J Wayne Duckworth; another AWOL Ranger

| February 27, 2012

Meet J Wayne Duckworth, who calls himself “Sir Duck”, but I call him “Ducky” for short, because…well…he’s just so f*cking ducky. According to his Facebook profile, he’s pretty f’n high speed, too.

CIA and the Air Wing of the State Department…also he’s self employed. It must be hard to be all of those things and still find time to pose in his mother’s backyard for those pictures, huh? According to our friends at POW Network, he’s been stylin’ for awhile. He wears these flashy duds anywhere the media shows up for a veteran event and wipes his eyes from the crocodile tears and gives them exactly what they want.

And here’s a poem he sent one of our friends at Right Truth in which he also poses as an OIF/OEF veteran and a Seminole Indian.

According to POW Net;

J.W. Duckworth had been a private first class in the Army, and his only overseas duty was in Germany. Court-martialed while at Fort Hood on two charges of AWOL, Duckworth had been sentenced to 40 days hard labor and reduced to private E-1 before being discharged.

Yeah, because that’s the kind of pilots the State Department is looking for. Mavericks in the mood to stick it to the Man. Looking through his Facebook pictures, he seems to gain 40 pounds every time he goes to the desert. It looks like he gets shorter, too. It must be the lighting and that KBR chow. It couldn’t be someone else’s pictures, could it?

You Cav guys will be happy to know that he likes to wear Stetsons and 1st Cav patches.

Thanks to David for the links. I think someone else sent me the links a few weeks ago, but I can’t find the email now. Sorry.

Category: Phony soldiers

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And to the Duckworth family, you have my sincere condolences and are in my prayers.

Yat Yas 1833

Mr. Duckworth, as for myself I am done with this. I hope you can find peace in your sorrow. As for now I think the members of this site are done.


But what we want to know is why and how did he get into the Nat’l Cemetary – who pulled the strings.


PV1 Duckworth has been outed


Anonymous (#103): Only those vets with DDs are banned from national cemetery burial based on discharge alone. Honorable and general appear to qualify w/o question; for the others, the VARO for the region in which the cemetery is located makes the call.

More details are available at


Dunno why the VARO allowed it, but it’s their call. And if the guy didn’t have an undesirable/OTH/BCD, it doesn’t appear to have required any strings being pulled.


For relatives that amused each other making fun of Sir Duck, look in the mirror. I knew him to be a very fine man. Please remember the old saying about those who live in glass houses! Some of you know a lot for being cousins.


@106 Amimzy: I’d say his cousins are right on target with their comments.

We who are NOT his cousins and are veterans with service of an honorable character (unlike the late unlamented Mr. Duckworth, who not only told wild outlandish stories about non-existent military service, but had his dumb lying ass kicked out of the Army after going AWOL and being court-martialed) hold him in unbridled contempt, even though he’s in the grave. Thank goodness we’re not related to him. And I’d say we pretty much agree with his cousins.

Your standards must be pretty low for you to say that he was a very fine man, in spite of his lies and his dishonorable service.

Ron duckworth

Sir Duck was my cousin too. We grew up together and had a lot of fun. I hadn’t seen him since his dad died. Sad the way his life turned out. Wonder what ever happened to his sister?

Green Thumb

Yet another Turd.

The septic tank needs to be emptied.

Sandra Duckworth

People…get a freaking life and quit posting crap on here about him. I am trying to forget about all of this and I have to keep reading about it.

Green Thumb

I forgot about this clown.

I guess he is kicking it with Ike “No More” Densmore.


Ah Sandra … we did forget about him. But when you come in here and tell us to get a life … well it is game on all over again.

I have a some recommendations:

1. Let the dead dog lie!
2. Don’t poke a stick at a sleeping grizzley bear!
3. Don’t enter a cage with a tiger or lion!
4. Don’t feed racoons that appear at your door step!
5. And don’t friggin’ PISS ME OFF!

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I guess Sandra had missed the part that this topic has been dead for a year now and that Ron and her resurected it.


I think I will come on here daily and trash him now… Just for Sandra. Why? For burying him in a Nat’l Cemetery where he doesn’t belong.


Sandra. Trust that I’m not picking on you, but…

If you’re trying to forget him, why are you Googling his name to see how many hits his name gets that leads you here?


She just wants attention. WAYNE DUCKWORTH

Green Thumb

I wonder if the picture included above is on his tombstone?





#116 you’re absolutely right.


Sandra is homeless and is a meth-head. True story… #116 you’re exactly right. That’s all she’s about. She’ll be back, I promise.