Wanted; Dennis Chevalier

| March 14, 2014

Dennis Chevalier pretended to be an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew C130s in missions over Iraq. He also pretended to be a Stolen Valor hunter who never busted a poser. He’s actually a corporal in the Texas State Guard (not to be confused with the Texas national Guard).


Category: Phony soldiers

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Dr. Formage LeTwat

A Proud Infidel®™


Mr. Blue

Oh, look, DuLlAsS41 has finally staggered into this thread in his usual drunken style!

I guess he’s looking for a new sugar daddy, now that it looks like Crash won’t be bringing in the vindication for his fakery. So fickle!


LOL looks like Dennis is now making his blog invitation only.


Dallas the turd is indeed here, I wonder how he came upon this.


Perhaps posers have something like a “Bat Symbol”. When they are in trouble, they turn it on and ShOrTbUsWiNdOwLiCkEr69 shows up to save the day! I’m of the opinion that the symbol is the outline of a Slurpee cup in order to summon the SLURP. Thoughts, anyone?


CoCkSlUrP41 is looking for another “ally” to join forces with in fighting “DA MAN”, who has a plan to oppress the combat disabled Vietnam Vets. When this is all done, he’s gonna make us all salute him and treat him like the real hero that he thinks he is…NOT!!!

Dude is fucking dumber than a bag of hammers… I’m surprised that he hasn’t enlisted the legal help of Frank Visconi in his fight.


Originally posted by Dallas Wittgenfeld:

The LRRP 41 Cometh…. Run little fucker, run as fast as you can, because you can not hide from the LRRPS. Nobody ever has.

We can’t hide from you? 😯 ROTFLMFAO! You’d probably be out of breath by the time you make it a block on your “patrol.” I doubt you’d be able to punch through the woods for any length of time.

You need to change your name to ShortYellowSchoolBus41. :mrgreen: 😈

Mr. Blue

DuLlAsS41 keeps getting LRRP mixed up with “LARP”- Live Action Role Play. He’s a LARPer, not a LRRP.


Dennis, you can’t try to cover your blog up. Just goes to show that you know you are defeated at this point. Nobody else reads your blog.


BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Even Dullass calls Dennis “Cheveliar.”

Mr. Blue

Yeah, I don’t think the romance between Dennis and DuLlAsS41 is going to work out.

Psul seemed to be a better match, what with the love of getting stinking drunk and the racism and the love of dressing up that they had in common. Alas, Psul couldn’t keep sLuRpY in the the manner he was accustom, so the Bush LuRkEr went on to Crash Bernath. Now, while the two share a love of muttering like a homeless person, seems Crash likewise can’t keep WiTlEsS as a mistress.

So, now the Slurple cLoWn is on the rebound. Which phoney will he try to seduce next?

Just an Old Dog

It looks like the moron has finally realized that only thing his blog was good for was exposing his layers of lies at a deeper level.
I’m sure he will make himself feel better by sock-puppeting himself.
If he blocks off his blog to only himsel he will realize that no one will visit or buy his shit. He may as well write shit with crayons on the wall of his roach motel.
He started at as being someone who was at first busted out as claiming to be a USAF Lt Colonel
Since he decided to come on here and flap his cock-holster the following things have been found out about him.

1. Fake Swat officer
2. Fake Police Medal of Valor
3 Fake Police Purple Heart
4 Theft of intellectual property from a real PI
5 Unsuccessful litigator
6 6 failed marriages
7 Spousal abuse
8 theft and abuse of spouses pain medication
9 financial leeching from Spouses
10 Several affairs
11 Forging of documents, or misrepresenting them, as well as photos ( photo-shopping)
12 Theft of and use of Police Idenification badge
13 Improper conduct towards underage CAP students in a School enviroment
14 use of several false internet identities to try to support his claims

In general Dennis Howard Cheveliar is a cheese-eating, cock-mongering ass-reaver who is lower than whale shit.


Fake PHD(s). Fake business names. Erroneus enlistment TXNG. Innability to spell simple words like Sweden and perjury. Potty mouth hypocrisy. A very deep seated flair for drama. A stranger to irony. A former member of MESNA.


100 percent phony, no half stepping in Dennis game.

I bet his viewing numbers went from 30 visits (TAH) to 1 (himself) daily. He will open it back up after he realizing nobody but TAH was going there.


Good Evening~
I hope all here are doing well and thank you again for the very kind thoughts and wishes for my wife and myself.

She is doing much better today. Very ornery and wanting to come home. She is a very bad patient.

The prognosis is tentative as to whether the rod will work. Her spine is very swollen which is to be expected. The doctors have partially paralyzed her from her waist down to keep her from moving around to much and damaging anything.
I have told her of your messages and that cheered her up as she misses you, her “Vet Family”.
This is all the information I have for now.

If anything changes, I will let you know.

I want to thank all of you for caring for my wife. She adores all of you and This Ain’t Hell, and I can see why.

Have a pleasant evening.



Hope she gets better, hope to hear more news soon.


SCPSU…Please tell TC that you and she are both in my prayers for God’s best outcome…and soon.

Toasty Coastie

Hi everyone 🙂
Stole phone so could come say hi.. Please save me from these people before my sparkes explode 😀

Thank you for all your good wishes… Hubs has been printing out your comments for me. They mean the world.

Have to go now, nurse is getting mad :evil; but will try to come back later <3


Glad to see you back! If only for a limited time. I hope all is well and you get back to us ASAP.

