Carl Dix and IVAW’s Communist connections

| September 9, 2009

Carl Dix was a soldier in the US Army until he refused to go to Vietnam. After a stint in jail, he came out and joined the Black Workers Congress (remember Darnell Stephens Summers? Links here and here.) From the Black Workers Congress, Dix went to the Revolutionary Communist Party which was co-founded by his friend Bob Avakian. Here’s Avakian a few days ago;

Now Dix is the national spokesman for the RCP. Apparently, he’s not full of the hope and change of this administration. In a Democracy Now interview in July, along side Cornel West, Dix said;

And you look at Obama’s last two Father’s Day speeches, he gets into this thing of, you know, the youth got to pull up their pants. The absent dads got to be involved in their lives. You’ve got—the parents got to turn off the TV and make sure the kids do their homework. In other words, the onus for the youth not achieving is being put on the youth themselves and their parents. And what’s disappearing in that are the continuing obstacles that this system puts in the way of black, Latino and poor youth who want to achieve. So, in other words, the people are being blamed, and who better than Barack Obama, the first black president, to blame black youth for their plight? If George Bush does it, people would say it’s racist. But when the first black president does it, it actually draws people into it.

Well, anyway, here’s a video Dix posted two weeks ago calling for a national protest against police “brutality” on October 22, 2009: The National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation. the video is pretty instructive of the folks on the fringe. The hyperbole flows freely.

Dix assures us that it’s not time for revolution yet, but he tells us to be ready. But he says “The system is the problem. Revolution is the solution.” So how does that relate to this blog and it’s theme? Well, I was watching some videos that Elaine Brower (an IVAW straphanger from Military Families Speak Out) had taken of an IVAW navel-gazing session in Savannah, GA last weekend. From her YouTube channel, I saw a video of Sansara Taylor (spokes clown for World Can’t Wait which was founded by Maoist C Clark Kissinger) that Brower had taped. Sansara is always good for a giggle. Here’s a screen shot;


Notice the Revolution T-shirt? It’s the same one that Dix is wearing in the video. It’s one big incestuous gangbang.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, General Whackos, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Imagine if little Bobby Avakian pulled his head out of his 5th point of contact and knew what the hell he was talking about? Gotta luv the commies, because it’s worked so well everywhere and every time it’s been done. Maybe little Bobby needs to go somewhere that has a communist regime and sit down with a doctor in a “hospital” in say, oh, Cuba; perhaps? I’m talking the real Cuba, not the part for foreign consumption, but the interior of the country.

Actually, it sounds like little Bobby has a bad case of weiner envy.

Casey J Porter

They are such bold revolutionaries! So bold and daring that they want other to risk it all. Of course, don’t ask the same from them.


[…] who is Carl Dix? Well, he’s a former leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party and I wrote about him a few years back along with his connections to the iraq Veterans Against the War. I also wrote about him and Matthis […]


Gee fellas how about some serious replies. I am a retired navy nurse from the second World War who worked with Carl. I’m not a communist. I knew him when he went to jail for what he thought was right, I have known Carl ever since he was a tot! He’s shown me stuff by his chairman. I think it makes a whole lot of sense. But you have to read it.
Mrs Iona 86

Sporkmaster: I have a possible name and a link to a website. Also a youtube video with the listed name.

Alan Barysh will be giving tours at the Baltimore Museum of Industry every Sunday in December [7, 14, 21 & 28]. The museum opens at 11 AM, and tours last about an hour. Learn about the history of Baltimore’s working class. Ask for Alan by name. Although he can’t ask for tips, he would graciously accept any donation. Email magoo1917 at


Wow, Iona, you type quite well for someone who has to be at least 90 yrs old. And if the 86 is your age, 1926 would be your birth year. That would have made you 19 when WWII ended. Doubtful you’re a “retired navy nurse from the second world war”, unless you were very high speed, low drag.
And which chairman would that be, Mao, or Vladimir Ilyich?


