More phony soldier stuff

| October 26, 2008

This morning, as I began reading the Washington Times, my eyes were assaulted by this image;

This is an Obama supporter going into an Obama rally in Fayetteville, NC over this caption;

PHOTOGRAPHS BY J.M. EDDINS JR./THE WASHINGTON TIMES Charlie W. Williams of Raeford, N.C., a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars and supporter of Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama, lines up early to get into a rally at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville on Oct. 19. “He’s going to get a lot of white votes,” he said of his candidate

I get real suspicious of veterans who wear all of their medals when they’re not in uniform. Although we’re usually proud of what we’ve earned, we don’t usually wear all of our “bling” because it looks too much like bragging. So I started checking the medals and ribbons on Willie’s left breast (Lord knows I don’t want to get started on the right breast full of Unit Citations). So I blew up the picture;

I also looked for images of Army Medals and discovered that I also needed to find some Navy Medals, too.

The highest award is two awards of the Bronze Star, one with a ‘V’ for valor. Since it’s illegal to claim a medal for valor you’re not awarded, I absolutely believe that, without further evidence to the contrary. The rest are (in order viewers’ left to right and descending);

Purple Heart/Army Commendation Medal

Defense Meritorious Service Medal/Army Meritorious Service Medal

Reserve Component Overseas Training/Republic of Korea Service Medal/Army Acheivement/Good Conduct

Army of Occupation/Southwest Asia Service (Desert Storm)/Vietnam Service medal (3 stars)/National Defense

NATO Medal/Korea Service/Armed Forces Service Medal/Army Service Ribbon

Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal/Army Overseas Ribbon /Navy Meritorious Unit/Navy Combat Action

United Nations Service/Republic of Viet Nam Campaign/Multinational Force and Observers Medal/Outstanding Volunteer Medal

Aside from the fact that his ribbons are all out of order (something a career NCO would never do), he has the Southwest Asia medal for Desert Storm, the Armed Forces Service medal (which is for service after 1992). He’s also wearing a Navy Combat Action ribbon, which he only could’ve earned as a member of the Navy or Marines. He also has an Overseas Service Ribbon which can only be awarded to people on active duty after 1981. The Multinational Force and Observers Medal didn’t come into being until Jimmy Carter started sending troops to the Sinai. His National Defense Service Medal has an oak leaf cluster, subsequent awards of the NDSM are denoted by a bronze star device not an oak leaf.

Willie is wearing medals and ribbons that didn’t come into existence until after he left the service since he says he was in Korea and Vietnam. He wears a star on his CIB so that means he had to have been in the Korean War before July 27, 1953. Since his Good Conduct Medal has five knots, he must’ve served between 15-18 years (each knot is three years of service) but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he did twenty, that means he retired before July 1973 and many of the medals he wears didn’t even exist at the time he retired and they’re awarded for service he couldn’t have.

The Outstanding Volunteer Medal didn’t come into existence until 1992 – Willie could have won it but he would had 40 years of service, but even Colin Powell only did 35. Most E-7s get booted if they don’t get promoted to E-8 before they hit 22 years.

He’s also sporting a 555th Parachute Infantry patch – the famous “Colored” Paratroopers. They disbanded in 1950 before the Korean War when the Army desegregated.

A few weeks ago, I busted out a warrant officer on who listed every conflict since Vietnam as wars he’d participated in during his thirty year career. Questioning him and comparing his profile to his medals, we narrowed his wartime service down to just the Global War on Terror – and surprise – he was an Obama supporter touting the IAVA report card.

Zero Ponsdorf and Wpage sent me this article about phony soldiers from the Chicago Tribune. They seem to be everywhere.

If you’ve been in the military, just be proud of your service for what it was, you don’t need to make stuff up to be accepted. Cheezum crow.

Welcome, Gateway Pundit and Blackfive readers.

UPDATED: It turns out that “Willie” did indeed serve, according to the folks at P.O.W. Network. He served from 1949 until 1974 – he retired the same year I enlisted;

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But I never doubted his service, in fact I was careful to give him the benefit of the doubt on each point and still found him to be a liar. He’s wearing a glider badge and the school ended the year before he joined. He’s wearing medals that weren’t even in existence nearly two decades after he retired. I stand by this post.

