“You’re pushing women! You’re pushing women!”

| June 17, 2009

TSO sent me this;

Code Pink took their street fair to Israel the other day and ran into some Israeli police. I’ll have the video up in a minute, but first let me explain a little bit about what you’ll see. First Lil Suzie Benjamin suddenly has relatives who suffered in the Holocaust to lend herself some credibility – you know like folks who come here and try to get creds on military issues by telling us that their nephew’s neighbor’s grandfather watched the History Channel on Memorial Day.

Then (at about 1:30 in the video) Tighe Barry (Suzie’s poodle), Ann Wright and Suze try to push through Israeli police barriers. The police push back (duh) while Tighe has to tell the police “you’re pushing women, you’re pushing women….” probably because none of the women the Israeli cops are pushing look like women in Israel (well, speaking from my own personal experience).

Tighe is totally faking (he’s such a drama queen). He might have got conked on his noggin but you can’t see any blood or marks. So he lays on the pavement and writhes like a two-year-old so Suzie will touch him.

Just so you recognize him in the video, this is Tighe last year at the Code Pink Mothers’ Day;
Tighe Barry
Here’s the video;

Now we know why Tighe Barry left Hollywood and took up with the Code Pink Street Theater Company – he’s such a bad actor.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Usual Suspects

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He also yells out that he is having an asthema attack.


Damn, he ruined his little pink suit. What a shame. Is it wrong that I’m laughing so hard I’m nearly crying? Maybe it’s them assuming that foreign police will show the same restraint (i.e., deathly afraid of lawsuits mentality) that our cops show here that has me damn near rolling.

Memo to Tighe: They roll over people with CATERPILLAR BULLDOZERS here, dipwad. Be grateful all you got was a little love tap on the noggin.


Ok, first off, little bennie needs to get her fricken facts straight. Oh, wait, I forgot; they doan need no stinking facts! Second, watching the video, you see that some mental midget starts screaming things that he shouldn’t really be saying, considering where he is, and then little bennie lies through here crooked nose to the EMT’s that “he was beaten”. This stupid little doorknob wouldn’t know what a real beating is. The drama queen was pushed and maybe got bumped on his melon by the police shield when they were moving the twerps back. If he can’t take anything harder than that, he’s in the wrong business (protesting).

I get really sick and tired of these morons being able to scream whatever they want and do whatever they want and still not get their asses kicked, yet if you do anything to them, like they do to you, you are suddenly a member of the “Gestapo”, or are a “fascist” as if any of them know what in the hell they are talking about, other than they heard some other drooling moonbat use those phrases and thought they sounded pretty cool.

The doorknob that was screaming like a little bitch about keeping hands off the girls and pushing women would have lasted about 2 seconds in my presence before getting throat punched, then the meat wagon would have had a real casualty to pick up.

Just A Grunt

Okay guys it has been awhile since my Combat Lifesaver days but unless the guy was suffering from some sort of het injury what the hell was the purpose of the water? Did Code Pink waterboard one of their own?
You would think one of them would have looked at their passport and realized they weren’t in Kansas anymore.
These Code Pink female carbon based lifeforms, they don’t deserved to be called women, are like a really bad case of jock itch.
They must be a bunch of Carter groupies, following him around like a bunch of garishly dressed stalkers.


OK, now for the dull-witted among us ( that means, ME ) –
I thought the whole women’s liberation thing was about ugly bull dy… uh, sorry, I mean women, wanting to be treated just like men. And as we all know, in Israel every young woman of age serves in the military, just like the young men.
And if an Israeli soldier is captured by any of the mooslime terrorists, they are treated every bit as badly, whether male or female. SO… these code stinkies get treated like the common gutless punks they are, and they want to whine, “You’re hitting a GURLLL!” ? Hey, sounds to me like they would be doing fist bumps and yelling the praises of equal treatment!

Mr Wolf

Moonbattery knows no borders…


Avalon John

It’s always nice to see a code pinker get a beatdown. It wasn’t enough for me, though. Kind of like just a whiff of bacon while I’m starving – I need more…


Oh man, Tighe (is it really Tighe?) is the consumate thespian. He was beaten? Pleeeease! I’ve had worse beat downs playing combat football.

The IDF should have lots of experience dealing with some of America’s useful idiots. Better yet, just let them become Darwin award winners, put them out as ground guides for Caterpillars.


Medea, can you spell Attention whore? because it should be tattoed across your forehead

AW1 Tim

As I have related before, Medea and I had a run in a couple years back at the GOE rally in DC on that cold damp St Paddy’s day.

