Explosions at the Boston Marathon finish line
Daniel sends us a link to the Business Insider which reports that there are some casualties near the finish line at the Boston Marathon. I’m in a teleconference but I can see some a lot of ambulances and scurrying people on the TV on Fox News – while my workmates just blather on and on over the phone. So if you know something, drop off a comment so the rest of us know what’s going on.
Category: Breaking News
Feds are now searching for the Penske truck.
@41 Wrong blog for that stupidity. BLAME THE ONES WHO PLANTED THE BOMB(S).
Admittedly, no. No idea at all. But it seems like….five…at least one of them would have been found ahead of time.
Where is the salamander in chief? Being fed lines by his handlers?
Con’t from #39 (damned Android tablets):
If our Appeaser-In-Chief had any stones, he’d point an ICBM (non-nuke) or other nearby rocket at the nearest small-town ME mosque and let fly. But, I dream.
Pennsylvania avenue is on lockdown… NYC and London on high alert..
Can we just leave the politics out of this, for pete’s sake?
Like I put above, anyone wanting to listen to the scanner, click my link above.
BOLO’s on that Penske truck.
I visited London a number of times in the past 15 years, and the first time or two it always struck me as strange that they had NO trash cans anywhere. Then I read up on why.
I am in Mass, pandemondium going on here. Advising everyone to stay at home. I am at the base now here in Mass. Getting crazy phone calls from people.
Video of the first explosion, camera was filming runners live when it happened. Large blast from inside the building.
This really brings up memories of what happen in Israel all the time. Explosion, then a secondary after EMS shows up. Not saying whom, just saying.
As for who it could be. It couldn’t be Al Qaeda, because Obama told us that they were defeated. I wonder who else can pull off such a coordinated and well-timed event of terrorism such as this?
C2–I work in Seabrook. Buddy of mine was at the Sox game with his two children (both under 4.) No idea where he was parked or if he was going to the vicinity of Boylston to watch the end of the marathon. God, I hope not.
Jonn Lilyea,
Long time lurker / fan of the site.
I’m currently deployed, and getting my news via internet. Can you help keep me up to date on this? It’s almost midnight, and I know I need to get some rack time. May be because of proximity to terrorists, but I’ve got a gut feeling about this.
NY Post is reporting that the FBI has one Saudi National in custody in a Boston hospital.
A third explosion took place at JFK, according to Boston chief of police. Has anyone seen anything on that?
Link for #67
I read that was a controlled explosion.
@49 I know what you mean sparky, you risk your ass for this great country time in and out and these liberal twats flush it down the fucking drain..
I’m just saying if we had President who actually went after terrorists, instead of one who coddles them . . .
Like Ex-PH2 said – the JFK Library explosion is related according to the Fire Department. Three explosions and one controlled detonation.
@70 The Police Commissioner stated that there was a controlled detonation on Boylston but the JFK Library was separate.
Never let a crisis go to waste. We will loose more liberty.
I will pray for you all.
12 dead / 50 injured
Saudi national suspected bomber, being held at Boston Hosp.
Video surveillance shows suspect placing 5 knapsacks in the area.
Well in that case, I’m counting 6. The two that went off, two more being dismantled, one at JFK library and the controlled explosion.
People dropped a lot of bags and ran (can’t blame them), and everything left behind is being treated as suspicious objects.
So let’s not speculate on who is behind this for the time being. Thanks.
@72 There were over a dozen terrorist attacks in the US between 9/11 and the time that Obama took office. I suppose you don’t count those?
Saudi national? SHOCKER! If the left hadn’t been so eager to get out of Iraq this clown probably would’ve ended up there and gotten killed by our guys, but now he’s here and Americans are dead. Something Jesus said about mustard seeds comes to mind.
Here’s what I read on Fox: The simultaneous explosions, and reports of two other unexploded devices found near the scene raised suspicions that the blasts, just before 3 p.m., could be part of a terrorist attack. Intelligence officials told The Associated Press two unexploded devices were being dismantled, and reports of a third “controlled” explosion near the JFK Library in the Columbia Point section of Dorchester, may have been an intentional detonation supervised by authorities.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/15/explosion-reported-near-finish-line-boston-marathon-spokesman-says/
Second explosion heard here:
I wonder what rights MSNBC and the left will be attacking now.
Yeah…but none that worked like this. We’ve had a long list of retards.
Mustang, lemme guess your one of those guys who just blames everything on Bush, right?
The New York Post says the police are holding a suspect at the hospital.
Jonn- Saudi National
NY Post is reporting suspect apprehended at hospital and under guard. As far as a “domestic terrorism” theory, the initial report is Saudi national.
@89 Yah but they’re also saying 12 dead and 50 injured.
I doubt it was just one guy, hopefully they can find out who his little fuck buddies are.
A lot of reports saying people saw others running from scene but who knows? I am trying to stay away from watching the news on this one lol. Sticking to police scanners
@88 I don’t blame politicians for the actions of terrorists and extremists. I blame those who commit the actions.
Hospital emergency room asking for EOD to inspect suspicious item left there..
V for Vendetta comming to mind guys. Time for people to lose their friggin minds. And the blame games ensue.\
Looking for Penske truck…..another report that they got the guy on camera dropping back packs.
Saudi National? Too bad we have a socialist Muslim in office because W. would have unleashed hell on Saudi.
“Military style duffel bag” in emergency room.
Let’s wait for all the details to come in first before making hasty conclusions about who did what.
Mustang, right on brother! I do the same. I’m just saying maybe someone else would have had thier Ps and Qs a little more together and would have stopped this before it happened. This guy doesn’t take terrorism seriously. He’s not to blame for the actions of a terrorist but surely he bears some fault for the lack of preparation.
Its still way to early…but this is all right from the AQ playbook.