We posted Willie’s actual records here.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Dale in Atlanta

He is also wearing a Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation, called a “MUC”; again, which is forbidden for members of the US Army to wear.

I thought everyone involved in Operation Eagle Claw received the MUC?

Bruce, I knew many Army people, and they always told me they were not allowed to wear the “MUC” if they received it from being attached to a Navy/Marine Unit; you can google the Army Regs, and check it out; my knowledge is from ’95, and thus dated; but as of the time I got out, Army people couldn’t wear it; if they got special dispensation, or a “waiver”; it would have to the SECDEF-level; I guess it’s possible, but again, I never heard of it, and Army guys always hated to earn Marine/Navy ribbons, and vice versa, because you were usually not allowed to wear them; Personal Awards being the exception.

But even if ass-Willie got a “waiver” to wear that one; it doesn’t explain the 20 other major discrepancies, and Uniform violations that others, and myself have pointed out.

They’re blatant, and really, really obvious, to anyone who’s even spent a minimum amount of time in Uniform.

No senior NCO would make so many basic mistakes.

This earned about 5 ribbons in his career, and the rest he bought at the Army/Navy store surplus outside the front gate of Fort Bragg, and just pinned them all over his uniform, to “gussy” himself up!

He’s nuts…


Still a shit bag in my book either way.

Dale in Atlanta

“Willie” is wearing 35 seperate ribbons in his two “stacks”; not counting oak leaves for additional awards.

And not counting those completely bogus 3 medals he has on his right breast pocket.

In all my years of looking at medal “stacks”; Generals always had the most; and if you were/are a General, you were lucky to have 18 – 25 different Ribbons.

And there are more Ribbons & Awards now, than there ever was; when “Willie” was on Active Duty, it was not unusual for a 20 year vet to get out, with about 10 or less ribbons.

I’ve only ever seen ONE person, with more than 30 ribbons; there is one Marine Corps General, currently on Active Duty, who has 32 ribbons, and that’s because he’s been in every Campaign the Corps had, since the Beirut Bombing, basically.

“Willie” is a complete fraud, and he could be Prosecuted for the Bronze Star thing.

But, I think he’s insane, actually…

Dale in Atlanta

Check out the Medal stacks of some REAL Heroes; and see how they compare to Willies:

“Willie” has more ribbons than all of them!

So, do you believe “Willie”, or the evidence?


Thanks for catching this. I truly loathe those that don’t know how to wear the uniform and/ or fraud themselves when doing so. My hat’s off to those that researched this and acted so quickly!! My awards are sitting in my shadow box, where they belong. I wouldn’t even consider wearing my uniform or my ribbons & medals to a political rally. Why is it that the frauds continue to violate military regs ?? Ohhh, that’s right….. the ends justify the means if one is a Liberal… (sarcasm)


He may have earned eligibilty to do time and pay a fine of up to $100,000, according to an article I read this morning, if, and it’s an IF, he violated the use of “valor” awards, worn without being earned. Wearing ribbons for service in campaigns before or after his service may not qualify for the felony.

At the very least, he’s a flagrant fraud.


I’m shocked by the comments here. The man’s a veteran, he deserves respect.

Obviously he’s an old guy who’s proud of his service. He wears his medals, and an assortment of badges that he’s accumulated along the way. Anyone looking at him would know that he couldn’t possibly have received these awards himself. But to call him “shitbag” and heap scorn on him because he doesn’t follow regs?

Who knows what his motives are? Maybe he’s proud not only of his service, but of all veterans. Maybe he wears all those ribbons to show his pride of country. Maybe he’s proud of the military, of all branches of the service. Maybe some of those awards belonged to his buddies, or his family members, and he wants to honor them. No one who knows anything about the military would think that he earned all those medals himself.

He’s an old guy who hasn’t been in the army for 34 years. After what he’s been through, he probably doesn’t give a damn about the regs. He saw probably more action than a lot of the right-wing blowhards who like to invent fantasy service histories for themselves.

