Coming to NYC “An Army of Rape: Why Supporting the Troops is Wrong! “

| March 13, 2012

I went over to the facebook page that was in this post. There is one comment that I could not pass up.

Looking at the names involved that this conference this is going to be a real meeting of the minds. We have Sunsara Taylor, Carl Dix and Mathis. I find it funny that people are still refer him as a member of IVAW. Not to mention the direct statement that Carl Dix is a Communist.

I tried to look for anything on the net but nothing so far. But considering that anything Mathis does is kept quiet for fear of use ruining it with his past.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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Steve: 35 years at Sparrow’s Point and one tour in Vietnam is NOT what Waldo originally claimed – he claimed 45 years and two tours. Few if any of us would have batted an eye had he claimed 35 years and one tour. That claim would have been believable; 35 years before 2003 is 1968, and many Vietnam vets had one tour by late 1968. But combine his original claims with his pro-Communist stance and the number of bogus claims we get here at TAH . . . well, he was virtually guaranteed to “draw fire”. And he did.

For what it’s worth: please offer Waldo my apologies – provided he’s now claiming 35 years employment at Sparrow’s Point and one tour in Vietnam vice 45 years and two tours. That I can believe. It was the claim of 45 years plus two tours that made me doubt his story.

He’s still wrong about Mao, though. Mao was indeed the worst mass-murderer in history.


Waldo, I’ll stick to listening to all the accounts of the people who survived the Great Leap Forward murderfest. They’ve all lost friends and family from that time, so don’t spend your time here. Go look them in the eye and tell them there wasn’t a government implemented campaign of mass starvation that killed many of the people they knew. All that poetic nonsense the RCP regurgitates can’t erase the reality of all the dead courtesy of Mao, and every other Communist country that has ever been in existence. They’re just as much murderers as Pinochet or the Burmese government.


I have instructed my brother Waldo to stop using his friends computer and my name, and sending out stuff that pisses off people. He has a brain disorder that he got when he was struck on the head by a local junkie. The junkie got a grand total of $3.60 and a used John Cage C.D.(Any one who listens to John Cage is strange by me) By the way the reason Waldo and I don’t know how to drive to the Sparrows point shipyard is simple! The bus to the yard had a stop on the block where we lived. It went right to the main gate of the yard and back to our home, A bus fare for a month was cheeper than care fare. We rode the number ten ( I think) every day to work. And we liked it. All our friends were on the bus and it was fun chatting with them. We had no reason to know where we were going- only that we were going there. This is my last post. Wald’s doing fine-His alleged attacker found Islam in jail and now walks the streets ripping off people the legal way-he has a non-profit group! The so-called donations go to a so-called “Muslim homeless shelter in the Sudan” Sorry about the problems he caused and the fact he even went so far as to use my name to cover for his rants and raves!
Oh and one more thing- Waldo used my name-he still has a brain disorder- I never served any where. I do give a hand at a local homeless shelter that does outreach to vets. I am pissed as hell at Wald for involving me in his madness!