Kent Alwood; phony SF dude at Pipe Hitters Tactical

So, if you’ve been around any gathering of Vietnam vets, most will tell you that they were Special Forces. You’d never know that were regular ground pounders in the entire war. Here’s another one; Kent Alwood. In the introduction to this video, he tells you how he was in Vietnam, got called back into service for Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan;
But his FOIA gives a very different view;

His records say that he was awarded the CIB and the Purple Heart, but I guess that wasn’t good enough for him;

Here’s his imaginary career in 20 seconds;
The folks at Professional Soldiers sent us the paperwork on him and they say that he runs one of those countless hitman schools that have popped up around the country lately. Alwood’s is Pipe Hitters Tactical and here’s his pretend bio. He also has a website where he claims he fooled people into buying two books.
Of course, no one would go to his school if he’d been truthful – well, that’s what he thinks. I wonder how many people want to attend a school taught taught by a liar. Pipe Packers or whatever is also on Facebook.
Category: Phony soldiers
My recollection is the 5th SFG was the only Group in RVN and had over 800 of their men KIA.
I looked it some time ago, since one of my sons was with that Group.
Also, I recall hearing that some LRRP’s were also awarded the beret back then….can’t swear to it, though.
See they cleaned out all the comments on the facebook page about Ken Alwood being a fake Green Beret.
“Pipe Hitters”=bong hitters
#41 Hack Stone.
Sorry, no. I retired in ’98. Maybe we overlapped somewhere else?
He’s “Tacti-cool”……….
Pipe Hitters=Pole Smokers
@48 – “Kelly” is his son. Another wannabe.
He taught John Giduck how to use the shovel/e-tool as a weapon of opportunity.
@12: No, Recondo wouldn’t have gotten him as SF Tab. There are ways you could have been authorized a tab for service in Vietnam, but Recondo wasn’t one of them. And besides, he claims that he attended the “Q” course, and the years he says he was in Vietnam aren’t supported by the FOIA information. From AR 600-8-22, here are the requirements to be awarded the SF tab: 8–49. Special Forces Tab a. Any person meeting one of the criteria below may be awarded the Special Forces (SF) Tab: (1) Successful completion of USAJFKSWCS approved active Army (AA) institutional training leading to SF qualification. (2) Successful completion of a USAJFKSWCS approved reserve component SF qualification program. (3) Successful completion of an authorized unit administered SF qualification program. b. For active component institutional training, the SF Tab may be awarded to all personnel who meet the following: (1) For successful completion of the Special Forces Qualification Course or Special Forces Detachment Officer Qualification Course (previously known as the Special Forces Officer Course). These courses are/were conducted by the USAJFKSWC (previously known as the U.S. Army Institute for Military Assistance). (2) Prior to 1 January 1988 for successful completion of the then approved program of instruction for Special Forces qualification in a Special Forces Group, who were subsequently awarded, by competent authority, SQI “S” in Career Management Field 18 (enlisted), or SQI “3” in Functional Area 18 (officer). c. For reserve component SF qualification programs, the SF Tab may be awarded to all personnel who successfully complete a RC SF qualification program according to TRADOC Regulation 135–5, dated 1 June 1988 or its predecessors and who were subsequently awarded by competent authority, SQI “S” or “3” in MOB 11B, 11C, 12B, 05B, 91B, or ASI “5G” or “3”. The USAJFKSWCS will determine individual entitlement for award of the SF Tab based on historical review of Army, Continental Army Command (CONRAC), and TRADOC regulations prescribing SF qualification requirements in effect at the time the individual began an RC SF qualification program. d. For unit administered SF qualification programs, the SF Tab may be… Read more »
I like the claims on his facebook that the only copy of his discharge paperwork turned up by an FOIA request are ‘out of date’.
In before ‘records are sealed and classified’.
@59, This is what gets me with these characters, My 201 file was updated everytime I was refraded. I have two DD214’s the first from my first active service, then the second from my second active service.
Any service members records are updated when they leave ad and their files are sent to National Archives and added to the records you already have there, and this does not take years to complete. Hell,I like the “My records were lost in the fire” excuse better.
The only thing this guy tickles is ballsacks.
As i have stated earlier in this post. I will let PS handle this. They have been really successful in getting posers busted and convicted for fraud. Which is what this group of ass clowns aka “Pipe Hitters” are doing by selling their services based on pure BS.
Just been to his FB page. hes has posted what looks like old photos wearing some kind of jacked up beret.