At least he served, unlike a lot of chickenhawks who got five deferments (Cheney) or who got assigned to champagne non-combat units to avoid Vietnam (B*sh). Look at all the pro-war cowards who support sending other people to fight the Iraq War, despite doing everything they could to avoid enlisting themselves.

Dale in Atlanta

Oh, the tool Willie, supposedly in the US Army, is wearing a Marine Corps Rifle Expert Qualificaiton Badge on his Left Breast pocket, and the bars for subsequent awards, worn underneath it, are worn Army Style; Marine Corps style, a single bar is worn on Top of the Qualification Badge, stating the number of times you’ve qualified for that award!

What an interesting blend of Army, Marine & Navy insignia he has on his “uniform”!

Here’s a link to a very comprehensive chart of US Military Deocrations currently auhtorized for wear on US Military Uniforms, and the precedence they are to be worn in.

Note that the MOH is not here, because they cannot legally be sold or bought.

The tool-Willie is wearing two ROK Svc Medals; one in ribbon form on his left breast pocket, and one in Medal from on his right breast pocket.

The Medal in the Middle on his Right Breast Pocket, is the Department of Transportation’s 9-11 medal; that was given out to some Civilians, and very few Military members; wonder how Willie got one??

The last Medal he is wearing, with the ribbon as a US Flag, is some type of bogus “Commemorative” Medal; I’ve seen it somewhere before, but can’t locate where exactly; but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone desperate enought to wear one before…


jasperjava Says: October 27th, 2008 at 12:26 am I’m shocked by the comments here. The man’s a veteran, he deserves respect. Obviously he’s an old guy who’s proud of his service. He wears his medals, and an assortment of badges that he’s accumulated along the way. Anyone looking at him would know that he couldn’t possibly have received these awards himself. But to call him “shitbag” and heap scorn on him because he doesn’t follow regs? Who knows what his motives are? Maybe he’s proud not only of his service, but of all veterans. Maybe he wears all those ribbons to show his pride of country. Maybe he’s proud of the military, of all branches of the service. Maybe some of those awards belonged to his buddies, or his family members, and he wants to honor them. No one who knows anything about the military would think that he earned all those medals himself. He’s an old guy who hasn’t been in the army for 34 years. After what he’s been through, he probably doesn’t give a damn about the regs. He saw probably more action than a lot of the right-wing blowhards who like to invent fantasy service histories for themselves. At least he served, unlike a lot of chickenhawks who got five deferments (Cheney) or who got assigned to champagne non-combat units to avoid Vietnam (B*sh). Look at all the pro-war cowards who support sending other people to fight the Iraq War, despite doing everything they could to avoid enlisting themselves. Dear Jasper, “Probably” doesn’t cut it. Claiming you are more than you were doesn’t honor the real heroes who died in war. Saying you are a veteran, when you use that fact to denigrate what your prior service stood for (defending America and the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic) just so you can get your picture in the paper and make some kind of fame for yourself at the expense of the Truth is distasteful and dishonorable. “Willie” is a fraud, pure and simple. Veterans neither respect Liars, nor tolerate blowhards trying to influence public… Read more »

Dale in Atlanta

He’s an old guy who hasn’t been in the army for 34 years. After what he’s been through, he probably doesn’t give a damn about the regs. He saw probably more action than a lot of the right-wing blowhards who like to invent fantasy service histories for themselves. At least he served, unlike a lot of chickenhawks who got five deferments (Cheney) or who got assigned to champagne non-combat units to avoid Vietnam (B*sh). Look at all the pro-war cowards who support sending other people to fight the Iraq War, despite doing everything they could to avoid enlisting themselves. Typical Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Democratic Traitor remarks; and clearly by someone who hasn’t served, or you’d know better than to make them! Anyone, ANYONE, who has actually served, and earned their Medals and Ribbons, KNOWS that the biggest Diservice you can do, to your uniform, your medals, your ribbons, and the sacrifice in Blood, Toil, Sweat & Tears that they represent of those who have passed before you, are to wear them in a disrespectful, bogus, fraudulent manner! That is the ULTIMATE sin; anyone who has served, knows that! That is why people like Willie are full of crap; and deserve to be called out! That is why John Kerry, and Lugar, and others are liars, frauds, and traitors. That is why you are an Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Delusional Democratic Leftist Traitor Nutbag; and why you will NEVER understand! Don’t even start with Bush’s Air National Guard Service; I’ll FRY you on that! Anything and everything you say about that, is complete and utter Lefist Fraud. Cheney’s deferments: he admitted it, and though I don’t admire him for it, he never ran from it, and never hid from it, and never denied it. Unlike John Kerry, who got Three Deferments, before he “volunteered” to join. Oh yea, look who else got FIVE Deferments, for a NON-EXISTENT “asthma” condition; that some how didn’t keep him from playing HS & College Sports, and for some reason now, doesnt’ seem to matter to you Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Lefist Delusional Democratic Traitors! Yeah, that’s right: JOE BIDEN! Wow, let’s… Read more »

