Day One Voting: Monkress v. Giduck
Editor’s Note: This post is stuck to the top of the page. Scroll for newer posts.
TEASE: 75 votes in, and it is…..yeah, 38-37. At 100…. 50/50. Don’t expect any concrete answer on winner until the polls close.
OK, since I am on Mountain Time, and not feeling great, I plan to sleep in, so you get it a bit early. I strongly ask that you go and read the bios I wrote earlier, if only because it took me a lot of time, and I want to feel needed. If you are good, I will provide more pictures from Sturgis that may or may not include scantily clad women. (I kid. Any random picture from here would have that.)
SO, GO READ THE BIOS, and then vote.
Note: Each IP can vote 3 times per day. I’d rather you only vote once, but I understand if you vote more, because some have numerous people voting in same house etc. Either way, don’t make me edit the results too much, as it is a pain in the left testicle to do so.
Giduck (L) Monkress (R)
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Category: Politics
OldSoldier54: hear ya go. “Read Proudly.” (smile)
OldSoldier54: what kind of man wants to profit from the death of children? That depends. Does using twenty murdered kids in CT as props for political gain (when the changes they want will do absolutely nothing to increase safety) count as “profit”?
If so, there are a whole lot of folks out there doing what you – and I – absolutely abhor.
TSO: chicken soup, 7-Up, and Jello. If I can take a little bit of those I know I’m on the road to recovery.
A very close call – hell, these two bozos even LOOK a bit alike – but I think I’m leaning toward Giduck at this point.
Giduck for the win:
(Not to worry, the link takes you to their 2013 conference)
I really enjoyed reading through Dr. Giduck’s most recent CV:
But it turns out that there is no actual “College of Disaster Medicine and Management of Philadelphia University”, of which he claims to be a member of their Advisory Board. It is instead simply a stand-alone M.S. program as part of the University’s College of Health, Science and Liberal Arts:
So what else is new, right?
Yeah, Giddickless is a doctor alright. He doctored (and continues to doctor) his resume and CV.
Do not forget Phil’s Brevard County Sheriffs Deputy and FBI Special Agent Claims.
Wow, this is a tough one! 2 different types of poser losers:
1. Blatent valor thief who thinks being a SEAL is cool in his biker garb. Highly doubtful he would get a girl in a bar or any business looking that stupid regardless of the Trident.
2. Valor thief who through inuendo and not so blatent CBA (Cool By Association) has defrauded hundreds if not thousands of LEO and schools to waste tax payer money.
Look like I found my answer of who to vote for. Giduck for the win!!
This fucktard claims to have studied in St. Pete. I wonder if he would reply to a nice note in Russian…
@60. Only if you included an English translation.
Nicki: you could always post it here. But it would have to be the Roman-alphabet phonetic version; the software here doesn’t support the Cyrillic alphabet.
Or you could use Polish instead. The great majority of the letters and accents used in Polish ARE supported. (smile)
If you follow the links at the following site, it appears possible that that’s not all GI_Duck has doctored over the years.
@ Old Soldier – Yes, it is a quote from Ben “Playboy” Franklin, but I do not remember where I saw it.
I found it to be excellent advice when dealing with mechanics who wanted to keep my car in the shop after they had changed the oil. 😉
Oh, God, I HATE translit! It’s too bad, because I’d love to call that motherfucker ??????????? ???????.
So in translit, it would be pereyobannyj govnoyed.
Oh, and Sniper is not allowed to help. That would not be fair.
Smitty – Although I’ve had a few run ins with Monkress puppet I believe Giduck has and is doing the most harm. The only reason Monkress is still in our minds is due to Paul Wickre keeping the fight going. So if Monkress wins it’s due to “Stolen Hate” at this point and Giduck is still out there telling his lies and conning more people. At least Monkress has tried to make it look like he’s cleaning up his act (even though he’s yet to say he’s sorry).
So will you tell me now? If I say pretty please?
V: Are you using Internet Explorer as your browser?
