LGF’s Rightwing Extremist Veteran

| June 17, 2009

On Sunday, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs had a post up entitled What Right Wing Extremists? about a few twisted people in Arizona who killed a 9-year-old girl and a man whom they claim they thought was a drug dealer. Because the perpetrators belonged to the Minutemen American Defense, a group of citizen border watchers, not affiliated with the group weve come to know as “The Minutemen”, by the way.

Charles used their ties to the group, MAD, as proof that the Homeland Security Department’s warning back in April to law enforcement to be on the look out for right wing extremists was warranted.

Johnson put an update on his blog yesterday because one of the perpetraters of the double murder was charged in the murder of a homeless guy. Charles included a phrase from MAD’s website;

We are honored to have Gunny aboard. He served 6 tours over seas, where he has several medals. He received a Purple heart, Silver and Bronze star, Combat Infantry Badge and a Presidential citation for his actions in the Special Forces.

Gunny, it turns out, is 34-year-old Jason Eugene Bush, the suspected trigger man in the murder of the man and his daughter. Johnson probably wanted to highlight that phrase because it further proved the DHS report accurate and well-founded because the report warned about veterans with special training.

Well, I spent two days looking and I couldn’t find any military records of a Jason Eugene Bush – I found a Jason E. Bush who lived in Tennessee who’d been an Abrams tanker, but it couldn’t have been this guy in Arizona or Washington State or wherever he is from today.

I did, however, find a 34-year-old Jason Eugene Bush, but not in military records. I wonder if he’d made time for his special operations training while he was in prison in Utah for trafficking contraband, trying to escape from custody, and assaulting LEOs;


Or while he was on probation in Kansas;


Or while he was on probation in Texas on a 12-month suspended sentence for a couple of counts of assault;


Since his first arrest was in 1994, when he was nineteen, it doesn’t look like Jason Bush had been in the military at all – despite the stories, the military frowns on recruiting folks with multiple felony convictions. But most people wouldn’t know that unless they served in the military.

Scott North in Snohomish County, WA wrote in the local paper on Sunday;

Bush, the suspected gunman in the Arivaca killings, has extensive adult and juvenile criminal history in Eastern Washington. He’s served prison time for auto theft and being a felon in possession of firearms, court papers show.

It seems this Jason Eugene Bush isn’t a veteran of anything except the justice system. He’s probably not even a right wing extremist, just your run-of-the-mill, everyday sociopath.

I spent two days verifying all of this with police forces and journalists.

I hope Charles Johnson can find it in his heart to apologize to veterans for his cut on us, as I’ve always admired him as a blogger until recently. I hope he doesn’t disappoint me.

UPDATE: Scott North, the journalist with whom I’ve been in contact today, just this minute arrived at the same conclusions;

He called himself “Gunny” and reportedly told his pals in the Minutemen American Defense border-watch group that he was a decorated Special Forces veteran who’d survived combat in Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Instead, there is no record that Jason Eugene Bush served in the military as he claims, spokesmen at the Pentagon said Wednesday.

Category: Bloggers, Politics

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Friend of SpaceJesus

Go on, people. In your opinion, who is a right-wing extremist? Just one name will do. If you’re drawing a blank, you might not be intellectually honest.

Disciple of SpaceJesus

AW1 Tim – we could be here all night playing this game, especially if you are going to include moonbats of the order of Michael Moore and Code Pink. Let’s see….oh yes, Pat Buchanan, The America First Party, The American Nazi Party, Anne Coulter…the list goes on, as you must know.

Why not just accept the fact that there are extremists on both sides of the political divide, and that some of them are not just away with the fairies, but are actually dangerous as well.

Friend of SpaceJesus

I think you should read this, John.



Ask and you shall receive, you cultish LGF fools.
Timothy McVeigh was not a ‘Christian’ terrorist

He “believed in science.”

