Flag burner opposes flag desecration legislation

| June 20, 2011

IVAW's Matthis Chiroux, Robyn Murray and MFSO's Elaine Brower burn the US flag "This is not my country!"

Big surprise, huh? Robynn Murray, the IVAW member who stood on the stage with Elaine Brower and Matthis while Matthis set aflame an American flag last year, scolds the American Legion for supporting legislation currently winding it’s way through Congress that would make flag desecration a crime;

Jimmy Foster, the American Legion’s National Commander wrote;

The amendment itself would not ban flag burning; it will simply authorize Congress to pass a law which would prohibit the desecration of actual U.S. flags. Its entire text is “The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.”

According to Foster, the legislatures of all 50 States have called upon Congress to pass this common-sense legislation to prevent the continued corruption of the use of the flag.

I think it’s ironic that Murray is offended that “some politicians have reduced that flag to a cheap pin on their suits”, yet she doesn’t recognize that she and Brower and Matthis have reduced the flag to a cheap entry on their anti-war, anti-US credentials, such as they are.

And she seems to be offended that “extremists” use the flag for their own political purposes, typical cognitive dissonance of the Left because she thinks that she is not an extremist using the flag for her own political purposes.

And, oh, I guess this kinda disproves Army Sergeant’s contention that Murray only got caught up in the flag burning because she didn’t know what Matthis and Brower had planned.

The ninja who sent the screenshot of Murray’s cheap post also sent this picture of Matthis doing his best imitation of Jay and/or Silent Bob;

Added: For those of you who are wondering about Matthis’ tattoo, someone sent us this;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Old Trooper

So; Robynn is a member of the Legion? I surmised that from the headline of her fb post. Well, Robynn, you don’t HAVE to be a member. You can quit paying your dues and therefore not whine about how the Legion spends your money. It’s really simple, just don’t renew your membership for 2012 and all will be good.

I hope that helps you navigate such a complex problem, robynn.


Wait a second? Is that picture of Matthis recent? If it is, why was I not aware he was five miles away from my house? I sure as shit hope he was not in one of the High Schools here.


My theory is that these people do these things to get attention, and that you should give them the attention they deserve. Sunlight is a cleansing thing.


I’m against flag-burning. I think it’s the hallmark of puddle-deep reactionary tools who enjoy attempting to shock for shock’s sake, and can’t summon the mental capacity to express their discontent in more effective ways. But I don’t think it should be outlawed. If you outlaw it, said tools are just going to want to do it even more so they can get arrested and draw more attention to themselves. I’d prefer to let them burn the flag and not lend legitimacy to their ham-fisted lazy brand of activism.

Old Trooper

Scott; good points. If Matthis, Elaine, and Robynn want to burn the flag, they should feel free to do so after wrapping themselves in it first. I’ll even light the match for them.


“Crazy extremists, for example, spouting racist epithets”? Um, Robyn, would that be you and your buds? If not, stop hiding behind the same old, tired, disproved talking points of MoveOn and DU.


On a more lighthearted note, everyone can at least share a laugh at the fact that Matt has a tattoo on his right arm of the organization that kicked him out.


The argument Murray presents makes no sense: the flag should not be used for political symbolism [against Murray’s efforts].

The flag IS a political symbol. That’s why it’s real, and not a concept.

Murray’s argument is the usual effort to deny the common political symbol of America to those that serve and have served America, and give honor to the flag as representational of giving honor to all Americans and our great Nation.

Her argument speaks more to her hatred of Americans than to concern for her continuing to speak freely.

Anonymous in Jax

@ #7- What is the tattoo of? I cannot make it out.


I hate people who burn flags.

But I would not make it illegal. The flag is not a symbol of our country but instead it symbolizes our freedom. People died for our rights and the great freedom of the United States. To limit the rights of the citizens is wrong. The stupid people who burn the flag show how stupid they are when they burn it. They can burn it because of the rights it represents. If this country wasnt so great and free, someone could bash their head in with a rock for burning the flag. This country is so great and you have so much freedom.