Val, clear your browser history and delete your cookies, TAH wont recognize ya when you come back and you can vote again. but no more than 3 times a day or hondo will get mad at me
Nicki: well, I think I got the gist of the “govno” part in the second transliterated term . . . . (smile)
Hondo, that’s a good start. “Est” is to eat. So, govnoyed is one who eats shit. 🙂 The rest, you can glean by discovering the translation of the verb “yebat'”
Yes, I’m a bad person. 😉
Seriously… that picture of Monkeyass makes me want to puke.
Just so ya know, it really honks me off that people are stuffing the ballot box. Of course, it’s pretty funny as well – the irony of voting fraudulently to determine the greatest fraud. But, that seems to be the current relative morality these days.
And no, no one here can make me vote for the monkey. It’s not going to happen in this lifetime or any other lifetime. Shovels are just more useful than monkeys.
We now return to regular programming. 😉
Every time I look at that pic, it makes me wish I could reach through time an space to SLAP that Asswipe into next month!
This is an open source letter that the original individual who Giduck attempted to strong arm into giving him money posted elsewhere. Even though he posted his name in the letter I have redacted it on this site: “Most of you have heard my name by now, and are aware of the existence, if not the specifics, of the ongoing conflict I have with Dr. John Giduck, as well as the current Special Operations Association Board of Directors, and certain National Officers who recently left office at the Special Forces Association. John Meyer, in response to my “bird strike” story yesterday, sent me a pithy little note wishing me well. For John Meyer to send me a nice little note takes what I will charitably classify as unmitigated gall. I will now break my silence on this subject. My name is XXX XXX. I am an Active Duty US Army Special Forces Team Sergeant. I am a Life Member of the Special Operations Association and a Decade Life Member of the Special Forces Association. I have served as a member of US Army Special Forces since 1996. In December 2011, it came to my attention that Dr. John Giduck was claiming to be a “Life Member of the Special Operations Association” in promotional advertising materials. I knew that the Special Operations Association By-Laws specifically forbade use of the SOA name in commercial advertising, and I also suspected that Dr. Giduck was, in fact, an “Honorary Member,” not a “Life Member,” as he claimed. The SOA By-Laws also specifically address Honorary Members, clearly stipulating that an “Honorary Member” is not a member at all. After some minimal research, I also learned that Dr. Giduck has been using advertising for years which promotes him as either a former or retired SF soldier, which I suspected he was not. Various supporters of Dr. Giduck had been getting on the SOCNET online forum to defend Dr. Giduck, and levy accusations against SOCNET, which had stirred some debate on SOCNET about Dr. Giduck’s background, qualifications, and current self-promotion as an anti-terrorism lecturer and trainer. On… Read more »
Read more about Dr. Gidduck packing the house at AFA (look at the photos).
BTW … FEMA owns the program he spoke on … and know one at FEMA knows who he is?
Go figure!
Nicki: not a Slavic speaker, so I don’t know the normal verb tense endings and forms – but “yebat” wouldn’t be the infinitive of the verb having a form (transliterated) “yob”, would it? (smile)
@77 FEMA magically believed that Giduck was former Special Forces…
None of these mischaracterizations were ever “off script”…they all involved former or retired US Army Special Forces and almost always 10th Special Forces Group. I’m sure that Giduck had nothing to do with or benefited from this amazing series of coincidences that spans years in which organizations believed John Giduck to be Special Forces.
Hondo – as in “Yob tvoyu mat’?” Damn skippy! 😀
So I sent a very polite e-mail to the Director of Philadelphia University’s Disaster Medicine and Management M.S. Program, Dr. Jean Bail:
Just a friendly note inquiring about Dr. Giduck’s assertion that not only is he a member of her program’s Advisory Board (whatever that is, since it doesn’t show on the University’s webpages), but also an instructor for her program. But now, reading through AbnMikes post above, and then going through the SOCNet pages, I realized what the connection is. Why, it’s Major Bail:
So it looks as if it’s just one big goat-rope going on there in Philly and Chester PA.