@63, yup that just came across my news feed as well. Two photos of him wearing a Green Beret that would do a pizza chef proud, rest it is hard to tell the color but…
The folks at Professional Soldier say he is a phony, and they have guys going back to that time among their members. They can sort it out.
Actually having just gone over there to PS, they have him sorted out already. newspaper clippings in his video where he claims SF show that he was assigned to the 196th Inf and volunteered as an advisor to a local villages defense force. According to another, there was a lot of “goofy headgear” worn by his Unit. Of course, the lack of Q Course in his records or assignment to any SF Unit that he claims is kind of damning.
I mean, no one would ever have a photo of themself taken wearing a Beret they did not rate…..
Dude is a fucking joke.
I especially like the article he points to where it talks about him going to Nam and being in 5th group. And then gives his address at 4th Bn 31 Inf.
He’s posted some pictures and a newspaper clipping that says he was with 196th In Bde and that he took “some training” from 5th SF before he went to Vietnam and was in some way assigned to them in country.
I suppose it might be possible he was augmented to the SF-in 2005 we had an SF team that occupied a house in Tuz Khurmatu, well away from FOB Bernstein, and some of our guys went down there and supplemented them for stuff like radio watch and security for the house (it had lots of Hesco barriers and concertina wire) and occasionally we staged out of there for missions in town, but that doesn’t even begin to make any of us SF.
Still nothing to support his claim of being a “former Green Beret”.
@67; Myself and two other SSG’s were attached to an ODA team for four months. I guess they just forgot to issue us our long tabs.
He is really hiitin’ the pipe on his FB. Deletes any comments calling him out. Now, unless he is willing to monitor his FB 24/7. I don’t see it staying up much longer.
Note how the Tonkin Gulf book on Amazon is stated as a “historical novel,” and yet he claims it as his “story” on his website. No reference to it being a novel…
re #66
Dude was a grunt and served combat time in Vietnam so I wouldn’t say he’s “a joke”.
It does, though, seem he embellished his record and lied in order to gain social standing and financial gain. This makes him a disgrace. More the shame since he had an admirable record without the embellishment.
It’s weird, with all the pictures he’s putting up, he still hasn’t put up his ‘corrected’ DD214. That shows his time in the Air Force. And special forces.
I wonder why his retirement ceremony looks like it was at a fire station???
A silent professional would know that photocopying CaC cards is illegal but he has a fake one posted on FB. Also I don’t believe they were issued to Air Force until mid-2004. Active duty does not take there CaC photo in civvies either…..
He’s wearing a black undershirt…LEGIT!
I just looked at that “video.” What a shit-sicle.
Dude is seriously full of shit. Check out his facebook page and all the BS he is spewing now. Totally avoiding the entire point that he never was a Green Beret by posting photos of himself in the Air Force… which would not have been on his FOIA because the request was not for that. He still got out of the Army as an E-3 and there is no mention anywhere of him being a Green Beret. His “news article” was likely his own words, and he screwed that up too with naming his own Unit. He started embellishing before he even left Vietnam. How many E-4 Green Berets were there in Vietnam? I am going to guess none that were not busted down NCOs
Looking at this
He isn’t the only guy I ma calling BS on…once again it looks like a vipers nest may have been found
@77, I also went to another FB site linked to our crack head’s site called, This site is also claiming ex special forces operators themselves. There may be more than on viper’s nest here. Funny pictures that Kent is posting every hour, but yet no documents to back up his claims.
That guy, and I do believe it is him posting all the photos and arguments is him is so delusional.
Sure they missed his Air Force time on the FOIA, probably did not ask for it. He still did not become a Green Beret as an E-4 during his one 1o month tour in Vietnam.
Looks like he had a decent enough career in the USAF Reserves though. Never mind a commendable but not SF tour in Vietnam. Why embellish, why lie??
re #73
Not to muddy the waters but I actually took my last active CAC photo in a hoodie. Not because it was okay but more because I’m just that guy.
I’m beginning to think that maybe they have a club, where they all get together for regular meetings and pool their bets to see who can come up with the most ridiculous, but kind of believable, fish story.
Winner gets the flapping trout plaque.
@72, from his other photos he posted, he was a likely in firefighting/crash rescue… Someone let me know if he ever posts any orders for SF or Airborne School. I will not be holding my breathe waiting.
I was in USAF with Kent. He was in civil engineering. The firefighters are part of civil engineering. His retirement ceremony was probably in the fire station simply for convenience due to the size of the building.
Oh this photo is awesome… or the description posted of it.