Dale in Atlanta

He saw probably more action than a lot of the right-wing blowhards who like to invent fantasy service histories for themselves.

PS: “Japser” show me ONE “rightwing” person who’s invented his Military History, and I’ll show you TWENTY freaking Democrats!

Check out actor Brian Dennahey on that last list! The actor from “Cocoon” and “Rambo”!

VAST majority, especially the Politicians, Democrats, one and all!

Check out Senator Tom Harkin!

Check out Sarah Palin’s “opponent” from Alaska…Bogus claims of being a Marine Vet!


Dale in Atlanta

I have made one mistake in my posts above, and I’ll correct it now: for some reason, I keep trying “Lugar”, instead of “Harkin”.

It is Harkin who lied about his Vietnam-era service; not Richard Lugar.

I apologize to Senator Lugar for the slight, and the mistake.

But Tom Harkin IS a POS, and like all the other Democrats who lie about their service records.

Everything else I wrote in all the posts above, is accurate and correct!


I don’t know about you, but I was disappointed that Willie didn’t include a set of Dolphins with his salad. How’d we get left out?

We used to say “the best Marine is a Submarine”, but you’re alright. LOL

I love the left…they run around with their little hands waiving in the air screaming, “Ahhh Bush was a Guardsman!!” Yeah… he replaced a Draft Dodger, you didn’t seem to have a problem with HIM. “Ahhhh McCain was a lousy student in the Naval Acadamy!!” Yeah… 23 years in uniform, five of those spent as a POW, and he’s running against a guy who’s only experience with the military was wearing a USMC shirt playing basketball. Wow…THERE’S a contest(eye roll). “Ahhh You’re picking on a decorated Veteran!” Hey dumbass, self decoration doesn’t count. Decorations have got to be earned not purchased at a flea market. But it IS almost Halloween… maybe Obama can dress up like a Marxist… oh wait, he’s got that costume on already.


RE: jasperjava

I never served in the Armed Forces. My brothers and I were the first in a long long line not to wear a uniform and our Dad (Army Air Corp) was OK with that. And yet, I completely understand the concept of Honor and discipline and tradition that requires these medal fakes be illuminated. You, jasper, will never understand any of it. In the past you might have been put to sleep or sold as a sex worker, but in today’s Society you were insted raised to take the other side whenever you encountered a person of worth in the mistaken theory that that would grant you stature. Since you’ve decided not to do anything in this life that has any lasting effect, there is no remedy. Counseling and therapy will actually worsen your condition.
Please be quiet and don’t bother adults.


Who cares that he is wearing a few medals that are give aways? It’s not like he is wearing a MOH or silver star. Besides, there is only one badge on his uniform that matters: The CIB with star denoting two REAL wars unlike the pathetic contingency operations the rest of us did where we may have heard a shot or two fired in anger (oh wow, scary!). This guy was a grunt during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Try holding off waves of North Koreans, Chinese and North Vietnamese like this guy obviously did and then maybe you can comment about his medals not being in order. Everybody owes him an apology and the respect due to a defender.

Thus Spake Ortner

I’ll believe he has a CIB when I see the DD214. If he’s wearing a glider badge he didn’t earn, how do we know he earned his CIB?

I’ll post my DD214 and show you my CIB when Willie’s is posted.

Thus Spake Ortner

And what exactly is a give-away medal? The combat action ribbon (navy & mc) is a give-away?


