: Off mission, Something you should be doing, considering that the phony SEAL that sent you on that mission got rid of you. Yet, like a true useful idiot, you continue that mission for someone that doesn’t care about you anymore. Paul Kevin Wickre: abandoned Phil, No, you didn’t abandon Phil, he abandoned you, which is bad considering that he’s also a reject. Paul Kevin Wickre: lost your stolen valor credentials. We didn’t have any “stolen valor” on us to lose in the first place. Your former boss, who rejected you, was a stolen valor case. You, insinuating that you’re a man, are also a “stolen valor” case for claiming to be a man. Your wife wouldn’t be cockholding you if she thought you were a man. Paul Kevin Wickre: What warms the cockels of my heart is the image of Seavey sitting up night after night pouring through old tax and court records from 7 to 17 years ago, analyzing, sweating, typing, in that little upstairs bedroom on the right. You’ve got a heart? 😯 Apparently, his doing that paid off, as I remember that you ended up being led away in cuffs during one of your attempts to sue people from this website. I… Read more »
Paul Kevin Wickre: Giving up ALL his time, Nope, he’s not giving up his time, but investing it in ways to hamstring and defeat you, as you love to be defeated. Paul Kevin Wickre: to parse some old Court record about a civil case or a an old Class B misdemeanor from 2001, and trying to embarrass me. I don’t know, seems to me that when you tried to take folks here to court, you were the one that ended up walking away in handcuffs… you were the one that had to use the “bonds” that you warmed a member here that he should have. You embarrassed yourself both before and during that court case. Of course, you couldn’t wait for your wife to cockhold you, so you posted bonds so that you could be present to receive humiliation in the hands of your wife. Paul Kevin Wickre: Hey Appalachian, That’s rather symbolic of the fact that you’re addressing someone that’s higher than you. :mrgeen: Paul Kevin Wickre: half breeds, Says the guy that appears to be multiple races. Paul Kevin Wickre: blue collars, Says the guy that types like a career burger flipper that dropped out of high school… This shows your arrogance and contempt for a group of people that you consider as being “beneath” you. You’re one arrogant asshat that talks big here, and boasts, to compensate for the fact that you appear to have problems “getting it up.” Paul Kevin Wickre: Hayseeds and Hillbillies. That’s better than being a cockhold like you. Paul Kevin Wickre: I am absorbing ALL of your free time, at night way from your families or some gainful pursuit, while you fire “dud’ shells to some mark only you can understand. The only thing that you’re absorbing, err swallowing, are the cream pies your wife feeds you after she sits on your face after another man does the job that you’re supposed to do, but don’t do, because you’re not man enough to do it. When you’re not being cockholded, you’re busy freaking out at the fact that we’re hammering you on… Read more »
Paul Kevin Wickre: Your little Tabloid has made us the posterboys, me, my buddies, etc, for the low brow, “wasteland on the Internet”
Speaking up for Daniel Alan Bernath, Dallas Wittgenfeld, Dennis Howard Chevalier, etc? So the evil alliance comes about. 😯
But, what this website does it highlight the fact that you people are a couple of spaghetti noodles and meatballs shy of being a spaghetti dinner.
Paul Kevin Wickre: Keep plowing your research into me, a civilian contractor, while it destroys your credibility chasing rogue vets.
It appears that his research into you is hitting the mark. This site isn’t just about going after phonies. It also has a category dealing with stupidity. You seem to fit that bill.
Paul Kevin Wickre: Did not you learn Vietnam? Your being dissipated into hamlets, trails and villages, while you lose focus.
That’s a poor comparison, and it shows that you also don’t know much about history. You’re a “high interest writing topic.” Hammering you on these posts is similar to going after key personnel from the enemy side during a combat operation… except people like you get shamed for being stupid and for doing stupid things.
You’re pulling shit out of your ass by insinuating that the voices in your head, and you, are luring members of this website away from their focus. The reality is that you’re trying to use red herrings to get the administrators of this site away from your trail.
They’ve been dead accurate about you, and that bothers you. You’re going out of your way to try to muddy the topic, and hope that the site admin would allow that to remove them from their main focus… writing about your actions in a way that makes you shame yourself.
You’ve been getting destroyed both here, and in the real world.
Paul Kevin Wickre: What is really funny,
What’s really funny is that you’re going into self-destruct mode without us having to do anything major to cause you to go into self-destruct mode.