Listen Kid
I’m old- and I can talk, I don’t have to type-my grand son does just fine! The 86 is a number not my age like some of your other people put after their names. And Carl’s Chairman is Avakian. Got any furtrher questions MR SMARTY PANTS?


Hey am I going to have to separate you two?

Fred 177

Iona showed me your sad response! I’m a Korean War Vet who grew up next a block or so from Carl Dix. He’s a fine young man and a credit to his race! I’m noy a communist either-however that young man makes good damn sense! He risked his life standing up for peace! What did you do obey orders like a robot? Show me some politics in your response
Fred 177 (That isn’t my age)


Holy crap … credit to his race! I can not stand this anymore! That is like saying to a squirrel, “your not that bad for a gray”. You know what I mean!


Iona: Avakian, eh? Hell, he’s just another Communist loser who hasn’t yet figured out he backed the wrong side. Hope he likes the “trashbin of history”, since that’s where his dreams and heroes are now.

Fred 177: is your last name “Flintstone”, by any chance? It should be; you sound rather like a dinosaur – as do most Communists and/or “Fellow Travelers” (AKA “useful idiots”) these days. With that attitude, the world’s passed you by fella – the USSR ended in 1991. Deal with it.

Regarding your request for folks here to “show you some politics”: that’s not this site’s primary purpose. If you want to discuss veteran’s issues, you’re in the right place. If you want to discuss politics, you probably should go elsewhere. I doubt you’ll be missed.


Gee, Jonn – they wouldn’t happen to be in Jersey, would they?


Baltimore, eh? Wonder if they were invited by those responsible for the recent idiocy on this thread:


Should have known Fred and Ethel would be commie sympathizers living next to that Cuban.


Well, I do believe we may have a set of quads. The IPs don’t match – but the e-mail used by a couple of the “individuals” commenting there today looks kinda familiar . . . .


C’mon, ROS – Ricky Ricardo had the good sense to leave when Castro took over.


You make a valid point, Hondo. Ricky Retardo he was not.


Looks like our poster here might have a name, Alan Barysh.


No. 6 Iona:
Gee whiz, Thanks for the Kind Words


Have any of these communist adorers ever figued out that the USSR ended because it was bankrupt, per Mikhail Gorbachev’s brief speech to that effect?


Iona, like I said, doing the math makes it doubtful that you’re a “retired navy nurse from World War II”. So, absent any proof, you’re just another troll, like your butt-buddy, Freddie. You guys couldn’t even go to the library so you’d have different ISP’s and e-mail addresses.
Sounds more like a couple of Occutards than anything else.

Fred 177

Why bother! Both of us are out of here! Looks like we pissed of more than a few people. Too bad


To Whom it may concern
The asshole called “Waldo” is no longer permited to use my computer! I went out of town and let him and his brother crash here! They had no electricty due to a storm. In the past I let Waldo use my computer for his e-mails, And that was under his brother’s supervision! Waldo had once again not taken his meds, He hadn’t told any one. So when Steve wwasn’t looking-or went out for errands Waldo would get on my computer and spew his shit. AS of today I have a pass code on the computer and I also have told Steve Waldo can’t come by the house until he says he’s sorry and donates some monry to a Veterans Group! Waldo is like a left shoe. There’s nothing right about him! Not on;y that, but he shouldn’t have quoted me. My dad was a world war 2 vet. I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll be dammed if I would go on your blog and insult you and make it look like someone else said it. This pisses the hell out of me.
Alan Barysh


Fred and Iona DO NOT EXIST! They are Waldo’s make believe friends
This whole mess pisses the hell out of me!
Alan Barysh


Oh and one more thing I wrote these posts not Steve. Damed jackass didn’t take his name off when he wrot his gee I am sorry note!
Alan Barysh
I didn’t see it until I fired off the last post. I am just that ticked off at Waldo and all his fucking weesel dicky ways!