I don’t claim any military service at all. It’s hilarious to see that leftist come onto this board and slander Bush over his service in the Air National Guard. My father still serves in the Air National Guard since 1984 which he’s made a career out of it rather than being a “Weekend Warrior” that alot of National Guardsmen do. However there are still hundreds of thousands of these people like my father who make a career out of protecting the airspace of the United States.

The following units that protects the US Airpsace is
104th Fighter Wing (Barnes)
120th Fighter Wing (Great Falls)
125th Fighter Wing (Jacksonville)
142nd Fighter Wing (Portland)
144th Fighter Wing (Fresno)
148th Fighter Wing (Duluth)
158th Fighter Wing (Burlington)
177th Fighter Wing (Atlantic City)

So you have 8 dedicated fighting units that have done their share in protecting US Airspace as best as they could including giving their share contributing to the US Military effort worldwide as a whole.

Of course, I forget the leftist meme, the National Guard is a “champagne” service, not a real one.

Thus Spake Ortner

“Of course, I forget the leftist meme, the National Guard is a “champagne” service, not a real one.”

As we liked to say before we went on patrol: 1 weekend a month, 52 weeks a year.

Longest AT ever, 18 mos.

Ed Mahmoud

IIRC, Bush volunteered for an ANG program that sent Guard pilots to Viet Nam for a year, but his fighter was being phased out, and he was turned down.

I also understand, unlike the enlisted Guard during Viet Nam, there actually was a shortage of men qualified for combat flying, and GWB needed no string pulling to become an ANG officer.


To Jasper and Cross

<—- DU is that way.

Your Liberal terrorist loving anti-military buddies at Kos/HuffPo & DU may fall for this fake in the same manner they did for Jesse MacBeth but for those of us who have nothing to hide on your DD 214’s fakes like this and the idiots that defend them are a black stain on all of us.

Oh and as for the “keyboard commando” comment?

Anytime one of you Libtard asshats wants to see my 214 or my ERB I’ll be happy to show you.


What be with that pimped out pimpmaster? Why don’t have no MOH? I bet that be ‘cuz even he’s not that crazy and realize that be sure wy to bring smoke on his funky ass.

He may be crazy now (betch tertiary syphilis), but he sure wasn’t when he started pimping himself up. Throw that MoFo’s funky ass in jail; he probably needs ths shelter anyway.

Or is that another OhBummer program along with “speradign around the wealth”? Maybe this is “sperading around the glory”.


Karl, Karl, Karl….

“Besides, there is only one badge on his uniform that matters: The CIB with star denoting two REAL wars unlike the pathetic contingency operations the rest of us did where we may have heard a shot or two fired in anger (oh wow, scary!). This guy was a grunt during the Korean and Vietnam Wars.”

Real wars? Korea and Vietnam were real wars?

OK let’s examine your statement. Korea was not a war but rather an attempt by the UN to “keep the peace”. No declaration of war because Korea never attacked us. We lost over 18K a year because of Truman during that time.

Vietnam was a police action with no declaration of war started by Eisenhower, continued and expanded by Kennedy and completely f’ed up by Johnson. Vietnam never attacked us. We lost over 5,800 a year in Vietnam.

Both sound suspiciously like every conflict in which we have lost American service members since.

“Real” wars, my ass. Every war is a real war.

Back to the topic at hand, I think the best way to address the issue of “Willie” is to contact him and help him get his awards straight so his service can be honored appropriately regardless of whom he supports in the election. It shows that we are above the fray of idiocy and partisanship.

All veterans should be held up by other vets regardless of their views.

Semper Fi.


“I think the best way to address the issue of “Willie” is to contact him and help him get his awards straight so his service can be honored appropriately regardless of whom he supports in the election. It shows that we are above the fray of idiocy and partisanship.”


“All veterans should be held up by other vets regardless of their views.”

Well said brother.