Friend of SpaceJesus

Some Christians vote for democrats. So thinking the title of “Darwinist” protects McVeigh from being right-wing is laughable.

Disciple of SpaceJesus

Denial sure runs deep here.

You’ll be telling us Hitler was a lefty next.(Not even joking, sadly).

Thomas von der Trave

Who said anything about Timmy being a Christian?

And does “believing in science” mark you as a leftist? Geez, the GOP is in trouble if that’s the case. Oh wait, I forgot…the GOP is fast disappearing up its own elephantine asshole.

Timothy McVeigh was an American right-wing terrorist, born and bred. And there are more like him hiding in the cornfields. And some of them – gasp! – may turn out to be vets.

If a simple statement of fact like that makes one “anti-military” in your minds, you might want to sign up for a course in elementary logic at the nearest community college. If they’re offering that kind of leftist twaddle these days. Otherwise a group focussed on remedial reading might do the trick.


The LGF reference to Bush’s alleged military resume can be seen as drawing a relationship between extremism and military service.

This is NOT my impression.

LGF has been historically an ardent supporter of the military and I believe that to be true today as well.

Many people would not have recognized the imposter/poser/PX ranger at face value. It is unfortunate that the reference was cited, but the linkage is there albeit unintended as an offense to soldiers. The theme was an extremist linkage which sadly was tied to false military service.

Your investigation is wothy in protecting people from attributing military service to an imposter.


Yeah, well I suppose that anyone who would consider Hitler as right wing, would also toss McVeigh in the same category. Let’s see Stalin was an “International Socialist” and Hitler was a “National Socialist,” I’ll give you 4 degrees of separation between the ideologies. Hardly left wing vs right wing.

Here is a link to the shortest and most concise description of the American form of government I’ve seen in 45+ years of studying history.



Not only wasn’t Bush a veteran, but he wasn’t a “minuteman” either. Just a plain old criminal. His accomplice, Shawna Forde, was kicked out of the legitimate MCDC minuteman organization years earlier. By reading the news stories, it sounds like shes also a con-woman that talked so much crap that even her own family didn’t take her seriously. The only minuteman group that would have her was Jim Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project. Jim Gilchrist has been sued for fraud and ostracized from other groups as well. We have a handful of criminals that found each other and some are trying to paint everyone that is against illegal immigration as a violent right wing extremist. Very unfortunate.

Here’s a good article on Bush.



SpaceJesus. This is not about the topic at hand yet it is about a slimy piece of crap (you) who made the post not long ago about ” the usefullness of Southerners ” I am sure a lot of the green morons are somehow connected to the south of which you must not KNOW one thing about. Yet they said nothing. So I will say something…to you…
STFU you ignorant ass kissing sob. Only say things behind your computer that you would say face to face with someone. And I know you wouldn’t ….you are just an all around worthless piece of crap.


One more thing..I never once heard Tim McVeigh shout “In the name of Jesus!” Is that all you whiners got? Tim McVeigh? You have worn out his name and totally wrong.


You know, I am starting to see a pattern here. It looks like there are as many phony soldiers on the extreme right as there are on the extreme left. Although, lets face it, the “extreme right” seems to be more Ron Paul libertarian than conservative. Even the simplistic Nolan Chart describes libertarians as being neither right nor left.


“Timothy McVeigh was an American right-wing terrorist, born and bred. And there are more like him hiding in the cornfields. And some of them – gasp! – may turn out to be vets.”

Timothy Mc$hithead pretty much destroyed the Walter Mitty Militia movement in the 1990s. Yes,every now and then, some chowderhead with a legitimate DD-214 is going to do something criminally retarded, there isn’t a U.S. veterans Al Quaida wing hiding in the cornfields. Just curious, do you live anywhere near any cornfields?


Bill Ayers was an American left-wing terrorist, born and bred. And there are more like him hiding in the inner-cities. And some of them – gasp! – may turn out to be friends of Prezbo.