“Kent Alwood recognized for standing up a new team after 9-11-2001”
It’s a stock photo sent out by the Bushcampaing to thank donors/campaign workers. Has absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. I think we all know what he is trying to imply by standing up a new team…!/photo.php?fbid=565791886813571&set=a.558121307580629.1073741827.109024099157021&type=1&theater
I wonder how many contracts he got based on his unproven story of being a Green Beret in Vietnam. He did work as a contractor, along with everyone else and their brother back in the beginning of the Iraq War.
@83. No he’s not an AF firefighter. They wear the badge on the right pocket of their BDUs and his picture clearly doesn’t have it. Firefighters are in the CE squadron so he just had his retirement ceremony in the firehouse. Air condition repairman maybe?
From their FB page:
Pipe Hitters Tactical Asscociation According to some guys, like Robert Blowers, they are all fake. LOL. What a bunch of jokers.
Who is Robert Blowers?
That would be me… The guy seems to think I am behind all this because I asked a few questions and pointed out the discrepancies in his story vs records, as well as the inconsistencies in the article posted. Not a huge secret what my name is, Wittlessone has it plastered all over.
Would this clown be auditioning to become the new poster child for “This is your brain on drugs?”
Granted, after doing enough drugs, he may actually believe his own lies. It’s called being delusional, a common trait among drug abusers.
Coming from a wealthy family that gave extensively to political causes, I affirm what you said. My stepfather has a legitimate plaque for recognition in small business leadership post 9/11 (or some such shit), but that picture is absolutely the kind of thing you get for giving around 500 US Dollary Doos to a politician’s campaign in the fairly early stage of an election/campaign cycle.
The fact that he isn’t pictured WITH George W. Bush tells you that he couldn’t afford to go to a 2000 dollar a plate dinner and schmooze with the president.
Having looked at all his photos, I still see nothing that says ‘green beret’. Sure, there’s some evidence that he did something with the Air Force Reserve, although what it is is questionable at best. I see no proof of any Airborne School, which, unless I’ve completely missed the boat, is a requirement for Special Forces school. I see no proof of Ranger School. So all the ‘combat expertise’ he has to talk about seems to have just gone out the window.
Okay they just went to a whole other level of stupid. Alwood is now claiming that a couple of those behind these scurrilous allegations are in fact drug dealers… or under investigation for drug dealing rather.
Well have to give them that for originality.
“Pipe Hitters Tactical Asscociation A couple of the guys making claims have been suspected of illegal narcotics offenses for a while now.
They are FAR from credible, honorable men.”!/photo.php?fbid=565316546861105&set=a.135457379847026.24796.109024099157021&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_reply
@90. Yeah, we’re just like a drug cartel–except we don’t deal in drugs, threaten people, kill anyone, kidnap people, or have our money laundered. Other than that, he’s right on target.
Lord, what a jerk. I’m a fifteen-year old looking to be a SEAL (hey, aren’t we all), and I first got interested in the stolen valor phenomenon after I was running downtown and saw a very overweight gentleman in a full USMC dress uniform with an MOH around his neck. It was the sloppiest ironed dress uniform I’d ever seen. Upon further inspection, I noticed he was wearing upside-down sergeant major’s stripes and 5th division patches on his shoulders; I’m pretty sure it’s against USMC regs to wear shoulder divisional patches, and the last time that division was active was 1969, and this guy was in his early thirties at most. About that MOH: I took a look at his salad bar, and the ribbon for it was fifth in order of precedence behind (and these are just the ones I can name), the good cookie, navy and mc medal, Purple Heart with four silver oak leaves (making him the record holder for recipient of most Purple Hearts), and bronze star (no v device). He also didn’t have an EGA device on his cover. I went and had a talk with him. He shuffled back to his car. I haven’t seen him since. If I had had my camera-he would be much more famous than he is. Damn shame.
I can’t believe you guys would even question this dedicated patriot. It’s common knowledge that cross-draw .45 is the dead giveaway for a mercenary of death.
After loocking at this site I wonder who would spend money in training with this guys . I think that most of us adults with some kind of common sence mgyt want to investigate his guys.enough said I will have to just sit and consider this a bad cartoon character.
I spent some time asking questions (until I was blocked) on his facebook page. His response to questions was to post photographs clearly noted as being a Unit entirely different than the one claimed, then to post other photos of him in the Air Guard where he retired from as proof of his SF Service. Not one set of orders, not one document to back up his story…
Bunch of enablers over there, and I am betting there are more phonies than not there.
The guy is Boucoup, dinki dau!
This guys are hitting the pipe all right, the crack pipe that is.
And now he’s trying to spoof Jonn’s Twitter feed…ain’t he a special kind of stupid?