J Wayne Duckworth; another AWOL Ranger

| February 27, 2012

Meet J Wayne Duckworth, who calls himself “Sir Duck”, but I call him “Ducky” for short, because…well…he’s just so f*cking ducky. According to his Facebook profile, he’s pretty f’n high speed, too.

CIA and the Air Wing of the State Department…also he’s self employed. It must be hard to be all of those things and still find time to pose in his mother’s backyard for those pictures, huh? According to our friends at POW Network, he’s been stylin’ for awhile. He wears these flashy duds anywhere the media shows up for a veteran event and wipes his eyes from the crocodile tears and gives them exactly what they want.

And here’s a poem he sent one of our friends at Right Truth in which he also poses as an OIF/OEF veteran and a Seminole Indian.

According to POW Net;

J.W. Duckworth had been a private first class in the Army, and his only overseas duty was in Germany. Court-martialed while at Fort Hood on two charges of AWOL, Duckworth had been sentenced to 40 days hard labor and reduced to private E-1 before being discharged.

Yeah, because that’s the kind of pilots the State Department is looking for. Mavericks in the mood to stick it to the Man. Looking through his Facebook pictures, he seems to gain 40 pounds every time he goes to the desert. It looks like he gets shorter, too. It must be the lighting and that KBR chow. It couldn’t be someone else’s pictures, could it?

You Cav guys will be happy to know that he likes to wear Stetsons and 1st Cav patches.

Thanks to David for the links. I think someone else sent me the links a few weeks ago, but I can’t find the email now. Sorry.

Category: Phony soldiers

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VERIFIED! I am gonna retire and claim to be a 0369 Infantry Unit Leader!

oh wait…I earned that…cool.

T. Duckworth Burns

To all you you who are presently serving or have served, I would like to Thank You from the bottom of my heart. And, to apologize for the disrespect that my cousin Jesse Wayne Duckworth has shown you by pretending to be something he is not.

Take Care and Be Safe!

T. Duckworth Burns

Also, Jesse is part Seminole Indian. His Mother, Sandra’s grandmother, was half Seminole and I believe Creek Indian.

…and Marine_7002…Sandra Duckworth (Jesse’s daughter) and Tammie Duckworth (Jesse’s daughter-in-law) are telling the truth and are legit.

10th MTN NCO

Finally…someone apologizes. Too bad it was from the wrong person. I hope that asshat feels guilty. We should airdrop his ass into Jalalabad so he can catch some “Man Love Thurs” and see if then his story changes then!

T. Duckworth Burns

I notice that several of you use the term “asshat”. I googled it. I love it. Thanks – it’s perfect!

SAL Member

J. Wayne Duckworth’s body was discovered in a badly decomposed condition after apparently committing suicide. He was a Past Commander of American Legion Post 218. Director of the 8th Cavalry Regt Assn. Wayne suffered from PTSD after being injured in both Afghanistan and Iraq. PTSD and injuries that contributed to his dramatic weight loss after his return from Afghanistan. Wayne did attend as many funerals as possible for both active duty casualties and veterans. I know Wayne also visited many elderly veterans when they were hospitalized. Was he perfect, no. But he cared about veterans and often spoke out on veteran’s issues. I do not know about many of the accusations that were made on on previous posts but I do know that the veterans that I saw around him through the Legion and at other functions, respected Wayne. RIP Jesse Wayne “Sir Duck” Duckworth.


Just to let you know J.W Duckworth did not suffer any injuries in Afghanistan or Iraq – he went over there to work as an eletrition-He did not suffer from PTSD. He found the opportunity to keep bragging about going over there and the showing of the rifles he has posed for. I am a 1st cousin of his and sorry to say that. He has embarrased the Duckworth family for years. He would not come to the family reunions that we have had – because he knew – that we all knew what kind of BS he was dishing out. The people that are writing crap about him and praising him . We sit and laugh about it – cause he is such a fraud. You try and tell them what a fraud he is and oh my gosh – then you are such a mean person- there again – we laugh about it – because we didn’t know there were sooo many naive people out there that is putting him on a pedestal. As a teenager he was always in trouble with the law – he even tried to beat up his on Dad. How all of this came about is – his wife found out he was sleeping around with another woman – she confronted him about it. He left his house(that is when he supposingly was reported missing) He had been caught. Another thing – he did not commit suicide – He was drunk and on pills and fell down. He wouldn’t have commited suicide – he didn;t have the guts. He liked himself toooo much. He left so he could figure out how he was going to re-vamp his BS. I posted on his webpage the fraud – lies and bragging he was doing – Oh my did I get into trouble – from his girlfriend and some of his friends. I am now blocked from there – however I and many other cousins are still laughing how he has frauded them. As far as funerals and such he was showing up at- again fraudulant.… Read more »

T. Duckworth Burns

Excellently said “Anonymous”! Thanks!