Linda Day

No, I’m not dead, Dennis is lying again, as usual. The guy never listens to me, or to any other of his only friends, like Robert Quentin, David Cooper, Prof, etc. Back when we were younger, Dennis wanted to leave dog poo, in a bag, on someone’s porch. I tried to get his attention, but he wouldn’t listen. Finally, when nobody wanted showed up at the porch, we went for something to eat. He went to the Cheese Kingdom. When we came back, you guessed it, he stepped on the bag of dog poo. He got mad and cursed the person that dared to put the dog poo on his porch. I tried to tell him that he put bagged dog poo on his porch. Recently, with these recent rashes of ass beatings, we had a Chevalier and Associates meeting. Our reputation was taking a beating, and our frequency of zero clients a day dropped to -10 clients a day. I told Dennis that he had to come clean and to admit that he lied all these years. I told him that the gig was up, and that he had to apologize for claiming to be a retired USAF LTC, for claiming to be a veteran of the Gulf War, and for claiming to fly C130s. I also told him to admit that he never was SWAT, and that his accomplishments were below average. He got mad, put the “look of murder” on his face, and went for me. Boy I beat his ass as if I were him and he were one of his 6 ex-wives. By the time I got down with him, he was in a heap on the floor. He got up, sporting a broken nose and cut up, bruised face. Robert Quentin asked him if he were all right. David Cooper said, “Man, your nose is flowing!” Dennis Howard Chevalier said, “Someone get the Amp per lampfs!” He was so fucked up, he couldn’t even say “Amber Lamps,” or “ambulance.” He had the look of terror on his face. I left the room. He kicked… Read more »

Toasty Coastie

Nice story puppet. Come back when you are ready to apologize for being a swamp donkey. Until then, go back to your sock drawer and cuddle the cheese.

Just an Old Dog

I’m pretty sure that was a sarc post by one of our compatriots.

Toasty Coastie

lol thanks Old Dog… Still fuzzy headed 🙂


Welcome back TC! Hope your recovery continues smoothly.


Originally posted by Toasty Coastie:

Nice story puppet. Come back when you are ready to apologize for being a swamp donkey. Until then, go back to your sock drawer and cuddle the cheese.

Dennis Howard Chevalier isn’t allowed to post here anymore. :mrgreen:

Amber Lamp

Amp Per Lampfs had another shift, so I answered the call. When I got there, I saw a couple of guys kicking a third guy, who was in a fetal position on the ground.

I believe the two guys were David Cooper and Robert Quentin. I asked them why they were kicking a guy that needed help. They told me that they were having a “re-organization” meeting. At this point, Linda Day came in and told them to stop.

The man on the ground was the one that called my co-worker, he reeked of cheese. he’s the one they called, “Dennis Chevalier.” I pointed my tactical light towards him, and set it to “amber.” He recovered real quick.

Then some guy named Dallas called, and talked about someone called Daniel. The guy that reeked of cheese got real interested, and promised to keep Dallas’ identity “secret.” He was happy, really, he wanted to get to his blog to post this new information.

After that call, they had a meeting. The two guys and the woman didn’t like the name, “Chevalier and Associates,” so they voted for a new name. The cheese man voted against, the others voted to break away and form their own investigative services.

I wasn’t needed, so I left. Ten minutes after I left, someone that sounded like the cheese man called for the “Amber Lamp.”

That cheese guy doesn’t seem like one with common sense, or people sense for that matter. It didn’t take long for me to figure out that the blobfish looking guy was as much a glutton for punishment as he was a glutton for cheese.

Pineywoods NCO

Interesting stuff you find nowadays on the internet.

Like how over thirty different links in the first page of a Google search on everyone’s “favorite cheese head” (Please note intense sarcasm and my apologies to Green Bay fans) leads back to here.

Anyway, who’s a ham radio operator? KF5VUQ would be one call sign you would be sure to avoid.

Toasty Coastie

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Status…a message to This Ain’t Hell’s blog members

It appears that the terrorists at TAH have already been exposed by other people.
Here is a link I was furnished by an anonymous viewer.
Caution I have NO IDEA if any of this is true but it does fit somewhat with their demonstrated behaviors towards me and others I have observed.

Furthermore their extreme hatred against me and others demonstrates their own projection of self loathing/hate and the links below show this to be evident.


Here is also a legal issue against The lead Terrorists at TAH. He committed perjury about his ill health to get out of answering for his lies in court. http://www.aspecialdayguide.com/itainthell/lilyeaperjury.htm

He was served a restraining order and had all his guns taken from him by the police.

This group at TAH are, as suspected a bunch of mentally ill abusers that need medication and help and should be prayed for.


Have at it… :twisted>


He’s quoting Bernath for a restraining order that was subsequently lifted and that ended up with Jonn getting his guns personally returned to him by the sheriff? This dude is delusional! Funny how he doesn’t mention the end result of Bernath’s last day in court. Oh well.


From the bottom of my black heart and the depths of my black soul, by the power of the Black Bar, I say unto thee:
Go Fuck Yourself, you delusional, ignorant, sock-puppeting bastard!

Toasty Coastie

His PI skillz are certainly lacking lol….

I looked at the first two links and its a badly mimicked page of Birdbath’s minus the porn graphics. No new info there, but perhaps screenies should be taken.

Doc Savage

Toastie, welcome back..hope you are feeling better.

Toasty Coastie

Thank you Doc. 🙂


You know the shitbird has completely lost (and lost it) when he begins quoting Bernath’s crap. Chevyliar has lost and he just can’t admit it. And hate him? How does one hate ugly, mouldering slime? You might feel sick at the sight of it. You might even puke on it, but hate it? More like feel pity for it because of its pathetic existence.


Bernath, Chevalier, Wickre, and Wittgenfeld. The Four Freaks of Fucktardery.

Oh, this will not end well for them. Shed a tear? Nah, I’ll be laughing my ass off.

A Proud Infidel®

THE BLOBFISH still lurks in the depths of stupidity and narcissism!


Dennis Howard Chevalier, upon seeing his blog hits take a nosedive, decided to open up his blog for public viewing. :mrgreen: His “evidence” consist of Daniel Alan Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld nonsense. :mrgreen:

Pineywoods NCO

Just great…a trifecta of ignorance, stupidity and nonsense all on one site.

To think the dimwits on Bridezillas are smarter than these three idiots….not by much mind you, but just enough to notice the difference of rubbing two sticks together after they have been soaking in the water that was the result of a flood.

Glad I can not or more actually, will not comment on that steaming pile of crap site.


Want a good laugh? Daniel Allan Bernath’s legal prowess joining forces with Dennis Howard Chevalier’s investigative prowess. 😯

We’re in “trouble” now! :mrgreen: 😈

Both guys could take Dallas Wittgenfeld with them on a flight, with Daniel being the main pilot, Dennis being the other one, and Dallas being the guy that sky dives from their plane.

