Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| July 3, 2024

Polite manners are racist

Now who will pull the fire alarm to stop the votes?

Indoctrination through vile revisionist history and scientific misinformation

Border Patrol union coming in with the burn

That is quite the transformation

She is vile

Fake and cringy are her two best traits

Definitely evil

Look at these boobs

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Good Morning: “We” were slaves? She must be WAAAAY older than she looks. Maybe she’s a vampire and is hundreds of years old?

Also, if that’s where the term “Good Morning” comes from in English, what about all the other languages? Did Guten Morgan, Bonjour, Buenos Dias, etc etc etc. There are even traditional “good morning” greetings in many African languages. Did all of those greetings stem from slavery in America? Seems…um…unlikely…to me.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Well, if you don’t like “good morning” (spelled “mourning”? WTF!?), then how about, “WASSUP, BITCH!” (or other appropriate verbiage)


I’ll just stick this right here…

comment image?w=525&ssl=1

The supply of woodchippers is insufficient, too.


Russky kid goes to summer camp in North Korea, said it sucked and went back again:


Ooh, our “woke” media betters show us a story from Chicom-land of how gun control works and “extreme nationalism” (like evil MAGA Trump supporters) is bad:

Old tanker

Why is dr jill so intent on staying in the white house? Could it be that she was the real power behind the meat puppet for the day today operations of the administration? I’m thinking she likes the power of manipulating joe to do whatever she wants. I’d bet that is why she and obozo are on the outs since she usurped his position.


Hillary vs. Jill cage match?


What will Joe do when Jill kills herself three weeks before the match?

Dennis - not chevy

The shade of Edith Wilson; a profile in reincarnation

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Just thinking of her. Parallels abound.


Here’s a non-racist, all inclusive term that is simple enough for all to understand:

Fuck you, you fucking fucks.

Does that offend you? Excellent!

RGR 4-78

I was thinking along the lines of “live long and go fuck yourself” followed by a Vulcan hand salute.


Famed nazi-hunter Serge Klarsfeld urges French jews to vote Right for Marine LePen’s party as the Left (Macron’s party, etc.) are antisemitic and support Hamas:


Numerous publications calling for Biden to resign. Seeing how he is incompetent to run or even have a debate no reason to think he is competent enough to say, serve as president.

Joe jumped on a Dem party conference call about possible replacements and said; “you aren’t the boss of me”.

One has to wonder if mental health professionals will need to get involved to get him pulled. Democrats will cover all kinds of illnesses to stay in power. See Wilson and FDR.

Last edited 2 months ago by 5JC

I watched the one with the feminists. Can you just imagine the conversation the police officer is having over that radio?

“Yeah,, I’m going to need some help with these crazy bitches!”


A depressing selection, except for that last one, which certainly raised my–uh–spirits.