Sick Lame or Lazy? Air Force Recruiting- There’s a Waiver For That
Aim High…With Waivers
Air Force expands waivers for recruits with asthma, food allergies
By Riley Ceder
The Air Force has expanded medical waivers to cover asthma, food allergies and hearing loss in an effort to boost recruitment, according to Air & Space Forces Magazine.
The Air Force Recruiting Service’s Accessions Medical Waiver Division decided to expand tolerances after the Air Force whiffed on recruiting goals last year for the first time since 1999, division head Col. Ian Gregory told the magazine.
Asthma, food allergies and hearing loss have the highest number of waiver requests for the service.
The waiver tolerances went into effect Nov. 1 following Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Alex Wagner’s approval of the additions, Air & Space Forces Magazine reported.
Between 600 and 1,000 more recruits per year are expected to join as a result of the waiver expansion, according to the magazine.
Coming to a MEPS near you- Navy Cat III ASVAB retards with Air Force health waivers. The NCO in me weeps.
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", Air Force, The Stupid is Strong