Daniel Bernath could wish Dallas Wittgenfeld luck by saying, “Last one to the ground is a Valor Vulture!” :mrgreen:


That was the unholy trinity I was talking about forming awhile back. Looks like its in motion.


Notice how the first letters in their names starts with a “D”? :mrgreen: They’re the “Triple D”. :mrgreen:


Yep. We can call them the “Dan-Den-Dull” troika.

gas tank

Uh oh. Now Bernath with sue him for using his © material.


His blog still won[‘t allow comments unless one is a “team member.” So I guess it’s restricted to sock puppets only.

SGM John

I would like to thank the admins of this site for bringing this individual to the public’s as well as the TXSG’s attention. As with any organization, it can be hard to weed out the inferior. I would also like to thank everyone, for the most part, for not lumping the entire TXSG in with this guy and jumping on the TXSG bashing band-wagon. The TXSG is full of dedicated Texans who have preformed admirably in relief efforts following hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Dean, Gustav and Ike as well as other missions serving Texas, such as bringing medical aid to poor communities in the Rio Grand valley. Although in the distant past it was just another good ‘ol boys club,the current TXSG is full of leaders, most of whom are prior service,as well as soldiers who are dedicated to raising standards within the TXSG and ensuring our members are professional and competent, with no place for people like Mr. Chevalier. Good job & thanks again.

John Wilson

Nope they attacked everyone in the Txsg that he ever taught


Like who, for instance? Or are you just saying that classes he taught are being reviewed?

Do you define the questioning of someone’s credentials that results in the shining of light upon anyone supposedly trained by the individual with the false credentials an attack? If so, then perhaps the person you should castigate is the one with the false credentials. He and he alone caused any problems that those “he taught” might now be having.

John Wilson

No I call stealing a photo from his Facebook site placing it on your stolen valor site of his students claiming then all to be fakes liars and losers an attack.
He has no fake credentials ever presented to the guard.You have created the problems not him.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you


No one ever called the Texas state Guard Fake.

I think if you read all the post, some 4000 plus at this point you will find that the TSG has had nothing but praise.

Now I did at one point question a post on his facebook page (Public profile) about someone saying they were his Command Sgt Major that claimed to have 3 CIB stars.

That is not attacking that is being up a valid question.

Dennis claimed to many in the TSG that he was a former Air Force LT Col and that he had service in Iraq flying a c130.

We didnt make this up. As things progressed it was found out that Dennis had a long history of fake and fraud. He even created and forged documents to us to try to self verify his claims.

You in short have been duped by a con man.


“No I call stealing a photo from his Facebook site placing it on your stolen valor site …”

John Wilson, please provide a link to where this photo was “stolen” and placed on this site.

The only place I have seen the photo you speak of was on Dennis’s “evidence” site…. you know, the one with his SSN#, his DOB, and his TXDL# posted there also, along with COL. Palmer’s email address. That’s a brilliant teacher you have there. You’ll go far.


“He has no fake credentials ever presented to the guard.”


Pattern recognition anyone? It’s almost as good as a tissue…


You’re either an idiot or a liar. No one said that all those in the pic were phonies. That’s just another Chevalier lie. So if you bought into his schtick without further investigation, then you are an idiot. If you are simply parroting what he said, knowing it isn’t true, then you are a liar just like Chevalier.

Just an Old Dog

“He has no fake credentials ever presented to the guard.You have created the problems not him.”

The guard apparently wasn’t pleased with the crap he was pulling. Off the top of my head I would say him lying to his spouse about being at MEMS training with a chaplian While he was dallying with another woman raised eyebrows.
His scathing post on his “evidence blog” ( since removed) attacking and threatening a TSG Colonel with a lawsuit shows what a pissant he is.
Shit I don’t know why I’m even addressing this JW when I know its Shitaliar posting.


John Wilson

Why is your leader here convicted of perjury?


Well it is obvious that Dennis didn’t teach you how to spell….good for you.


Who the hell are you even talking about?


Yes, maybe… but have you ever been convicted of “purgery”? Maybe when you were stationed in Sweaden???


What leasder? And show me a shred a evidence.

John Wilson

I think I know why everyone uses false names here.Yes I think the credibility issues here are yours.

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

Really John,
What you have read are post by Daniel A Bernath and Dallas Wittegenfeld. Those stories are fabrications. Do your own research and you will find no records of any of those claims.

They are complete fabrications of two unfortunate people that got exposed just as dennis did.

Bit I doubt you will do any of your own research, it is easier to listen to lies than face the truth.


“Yes I think the credibility issues here are yours.”

You’re a deep thinker, aren’t ya Carl. Did Dennis teach you logic? I bet he taught you a drama class or two.


What is your connection to Dennis? Let’s get some credibility gpoing here shall we?
Wheere are you from John, Texas I take it… are you a member of the TSG?


Regarding our false names… they’ll only be false for a few more minutes. You see, your teacher Dennis has mad investigative skills. He even has a (mini) van full of surveillance equipment and he even utilizes WiFi HotSpots [GASP] and drones [SHUDDER]. So our days of anonymity are almost over, as your boy Dennis has reached out to the North Richland Hills PD to unmask us all… because, as it turns out, Dennis can’t investigate himself out of a wet paper bag. But The Law and The Constitution Drama is on his side and he likes his own posts, so we all expect him to prevail. I’m very worried.


Damn, that was supposed to read The Law and The Constitution Drama


BTW, I thought it was to be 2 Tuesday’s ago that Chevy said would be the day when stuff hit the fan and we would all be exposed.

Update on that Mr “Wilson”?


Now, tell me, Jonni-boi – how, precisely, do we know your actual legal name is really “John Wilson”?

That Guy

I think you’re an idiot or a tool. I don’t associate with idiots or tools. What good would my name do you? It’s rare enough that you’d feel like you stand a good chance of finding me, yet common enough that you wouldn’t.
But please, keep playing along to the idea that Dennis is some blameless saint. When you have such a person associated with your organization, it makes everyone look bad, something you obviously lack the intelligence to understand.


Uninformed sock puppet check please.

Doc Savage

Sounds like someone got their ‘lil feelers hurt.