They should be free to burn the flag.
And I should be free to take corrective action, as I see fit.
Everyone has a good time….

One Ninja

It’s not about free speech, it’s about hatred of the U.S.


Thanks goes to Matthis Lies.

Cedo Alteram

#4 I agree with you.

When I saw that picture of the quick stop, first thing I thought of was Jay and Silent Bob. Then you mentioned it, laughed my ass off.

I think Quick Stop is an exclusive North Jersey Franchise anyway. There is one by me(that is not the one) and have never seen it anywhere outside NJ. I could be wrong though. Be curious where that picture was taken.


Her argument speaks more to her hatred of Americans than to concern for her continuing to speak freely.

I can come with at least an island nation she can f’ng well move to….She’d be fairly safe since Che’ is dead too.


That pic of Crystal Metthis is at the actual Quick Stop in Leonardo, NJ, where the movie “Clerks” was filmed.

That base-headed Benny and the rest of his ilk are Not Welcome In Jersey.

RE: Crystal Metthis’ tattoo.
It’s the symbol used by the WarResistersLeague. He simply added IVAW below it.

Army Sergeant

@Anonymous 7: Yeah, that is kind of hilarious.

To others: I would not burn a flag, except in a flag-retiring ceremony. However, that said, I do believe my service and those of others exists to provide Americans the right to their casual stupidity. They have the freedom to do things I find abhorrent and painful. We give them the right to be wrong, the right to dissent in offensive ways as well as inoffensive. We do this because we are great, and it lowers us to change our laws to prohibit those who are not.


I agree with AS (I get a little libertarian now and again) with the addendum of H1 at #11.
The whole “free speech” “hate speech” debate only goes one way in the US- and that’s what this is.
crazy leftist leaning America haters (add to that Caucasian haters, man haters, military haters, christian haters… etc) get a free pass to act moronic and “bully” (not that they’re intimidating) but when the recipient of the “free speech” gets pissed and engages in some “free speech” of his own, it’s not “free speech” anymore, it’s “hate speech”.

Junior AG

Crystal Methis, RE ‘yer tat:

Those who hammer their swords into ploughshares will soon be plowing for those with swords.


It’s been brought up before re: Robynn Murray’s inconsistencies, but it bears repeating-

No better evidence of her disingenuousness than this speech:


Particularly the part about four and a half minutes in where she whines about how she “never wanted” to be the poster girl on the cover of Army magazine, while holding up her framed copy of the magazine. Good for a chuckle.

Cedo Alteram

#15 Leonardo, well then that explains it, never been there myself. Smith has a comic book store in Redbank, I think name “Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash”. Have a few relatives who have visited it though, sure I’ll make a trip there one of these days.

Benny? You must be from the shore. I’m from North Central Jersey. Matthis would certainly not be welcomed in my neck of the woods, and probably most of South Jersey. We do have pockets of stupidy like essex and hudson counties though. I’m positive he could hide out there with Bob Menendez.


As I told my little brother: I would fight against any and all .gov employees who might attempt to infringe on your right to burn a flag that YOU OWNED. After all, it’s your property, and your right to free speech — so burn if you will. I won’t stand for any tyrant .gov trying to stop you!

Once the battle with the .gov is over, I’ll beat your @$$ into a bloody, greasy spot on the pavement — because that flag represents the sacrifice of untold millions of infinitely-better men who fought, bled and died to protect your freedom of speech and other protected Liberties.

You have every right to burn the flag – and I won’t let the .gov stop you.

You also have every right to get your @$$ beat for being a MORON, too…


Hey Dad.. Bring it. I’m not afraid of you.. or what you deserve for such threats against..life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

mind your own business. i’ll burn what i please. the minute you threaten me and my family is the same minute i put a .45 through your skull.


And this boys and girls is a perfect example of why to not smoke crack.