Meet Lt S###bag

| November 23, 2011

Cakmakli nominates Lieutenant Shitbag for next year’s tournament;

Compete with a close-up of his phony finery;

The story is over at

The SEALs are letting an awful lot of people be SEALs without going through BUD/S these days. I guess that’s why he’s wearing the miniature version of the badge. I think he’s the second Marine SEAL we’ve seen in the last few months. And when did the Marines start wearing pleated gray Dockers?

Category: Phony soldiers

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Green Thumb

This could be another dark horse to the Final Four. Just saying…


I remember this guy!!!!! He took out a whole platoon of contractors with an airsoft rifle.
Should have had your goggles on guys.

Green Thumb

Fucking Rent boy.

A Proud Infidel

@TSO: I was with him at the Battle of Poon Tang!!


that yellow ribbon top left also could be china service medal that ended in ’57.i’m sure it rates ahead of Silver Star you dunce. plus that’s just a mini-trident.oh well, it never ends.

Green Thumb

One of my personal favorites.