John Wilson = Dennis Howard Chevalier. 🙄

A Proud Infidel®™

Another Blobfish sockpuppet, eh?


He must have gotten on a friends wireless connection or friends ISP. Funny John shows up around the same time Dennis unlocks his blog.

Also Dennis comes up with the the most generic, bland names. John Wilson? David Cooper? Linda? And those other ridiculous names he mentioned as confirming his status.

Pineywoods NCO

Don’t you know….C2

Anytime there is not a female in the house, the working brain cell count in the Chevalier household drops below two and that lonely brain cell is seeking Limburger to mask its own ugly smell.

Mr. Blue

He must have gotten a new set of socks.
One can only hope he washes this set regularly- look what happened to poor “Linda” after exposure to Dennis’ stank feet.


Mayhap THIS is what ‘heavy chevy’ is hoping to portray himself as…
Sorry, dennis…you will NEVER come close to THIS hero’s level!


Pretty sure Dennis you wanna know who I am. I emailed ya and told you I would provide my name. Be a man for once in your life, is that too much to ask?

Just an Old Dog

John Wilson,
Are you being paid in 7 pound blocks of cheese?

Mr. Blue

If “John” is a good sockpuppet, he gets exempted from “night duty”.

A Sad, Strange Little Man with Fake Boobs

Originally Posted in Comments on Chevlier/LIAR’s “Evidence Blog”

AnonymousTue Jun 10, 09:25:00 AM 2014
You were right, I had my say and they attacked.
They are insane and defectives.
They remind me of the Salem Witch trials. If you didn’t believe the accuser you were also burned at the stake!
Sorry for the hassles Chevy. It was an honor to serve with you.


And we have another puppet lol 😛


Dennis just does not get it. Nor will he ever get it. Even after getting caught with phony accounts, he continues this charade.

Dennis, you piece of shit coward…stop with the generic bullshit names and man up.

Dennis - not chevy

No one was burned at the stake in Salem, Massachusetts. The women were hanged and one man was crushed during the witch trials.

Just an Old Dog

Cheveliar will never fess up to what a complete piece of shit he is. You would think that after six wives, several police departments and PI clients told him to fuck off, as well as the TNG and TSG he would get the picture.
He is ALWAYS going to be a bullshitter and a predator to unwitting females. Fortunately now when females or employers look him up this blog will feature prominently.


hey guys…guess who is now posting “comments” on that evidence page….look carefully….again, note the cadence and word usage…just another sock puppet.

Anonymous Tue Jun 10, 09:25:00 AM 2014
You were right, I had my say and they attacked.
They are insane and defectives.
They remind me of the Salem Witch trials. If you didn’t believe the accuser you were also burned at the stake!
Sorry for the hassles Chevy. It was an honor to serve with you.



Dennis - not chevy

This sounds like a farewell statement. Has anyone seen or heard from chevy lately?

Pineywoods NCO

No disrespect, but I don’t think anyone of us cares to hear from him…in any way.

Toasty Coastie


Hmm…me thinks it might be our very own Be-Sparkled BlobFish 😯

He does so love to chat with himself lol

But being under medication, I could be wrong, so Fly, please give me a hint if I am incorrect 😀

A Proud Infidel®

GOOD to hear from you again TC, are ya healing back up?

Toasty Coastie

Hi ya Proud! 😀

Doing ok thanks. Its a long wrong and I simply do not have the patience. My garden is looking rather sad and its driving me crazy.

How is you? Are you taking care of the Be-Sparkled Blob Fish for me? 😈

A Proud Infidel®™

As best as I can, and I can’t wait to see the next thread on Bernastypants’s latest failure(s)!

Doc Savage

The really sad part??….He KNOWS we know its him as a sock puppet, and he still thinks he is making some kind of headway.

Denny…contrary to what you may think, simply repeating it over and over again to yourself does not make it true… just screams delusion narcissism.

No one believes you, no one will ever believe you….the only thing you have backing you is a trail of sock puppet accounts and imaginary supporters.

How far do you have to continue to fall??
You are a grown man in your 50’s and you conduct yourself like a kid on the school yard caught in a lie….you just keep making up bigger lies to cover for yourself.

Really dude….get a grip; fix your lifetime achievement of serial failures and bullshitting; turn yourself around…go to a real school, get a real job, and stop living a 52 year old lie.

Old CAP Gal

I know I’m a little late to the game, but have ya’ll seen this?


He lists CTU: Master of Science in Management/Criminal Justice

Am I missing something? For as many “degrees” as he has, I don’t see how he ever had time to run a business…


Seems to be like his “PhD”. Send money and you’re a who’s who. There’s a place there for his blogs but he didn’t add his “evidence” steaming pile.

Old CAP Gal

And he obviously has not paid his web hosting company (Go Daddy) because the “website” listed there brings you to Go Daddy’s page asking if you would like the domain name.

You know, I went to college, raised 4 kids (2 of which were not mine), worked, and ran a business. I’m not saying it’s not doable to go to school that much, but you can’t do all those things and do them well. So to be as highly acclaimed as he claims he is (in his own mind obviously), there is no way to accomplish that AND work on advanced degrees (Doctorates and Masters).

Most guys, when having a mid-life crisis, get a girlfriend and a new car. I guess he did that and as figured out that wasn’t all it was cracked up to be so instead chose to make up a bunch of BS to make the minions bow down to him.

OR…he’s compensating. Kinda like guys with the big trucks have small, well nevermind…

Just an Old Dog

Not only is he under endowed, apparently it’s non-functioning.
The guy is grossly overweight, had a botched gastric bypass and is known to pilfer or obtain pain meds. The chances he has lead left in his pencil are very slim.
His womanizing now is more about getting control of her financial assetts and having her prop up his ego. He seems to think he can smooth talk his way into trapping wife number 7 to support him. He has even resorted to taking a resume on his first dates to try to bullshit them.


CTU = Cheese Turd University

Pineywoods NCO

From that link…

Website is bogus.

Pulling any association to CTU refers to an university that I personally think Dennis could have obtained in the right frame of mind. But then again, I would like to know more specs, such as what is CTU, and I would like to hear that from him or one of his socks.

His wall is full of junk spam.

