UN: Brad (Breanna) Manning tortured

| March 13, 2012

So after a 14-month investigation, the UN special rapporteur on torture has decided that the US government is guilty of cruel and inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning (who prefers to be called Breanna) and he’s officially accused the US.

Manning has been in custody for almost two years and was held in solitary confinement at Quantico – more than likely for his own protection. Of course, the UN investigator isn’t concerned with Manning’s safety. I’m sure the UN considers any imprisonment cruel and humane as long as the US is doing it. The Guardian:

Mendez, who runs the UN office that investigates incidents of alleged torture around the world, told the Guardian: “I conclude that the 11 months under conditions of solitary confinement (regardless of the name given to his regime by the prison authorities) constitutes at a minimum cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment in violation of article 16 of the convention against torture. If the effects in regards to pain and suffering inflicted on Manning were more severe, they could constitute torture.”

I wonder what the UN would conclude if they released Manning into the general population and he was raped daily or killed outright by some prisoner who still had the flame of patriotism burning in his dark soul. I’m pretty sure that if I were ever in prison, I’d prefer solitary confinement. But then, I don’t think I’d be a willing participant in some of the activities that men’s prisons are known for. That might not be the case with Breanna.

Category: Shitbags, United Nations

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This is the same UN that still has Syria on the Human Rights Commission, yes?

Just checking.


An interesting dichotomy. According to the UN, 3 hots and a cot while not being beaten is torture, yet, a good part of what we consider natural born rights (gun ownership, private property rights, etc.) they see as illegal and immoral. I guess that, if they are going to lock up a good portion of the world’s citizens for those “crimes” while limiting riots, the prisons had better be pretty nice.

Old Trooper

The definition of torture is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe the next UN under-secretary of mindless drivel will define torture as not getting wi-fi and double non-fat soy lattes with their scones?


Perhaps it’s time to tell the UN to vacate their NYC HQ and move their HQ operations to Geneva. My guess is that there would be no problem finding tenants for the property. As I recall, it’s in a prime location in Manhattan.


Once again, the UN demonstrates that it’s nothing but an irrelevant money hole on the Hudson.


NHSparky: would that be the same Syria that’s currently massacring a bunch of it’s own citizens at Homs?

Yat Yas 1833

The un doesn’t stand for “Useless Ninnies”?! Yeah three meals a day, a rack with mattress, pillow and linens to sleep on, yeah, pretty damn tough to take. I also don’t care what that un wuss says, Jonn’s right if they put him in general population, he’d wind up getting whipped. As a ‘chaser’ I escorted many a Marine to the brig and even though the place was full of $h!tbirds, that fire was still there. Maybe they can ask our friend’s in Mexico to hold him?!


But, Yat Yas, he doesn’t get his blankie, and thats all the torture they need!

Yat Yas 1833

Lucky, I stand corrected! LOL


I guess WCW, the IVAW, Code Stink, SDS, DU, WU, VFP, RCP et.al are going to start calling for the impeachment & War Crimes trial of the POTUS, VPOTUS, etc. now.


By their definition, I should be called a torture victim for the time I stayed at the Bellagio and couldn’t get a blanket because the A/C was turned on too high.

Maybe they can us what Iran is for executing a guy for the “crime” of being a Christian in a Muslim nation.

Yeah, I’m not holding my breath either.


WOTN: wouldn’t recommend holding your breath waiting. (smile)

Yat Yas: not sure getting whipped would be all Manning would have to worry about. I’d give about even money he’d end up leaving on a gurney – or in a box – if he was ever put in the general population.


Well, if they put him in general pop we wouldn’t have to worry about the rest of the trial, so that’s a win in my book


Instinct: half of me wants to agree. The other half says that even a dipshit like Manning deserves his day in court before he’s executed.

‘Course, unfortunately execution’s off the table with Manning. So I hope he enjoys military confinement – in the protective custody part of USDB.


The United Nations is a joke now. China and Russia vetoing any possibility of deeper inspections on Iran because Iran threatened to cut off their oil. Ignoring Syria and doing investigations into the U.S. response to Katrina. Saying that Iran and North Korea are fine, but France and England are repressing religious views.

Yeah, I say we stop paying for the majority of the U.N., start towing any car of theirs with over $100 of parking violations (the delegates have diplomatic immunity, but their cars don’t), and expel them to turn the U.N. building into low-cost apartments for veterans.

Sergeant Spliff

Hey what do Manning and Sparky’s ex have in common? Big Black Dicks up the poopchute!


Well, I see our occasional UK-based troll is back. What’s the matter, Spiffy = you run out of weed and wake up early?

Back on-topic: in other UN news, the UN Human Rights Council now says that Qadaffi deserves praise for his record on human rights.

Yeah, I think it’s time to send those idiots at UN HQ in NYC elsewhere.


Qadaffi got what he deserved. On his knees, begging for mercy,like a PUNK. Splifftard seems to have an unhealthy obsession with phallus shaped objects. You should get help with that dude.


I’ve gotten to the point where anytime I hear a “suggestion” from the UN, I’ll pretty much want to do the opposite.

I’m still waiting for them to condemn those folks down in Honduras for letting 350 guys die in a prison fire, but if that little punk bitch has hard nipples from being a little chilly at night, we never hear the fucking end of it. I’d love to know who took the DP off the table for that slimebag.


Redacted1755: Qadaffi was no saint. But neither was the Shah of Iran. And Qadaffi had at least become fairly cooperative with the West over the last decade or so.

I also get a huge, unpleasant deja vu feeling whenever I look at what’s going on in North Africa today. Reminds me a helluva lot of 1978-1979, except that the new guys in power are speaking Arabic vice Farsi.

Sometimes it’s better the Devil you know . . . .


OK, Jonn – I must be “thick as a brick” today. “Other DP?”



Hondo–no, the Shah was no saint, but the way Carter pulled the fucking rug out from under him and allowed the Ayatollahs to gain power pretty much set the stage for all the shit we’ve been dealing with since.

As I read on Twitter yesterday (wish I could remember who and paraphrasing), “Iran is an important part of US politics-every 32-ish years they remind us just how much of an incompetent fool our C-in-C really is.”


Hondo, think “fingercuffs”. Failing that, think “airtight”.