Both candidates have plenty of supporters who are not the best example. No one with half a brain on either side of this election will believe that “Willie” actually earned all of those medals. While Willie shouldn’t be wearing medals he didn’t earn that may not be the biggest of Willie’s issues judging by his photo. The more egregious issue is the Washington Post’s poor choice of photograph and caption used to illustrate Obama’s visit to Fayetteville. A photo of almost anyone could have served under the caption of a “supporter of Democratic candidate Sen. Barack Obama”. But to paint democrats and liberals as traitors and terrorist loving jihadists is just ridiculous and goes too far. Get a hold of yourself. With “friends” like you who needs enemies?


DD214’s fall under freedom of information act.

Raoul Deming


There were about 70 USAF and Air Guard pilots killed flying the same plane as Bush. None were combat deaths.

These libs dishonor the service of these men in their Bush Derangement Syndrome.

It was a tough plane to fly and the Air Defense in all weather and at night were dangerous.

While the USAF trained Bush to fly that plane for TANG, a state of the art, supersonic intercepter armed with air to air missiles with nuclear warheads to defend the USA against Soviet bombers sent to drop nukes on US cities, the Navy was teaching Kerry how to steer a boat and the Army was teaching Gore how to operate a typewriter.


C’mon, guys. This is a pitiful old man, he apparently is really a veteran, but it’s obvious to a blind owl that he never earned all those medals. In his mind, he probably did, but that’s the only place it happened. One look at his tattered outfit is enough to tell you his story, and it’s a sad one. Let him have his dreams – no one is taking him seriously, except some wooden-headed reporter from “The Washington Times”, and who believes them, anyway?

Raoul Deming


I think Clinton took away the Atlantic City squadron’s mission.

On 911, the first planes in the air to go after the hijacked jets were DC ANG.

Raoul Deming

“One look at his tattered outfit is enough to tell you his story, and it’s a sad one.”

He doesn’t look sad to me.

But you know he’s sad because…?

Hoot O.Livingston

Don’t be too hard on the old shit-bag. One of those fine folks in the background may be the next SEC DEF or SEC State.


“This is a pitiful old man, he apparently is really a veteran, but it’s obvious to a blind owl that he never earned all those medals. In his mind, he probably did, but that’s the only place it happened. One look at his tattered outfit is enough to tell you his story, and it’s a sad one. Let him have his dreams – no one is taking him seriously, except some wooden-headed reporter from “The Washington Times”, and who believes them, anyway?”

I agree. hes most likly poor as shit, and he feels like no one remembers him. Hes only doing it for attention because his military past was the best part of his life.


Good point, Hoot! I have a new name for The Big O – Black Mamba. He is a snake from the word go, and if he gets into power we’ll all get bit. I’m amazed at the number of people who can’t see beyond next week, or the number of so-called “smart” people who have been suckered in by this anti-American, Arab Muslim terrorist, who passes himself off as a phony darky.


Willie aka “PX Ranger” needs to be schooled on the proper wear of ribbons and which ones are authorized for wear IAW one’s verified military record.


Kyrandos Says:
October 27th, 2008 at 2:11 pm
DD214’s fall under freedom of information act.

Funny, John Kerry didn’t think so.


I didn’t think that DD-214s were subject to FoIA requests. You have to fill out an SF-180 to have them released… the very form that John Kerry refused to sign.


Ron W

JMarra Says:
“So, was he once a soldier, or not? Can you prove he’s NOT a VET, instead of just a vet with a penchant for wearing ribbons as decorations (gasp! The idea!).

Morons for McCain, scrabbling desperately at any straw they can find. As if proving that this guy wears medals he didn’t earn PROVES anything. You still haven’t proven that he isn’t a vet–only that he doesn’t wear his medals to your satisfaction.”

What you fail to understand is no one said he was not a Vet, in fact they proved he was. What is at issue here is that he is wearing and claiming medals he did not nor could have earned.
As for your drunk friend? Maybe he had other issues as well. I’m a 100% Service Connected Veteran (Non-Combat related Injuries) and I draw that pension. Frankly to have my health back I would give up this pension in a flash. If you think it is such a good deal why don’t you join and go for that pension (which is an intilement).