Paul Kevin Wickre: is there are now about 20-30 hard core ex-vets How could one be an “ex-vet”? Did you mean, “veteran”? I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re getting migraines trying to figure this out. Paul Kevin Wickre: that type away, read old documents and proclaim some “news item”. Folks on this site do a good job sharing information with each other in a way that many of this information ends up as main posts on this site. Paul Kevin Wickre: It goes without saying, that rather than have a life or spend family time, you are up on your Dell, probing over some scrip or scrap from all the way back to 150 years ago as to some “info as to my predecessors.” You prove, with this statement, that what we do here is having an impact on your. Our actions and words aren’t “duds” but well aimed words that get you in the jugular. Yes, we do have lives which includes interacting with our families… it appears that while we do that, we still occupy every cubic volume in your noggin not occupied by that toy monkey banging its cymbals together. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy that your wife is cockholding you with is someone you suspect as being from this site. 🙄 As for the info on your ancestors, it appears that a search of your family tree revealed that you are the sap of your family. Paul Kevin Wickre: Do you really think that ANYONE cares or makes a passing moment on some old story on dead people in my blood line in South Dakota? Yes, if you’ve lied to them the way you lie to us here. You’re not who you claim to be, the information on your ancestors is key to destroying your phony persona. Paul Kevin Wickre: You are making me famous and Jared, too. “Famous,” in the same sense as a zombie. Paul Kevin Wickre: We are parlaying your threads in the the foolishness of your entire organization. The only thing that you’re parlaying is your impotence in the face… Read more »
Paul Kevin Wickre: What comes through loud and clear are two points: Point one, that you’re impotent. Point two, that you’re a cockhold. Paul Kevin Wickre: 1) Your readership is DEEPLY insecure about their social position and standing. They talk about the paint job on their car, or their meager land, or boat or gun or other property, as if to elevate themselves out of the limited choices they made as the lower tier of society, betting on the military as a career. No, we’re not insecure about our social position and standing. We’re happy with our successes in life… which doesn’t include getting lead away in handcuffs after a court proceeding where we were the plaintiffs. You, on the other hand, are conscious about social standing and position. The reason you’re conscious about that stuff is because deep down inside, you know that we’re better than you, and that we’re more successful than you. Contrary to your assumptions, the majority of us here are doing better than the average non veteran in society. I bet your wife is cock-holding you with a man that happens to be a veteran. You’re overblowing your own accomplishments. The fact that you’re bragging about your perceived accomplishments show us that you’re trying to convince yourself of a lie… that in real life you know that you’re a loser in life… Paul Kevin Wickre: Out of uniform, Nope, still serviing… Paul Kevin Wickre: broke, Nope again. Paul Kevin Wickre: big Harley payments, My car is paid off. Paul Kevin Wickre: your readership goes on and on about , ” no I am really a winner”. You actually described yourself with all this attempt to describe us. You try to paint us as a “loser,” when you’re the loser in reality. You think you’ve won, but you’ve lost many times over. I wouldn’t be surprised if you thought you won the course case when you were being led away in handcuffs. Paul Kevin Wickre: Every one knows in my circle that we cant really sue you because as my lawyer says, “20 years as a… Read more »
I think I went cross-eyed reading all that. I have to wonder, has he always been as crazy as a shithouse rat? Or is this just his “crazy old man” phase?
No. That’s just Psul of the ballsack being himself. The funny thing is, he’s so damned arrogant he can’t see what everyone else does, that he’s a low brow, boorish, semi-literate turd trying in vain to hide his lack of accomplishments behind the achievements of his family. He’s so intimidated by real men and women, who’ve made something of themselves and hold themselves with dignity and honor, that he has to attack them in a pathetic attempt to soothe his fragile, bruised, and immature ego.
You can hide a lot of stuff, but “bat shit crazy” isn’t one of them. WOW, this guy just made my head hurt and I suck at grammar.
Psul( of the ballsack)
this is one of your funnier posts. It’s almost as funny as when you were shit-faced drunk that one night and were comparing your ass getting handed to you to Robert E Lee’s retreat to Appomattox.
By the way Shitbrain 50,000 people a day didnt die during the Civil War you sot. That would have put the total deaths at about 730,000,000 million.
Apparently when you dropped out of that worn out catcher’s mitt your mom called a vagina you landed on your head, rendering you incapable of figuring out simple mathmatics.
Paul, spend less time posting here and more time trying to raise $30 so that the corporate headquarters of FirsTech/FirstTech can get a mailbox with a door. And find some time to clean out those damn gutters. Your neighbors are complaining that you are driving down property values.
Maybe TAH community and the world can help him.
Maybe Paul K. Wickre of FirsTech (or is it FirstTech this week?) can initiate a kick starter to raise money for that elusive mailbox. I know plenty of people who would be glad to pay $5 to kick him.
There was a time that I tried to make nice with Paul K. Wickre. So, in order to establish a rapport with him, I sent him an email what he was listening to. He responded “Voices Inside My Head”. So I wrote back and said “I like that song.” Then he responds with “There is a song called Voices Inside My Head?” True story.
“as to…”
It likes that combination of words, doesn’t it?
I think he just likes dick.
Ohhhhh, my head aches from trying to read and understand that. I lost 10 IQ points, irreplaceable.
The Black Knight comparison is a good one, but I think this one hits it right on the mark.
That’s a good comparison too. It shows the losing party continuing despite losing, and not realizing that they’ve lost the fight.
What I like about the Black Night comparison is that the black night loses something the longer he fights… Just like Paul K. Wickre loses something each time he keeps coming back. The “kids in the hall” big guy says, “alright,” then departs at the end of that scene… TAH still hammers him, and continues to do what it intends to do, regardless of how much he destroys himself.
both are very good depictions of what Paul K. Wickre is doing in this debacle of his, but I think the Black Night clip hits the mark better.
The Kids in the Hall clip has the added advantage of depicting the semi-retarded Legion of Doom that cheers him on while he’s getting his ass handed to him.