Fixed it for you…no need to thank me…I do it because I care.


“Although, lets face it, the “extreme right” seems to be more Ron Paul libertarian than conservative.”

Anyone who initiates aggression, ie. commits a terrorist act has jumped off the libertarian bus. One of the tenants of Libertarianism is the non-aggression principle, which states that it is immoral to initiate force against another person.


Why are you worried about what the Ponytailed Ukulele player says about anything. Why should a dope smoking wannabe geek that is suffering from paranoia concern practical people?

His whack job lemmings are proof that he deserves as much credibility as Jim Jones.

Now drink some more Koolaid liztards.


Friend of Space Jesus, two words. So what…. As has been explained, over and over, McVeigh didn’t learn anything in the Army that facilitated what he did. He learned that on the net. Last I checked the Army, or any of the services doesn’t make a habit of cooking explosives out of fertilizer and fuel oil. Troll.


Hey COB6, I got my number down as 1157 posts.

I used to read LGF a lot, and this site, and Slate, and many others. I try to get as many viewpoints as I can on any subject. I sorta’ quit going to LGF when he got mired in the evolution back and forth. I still look at it once a day as I do for many liberal and consertative news sources. Sometimes I agree with LGF, sometimes I don’t. Opinions are like, well, you know the rest.

If you only look at one side, it’s all you’ll ever see.


G-d bless you John for refusing to put up with Johnson, his ever dwindling band of f*cktards, and their tired old bully tactics. Scary how cult like his few remaining worshippers are.

But you know what’s even better? Other than the various incarnations of “space Jesus”, they refuse to come over here or to other sites and debate, preferring to stay over there, stroke the 2009 incarnation of John Cole of Balloon Juice and beg him not to reveal their private information.


One reason some folk from LGF no longer go out and debate is simple, Eddiebear. When they do, they get crap like this:
“Richard Romano,
Charles Johnson is a frustrated individual.
He has demons and it clearly shows in his actions.
he’s a sick man.”
from people like lester, get called ‘drones’, and are told to ‘run back to their pathetic master’ instead of anyone actually debating with them.

And you wonder why none of them are interested in having an honest debate with you after you call them all ‘fucktards’.


You sure opened up a can of lizzards with that post, Jon, and they’re crawling out of the woodwork on their bellies.


Lizards, not lizzards. 🙂


72: so you are defending him and his sycophants?


69: but he wants everybody who he allows on his site (I know, his shite, his rules, yada yada, yada) to slavishly adhere to what he says.

Besides, who cares what he says to say anymore? The left doesn’t want him, and he is doing his best to alienate the right.


72: I should amend one thing. Not all of the ones who haven’t been purged are bad. But I don’t want to get them in trouble by naming them. I’ll leave the “outing” to Charles and his cult followers.


Just went over to LGF and read his post. Charles was straightforward and honest in his statements. LGF was the first blog I ever signed up to post on and one of the first that I thought was influential enough to have an impact. I did kinda quit following LGF when the evolution thing took off. I came to TAH from there. I have a lot of respect for LGF but it went in a direction that I could not follow. I am a vet (retired). I like discourse and discussion no bullshit. When posting dissolves into namecalling and rants, it is useless. Lets get back on track. I really appreciate Jonn and TSO for the good they have done with outing phoney vets and their far reaching commentary.

spacejesus van der trave

OK, OK, I give up – Yes, I am schizophrenic, yes I have signed on under several names to seem like I’m more than just a single 40 year old unemployed guy living in Mom’s basement, and yes, I did run out of meds ( crack, actually) because Mom’s started keeping her purse locked in a drawer so my discretionary funds are cut off.
And of course I hate the military, especially since that fat, nasty sergeant slapped me around for trying to make dates with some of those really good looking guys out in the courtyard doing PT. I blame Bush! But now that Mister Obama is all powerful he is going to stick it to all of you people, and he promises free dougnuts, I-Pods and custom fitted dildoes for all of us who supported him. So there!