Betty Burkett

You guys don’t have a clue who this guy really is, but I spent the last five years with him and I can tell you that he trained Iraqi’s at Camp Zulu in Iraq for KBR. I saw him off at the airport along with some other family. He was evacuated out after a missle hit his John Deere truck he called his little “hummer”. His teeth were knocked out and his hands were injured. When he was in Afghanistan, he was a trainer at Kandahar and he was on a mission as a gunner on a helicopter than was destroying poppy fields in, at the time, a secret location, which is now public. His helicopter was hit with an RPG and went down when he ran out of bullets in a firefight. He was the only one that lived as the rest of the crew died on impact. I was called from Afghanistan and told he was injured and again from Ramsted, Germany and he was sent home. He suffered unknown injuries from the impact along with damage to his hands and wrist. He worked for the State Department – Air Wing. You haven’t heard anything about his death because that’s the way the family wants it, you jerks. Sometimes I just get really pissed because people think they know the truth, but they don’t. They just want to be MEAN. i pray that you will be kind to others as Duckie dedicated that last 10 years of his life devoted to helping veterans and their families. He helped the needy and gave them his personal money if they needed help. He served his country, raised money for the Viet Nam memorial at Fair Park and escorted it back from the quarry. He put flags on all the veterans graves on Veterans Day in Irving for several years. He was Commander of Post 218 American Legion before he went to Iraq and was reelected upon his return from Afghanistan. He touched many lives by honoring fallen soldiers at many funerals, when he was in lots of pain. I could… Read more »

Old Trooper

Ms. Burkett: Does his Post know that he died, yet?


This is soooo funny – he has you fooled you too. His on daughter – daughter in law and another and 1st cousin has even posted on here and has said the same thing that I have. Betty Burkett were you over there with him or did he just tell you that – HA – because he is the BEST manipulator there is. Yeah right . As I have said he got you too. Do your research lady – look in the book STOLEN VALOR and read it word for word. Go into Reader Digest archives and do your search you will find him – Go into “D” magazine archives read it word for word – go into a web search pull up his name – he’s in there. Pull up phonies of the viet nam war – he’s there. His X brother in law has written an article about him – Sorry but I won’t give his name. But if you are a SMART WOMAN – you will be able to figure it out. He is and was not the person you he told you he was. I’m sorry you don’t believe it and I can’t make you believe it. But wait someone out there is going to make you realize that he is a phony. I knew his first wife – she commited suicide because of him. He couldn’t even raise his own kids – he adopted them out. Believe it or not. His dad and my dad were brothers – we visited all the time. Sorry lady but he got you too. And this my friend is why I am STILL LAUGHING along with the rest of the DUCKWORTH FAMILY – He is such a disgrace to the family and the military. He showed up at the functions of the veterans to get the attentions that he was needing. he is a fake and disgrace. DO YOUR RESEARCH

Yat Yas 1833

Ms Burkett, I’m on sabbatical so I have a ton of time to research “posers”. J Wayne Duckworth, as he has described himself, does not exist. Since you can obviously use a computer, you can look these things up for yourself. I’m sorry that you’ve been duped by this poser.


@#60, wow, where to start? The easy one, Ramsted, Germany?
His helicopter went down when it got hit with an RPG and ran out of bullets? I thought they flew on jet fuel. As for the rest, meh, not worth the time or effort.


@60- Was he gunning from the door of the truck as the helo carried it in a sling? That’s some hard-core shit.

The phrase “died on impact” means that they crashed so hard, that the impact with the ground is what killed them. Even the pilot and co-pilot, who are strapped in to impact-resistant chairs with 5-point harnesses, and the other side gunner, and anyone else that they were ferrying on the mission died. Helos have special shock-absorbing equipment for crash landings if they land right-side up. That’s how the pilot in “Black Hawk Down” survived with broken bones. The fact that everyone else “died on impact” must mean that they landed on their side, or upside-down, or ALL of the safety gear exploded with the RPG hit, yet, somehow, the guy hanging by a lanyard from the overhead of the helicopter only hurt his hand and wrist?