And finally, with all respect, I would like to know what credentials he provided to this group to be included in it. Something tells me it’s not very pleasant.

So, I think like SJ does and smell a steaming pile of something awful.

Old CAP Gal

Oh, it’s a “pay to play” site for sure. You just have to register and pay your fees.

Interestingly it links to his Google+ site and there it states that CTU is Colorado Technical University. Which is a “for profit” school.

Again, how is one so degreed in so many areas AND run a business? Possible, not probable.

He makes me think of this, hehe:

Toasty Coastie

I would hazard Old Cap gal, that all of Dennis Chevelier/LIAR, Non-SWAT Lt, Non LtC USAF, Non PhD Holder, paid for his “I love Me Wall”.

As far as that Who’s Who list, anyone can get onto it by submitting a resume and paying some hefty fees. I was invited to be a part of one for Havard and Boston U lol…Thing is I never went to either of those schools. If I remember correctly, I could be wrong, these types of lists are not run by the schools, but by an info gathering company that specializes in Alumni.

Someone here please correct me if I have that mixed up. When I asked the Harvard people who sent the invite, they admitted to not being affiliated with the School, so to me its suspect. But then we are talking about Sparkle Pony so there ya go 👿


Its another “love me” evidence piece created by Dennis H. Chevalier.

This guy just will not quit doing what he is doing. He just continues to bury himself. Except, Dennis has buried himself to the point where he flying into space.

What a piece of shit this guy is. 52 yr old coward who can’t even man up and admit to his failures.

Dennis, you Daddy Warbucks looking fucker. You look like a turtle too. You just need to delete your blog and fuck off, pal.

A Proud Infidel®™

I think he STILL looks like a mutant blobfish in his profile picture, he just traded his “birth control glasses” for some Tom Cruise wannabe shades!

Old CAP Gal

Can’t he get in but trouble for the “wanted” posters he’s posted on his blog?
There are partial SSN’s and lots of other identifying info.

Old CAP Gal

*big trouble
Not but. Thanks autocorrect…

A Proud Infidel®™

I HAD to repost this, it’s too good to be left behind!


A Proud Infidel®™

In another 3 days, we’ll reach 4 months of bashing this turd. :mrgreen: According to Dennis Howard Chevalier’s math, those 4 months already happened. 🙄

Had he done a little investigating, he would’ve simply look at the post date of your previous Dennis Howard Chevalier article. This ass nugget is another example of someone that consistently fails to live up to his resume… heck, he consistently fails to live up to his own low standards. :mrgreen: 😈


Denny the fromage fucker just consistently fails.


Wow, he Dennis H. Chevalier makes himself looking like a piece of shit each and every day.

Nice investigative work you did there Dennis, LOL. Stealing others work and making claims that it you who did the work.

Now you can go back to fucking your turtle and eating that Gouda.


Originally posted by C2Show:

Nice investigative work you did there Dennis, LOL.

He’s so bad at being an “investigator,” a group of big leaches could be sucking the blood out of his arms, and he STILL wouldn’t be able to nail the cause of why his fat to blood ratio is getting rapidly heavy on the fat side. 🙄

Green Thumb

I spoke with this dude the other day, finally.

His statement in a nutshel1: Its someone named Jim Parker’s fault, his degree came from an organization that became discredited years after his degree award, its none of our business he has been married 5+ times, its our (my) fault specifically this is still ongoing, at no time did he ever claim he was a LTC (doctored by Parker)and if you have an issue, consult his evidence blog.


IN other words, with Dennis Chevyliar, it’s the same old shit, different day. The turd is so invested in his lies that he can’t see any way out of them. Who am I kidding? He doesn’t want to admit his lies. Proof positive of his claims (ret USAF Lt Col, C-130 pilot, PhD, SWAT…) have all been shot down. His lies (Jim Parker hacked him…) to cover his lies have been shot down.

Green Thumb

All Chevy has left is his talent gargling balls.

Rough but at least he should make a living.


I dunno. He can’t make that much off the homeless.

Green Thumb

He will in all probability barter his services for trade.


Just so I got this right. Dennis is copying stuff from other threads and stealing people like Witless and Berlosers stuff?

Acting as if he did some kind of research when it goes to show he is a shitty investigator?


The school that allowed him to download and print out his “doctorate” was NEVER accredited. Another Cheeseliar lie that he’s clinging to.

No accreditation = Your “degree” is not even useful as toilet paper.

Old CAP Gal

Since I am quite late here, and frankly too lazy/ busy to read through 3,500+ posts- who is John Parker and why would he hack Liar’s accounts to put phony pictures?
Of course I realize that it is not true, because really, why would anyone do that? It’s a heck of a lot easier to bring scrutiny on people via other methods.
I’m just curious why this person would be so invested in making Liar’s life miserable by hacking his Facebook rather than just call him out or put the info in a blog- and why Liar is too stupid to realize that anyone with 1/2 a brain would see him claiming that as a smoke screen.

I’m just having trouble keeping up with the players in this saga, and why Liar thinks said players are throwing him under the bus when he’s innocent (in his mind). Is he really THAT stupid to cover lies with lies???

Even my 16 year old son takes more responsibility for his actions than this idiot…

That Guy

He doesn’t claim that his facebook was hacked. He claims that his email, all of his forum accounts, etc. were all hacked by a guy who was trying to defame him by adding honorifics to his title and making dishonest claims of him being a badass C130 pilot.

Dude is entirely full of shit.

Green Thumb

For 20 years plus.

That is some grudge.