I was awarded the VietNam Service Ribbon but refused to ware it because I don’t think I earned it being on the coast of Nam. There is honor among Vets and he (Willie) has broken that honor by claiming awards he did not nor could have earned. Until you serve this country don’t make claims you can not understand and it is more than wearing to our satisfaction, it is wearing them properly and according to regulations.
Ron Whaley


I get a kick out of all the liberals here. They can about justify anything for there cause. He should be locked up. It would probably take another person off the welfare list anyway. Nothing sadder then a fake hero.

just me

I don’t care whether or not he “collects” medals. As a veteran, he knows good and well that it is a FEDERAL CRIME (as well as a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice) to WEAR them if you didn’t EARN them!!! He dishonors every honest American veteran who ever lived, myself included!

The fact that the Obama campaign even TOLERATES him and others like him, much less parades them in front of the American public for propaganda purposes, is despicable. But what do you expect from a candidate who refuses to prove that he’s a natural-born citizen and therefore eligible to be President?


This is pretty common at gathering of DEM-wits. They are not so smart, as evidenced by their lemming herd headed for the cliff.

Like many of them, poor Willie needs serious mental health help.



Your obvious oversight of the first posting probably helps explain your idiotic ranting. He was a vet, his record is posted. No one disputes that.

Yes, for Veterans (since you obviously are not one) medals and how they are worn are VERY important. Just like the National Colors / US Flag is VERY symbolic and important to Patriots that understand its meaning in the proper context.

In fact, there are RULES, and REGULATIONs and even LAWS on proper US Military uniform presentation that are punishable offenses in US courts (that cover everyone…not just active duty, or retirees). You probably would not understand that concept either…because “rules” are just something you DEM-WITS don’t ever want to face. That would make you have to understand RIGHT versus WRONG, GOOD versus EVIL, WORK or STARVE and all other weird concepts that are so very “un-natural” to goofy kool-aid drinking lemmings like you who are too busy running for the cliff to see the gaping abyss.

Willie is YOU. YOU ARE WILLIE. YOU BOTH NEED SERIOUS MENTAL HEALTH HELP. Go find a medical proffesional with a McCAIN sticker on their bumper…they’ll help you get your medication.

For the rest of the goof-balls out there who feel sympathy for poor Willie…go to NC and help him get his life straight. No doubt he’ll be real proud to learn that he’s a liar and cheat and you are there to help him understand that the medals he’s added over the past couple of decades are falsifications that bring down his former honorable service to a base lie of gross proportions.

Look him in the eye, tell him he needs help. Take him to get it.

Don’t give the rest of us your BS concepts of why you think it is right / OK to misrepresent the FACTS of Military Service. Duty, HONOR, Country. Check to see if you can find the KEY word there. DEM-wits!

fmr Sgt  W. I.  Beegle USMC

I stopped going to a local V F W because of jerks wearing ribbons they didn’t earn. This guy reminds me of another lying afro I ain’t votin’ for. By the way, the stars on the viet-nam service ribbon are not supposed to be lined up with the vertical stripes on the ribbon but evenly spaced across the ribbon. The combat action ribbon is a personal decoration and should be two rows higher than this nitwit is displaying it. Oh yeah, my name is also “Willie”, so this asshole has disgraced himself twice with me.
Fmr Sgt. William I. Beegle USMC 2209835

fmr Sgt  W. I.  Beegle USMC

This is me again. Why do I see a Marine Corps Rifle experts badge, but don’t see a navy/marine good conduct medal. Hmmm.

fmr Sgt William I. Beegle USMC 2209835


The Flea Market was out of those Willie. 🙂


I don’t kow why you all have to think because he is a Obama supporter that it has anything to do with the candidate. This has nothing to do with politics and maybe it’s just an old man trying to relive his glory days. At least he isn’t one of these clowns dressing up in Blues and showing up at funerals for our troops and trying to pass themselves off as vets when they never served. It’s convenient to claim service when things like VietNam are in the past.
I saw something like this in ’69 when I was in LA and an old man got on the bus with an old Navy uniform on and asked for a discount. He had to be a left over from WWII and he looked it.
I don’t think you should judge the candidate by this type of thing because if you do them judge deserting cowards who produce discharge papers after the record building in Kansas City burned down and they were getting coked up when they didn’t show up at their duty stations for the two weeks of drill. Remind you all of anyone? Especially us Viet vets who were doing our jobs when others had rich daddys to help them desert their obligations.