My niece believed it when one of her friends told her he rode to Hawaii on the back of a shark, but she’s six years old and doesn’t know better. I’m 34, and that kid’s story is more believeable than your tale of a portly two-gun badass tethered to ten tons of dead weight shaking off a plunge from several hundred feet with only a hurt wrist. And that somehow the hurt wrist killed him weeks later, after being released from the hospital. Or the doctors at “Ramsted” are just that incompetant (they probably are, as Ramsted isn’t even a place), that they’d treat a hurt wrist and ignore the other “unknown injuries” that would accompany such an ordeal.

Please Betty, pull your head out of your ass.


AMEN to Anonymous and Teddy996. If Duckworth did anything for anyone it was only to get attention for himself. He was a compulsive liar. It’s sad that so many people got fooled by a FOOL!


Can anyone confirm that he is actually dead?


It is wierd but myself and other cousins have looked and searched all the surrounding papers. Can’t find anything – only thing we got is from his son and his daughter . Goes to show you how important he was. Even the AM Legion he was suppose to involved with has not written anything. So my guess is Maybe they found out – he was a fraud ?????????????

Old Trooper

@68: That’s why I asked in #61 whether or not his Post was notified of his demise. As a Post Commander, myself, if I were to bite the big one, I know they would know about it before I was cold (Not saying I’m important, but word travels fast in the Legion).


I wonder, if Duckie was involved in any kind of scam, maybe his “death” is a convenient happenstance. Disappear before the indictment?

Yat Yas 1833

I know American Legion post 41 puts out death notices in their monthly news letter. The Arizona Republic puts out obituaries on everyone whose death has been reported. Even homeless folks, who can be identified get a a two line obit. Hmmm…what’s that smell?


Yo, Betty–did you know the word “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary?


If it were in the dictionary, next to it would be a picture of Betty.


His post that he was suppose to be at was Am Legion #218 Irving TX – I looked and didn’t see anything at all – But maybe I can’t get there – because I am not a member?????


@60 Betty: the State Department has an “Air Wing”? With armed helicopters? Kinda like the one that was hovering over my house the other day?


Betty is proof that some adults are so naive that they require supervision 24/7/365 for their own protection.


Ms. Burkett,
The Dept. of State does not conduct poppy eradication. That is a joint effort between DOD, other government agencies with experience and a vested interest in the program (DEA e.g.), and the Afghan government. While State is certainly involved in the coordination of those efforts at the government level, I have yet to see a single foreign service officer in a poppy field. (Unless of course the poppy field in question belongs to one of our assets, at which point eradication is a non-starter, realpolitik at work.)
In addition, none of the DOS people with whom I have spoken are familiar with an “air wing.” Clandestine ops is decidedly NOT State’s forte.

Tammie Duckworth

I know you are hurting, but please stop posting the fiction. We are just trying to get through this mess and get him buried in a dignified fashion for the sake of his widow. We are already dealing with people that believed the stories he told and think he should have some kind of full blown military service (not going to happen).
You have every right to beleive what you want to beleive, but please, keep it to yourself, OK?

Blown Away

My oh my I am at a loss for words. I thought I knew this man but boy was I wrong. I guess the only real question I have is…. Is this man really deceased (I mean is there really proof) or is this just another way of him disappearing? I looked for a death certificate & couldn’t find one so that’s why I’m asking.

Duckworth from the Afterlife

I just want everyone to know that things are fine on this side. Plenty of special operations to conduct while wearing real cool uniforms. We make shit up all the time here, just like when I was living on earth. It sure is hot here, much hotter than the poppy fields. I am hanging out with some other veterans here: Stalin; Hitler; Mussolini; and Bin Laden. Oh … have to run … flight ops … I will be flying around on Lucifer’s back!

Tammie Duckworth

@Blown Away – the body has not even been released to the funeral home yet, so you would not find a death certificate.
But he is beyond any doubt deceased.

@ Duckworth from the afterlife – tasteless, but kind of amusing.


I’m sorry you guys are going thru all this. My prayers are with you & your family. I am a 1st cousin of his – along with about 30 others. About 2 years ago – he contacted me. I asked what he was up to – he told me – he just got back from Iraq and I asked him what he was doing over there – He told me killing Iraqs . But I knew he was fibbing. He did a lot of this fibbing ever since he was a teenager – along with other things. But again I’m sorry for all the trouble – you guys are having for staightening out this mess. May your heart not be troubled.

Tammie Duckworth

30 cousins?!?! Are we ducks or rabbits? Seriously though, thank you for your kind words.
I just feel so bad for all the people he fooled. The extent and extremes he went to will blow your mind.