That Guy

PERSONALLY, I’m just waiting for part two of the lawsuit, where Chevy emerges with a PhD in Paranormal Phenomenae from yet another diploma mill, sues this ‘Jim Parker’ or whatever his fucking name is for possessing him via astral projection and MAKING him lie, and then drops that case. But not before calling his star witness:

Green Thumb



IIRC, Jim Parker was supposed to get into some business relationship with Chevyliar. Something happened, they had a falling out, and Dennis claimed that Parker “hacked” his accounts, putting up all the stuff about him being a retired USAF Lt Col and flying C-130s in Iraq. But Dennis dropped his lawsuit, supposedly because Parker agreed to clean up everything he had “hacked” Turns out that was simply another Dennis lie. Parker posted here that he happened to mention the discovery phase of a trial to Dennis in which all the posers lies would come out. Seems the blobfish couldn’t drop the lawsuit fast enough after that. It’s basically the same old story with Dennis Chevyliar. Every time he’s caught, he dreams up another lie to cover it. he was hacked by Parker, one of his ex wives made up all the stuff or hacked him, Someone here hacked his accounts…It’s never ending with the master prevaricator. He just builds lies on top of lies and covers them with more lies. He really loves to try and confuse the situation by putting “evidence” on that mess he calls a blog answering questions that were never asked. And you’ll see that his “evidence” will change. He posted a letter recently that was supposed to prove he was SWAT. When all the problems with the letter were pointed out, it mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear later with corrections made. As usual, it’s only Dennis making shit up in a pathetic attempt to cover his lies. This guy has got to be about the sorriest sack of shit I have ever seen.

Green Thumb

“This guy has got to be about the sorriest sack of shit I have ever seen.”


Denny should do some damage in the tourney. Speaking of which, when is the tourney?

Mr. Blue

The “hackers!” excuse is especially funny, as Dennis tries to pass himself off as a computer security expert.

Even the whole “USAF Auxillary CAP” postscript thing. What CAP member would write that sort of thing that wasn’t attempting to make people think they were in the USAF?


Dora hacking him was pure comedy. Then his claim that she allegedly posted pictures of headless people on his facebook to scare Don Shipley.

Dennis Chevalier is a slimy, low-lying lizardy piece of shit.

Just an Old Dog

Thats an insult to slimy piles of Lizard shit everywhere.


And to think I am getting sick of seeing that picture of him with his glasses on the page.

By the way…looks like he has taken off the lame members only thing when posting.

I would actually like to meet this 52 yr old wet pile of shit.

Just an Old Dog

Trying to recall all the crap that Shitaliar pulled. I think Parker and him may have worked together at one time.
There was a message board somewhere where Parker called out cock-mole for stealing stuff from his website and copying and pasting it on his own as his bio or work.
There was talk of suit and countersuits, but in the end cheese-eater backed down because he was full of shit.
Parker could have probably pushed his and won, but its not like Denny has anything to take. Parker was happy to just have ass-baby called out for the lying sack of goat-shit he is.
Another fascinating part of that is that Parker warned some company that cheese-twat was trying to con into thinking he was competent about what an idiot he was. Denny showed up to do some kind of bug sweep, did not know what he was doing and was told to leave within 30 minutes.


Yeah I remember Parker was going to look for the paperwork and stuff too. I also remember that capture someone had up of Dennis H. Chevalier admitting that everything was false and he made it up. Then he apologized to Parker. Dennis is sick and he needs some serious help.

Again, What a slimy, low-lying lizardy piece of shit.

Old CAP Gal

The whole idea of someone “hacking” his stuff for that purpose is just preposterous.
Any true professional knows to hit where it hurts, in the job references or with real-deal evidence. Not high school hacking.
Just know the “evidence” he posted to the wedding guide thing (link in a previous post above) and the others with the yourwebapps extensions is so that he can try and get ip addresses when people click on the links so he can try and back-track who’s “spying” and or “hacking” him.
Apparently he knows just enough about computers to be dangerous- as in f-ing them up.

On the note about how he made his signature to have USAF auxiliary, I don’t know a single adult that I was in CAP with that ever did that. Of course it was a hassle explaining what exactly the group was, but we also used the conversation as a recruitment tool. I hate to see CAP scarred by this low-life. And I still can’t help but wonder what other young girls were preyed upon by him. Disgusting…


At this point, Dennis can only go after young girls unsuspecting. Who wants to be with a 52 yr old, 250 lb turd who probably shits all over himself from the cheesing it up.

Dennis - not chevy

I think you’re on to something here; the “not high school hacking” got me to thinking.
I think it was John Cougar Mellencamp sang, what was it? Glory Days about reliving high school glories? Any way, I’m know I’m not the only one to notice how some people never move on. The old 4 touchdowns in a single game Al Bundy mantra.
chevy may have had a single success in something and cannot duplicate it.
If he harmed you when you met him in the CAP please talk to the authorities. The statute of limitations may have run out; but, there may have been others after you. For what it is worth; you have my respect for bringing it up so that others are warned.

Old CAP Gal

That’s exactly what I mean. One of our high school coaches (who also happens to be an assistant principal and a pastor) gives a talk about having goals and moving beyond high school. How the “cool kids” might have a job and new car while you’re struggling in college, but once you graduate the game changes. Cool Kid is still driving the same car except now it’s a beater because he can’t afford a new one and when he goes to the ER struggling college kid is his doc. And then Cool Kid spends the rest of his life trying to recapture is glory.

That would be him in a nutshell.

I doubt anything could be done at this point in terms of ’88, but I’m hoping that someone stumbles across this and says “Hey, I had an issue with him when I was 15 (or under 18)” and maybe a predator will be dealt with. Predator, because at 29 years old he was after the high school set. Sad, sad, sad…

Luckily for me, the past is the past and I am college educated and doing quite well. But make no mistake, the scars of the younger years run deep…

Green Thumb

“That would be him in a nutshell.”

I doubt Chevy was anywhere near cool.

Tool, yes, Cool, no.


“I also remember that capture someone had up of Dennis H. Chevalier admitting that everything was false and he made it up”

Yeah, I posted it. Jim Parker had saved it. Don’t you find it strange that Cheesdick never acknowledged it or commented on it? That burrito never happened.


Yeah he refuses to acknowledge that as if it never happened. More psychological issues for Fat boy Chevy.

He also posted some dumb shit about Jonn Lilyea I noticed in his update. conviction of perjury. This clown just does not get it.

Dennis makes himself look like a retarded piece of shit each time he post something.

the Al

A large part of Dennis’s latest “evidence” comes from DuLlAsS and Birdbath.


“There was a message board somewhere where Parker called out cock-mole for stealing stuff from his website and copying and pasting it on his own as his bio or work.
There was talk of suit and countersuits, but in the end cheese-eater backed down because he was full of shit.
Parker could have probably pushed his and won, but its not like Denny has anything to take. Parker was happy to just have ass-baby called out for the lying sack of goat-shit he is.
Another fascinating part of that is that Parker warned some company that cheese-twat was trying to con into thinking he was competent about what an idiot he was. Denny showed up to do some kind of bug sweep, did not know what he was doing and was told to leave within 30 minutes.”

