Embassy closings because of “decimated” al Qaeda

| August 5, 2013

Fox News reports that a score of US embassies were closed this weekend and the closures are expected to last through next weekend because of a high rate of “chatter” among suspected and known terrorists;

Florida Republican Rep. Tom Rooney, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox News that U.S. intelligence agents detected a “very specific” threat and suggested they have known about it for at least several weeks.

He was among several congressional lawmakers Sunday who said the threat was gleaned from so-called “chatter” from phone lines, computer outlets, websites and other communication outlets.

Rooney also said the information is not what intelligence committee members “see on our regular briefings.”

While I appreciate the need to protect our State Department employees, and I also understand the difficulty in making sense out of “chatter”, I’m not sure a broad and well-publicized closure out of fear is necessarily doing us any good in the eyes of the world. If terrorism is a process by which a smaller entity elicits a broad reaction for a larger entity, it appears that the “decimated” al Qaeda has won this round.

How would I have reacted if I was the executive personage? I’m not sure. But I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have broadcast to the world for 72 consecutive hours that I was ordering employees into hiding from a nebulous threat. If nothing else, this reaction to threats have proven the ineffectiveness of the zombie-ninja-robot strategy of this administration.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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A Proud Infidel

It looks like B. Hussein 0bama & Co. are surrendering as fast as the French and patting themselves on the back for it in the Press Conference afterward!!


Boy, for a pres__ent who claimed that AlQ was dead during the election campaign, it sure does seem awfully spry of late.


Two problems here: they don’t know how to read the tea leaves and they don’t know what to do about it.

Here’s a clue: this ain’t it! Well, unless presenting a face of weakness and defeat is the goal.

2/17 Air Cav

It’s like this. You have info that someone is talking about blowing your house up. You are not certain his identity but he is a member of a group that has blown houses up previously. You announce that you are vacating your home, in the hopes that he will NOT, therefore, blow it up. He wins. Moreover, he then blows up your home anyway. He wins again. You then learn that he is talking of blowing up your neighbors’ homes. And the cycle continues until you and your neighbors decide that this is no way to live, band together, and kill the SOBs, destroy THEIR homes, THEIR workplaces and remove all of their hope.


Well, yeah, AC. That is the way normal people with a will to survive think and act. Evidently we do not have anyone making decisions about our future who give a flip whether we survive either individually or as a nation.


The AQs should announce their intentions more explicitly. Then Bodaprez and his stalwart donut holes might take them more at their word and close embassies.

In all seriousness, did anyone ever expect common sense to come out of this administration, even from Day Two?

‘Cause I did not.

CC Senor

@5 That’s where the zombie strategy kicks in: must..have..brains.


Truly, truly, I never thought to see ANYONE top Jimah the Peanut’s record as the worst POTUS in living memory, but Obama has accomplished the unimaginable.

I suppose that’s a win. Of sorts.

Jon The Mechanic

Brad Thor said it best in a twitter message.

“when u r forced to close a record # of embassies, your enemy isn’t “on the run,” u r.”


Aircraft Carriers project force. Go here
and see our carrier locations. The Harry S Truman (CVN-75) strike group cleared the Straits of Gibraltar yesterday. According to that web site, that is the only carrier will have in the 5th fleet or 6th fleet area. Everything else is in the Pacific or in the body and fender shop. Did I read that wrong?

The Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) leaves the shop this month. Anybody know how long before she can start working again?

On the world stage you get respect if you deserve it. Otherwise, not so much.


Closing embassies prevents locals from seeking asylum. What middle eastern country is having a purge and our friends can’t escape?

And in the other hand, American intelligence agencies can’t be this easy to manipulate. The headlines stink of sheer panic.


No problem, people. Lollapalooza went on in Grant Park without a hitch, while CPD was out and about with bomb-sniffing dogs.

Now the AmerIntel thinks that maybe the date is Aug. 7, which is not the day Operation Desert Storm started, even though the local news anchor said it was. (It was 8/2/91.)

Now they’re trying to figur out if it will be people with bombs planted in their body cavities. I read that the #3 AQ guy wants to blow himself up on 8/7/13, because it’s the last day of Ramadan.

I say we let him… but NIMBY and NIMC.


72 hours seems an awful long time to be concerned about movie critics upset about Smurfs 2.


The same Baghdad embassy that was open to many Iraqis to celebrate the 4th of July? The one that recently opened the internal checkpoints on Al Kindi Street fronting the embassy and the adjacent support complex? The one that allows Iraqi nationals with no legitimate duties access accompanied by any badge holder?


Strange because my experience in Iraq and Afghanistan was more that, when you didn’t hear “chatter” from them, that’s when you needed to expect something to happen. But then I don’t work at “echelons above reality” like these folks.


Well, since no one in WDC seems to know what on Earth they’re doing, it’s now confirmed as ‘crazy pants’ by people working now as analysts for non-government organizations.