My legs were really acting up, so I had taken a seat on some stone retaining wall across from the mall. There were a couple other veterans with me, and several cops keeping an eye on things. There was also a coffee kiosk there, thank God.

Anyway, after the moonbat march and pter-out anarchist wannabe street theatre bit, who should come over in a huff but Medea. She went up to the cops, pointed to our little group of graybeards, and demanded that the cops arrest us.

Medea was screaming that we had slashed the tires on her vehicle and wanted to file a criminal complaint. The cops looked at her for a minute with disbelief before the senior one pointed out that we’d been sitting there for over an hour, minding our business and drinking coffee.

Ms. Benjamin was told to get packing or she’d be arrested for attempting to file a false report. She strutted off all huffy-like, but tossed a few loud and unprintable comments back at me and my comrades.

Obviously she has “issues”. The big question, to me, is where she gets the money to do all this traveling and theatrics. I’d love to have enough cash to take the young’n down to DC to see the sights, let alone travel like she does.




You too can travel and see the sights for free, but first ya gotta get a pink suit. LOL!!


Just wondering…. does Tighe have “Ask me about Mary Kay” tattooed on his ass? I’d say this guy needs a testoterone infusion, but from the looks of him he receives them regularly and it hasn’t helped.


AW1 Tim said: As I have related before, Medea and I had a run in a couple years back at the GOE rally in DC on that cold damp St Paddy’s day.

Just hadda let you know I was there. Ain’t no thang… I was on the knoll I’d picked out and handling commo. Damp my ass! I can say that with some alacrity. When the wind blew I had to dodge the ice and snow trying to infiltrate my clothing. Put a shelter up and it was covered with the stuff.

That said… thanks for being there.

B Woodman

Ponsdorf; was it the “grassy knoll”? Oh, wait, that’s in Texas. My bad. . . And as for the cold, it eats its way through every layer of clothing you can put on, and make you feel like you’re standing naked in the wind.

To continue: QUICK, somebody, anybody, revoke those Code Punks’ passports. Don’t let them back in the US of A! Let them learn how easy they really had it here, by being forced to live over there without their sugar-daddy life support.

AW1 Tim


Wouldn’t have missed it. We brought a busload down from Maine. I thought for sure it’s be warmer down there, but DC fooled us all once again.. 🙂

As long as i live, I will NEVER forget the look of abject fear so many of those moonbats had on their faces. They’d never before been faced down by any sort of opposition and simply didn’t have a clue as to how to deal with it.

What was even more telling was how all these allegedly “socially responsible” folks left piles of trash behind them. We helped to police the area we all were in, but those other folks just dropped signs, plastic water bottles, sandwich wrappers, leaflets, whatever, wherever they were and walked away. Anytime I hear them talk about “helping the Earth” I remember how they left those streets that day.

Frikkin’ hypocrites.


#1- Did you see the two hotties at the 1:12 mark. MMMM, makes me miss my year in the Sinai.

#2- What makes CodePink think that they can go to another nation and protest without regards to that same nation’s laws? Your 1st Amendments are not guaranteed when you do stupid things overseas.

Fraking hippies. Protested them in 87/88 at the Concord Naval Weapons Station. One of them got their legs cut off by a SLOW moving munitions train when he laid down on the tracks. They are still that stoopid.

B Woodman

Just watched the video. What a bunch of culturally insensative idiots.
1-Calling the Israeli police “gestapo” and “fascists”. Have Code Punk no remembrance of history? Especially WWII?
2-Code Punk does everything to initiate a confrontation, and then when one of their own get “hurt”, they’re asking for aid, an ambulance, a doctor, and water, from the very authorities they were railing against.
3- Obviously, no sense of shame or respect (self or otherwise). The irony is so hot and thick you could press clothes with it.
4-Ultimate appraisal—LOSERS! If one were to attempt to move into my neighborhood, I’d use the tar and feathers, and run them out on a rail. Not for bias and bigotry. Oh no, not for that. But because they’d bring down the value of ny neighborhood. 😉


I remember that video! I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen in my life! You have to have a -IQ to lay down in front of a moving train. I tried You Tube, but sadly it was not to be found.


I got so choked up seeing them throw the blanket over the poor sweet bastard and wheel him away like that… sniff sniff… he only wanted to help!!!! Oh, why can’t we just all get along??
Jimmy Carter – please hold me!!!


Where does Code Pink get funding? Thats is something that should be exposed, met5hinks I smell Soros