Afghanistan withdrawal had Donald Trump been in the White House…

| July 3, 2024 | 61 Comments

Wesley Hunt, Texas Representative, was in the same room as Donald Trump, the leader of the Taliban, and others were at. According to Hunt, Donald Trump told the leader of the Taliban that the withdrawal was going to be conditions based. When asked what those conditions were, the response was one, that if they harmed a hair on a single American, that he was going to kill the Taliban leader. The translator leaned back in his chair apparently not wanting to tell the leader what Trump said. Trump insisted that the translator provide a word for word translation. That message was accompanied by Trump’s handing the Taliban leader a satellite photo of the leader’s house. Donald Trump walked out right after that.

From RedState:

Former President Donald Trump was many things as commander-in-chief, but when it came to foreign policy, he wasn’t the guy you mess around with. According to Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt, the Taliban learned that during a face-to-face meeting with the former President.

Hunt appeared on The Sage Steele Show alongside Byron Donalds, where he told a story about the time Trump met with Taliban leaders while planning the withdrawal of American troops out of Afghanistan.

During the meeting, Trump told the Taliban leaders he wanted to leave Afghanistan, but wanted it to be a “conditions-based withdrawal.”

What were the conditions?

Just one, according to Hunt.

Hunt said they had one translator in the room, and Trump made his condition very clear for the translator.

“If you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you,” said Trump.

The translator reportedly looked at Trump with wide eyes and leaned back in his seat according to Hunt, however Trump insisted the translator repeat his warning to the Taliban leaders verbatim, which he did.

As he did, Hunt says Trump reached into his pocket and took out a satellite image of the Taliban leader’s home and handed it to him before simply getting up and walking out of the room.

Additional reading, including video segment:

Morse, B. (2024, July 02). Wow: Texas Rep. Wesley Hunt tells insane story of Trump threatening Taliban leaders to their faces. RedState. Link.

Category: Donald Trump, Taliban, Terror War

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