Daily FGS

| July 6, 2024

Girandoni Air Rifle

5 injured in shootout at Chinese takeout restaurant in Philadelphia’s Grays Ferry section

Annie McCormick
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Five people were injured after dozens of shots were fired in Philadelphia’s Grays Ferry neighborhood.

The shootout happened at a Chinese takeout restaurant at 27th and Dickinson streets at 10:30 p.m. on Monday.

More than 40 rounds were fired during the gun battle, according to police.

A 45-year-old man was transported by police from the scene with gunshot wounds to the leg.

The three other victims, a 23-year-old man and two 21-year-old men, showed up at Penn Presbyterian Hospital on their own.

Another 21-year-old man was also taken to Cooper Medical Center in Camden, New Jersey.

Police believe one of the wounded patients was also a shooter and is being held as a suspect.

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Thanks, Gun Bunny.

Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property.
Thomas Paine

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Philthy Delphia. The Shitty of Brotherly Love. The “brothers” sure love to shoot up eating places…and one another. Our Beloved AW1Ed related once to me that when he had to travel thru there on a regular basis he carried, very close to hand, a (wait for it…gasp…THE HORROR) an example of The Works of HMS, JMB, (HBHN), Model 1911. Proof positive that he is not such a fan boi of plasticized abominations as he makes out to be. Shhh…don’t tell him I told y’all.

You never need a firearm until you REALLY need a firearm. The motto of a certain male gender’s youth organization comes to mind here.

I visited The Missouri River Basin L & C Site back in ’15. Very impressive destination if you’re ever in that AO. They had an example of the air rifle there.


Another place in The Great Plains that is well worth a visit is here…



“You never need a firearm until you REALLY need a firearm.”

Very true, which is why I travel well-armed, usually have a backup, and have at least two reloads for whatever I’m carrying. Overkill (no pun intended)? Perhaps. Necessary? You never know. I generally stay at cheap motels, so a having shotgun, a couple of pistols, and maybe a carbine at hand isn’t a bad thing. Maybe I’d get eaten up by a prosecutor trying to establish that I was “looking for trouble”, but I’ll take my chances.

Back in the halcyon days of 2005, as a newly promoted SGT, I got my first and only chance to be a tab actor for Twilight Tattoo, representing the Corps of Discovery Expedition. The Flag Shop on Fort Myer hooked me up with the clothing–a ragged out tricorn, simple buff shirt, burlap jacket, and officer’s saber. I drew a flintlock pistol from the Arms Room. Let’s say I had a certain “style”, leading my CO to buy me an inflatable parrot and eyepatch, while I’d borrow another flintlock pistol from one of the 1812 guys for transportation to and from the Tattoos. I ended up with a coin from SMA Preston at the Washington Monument, then got to do a few meet and greets, netting a few GO coins.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande



The Girandoni is a very cool weapon of old. The flask was the weakest link since brazing wasn’t quite there yet. ME is similar to modern high speed .22LR
The Austrian Empire also created the first ‘smokeless ‘ muzzleloader. A steel barreled Lorenz that fired a solid based bullet with a braided guncotton ‘sock’ attached to the base.