Think I’ll get a response?
Well, if “pere” is similar in Russian and French, I think I’ve got the gist of it now.
Doesn’t make you a bad person, though. In this case, such epithets appear fully justified – for both.
Still, as GI_Duck says: “Vote for the Shovel. It’s important.”
Smitty – Thank you!
Air Cav – No I use Google Chrome.
Not sure how to clear my cookies on Chrome. Never done it before. Might be why I freeze up and lag so much.
@76 – Holy shit!
Hondo – pere in French is father. That’s “otetz” in Russian. “Pere” is a Russian prefix that in this case loosely means “over.”
Nicki: perhaps now you understand the slogan in comments 19 and 82. (smile)
@76 – If I was on the fence before, after reading this I am definitely not.
I’m floored, dude. Seriously. Holy crap.
Tolstyj kusok obyebannogo huya!
While Monkeyass provided countless hours of entertainment I think the sum total of Giduck’s asshattery makes him the hands down winner.
I cast my vote for the next Champion of the Ballduster McSoulpatch SVT for the Shovel Master, John Giduck.
@76 AbnMike – That makes me so mad I could kick someone’s balls up around their ears! Grr.. I am pissed! Give me a damn shovel and I’ll show you how to use it right now!
#76 is a game changer for me; I feel 5000% just fine and dandy for my Guiduck vote.
Mokeyass, while certainly a valid ranking contestant here, is weaksauce without Wickre relatively speaking IMO.
@91 – Same here.
Just FYI, @ 76 that Mike posted was from last summer and I believe that some of the SF community has come to the individual in this post’s aid, as was confirmed on the Stolen valor FB page …a brief note…. “Gentlemen: The Special Forces Association has a long established, fraternally inspired, policy of helping distressed members. This policy frequently takes the form of monetary support for specific, identified and confirmed need. In furtherance of this policy the NBO has considered and voted to recognize Decade and Life Member MSG Jonathan Clouse, a serving member of the Regiment, as a Distressed Member. The NBO has verified that MSG Clouse has suffered and continues to suffer acute financial hardship as a direct result of his efforts in questioning the claims of a non-member who, among other statements and actions, inferred a relationship with our Association. In this regard, the Board further finds that one John Giduck has had no relationship with the Special Forces Association; furthermore, he has neither any membership status, nor has he ever been extended any other rights or privileges by the Association. In implementing our decision the Board has agreed to the following initial steps, as conditions warrant, the NBO may consider such other actions as it deems necessary and appropriate: 1. The immediate issuance of a check from our General Account in the amount of $2,000 to MSG Clouse for his legal defense. 2. Encouragement to each Association Chapter to assist in this effort, forwarding any monies directly to MSG Clouse. 3. The immediate outreach to both the Green Beret Foundation and the Special Forces Charitable Trust that they each match, on a dollar for dollar basis, the collective donations of our membership.” For the Regiment Anything, Anytime, Anywhere VR Jack Tobin President Special Forces Association” and my favorite from the legal brief where “Geoduck” gets reamed by the judge…..(already been covered but I like to read it. “Defendant XXXXXxx’s statement that Plaintiff Giduck is a “piece of shit” or, a “fool,” a “fraud,” a “poser civilian,” and a “clown” are patently XXXxxxx’s opinion and are… Read more »
@76, It looks like $$$ did a lot of talking.Crap like that is why I never put much stock in “organizations”. That house needs cleaning, or just plain torn down.
Johnski! Johnski! Johnski!
Phil is still avoiding calls….
Key distinction – Giduck released the PII of an AD SF NCO, potentially putting someone actively serving in danger.
Then attempting to *extort* money from him.
That puts him well above garden variety poser profiteering in my book. As do other things, but that’s the one that makes me blow my lid. That crosses the line from slimy and gutless into outright dangerous. Rot in hell, dirtbag.
I may have to vote 3 times.
/I’d rather have an abortion but I’m a man.
I wonder who Dildoberto is voting for?
@ 99 – heh!