Tammie – LOL – there is probably more than that – my father and his dad (KK)are brothers came from a family of 11 brothers and sisters. Yes we are a big family. Yep it is hard to tell some of his friends – the person he really was – they just don’t believe you – what a snowjob he did. Also I have a question. Does Duane still go my Crazy Horse? That is the pet name that KK used to call him when he was young. Don’t want to embarrase him – but it was a cute name.


Tammie, if I counted right, originally there were approx 38 first cousins. 25 first cousins STILL alive. If you add on second cousins, there are probably closer to 75.

I didn’t even include 3rd cousins or cousins by marriage. That would probably be around 200+ people. It would be one Hell of a family reunion.

T. Duckworth Burns

Tammie, I am one of those “approx. 38 first cousins” that Scottie2 mentioned, and I too should, as Anonymous has, expressed that I am terribly sorry for what ya’ll are going through. Before my brother, Lamont, died, he tried to gear Jesse toward a better path, got him to join his church, but that didn’t last too long. All of this is so bizarre and I can not imagine what ya’ll must be going through. I hope it’s all over with soon and ya’ll can get on with your lives. Take care!

Blown Away

Well my heart goes out to his family, friends & loved ones. I know some were effected in a negative way some is a positive way but none the less a life is lost. I pray for hearts to be healed & that ppl can find it in their hearts to forgive. I thought I knew Sir Duck but I was misled. I do forgive him tho & will keep a guard up from now on. Thank you for shedding light on the truth. God Bless You All….


[…] obit March 8th, 2012 At the risk of attracting some more trolls, the story isn’t over until the phony gets planted or imprisoned. It’s the former for […]


Why don’t you all get a life, and let the man rest in peace. HE WAS A VERY NICE MAN TO MY FAMILY.


GET A LIFE (89): you are cordially invited to go fuck yourself.

Tammie Duckworth

to post 89 ….. spoken like a True Christian. Let’s everyone stop posting now. It is all over now.


Tammie – comment #91. I’ve been reading your stuff and you were dogging him as much as the rest of them. Liers are still liers, even after they are dead!

Tammie Duckworth

I “dogged” no one. I stated simple facts and truths. I do not dispute that he may have done some kind things for people.
I realize that there are a lot of people that knew him that did not realize or know the truth. Was he active in programs to honor and assist Veterans? Yes, he was. Was he a Vet himself? Technically, yes. Was he a Vietnam vet, Special Forces, Green Beret, etc???? No. Was he is Iraq and Afghanistan? Yes, as a contract employee. Not in a military position.
This has been a confusing and sometimes painful situation for everyone involved, and telling people to “go to hell” helps no one at all.
Bottom line is, he is deceased and buried, and it is time for everyone to move on.

Tammie Duckworth

To John Lilyea in post #59. He went missing on February 18, a week before you wrote this blog entry. It is estimated that he passed away around the 19th to 21st, so he would not have seen this.
I just wanted you to know.

Duane Duckworth

Ok people, he’s gone so leave it at that. I am his son and know the whole story about Jesse. I know more than most or all of you on here. I’m 40 years old now and can tell you story after story until I’m blue in the face, but its all irrelevant now. Our goal now is to make sure his wife is taken care of, that’s it. She will have no worries from now on. She deserves it.

Yat Yas 1833

Mr. Duckworth, please accept my most sincere condolences for your loss. I lost my father a few years ago so I know your pain. What you have to remember is that the members here either are serving or have served with honor. My dad was on Utah beach on D-Day and by the end of the war had earned the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. I myself served with the 3rd Amphibious Assault Battalion with the 1st Marine Division. This was during the Cold War so the only action I saw was in the bars of Oceanside, Ca. What ticks us off is that your dad wants to be counted in our number but never earned the right to.

Duane Duckworth

I hear ya Yat. He’s pissed off wayyyy more people than you could even fathom. Whether it was military or family. I just learned to look at it as being done in the past. I’m not going to dwell on it. I want to say to everyone, I apologise if anything my dad did affected you on any way negatively. He’s gone now and now we can move on. I hope everyone can read and respect this.


Well hell…you mean the same man featured here http://www.prayerbears.moonfruit.com/#/our-staff/4550861084


No offense, Mr. Duckworth, and I’m truly sorry for the pain you and your family are enduring, but continuing to post photos of him wearing a green beret only furthers the probability of belief in his lies. One only has to search for the name “Jesse Duckworth” on Facebook for that photo to pop up on your page.

I hope you and yours find peace in each other.