Just A Grunt

Jonn, I think expressed my sentiments in regards to this whole issue. I had to live through the Cold War era when everybody’s idea of a veteran or service member for that matter, was shaped by Rambo and Apocalypse Now and The Deer Hunter.
I was serving with a lot of these Vietnam veterans at the beginning of my career and those stereotypes couldn’t have been any further from the truth then comparing Sponge Bob Square Pants to Jacques Cousteau.
I continue to grow tired of Timothy McVeigh being thrown in my face. Nothing he learned in the military was related to what he thought or the terrible acts he carried out. It is the same as painting everybody who works for IBM as a pedophile because one of their employees is a child molester.
It does hit a sore spot for many of us veterans, even when you insert a statement such as Charles did about none of the allegations of service can be proven, because the effect is that it puts the thought into the mind of the reader.
There have been enough good people smeared by this type of disclaimer. I am sure I can get a rise out of folks by saying something like “even though Barack Obama’s father was prolific bigamist there is no indication that Barack has engaged in such activities.”


I can has free iPod?


Claymore – Yes, in this big new world of all loving kum-bah-yah oneness, you can has free iPod and can has cheeseburger.
And special pack condoms with Jane Fonda likeness imprint!


lol at all the fake spacejesus’s posting here. I guess you guys are in love with me.

don’t worry there is plenty of spacejesus to go around


Good day everyone. I am new to this blog and after linking to it through LGF my thoughts were to join and become a part of it. I joined LGF in the fall of 2004 before the elections and have been a daily reader of the blog. I along with others in this thread do not agree totally with Charles handling of some members on different threads notably ones involving creation and the DHS report. LGF is in my blood and my respect for Charles is high even though we do not agree on many things he pursues a lot of stories which do not come available to news networks often for days. Charles did back pedal on the accusations of vets being described in the DHS report which was highly offensive to me but he should not be denigrated for his beliefs. There are many in LGF who live for the karma stats unfortunately this inhibits good debates on the forum. So please give me time to fit in. I’m not afraid to speak my mind and this looks like a great community.

Jonn wrote: Welcome, Scorch. You don’t need time to fit in – you’re here. Our readers run the length of the spectrum as you’ll learn. I’ve banned very few people here, well, recently. We have folks who think they’re Libertarians all the way left to IVAW members although the bulk are in between.



“SpaceJesus. This is not about the topic at hand yet it is about a slimy piece of crap (you) who made the post not long ago about ” the usefullness of Southerners ” I am sure a lot of the green morons are somehow connected to the south of which you must not KNOW one thing about. Yet they said nothing. So I will say something…to you…
STFU you ignorant ass kissing sob. Only say things behind your computer that you would say face to face with someone. And I know you wouldn’t ….you are just an all around worthless piece of crap.”

what? the south? I wasn’t aware we were discussing the south here, but ok. while on the subject…It’s true! I do have an honest to goodness dream to see the American south either paved over to create a giant wafflehouse parking lot or to have it sold to cuba or china for 4 dollars.


Back when he was readable, Johnson’s bread and butter was to highlight how terror suspects had certain demographic commonalities (such as their religion, nationality, etc) when the MSM took so much effort to pretend that it was just unimportant.

Now he’s highlighting the “veteran” demographics of wack jobs, and we’re supposed to pretend that he’s not pushing an agenda or trying to prove something?

He might back pedal and note how the vet status is unproven, but it still says volumes that he’s highlighting it.


pmm here’s the consistency you fail you to see.

charles highlighted the islamic side of terrorism in order to be honest, because the media was actively ignoring and avoiding it. charles never implied that all muslims were terrorists. ever. just because charles “highlights” something, does not mean he’s painting with as big of a brush as you think he is.

the same exact thing goes for right-wing or veteran kookoos. just because charles highlights that these things occur, does not mean he’s categorizing everyone who is republican or a veteran as an extremist.

just because you’re a probably a bigot and jumped to the conclusion that charles was attacking islam as a whole, does not mean your crazy logic applies here, or to anything for that matter.