That was James Atkinson. Nice guy up in Mass. I have corresponded with him.

Jim Parker is in Fla. Different guy. I have corresponded with him too. He was hard to dig up. Jim Parker was business partners with Lawrence Parker. Dennis the super profiler PhD. investigator Compass Call Commander has assumed all these years they were brothers…but they weren’t even related and were in fact from different continents.

Anyone been served yet? Why am I not surprised?

HS Sophomore

Hey, is there an open thread this weekend? I’m just asking here because it seems to be the hot post at the moment.


Only Ex-PH2 can get an open thread started. Or another od the ladies. 🙂

HS Sophomore

Oh? Then what is the sorcery I see in the form of the latest article on the blog (smile)?



Green Thumb


Old CAP Gal

Looks like the wanted poster he created is on his Facebook as well:

Give it up. Anyone with 1/2 a brain cell can read and figure out who’s lying. 52 is too damn old to play high school games…


52 yr old and jobless is more appropriate for Dennis. This is why he can’t keep jobs and people look at him as an unprofessional piece of shit.

Just an Old Dog

Denny is going full idiot on this one. I was hoping to see some real dirt on my homies Scott and Frankie, you know to give them some “Street Cred”.
A speeding ticket and 2 bounced checks each?
This coming from a shitbag who was constantly bouncing checks and taking money from his wife’s account to cover it.

OIF '06-'07-'08

Wonder how many speeding tickets cheesflake got out of by illegally flashing his old Wilmer PD badge!!!!!


Dennis Howard Chevalier is out looking for his brains. Unfortunately for him, that means that he’s lost. :mrgreen:

Boot to the head… Now that idiot can say that we’ve been “hounding” him for four months. 😈


Yeah but in MESNA DRAMA MATH, 4 months equals 11 months and one week. I am sure he tells his sock drawer we have been hounding him for years. They feel sympathy. Pass the cheese.

Just an Old Dog

The Shitbag has the nerve to post about 2 different people who had a total of 3 checks bounce a decade or more ago when he just recenly ripped off his old apartments for 3,000 bucks in rent due(only 1,000 of that was for breaking the lease which is sometimes for a legit reason)and damages.
This ISN’T the place that was “flooding” on it. He trashed it, left a bunch of garbage behind and skipped out.
Lord knows how many peoiple he scammed with his credetials and shitty work,


Really Jonn! The ass clown actually emailed for verification? What a Turd! Usually, Turd, is self defining but in Dennis’ case Dumb Ass Turd gets added. Keep rubbing yourself with saddle soap Dennis but you just can’t polish a turd no matter how hard you try.



CURSES…Doc Cheveliar, foiled again.

What a fucking idiot. GO MESNA!


I guess Denny boy Howard is attempting to be ‘fair and accurate’


Hacked private correspondence between Lawer Bernath and Doc Chevy.

[begin paste]
LT. CPL. CHEVELIAR – The email says he has only not been convicted of “Perjury”


Doc! Send another email ASAP!! I think we have him this time!!!

“Have catheter, will travel”
[end paste]

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe WE can officially award Daniel A. Bernath the phony CPO the title of QPO, Queefy Pathetic Orifice?!


Yeah, however, in order for that Purgery charge to stick, they’ll have to get a change of venue to Sweaden! I wonder if FCPO (Fake CPO) is tracking that?


“Purgery” is what Dennis does after a seven-pound cheese “bingery”.


I was thinking Swiss Cheese and like the dude in the article, more like buggery. 😀

Old CAP Gal

So. He posts a pic on his site that exonerates the accuser?

No words…

Maybe it’s not just spelling he has an issue with, I’m thinking it may be reading also..

Just an Old Dog

Classic LOL


BRAVO!!!! F’n hilarious! Well done!
Remember though, Denny always likes his own posts! It’s his signature move.


Oh hot damn that page is a hoot! Good job!


Oh.My.Gosh! That is FUNNY!


I wonder if Chubbyliar has tried to “friend” Don Shipley now that he (Denny) is back on Facebook. The thought of it makes me laugh.


You mean under his “Denny Howard” moniker? I bet he has been urging himself to send a message to Don’s box via “other” box on facebook asking him “Why did you do me like this? I thought we were BUDS?”


He has opened anonymous posting at his “evidence” blog again. Apparently his missed me. So I posted, to whit:

Hey Dumbass… it’s me, your old buddy GD Contractor.
Can you “translocate” me now?
Hey, where is that info you promised from the site admin of FlightAware.com?
Given the contents of the email above, doesn’t the information you fabricated and posted on Mr. Lilyea meet the criteria for libel?
You might want to take that down. You know, any retard can file a lawsuit from what I hear…heck it only costs $12.50 in some places.
Hey, just trying to help a fat boy out.
Write be back you fat fucktard. Just put “SWEADEN” in the subject line so I know it is really you. Take care Lt. CPL.! How’s your valve?
– With Affection,

I wonder if it will get past the censors.


Dennis had enough of us mocking him on his blog. He just refuses to answer and even make blogs now because he has failed.


At least he seems to have quit claiming to be a retired member of the United States Air Force. Victory for us, as long as he continues to not make such claims.

C-130 pilot indeed. Idiot.


We will never get him to admit he lied about his military bullshit and how he fucked up his marriages with these lies.

He has not published any new Bullshit evidence in a good 2-3 weeks.

I guess he will show back up when he gets turned down for a security job or denied an interview because of TAH.

C-130J Loadmaster

I met Dennis through Don Shipley, as we both shared an interest in busting phonies. I have been in the USAF for 11 years, and was headed to San Antonio for some training. He offered a free CHL class for military once a month. So, I stopped in for the class. Had a blast, we bullshitted for awhile then played with guns and I was thankful for the cert. I was actually impressed by his professionalism.

I love this site, and am quite disappointed that he made all this shit up. Granted, his claims did seem kinda out there but he seemed like a nice enough fellow (even if he seemed like he had a storage unit full of skeletons). Well done, and the “Amp er lamps” had me dying laughing! I needed that!