Thomas von der Trave

Sometimes people WANT to be offended. That seems to be the case here, and there’s really nothing more to say about it. Enjoy your grievance, people.


I’m still waiting for my free fucking iPod you shitbirds promised…



I’m sorry if my “crazy logic” frightened and confused you. I don’t have your ability to create fortresses of deductive reasoning through the use of words like “bigot”.

Let me try to blow your mind with this particularly challenging brain teaser–it won’t take long, you can go back to writing slash fiction about your favored bloggers after this, I promise:

The DHS report lists veterans as particularly susceptible to extremist recruiting by nature of being veterans.

Johnson, in a series of posts explicitly attempting to validate the DHS report, cites the ‘veteran’ status of a felon as being germane to the discussion.

(You’re a fan of ‘consistency’, you should appreciate this. Johnson highlighted a demographic detail that he thought advanced his preferred narrative–just like when he does it to the members of terrorist organizations and other extremist movements he opposes!)

That the felon is not a veteran invalidates the point Johnson was making by highlighting that passage.

Conclusion: Johnson needs to tighten up his reporting if he’s going to try to prove that the DHS report was valid, particularly when it comes to the report’s assertions about veterans.

His later insistence that he wasn’t trying to smear “all veterans” is moot, since the problem is that he’s trying to validate a report that DOES smear “all veterans” for being veterans.

Thanks for your time, SJ, you can now go back to writing that great fan fic where LGF meets the cast of “Firefly”, and the sparks fly…




Great job, Jonn. From your biggest fan in Latvia. 😉


pmm, im taking time out of my busy schedule drawing pictures of you and a cat sailor making out in times square at the conclusion of ww2 (for my deviant art account) to bring you this lovely dose of reality. you better appreciate it.

“His later insistence that he wasn’t trying to smear “all veterans” is moot, since the problem is that he’s trying to validate a report that DOES smear “all veterans” for being veterans.”

the DHS report does not smear all veterans, perhaps you should read it. the report simply states that radical right wing groups will TRY to recruit veterans in order to get access to military training. if the report said that it was worried that tons of veterans would be lining up to join groups like the minutemen, then I would agree with you, but it doesn’t.

here’s a nice quote from the report:

“The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from
the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.”

so explain to me again how “a small percentage” translates into “all veterans” for you again?

I hereby declare myself the winner of this argument.

p.s. is it ok if i draw fox ears on you for my cartoon? or are you more of a wolf? rraarrrrr


Like Joe Biden declared himself the winner of his debate? Wow, you’re the man!!! Ok, sarcasm off. So, SJ how do you sort out the vets who joined, were disgruntled, disillusioned? Just curious, as you seem to have all of the answers.


Spacejesus how long did you have to live to get so stupid and such a spineless coward. Check the numbers for military from the south you stupid pig., What have you done? You insult the south and I will come after you little fat boy.
Still running for some kind of office are you? Might as well hang it up.


It translates into all veterans because all veterans relatively share the same experiences. Certainly your military experience may vary and some veterans do become disgruntled or disillusioned, but not to the point that they become right wing extremists.

As I ended the comment thread on LGF, veterans who are “disgruntled, disillusioned, or suffering from
the psychological effects of war” do not become Nazis, they become Senators from Massachusetts. The only extremist groups they join are IVAW and the Democratic party.

and you can yiff in Hell furfag!

The Sniper

Who ever thinks that a dude who calls himself “gunny” would be an Army vet?


Claymore – I personally sent your iPod AND chizzburgah to that Mexican guy, “space haysoos”, to drop off with you. Maybe he hasn’t found your spider hole yet?


I don’t read LGF and haven’t for some time.

I made it 100!