Dennis - not chevy

Were you in San Antonio for the NCO Academy? I took it in 1989. I thought the Yokota NCO Leadership School had more relevant lessons, but, that was just my opinion.


Usually NCOA is now at Maxwell/Gunter.

C-130J Loadmaster

I actually attended NCOA at Maxwell-Gunter, I was stationed there at the time. I was headed to Lackland for my basic Loadmaster course. I live down the road in Abilene, now.


Was the Basic Load course always at Lackland? I remember going to Altus AFB, OK … I think … but that is ancient history (1974) and liable to be misremembered. Or was Altus for the the C-5 course? The best part of the pipeline was going to Fairchild for Ground Survival and Homestead for Water Survival.



Seems like the basic load course was at Little Rock during late 70’s and early 80’s. Maybe that was only for C-130 crews? But it sure seems like all loads started there. (Wouldn’t want to be quoted on that – could well be misremembering it.)

We got C-130’s in the late 70’s, so I know that our crews went to the Rock for sure. The survival courses and such were at multiple locations.

Just an Old Dog

Whats that old saying,

“you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cant fool all of te people all of the time.”

Denny has had the reputation of making a good first impression with people,,, shit he tricked 6 women into marrying him. He is such a great bullshitter that initially it’s hard to believe he is such a piece of shit.
Hell he even conned Don Shipley into writing a letter of recommendation for him, Which Don said he deeply regreted once he found out what a wack job Denny was.

Mr. Blue

The mark of a con artist is that they are presentable people. It is only after they ripped you off that you find out what despicable little rat weasels they are.


Looks kinda . . . well he kinda resembles someone, doesn’t he? (smile)



Delilah T.

OH, CRAP!!!!
No spew warning!!!


I almost choked on my morning dose of caffeine-heavy hot liquid.

Combat Historian

Seven pounds of cheese in all its full naked glory…


HFS…I’m in TEARS. Unbelievable.


What ChipNASA said +100.


In true Valley Voice:


“Cheese it! It’s da cops!”


Just an Old Dog


Then there is this gem… with the usual bullshit you can’t copy and paste or link it anywhere warning thats not worth the time to put it up.
Infering he is a gulf war vet.

Sorry for the very long absence
To all the so very kind of this list about my contracting AML-M3 or Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia which is common amongst Gulf war vets.

You have been so kind and have had such a positive effect on me

Please keep sending the jokes and prayers for me. I need all the help I can get!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

**Remember to allways check with http://www.behavioral-sciences.org daily for updates, news, cutting-edge research projects, and new courses for professional developement.

Dr. D. Chevalier, IPC, CPPP, ACOFEI
Executive Director -Behavioral Sciences Unit
The Consortium of Scientific Investigation and Research
Member- American College of Forensic Examiniers International
Investigative Psychological Criminologist
W: 817-992-8993
F: 775-320-4804
Em: criminalprofiler@charter.net


Does anyone in his area even know that CSIR even exist? It is just a made up company in his tiny little brain. Making up stories now about jokes and prayers being sent to him.

This retarded bald headed piece of shit has to go that far just to tell a story? This man is one sick motherfucker looking for sympathy.

I think CSIR had about 200 hits. I can’t check the website because good ole GOV blocks shitty sites like that.


CSIR is not a registered business entity in the State of Texas, nor has it ever been. The last business entity in Texas that had a registered name that included “Chevalier” was relinquished back in the 1950’s I think (it has been awhile since I looked it up). On that so called blog of his, any of his “students” could have commented on any post, or asked Dr. Cheveliar a question…. they didn’t. EVER. I bet the Chinese girls were velly implessed with the Doctor LT. CPL. though.


No students really exist. His weapons classes are fly by night operations. His students and customers who posted previously don’t even know he has a “business”

So basically, Dennis is just parading around a phony business and touting himself as a businessman in the local area. Chinese chicks dig the Doc.

Doc “I am a goddamn Meat Shield!” Chevalier


“I am a goddamn Meat Shield!”
See, it’s profanity like that that’s the reason he won’t post your comments on his blog. He’s very sensitive. Hypocrites are like that.

What I don’t get about Cheveliar and Associates and CSIR, is that he has them listed as his business names for both his PI licensing and he FFL license. Yet neither names represent real entities. Not sure how he gets away with that. Typical government incompetence is my best guess. ‘Ol dumbass better hope he doesn’t get sued by a customer (if he ever gets one). He has no protection via an entity such as a Corp. or LLC. Of course, he has no assets either I guess, other than some empty cheese wrappers, moldy documents, and a picture of a drone. Forming a single member LLC. is cheap and easy in Texas. Much easier than getting a fake PhD.


LOL, he is still fuming a bit. I think he will come to his senses and allow me to post when he can make a proper retort.

Well you gotta wonder if anyone has complained locally about him. But nobody really knows he exist. If people brought this up to state or city’s attention. He would have a nice change of tune about being a businessman.

Reason why he can get away wtih it because he has zero assets and he knows nobody will sue him for the petty change. LOL drone pictures …

Well we know Dennis can’t even afford a house or a nice hotel. He lied to us and claimed he lives is a nice, classy lifestyle. He would probably lose his shit if someone sued him.


Do you think Dennis has the integrity, or the mental ability to know that he is talking to nobody at all when he writes blogs like that? Makes wonder if he is fully up there and knows that he is lying or not being truthful.

Usually people have the conscience or some kind of inner feeling to know that lies are building up. Usually causes people grief and guilt.


Someone previous said it best. Dennis is a life support system for an anus. No conscience, no guilt, etc. His son documented that pretty well in that email that I did not hack.


Damn, I wish I saw that letter. I think I missed it just in time while I was in Texas.


What’s particularly funny is that his “long absence” was a mere four months.

Just an Old Dog

Perhaps he should write his dick a letter, since he hasn’r seen it since 1998.

Open Channel D

That’s 36 in Cheese Years.


Why are we still talking about Dr. Formage LeTwat?

That Guy

Because he’s like a train wreck? You know what’s going to happen, but you can’t help but stare and laugh?